Wednesday, July 18, 2012

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Hal --

Have you ever gotten to do something so cool you're almost jealous of yourself?

Pretty sure this would count: On August 12th, just three weeks before the Democratic National Convention and 12 weeks before Election Day, President Obama will have a few friends over to mark his 51st birthday -- in the backyard of his Chicago home.

And you're invited. -- T
his must be how potUS Arpege is planning to increase his' jobs created' number for August. He'll be hiring every guest his or her very on Secret Service body guard while in Chicago
How come the MCSD hasn't figured out that students did better when prayer was allowed in schools than since it has been removed?
The T-SPLOST lobby group is so desperate, it's resorting to pulling facts out of the DIM&DUMBERats playbook. Create 16,000 new jobs? No way! What will happen is that the influx of projects will stretch the current work crews so thin that the management will be able to raise their job bids and pad their bottom line, but adding jobs where job opportunities have been thin will not happen. The best we can expect is that existing crews will get full time versus part time work. This sort of reminds me of the intense push for the BRAC preparedness.. and we know the results of that!
WTVM9 headline: "Romney accuses Obama of casting shame on success" -- When you think about it, what job has potUS Arpege held in the private sector? He has no clue.
I wish the various legitimate Baptist Associations would sue Westboro "Baptist" Church to stop it from associating itself with other Baptist churches... or any Christian church, for that matter.
potUS Arpege complained about the War in Iraq being so wasteful of American tax dollars, but since then, he's pulled the troops out, reduced our troop levels, reduced the defense budget, but still says we aren't paying enough in taxes. Where's that peace dividend you promised, potUS Arpege?
Seeing the "" ad concerning the MCSD incumbents made me think that the anonymous group (Just Wonder if a certain current board member who's not running this year is involved) had a better graphic available to them. Can't you see a "Ron White" clio of him saying, "You can't fix stupid" followed by some overlaid sound bite finishing with, "but you can replace it"?
Ask the principles at 'SweetFrog' Yogurt Shop how they spell and define "honorable". It differs from yours and my definition.
From L-E story: "District 3 incumbent James Walker and challenger Athavia “A.J.” Senior were asked what qualities they would look for in the new superintendent the board has hired a search firm to help it find. * Walker said he wants someone who has served a district equal or larger than Muscogee County’s, and someone who can communicate well with the community. * Senior said the county needs someone who is invested in Columbus, proficient in budgeting and able to work well with others. " -- I think Senior has a better grasp of the situation. If Walker wants someone who has served in a district 'equal to or larger' and who can 'communicate with the community', Walker should be looking for someone inside the MCSD system!
From above L-E story: "(Pat Hugley)Green said the latest sales tax for schools voters approved includes a performing arts magnet, and the district currently has an elementary-level one at Wynnton." -- Well, Ms. Green, since there is going to be a tremendous shortfall of the SPLOST revenue expectations, are you going to spend money you won't have on a new Arts Magnet?
Yesterday, I e-mailed the Chamber to ask questions at the School Board forum concerning the revenue shortfalls of the SPLOST (more like a "SPLAT", now). This is a big concern to our community as the MCSD board could easily strangle us with unfinished projects and $50,000,000.00 in debt if the board proceeds recklessly.
The Chamber obviously "dropped the ball".
Combined with the Chamber's push for the T-SPLOST, the Chamber hasn't had a good week.
L-E headline/story: "Woman accused of child molestation dismisses lawyer, will represent herself at trial * "I do not want her as my attorney," Norman said. "I have the right to have her not represent me." * "You have the right to represent yourself," Allen countered." -- Well, I hope this exchange is attached to her trial transcript so that the GA Supreme Court cannot overturn her conviction based on 'inefficient representation'.
L-E headline/story: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT * District behind state average in course tests * Muscogee County School District interim Superintendent John Phillips Jr. thinks the district’s scores on the spring end-of-course tests were “pretty good,” but improvement is needed." -- Well, this certainly "justifies' bring Phillips back in at $17 per month...NOT! The ironic part, well, perhaps 'moronic' fits better, is that the high schoolers of this year were the middle schoolers under Phillips' curriculum when he was here before. Guess Phillips' efforts weren't as good as the MCSD wants us to believe enough to justify bringing him back in.
For the record, these are the "numbers" of the high schoolers influenced by Phillips' programs:
Countryman beat Suddeth because Suddeth felt invulnerable to being held responsible. Countryman has been irresponsible with grant/tax money paid to Congressman Bishop's family for the Jr Marshal's program. Voters should take it from here.
l-E headline: "Drought grips more than half of nation " -- Oooops, my bad. Thought this was the latest jobs report.
I do applaud the efforts of the participants in the House of Heroes "Run Across Georgia". It takes great commitment and dedication. I also hate to see money they raised spent on a newspaper ad versus some Heroes House.
Judge Cohn was one of my other fathers in my life. There are not honors or accolades to great for him. I do think the MCSD is acting to hastily in announcing a school be named for him so close to his death.
Black columnist William Raspberry just passed. The Ledger-Enquire used to publish his columns, but changed to black perspective columns by Leonard Pitts. So, instead of bringing the perspective 'fruit' of a Pulitzer Prize winner, the L-E gave us 'the pits'.

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