Sunday, July 1, 2012

Online headline/story: "Justice Department Won't Prosecute Holder For Contempt * Deputy Attorney General James Cole said the decision is in line with long-standing Justice Department practice across administrations of both political parties. * "We will not prosecute an executive branch official under the contempt of Congress statute for withholding subpoenaed documents pursuant to a presidential assertion of executive privilege," Cole wrote." -- "Long standing DOJ practice"? A week is a 'long time' in the eyes of the DOJ? This is not just about Contempt of Congress; it's about contempt against the American taxpayer!


From the 'it's not one world' department - Egypt's new president Morsi announced in his first public speech, that he would try to free the "Blind Sheik", Omar Abdel-Rahman, from a lifetime sentence in the US. The "Blind Sheik" was convicted for trying to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993. What hell has potUS Arpege unleashed?


Michelle Obama just proved herself to be just a typical DIM&DUMBERat. Engaged in a traditional competition sponsored by Family Circle magazine, Michelle abandoned her health ministry to submit a sugar and guten-based flour recipe, while Ann Romney submitted a healthier oatmeal based recipe. Talk about talking out both sides of one;s mouth, Michelle can outdo potUS Arpege...and without the TelePromter!


Side note to Mayor Obamalinson's obsession of high speed railways to 'insanity and beyond', a story on AMTRAK revealed that whatever the cost of a ticket, the taxpayers had to supplement each ticket for another $ .27 cents a mile. In comparison, a car from Atlanta to Birmingham (147 miles) costs about (@20 MPG, 7.5 gallons of gas (say at $3.25) around $25.00, and takes a little over 2 hours on the I-20 , while taking AMTRAK from Atlanta to Birmingham, AL costs $58.00 (plus a taxpayer supplement of $39.09 - $97.09 combined) and takes over 4 hours. In addition, AMTRAK is per person, while a car can hold your family, and once you get to Birmingham, the car travelers has transportation, while the AMTRAK rider has to rely on public transportation or a high cost rental vehicle. And our Mayor thinks, no, FEELS, just the right person hasn't been in charge of rail service....


Unions are protesting against Walmarts in Los Angeles. Why because Walmarts is non-union. Walmarts minimum wage in Los Angeles in over $10.00 per hour, and an assistant manager earns a salary of over $55,000.00 annually. The union guys are out protesting, while the Walmart employees are on the job and earning money to support their families.


Online headline: "Big 'Derecho' Damage In Nation's Capital" -- This is outrageous! 'Derercho' is Spanish for 'big wind', Washington, D.C. is the capital of the USA, not Spain or Mexico. English is the language we speak!


Online headline:"White House To Dems: Go On Offense On Taxes, Health" -- Go on offense? How much more offensive can the DIM&DUMBERats get when it comes to our health and taxes.
Latest from "I'm not going to lie. It's been a long, long week.
* I went straight from celebrating the Supreme Court ruling on health care to staring down the single biggest fundraising deadline of this campaign so far." -- potUS Arpege lost me at "I'm not going to lie", but I'm more put off that he's trying to say even a Supreme Court decision would make him pause while campaigning.
More..the latest from Michelle writes: "Hal -- Our family has spent more than a few days on the campaign trail. * We've had lots of card games, laughs, and fun family moments on that campaign bus. * Barack is hitting the road again next week, and he's saving two seats on the bus for a supporter and their guest. We'll pick the lucky winner in just a few hours." -- Two seats on his bus? Guess the rest of us will just be thrown under it.
Even more...the latest from (wonder how many new jobs potUS Arpege will claim he created for e-mailing us? At least they are temporary): "To be frank - Hal *At midnight, Mitt Romney and Republicans will probably have outraised us for the month of June, as they did in May. That's not even counting the super PACs and anonymous outside groups." -- "To be frank"? How about joining Barney Frank on the sidelines!
L-E headline: "106 DEGREES * Columbus breaks record high for second straight day" -- Only 106? They must be using a thermometer that's hanging on a block of ice!
Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "Decades ago, African-Americans in the United States, especially the South, worked very hard. But the capitalistic system was stacked against them and didn’t allow them to succeed. " -- Oh, and government welfare has given them a hand up? Hand OUTs are not a helping hand. Pathetic liberal blame.
He's baaccckkkk! Karl Douglass, that is. After his ommission from last weeks L-E, I thought maybe the L-E had come to its senses about the fairness of dropping John House's commentaries since he was running for Congress, since Karl Douglass works for another candidate, the incumbent, in fact, but, no, this is not the case. By the way, I do think Roberts' vote was the only honest one made.. that he considered the mandate to buy HELL-thSCARE, and the fine for not doing so, as a tax and tax penalty. D&D's, the party of higher taxes!
From L-E editorial: "The high note in the latest Criterion Referenced Competency Test results for the Muscogee County School District — and that note should not be ignored — is that MCSD students improved in every subject except math" -- The highnote is everything increased except math? Gimme a break! I'd rather have seen math be the only sector that increased! Decreases in math just means new voters won't be equipped 'to add things up' when comparing politicians promises to reality!
I do not think that NFL have a leg to stand on when filing a 'concussion' lawsuit. How can they prove they weren't already brain damaged when they signed their contracts to play?
From the 'who'da thunk it' department: Dan Aykroyd is celebrating his 60th birthday today. I thought he was older than me.
Katy Perry's new movie..."Part of me 3D"..... Hmmm, is there any part of her that her fans haven't seen?

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