Sunday, July 29, 2012

How can potUS Arpege claim small businesses didn't do it themselves, and claim he became president by his own hard work?

It's noon on Saturday, and I was sitting down to watch the Olympics. NBC had women's basketball, MSNBC had men's beach volleyball, and Bravo had an interview of a women's tennis player more interested in Michelle Obama being there than in the fact that she won. Fortunately, ESPN had the Senior Open Championship from Scotland. There is justice in the world.
L-E headline/story: "MAN FINED FOR FINAL DRINK * Judge Michael Joyner sentenced 27-year-old (Koda) Purvis to 10 days in jail or a $145 fine. " -- Should the fine fit the crime? There's no way that the city has processed this situation for $145.00, so the fine should be based on what Purvis cost the taxpayers for his stupidity.
From Karl Douglass commentary: "Mayors Rahm Emanuel and Tom Menino are both highly regarded public officials." -- Maybe in the DIM&DUMBERat world, but the real world knows both as racist thugs.
The L-E had its endorsements today for contested MCSD Board races. One was right.
Online story: " A judge has barred the University of Colorado Denver from releasing any records about Colorado shooting suspect James Holmes, a former graduate student." -- Hmmm, under the circumstances, perhaps Columbia University and Harvard should reveal potUS Arpege's school records.
The supporters of the T-SPLOST have a list of 10 reasons to vote for it. The reason you should vote against it is simple, 'they' want us to pay for their personal interests.
Taxes do not create jobs; they create permanent government workers needing more taxes each year to support their raises/perks.
The only time government jobs should expand is when the growth of a community spurs established tax revenue growth to pay for new jobs to service the needs caused by the growth of the community.
Campaign expenditure records can be very interesting and revealing. Incumbent Marshall Countryman spent almost $4,300.00 dollars on yard signs from an internet company in Iowa. I'm sure a local company would have loved to get that business, and the city would have loved to get the sales taxes he avoided by buying online.

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