Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Online HuffPost story: "The LA City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to ban all (marijuana) dispensaries, although patients and caretakers still can grow marijuana at home. * It goes into effect 30 days from when it is signed, which means by September * Councilman Jose Huizar, who introduced the measure, told HuffPost that the ban was necessary because of a proliferation of dispensaries that are not in violation of the city's 2010 dispensary ordinance, including not being too close to each other, schools or libraries. * "We failed to [regulate] for the past five years. No matter what we try to do … to regulate it going forward… we will fail again," Huizar said" -- Well, well, well.. Sanity has struck back in California. Guess that's bad news for potUS Arpege, as fewer voters will cast there ballots while "VWI" (voting while intoxicated).


HELL-thSCARE protester:

When you blow up the blue ID tag on her lanyard, it reads "Staff" (but of what is not clear). Since the sign is professionally made, chances are she doesn't pay anything out of pocket for her health care.


From a fellow BCer - potUS Arpege has desined hats for the delegates to the D&D National Convention for one of the activities:



Heard on Fox News clip: Even Diane Feinstein, D&D Senator from CA, and chair of Sen Security Committee blames the White House, too, for security leaks.


WRBL3 story: Mayor Obamalinson on the T-SPLOST:

1 - “We're roughly putting in 70 percent of the revenue but our projects will equate to about 50 percent of the value of the projects in the entire region,” said Mayor Tomlinson." -- Actually true, but at the same time she's contradicting the theory that out-of-countians/state shoppers pay about 35% of the local SPLOST/LOST taxes we already have in place.

2 - "We have a penny SPLOST falling off,” (in about a year). -- That would be the MCSD SPLOST, and you know the MCSD will be right back at the trough wanting another one as soon as it can.

3 - "“We have to weigh whether we want to have a tax system that sends a great deal of money to other counties versus the fact that we are going to have reduced revenue stream from the state,” -- Huh? How does a region specific tax be considered as revenue from the state?


In a nutshell, the supporters claim the T-SPLOST is going to fund the projects ; but that's money straight out of our pockets, but with 30% of that going to other counties. There is no fairy godmother picking up the costs.


WTVM9 story: "Thomson man sets head on fire during bar bet" -- And there was actually "film at 11:00". A new low for the 'newsleader9' team.


From L-E story: "(City Auditor John) Redmond contended that the ( Inspections and Codes) department lacks a “management continuity plan” to prevent a leadership vacuum in the event of change at the top." -- Man, does John Redmond need to be appointed Auditor for MCSD! It's a crime that there has been zero development of a 'management continuity plan' since we went to an elected school board!


From L-E story: "(School board incumbent Rob) Varner wants a superintendent who sees where education is going, not just where it is." -- DOH! Then why did he vote to bring back Phillips? Phillips put in his 'stuff' 7-8 years ago, and most of the CRCT tests owe their results to the program foundations he initiated.


How about an appointed school board with qualifications of being active in management/ownership of a local private business would lead to a better balanced board which knows the benefit of nurturing customers of all races, and what elected Superintendent is not going to be responsive to the voters of the city?


The number one question every school board incumbent needs to be asked is, "As it appears that there will be a $40M-$50M + revenue shortage from the 1% sales tax, what projects from the last SPLOST need to be removed from the projects list in order that Columbus citizens are not encumbered with unfinished projects and future debts?


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