Monday, October 4, 2010

Please pray for the families and members of Tabernacle of Prayer and Deliverance. Though unreported yet in local media, a church van blew a tire and rolled over several times and at least 4 have died.
There's a program on PBS called "Smothered: The Censorship Troubles of The Smothers Brothers" -- Don't you wish there was still some censorship effort being made to keep the TV show and movies aimed at our teen and younger children at a higher level of decency?
From the 'only in California' department - Online story: "A new California law has worried free speech advocates by criminalizing the practice of impersonating someone else online. SB 1411, introduced to the California legislature in February and recently signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger, makes it a misdemeanor to impersonate someone without their consent "through or on an Internet Web site or by other electronic means for purposes of harming, intimidating, threatening, or defrauding another person." Those convicted must pay a fine of up to $1,000, or spend as much as one year in a county jail." -- A "NEW law"? What's it taken for California to protect basic rights of citizens... did someone impersonate the governor...nah, that couldn't be it, because Schwarzennegger has been impersonating a governor for years.
Online headline: "What Teachers Wish Obama Knew" -- What..that no teacher takes TelePrompters into the classroom to discuss things with her/his students?
On line headline: "Ahmandinejad Calls for US Leaders to Be 'Buried'" -- That's news?
L-E headline: "Mayoral hopefuls probe each other at forum" -- What was this...some kind of 'alien-fest'?
L-E's "QUOTABLE": “Fear is, I believe, a most effective tool in destroying the soul of an individual — and the soul of a people.” Anwar Sadat Egyptian military, political leader (1918-1981) " -- Isn't that the same campaign slogan used by ACORN and the Imam-a '08 committee?
Well, I did learn something in Kathleen Parker's column today.... My wife could not run here business in New York City. Big Brother has made it against the law to light the candles on a birthday cake. No wonder there is voter unrest!

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