Monday, July 23, 2012

The Breakfast Club - July 19-22 Catch Up Edition

We're Baaccckkkk!!!!!


While "anniversaring", I did keep up but more leisurely. Here's the recap:

The bloom must "really be off the rose". Remember when the media would only show Tiger pictures when he was 'walking on water'? Tiger could have at least smiled at the little guy as he brushed him off.


L-E story: "Visit Steak ’n Shake on Bradley Park Drive for dinner on Aug. 2 from 4:30 to 10 p.m. and 10 percent of your check will be donated to The Crisis Center of Russell County. " -- This makes as much sense as asking the City to send some property tax revenues to Phenix City. Of course, it makes better sense than One Columbus holding its "Unity Golf Event" in Opelika, AL.
Liberals L-E "soundoff": "Before you vote for Mitt Romney, please read about him in the August issue of Vanity Fair. " -- Now we know why liberals political views are so wacko; look where they get their data. Wonder if the article is before or after the 'centerfold'?
L-E "Quotable “We must rediscover the distinction between hope and expectation.” - Ivan Illich American sociologist (1926-2002) -- This should have been a required disclaimer on every one of now potUS Arpege's 2008 campaign promises!
From Council's Purchase Agenda published in the L-E: "Mobile data computers for police department: It is requested that council approve the purchase of 21 MW810 mobile data computers from Motorola Inc., in the amount of $235,347. ($11,207.00 each), via a cooperative purchase utilizing State of Georgia (Georgia Technology Authority) Contract # 980-2800008.The new mobile data units will be installed into 21 pursuit vehicles recently approved for purchase. " -- $11,207.00 for a laptop computer with a cellular modem? Maybe 20 years ago, but way too much by today's tech standards.
L-E headline: "SUSPECT IN JACKSON SLAYING MAY GO TO TRIAL IN LATE 2013 " -- 2013? This happened in 2010 and Strozier was picked up fast... why such slow justice? Isn't the public entitled to a 'fast and speedy trial' as well?
Looking at the picture of Strozier in the Saturday L-E, you have to wonder why close cropped hair cuts are mandatory when prisoners are incarcerated as felons awaiting trials..
Liberal L-E "soundoff": "Obama voted 17 times to cut taxes for small businesses. Meanwhile, the GOP has filibustered every job bill. The American people know who has our backs. " -- You can bet this liberal feels he'll get all of potUS Arpege's first election campaign promises fulfilled in he votes for him again.
L-E headline/story: "Romney’s foreign trip an audition as U.S. leader * GOP candidate has little foreign affairs experience * WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney auditions on the international stage next week as he travels to England, Israel and Poland looking to establish credibility as a potential commander in chief in his challenge to President Barack Obama. " -- "little foreign affairs experience" ? "looking to establish credibility as a potential commander in chief in his challenge to President Barack Obama."? Who are these AP reporters? If running an Olympics competition is not a major venture in foreign affairs, then what is it? And "credibility"? The AP considers potUS Arpege is credible with other foreign leaders?
L-E story: "MOSCOW — A stooped woman in her 70s dropped off a kettle and about $600 in cash in Moscow, while a thick-necked businessman unloaded an SUV packed with brand new strollers and jumbo packages of diapers. * It was part of a spontaneous wave of charity for flood victims in the town of Krymsk, jumpstarted by social networking sites and through a handful of independent radio and TV stations. It was also part of a growing penchant for independent action that unsettles the powerful. * A week after the unprecedented flood volunteerism emerged, a Kremlin-linked body proposed a bill that regulates charity drives. Critics suspect the move is aimed at keeping a tight leash on popular movements that could snowball into anti-government protest." -- Regulate charity drives? Who do the Russian politicians think they are... DIM&DUMBERat U.S. Congresspersons? Before long, Russian politicians will feel like charity is the responsibility of its politicians like DIM&DUMBERats in our Congress.
L-E's "Quotable": "Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.” - Frederic Bastiat French economist (1801-1850) -- No wonder potUS Arpege, Princess Pelosi and Dingy Harry Reid and DIM&DUMBERats in general want to remodel our government in the likeness of the French!
L-E's Dimon Kendrick-Holmes just blew the MCSD logic of poverty being the main reason of low CRCT tests: "If you hail from north of Macon Road, you’re probably thinking to yourself that if the city split into two school districts, that the upper half would easily beat the state average in math. * Not true. Take away the 22 Title I elementary schools, and the remaining 12 schools would still fall short of the rest of the state. Take away the six Title I middle schools, and the remaining six would fall short as well. * Yes, the schools in north Columbus are below average, too." -- And eliminate Britt David Magnet, and it's even worse, especially when you consider that at Britt David, 14% of student ware on the free/reduced meal plan, and all 14% passed their CRCTs in every category.
From the 'huh? headline' department - WTVM9 headline: "Local surgeons help blind Africans" -- read "blind" as a verb as well as a noun, and you get a different picture.
Online story: "BOSTON (AP) — The mayor of Boston is vowing to block Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant in the city after the company's president spoke out publicly against gay marriage. * Mayor Thomas Menino told the Boston Herald on Thursday that he doesn't want a business in the city "that discriminates against a population." -- How does the Mayor of Boston tie a position against 'gay (homosexual) marriage' with business/personal discrimination. Can the Mayor of Boston find one case of a gay being denied the opportunity to buy a Chick-fil-A product?
I sincerely hope the new Batman has a terrible weekend at the movies. It's not just about the evil monster in Colorado. It's about what Hollywood is blazing across our young people's brains as to what the future brings. The occult/dark nature of superhero, zombie, vampire, or medieval times and witchcraft seem to be becoming acceptable to our desolate young folks.
The monster who killed the people in the theater...Mike Huckabee said he's never going to mention the evil one's name. That way, the evil monster will not get the sick satisfaction of hearing hid name in the media. Hope all media outlets adopt Huckabee's philosophy.
L-E story: "CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. — The Defense Department on Thursday announced it is allowing service members to march in uniform in a gay pride parade for the first time in U.S. history." -- Guess the DOD will issue participants a 'Lavender Heart" service medal.

Speaking of all the wasteful potUS Arpege "STIMU-LIE" dollars, what's the latest on those super expensive 'green' buses the City ordered?
Online headline: "George Soros' Son Strikes Out On His Own" -- Ooops, my bad, thought life had hit Alexander Soros with reality after all the lob pitches his dad his thrown him all these years.
Online headline: "Former SEAL Team 6 Member Creates Anti-Obama Super PAC" -- potUS Arpege better really know his facts before setting SEAL Team 6 loose again to take out an obvious meglomaniac terrorist leader.
Online headline: "DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Backs Marriage Equality In Party Platform" -- What will the DIM&DUMBERats finally decide what constitutes 'a real marriage"? Heck, the D&Ds still consider Bill's and Hillary's 'a real marriage'.
In Colorado, "The Dark Knight Rises" was a dark night for all.
The T-SPLOST project connecting the new complex at the Ft Benning intersection is not enough reason to vote "yes" on the tax; the rest of the T-Splost is not worth the 10 years of regressive taxation that doesn't even come back to Columbus intact. Lets petition Council and demand the necessary funding for that 1 project out of our existing LOST Infra-Structure devoted revenues.
Online headline: "Obama Approval Rating Dragged Down By Economy, New Poll Shows" -- Wait until the Novemebr Poll to see how far.
Online headline: "Man With Fake Michigan ID Bombed Israeli Tourists On Bus" -- Wanna bet the fake ID was his ACORN issued voter registration card?
Online "headlie": "White House: Assad Is Losing Control" -- Huh? Last time I looked, Assad seemed pretty much still in control of the "White House".

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