Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2, 1776.. Thomas Jefferson wrote out the draft of our Declaration odf Independence.


Once again the fake ID problem raises it's head. Once again, I remind you and our legal brotherhood that there are scanners/readers for drivers' licenses that will foil the use of even really good fakes. Your election board uses them when we vote, but our legislators will not pass legislation that would require all outlets for alcohol to verify purchasers' ages.


Online headline/story: "Mississippi Abortion Clinic Law Set To Take Effect * The law requires anyone performing abortions at the state's only clinic to be an OB-GYN with privileges to admit patients to a local hospital. * Such privileges can be difficult to obtain, and the clinic contends the mandate is designed to put it out of business. A clinic spokeswoman, Betty Thompson, has said the two physicians who do abortions there are OB-GYNs who travel from other states." -- I abhor birth-control related abortions, but I do not want to see a return to back-alley ones of yore. Women,parents should have choices in life, and let them work out the details with God. Something stinks here, though, when a clinic can bring in 'doctors' from 'parts unknown' to perform such.


Online story: "John Melia, a spokesman for the Utilities Workers Union of America (UWUA) said that as of 2 a.m. Sunday (EDT) its 8,500 ConEd power workers were locked out. * "ConEd took the extreme measure of locking out its unionized workforce putting the city of New York and Westchester county in peril during a heat wave. * The union membership had authorized its leaders to call a strike at midnight on Saturday, when the collective bargaining agreement expired." -- Union spin on union greed. The union membership had authorized its leaders to call a strike at midnight on Saturday, when the collective bargaining agreement expired. Union greed is coercing utility customers to paying higher rates because the customers are not represented during union negotiations. Of course, all this is going on leading into the July 4th week so New Yorkers may shoot off some fireworks of their own.


Of note: Our Founding Fathers were gathered in an un-air-conditioned Liberty Hall in Philadelphia in 1776 as we speak, fighting for freedom from taxation without representation. Union demands with monopolistic government protected entities are basically taxation without representation for American families.


Online story: "WASHINGTON, July 1 (Reuters) - Voter support for President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul has increased following the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling upholding it, a lthough majorities still oppose it, a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Sunday showed." -- Any poll taken on HELL-thSCARE should have to mention that 'it's not free', and is a tax.


Segregated diversity is not 'the answer'...unless the answer is to "what will destroy America?". America's strength, America's growth. comes from its ability to throw many cultures into 1 big pot, stir well, and having the best of each culture become ingrained in all of our lives... as our fore fathers wanted us to understand.. E Pluribus Unum...


After looking at the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on HELL-thSCARE, one must conclude that this is the first 4-4-1 decision rendered. It should be reviewed with all 9 deciding on the issue as a tax related power of Congress instead of a commerce related power of Congress.


If a college degree is criteria for the job as head of the Codes and Enforcement Division of the City, then the degree required should be in some sort of useful training... such as engineering of business management. A basic degree in psychology brings nothing to the table.


Standing "O" for Brentson Buckner!

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