Saturday, July 28, 2012

Let's face it.. the Mayors of Chicago and Boston are racists! Who but a racists would try to keep Southern Fried Chicken out of his town.


How can anyone associated with the DIM&DUMBERat Party talk about Romney being an embarrassment in England? Well, I guess it's pretty easy since D&D's aren't accustomed to dealing with, or hearing, the truth. Most of them were not embarrassed over Clinton's sex antics, and heaven knows none of them has a clue as to how the rest of America felt embarrassed by the 'gifts, potUS Arpege has given England such as returning the bust of Sir Winston Churchill, giving a collection of DVD movies in the American vs European format, and who can forget his infamous 'gift' of an MP3 player full of his own speeches he gave the Queen.


From a fellow BCer; a bit edgier than I usually pass on, but it really exposes/highlights the bias/hypocrisy of liberals:



Online story: "NEW YORK — CNN chief Jim Walton said Friday he is quitting, saying the company needs new leadership at a time its flagship U.S. network is suffering through some of its poorest ratings ever. * CNN's ratings traditionally fluctuate based on the intensity of the news. Fox and MSNBC have insulated themselves from that problem somewhat through its partisan prime-time hosts. * Walton has resisted this approach, believing CNN's strength lies in being a nonpartisan news source and the company's reputation would be damaged worldwide if the U.S. network changed." -- "believing CNN's strength lies in being a nonpartisan news source"? He has to be kidding! This is the same news source that censored sadistic torture news about Saddam Hussein because the Baghdad staff feared it would lose invites to Hussein's parties.
Of course VpotUS Biden-Biden and Dingy Harry Reid were upset at what Mitt Romney said about the British Olympic security; it's been nearly 4 years since they have heard the truth from a president/presidential candidate.
One of our state reps running for re-election has received 36 different donations from the campaign accounts of current (I can only guess they are unopposed) or retired representatives. This should be a crime... the laundering of other people's money. How can diverting 'gift' money from its intended use be legal or ethical?
L-E headline/story: "Feds expedite proposed Atlanta transit project * The proposed hub — planned in an area known as “The Gulch” located downtown near Centennial Olympic Park, the Georgia Dome and the CNN Center — will serve as a terminal for high-speed and commuter rail, a streetcar, Greyhound, MARTA, pedestrians and cyclists. * “It is a model that should guide us through our many other transportation challenges,” Lewis said. “We had a shared vision of a centralized transportation hub in the heart of downtown Atlanta, where rail, bus and train would meet seamlessly.” * U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says in a statement that centralizing transportation choices will help relieve congestion and create economic opportunities in metro Atlanta." -- Huh? How can funneling all forms of transportation into one complex 'relieve congestion"? Only in the eyes of politicians.....
Question: Why would Richt pursue any Penn State players? The positions of wide receiver and tight end are pretty set at UGA. Sorry, but just couldn't refrain from such a natural punch line.
Carl Gregory needs to publish a disclaimer with his advertising program. CG says I can "Trade-in your (my) old car for a new vehicle from Carl Gregory and keep your payments the same!". What's he going to say when I show up with one of my old cars and trade keys with him for a new car, and I have no payments on my old one?
L-E headline: "Consumer confidence slips during July" -- "Consumer confidence slips"? It's more like having your legs knocked out from under you by a crack-back block.

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