Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Online story: "Marion, IA - What would you do if you got to meet Abe Lincoln (well, an impersonator)? If you are President Obama, you give a shout-out to your "homeboy" and add him to your roster of endorsements. * At least, that's what the president did during his otherwise routine visit to Cedar Rapids today when he spotted the distinguished guest in the crowd. * "Abraham Lincoln is in the house. My homeboy from Illinois and an outstanding Republican endorsee," Obama called to him from the stage when he first arrived." -- Can you imagine any other president shouting out "homeboy" in any circumstance? Can you imagine the media reaction had Bush43 yelled that out, or, heaven forbid, Mitt Romney referring to the Mayor of Detroit as "homeboy"?


Online story: "Earlier today, Attorney General Eric Holder addressed the NAACP Nation Convention at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. What did media need in order to attend? That's right, government issued photo identification (and a second form of identification too!), something both Holder and the NAACP stand firmly against when it comes to voting. Holder's DOJ is currently suing Texas for "discriminatory" voter ID laws." -- What hypocrisy runs amok throughout the potUS Arpege administration. If Holder was truly trying to uphold American citizens' rights to vote, Holder would be DEMANDING voter ID laws being strictly enforced!


From the 'strange' department: Eric Holder is spoke to the NCAAP National Convention, but potUS Arpege did not. Guess the NCAAP nor potUS Arpege wants a confrontation prior to the November elections. Either that, or potUS Arpege couldn't produce the required two forms of ID.

Who amongst you thinks that the DOT or GA Legislature will seriously volunteer to give up a 1% tax slush fund after milking it for 10 years? Nip it in the bud... (Thanks, Barney..RIP)
Thanks to a fellow BCer:
(no other comment needed)
With union pay scales being much higher than the federal minimum wage, have you wondered why the unions are interested in the minimum wage. Fact is that the minimum union wage scales are based on a certain percentage over the federal rate, and a rise in the federal rate means an automatic raise in union scale wages.
From fellow BCers: "Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry about what Mitt Romney does with his money than what Barack Obama does with mine." -- Or more specifically, "Apparently, we're supposed to be more angry about what Mitt Romney does with his money than what Barack Obama does with ours."
line headline/story: "PFGBest, Brokerage Firm, Missing Over $200 Million In Customer Funds As Founder Attempts Suicide * "It appears that PFG does not have sufficient assets to meet its obligations to its customers," the NFA (The National Futures Association, an industry group that also plays a regulatory role) said." -- Why can't political parties be as responsible? When we appoint (by election) a president/representatives, and they fail to protect our national and personal financial interest, they run for re-election rather than removing themselves from office. This is just wrong.
Headline from yesterday's L-E: "SEARCH FIRM HOPES TO HAVE NEW SUPERINTENDENT BY JANUARY * Board members wouldn’t mind longer wait for ‘really bright person with integrity’ " -- "really bright person with integrity'? "bright"? This stirred up the remembrance of Joe Biden describing potUS Arpege as "articulate, and BRIGHT and "clean".
Ignorant L-E "soundoff": "Isaiah Crowell needn’t worry too much. I’m sure the NRA will defend him." -- Nah... the NRA is concerned with people legally owning legal guns.
L-E story: "ATLANTA — America’s first new nuclear plants in more than a decade are costing billions more to build and sometimes taking longer to deliver than planned, problems that could chill the industry’s hopes for a jump-start to the nation’s new nuclear age." * Plant Vogtle in eastern Georgia, initially estimated to cost $14 billion, has run into over $800 million in extra charges related to licensing delays. A state monitor has said bluntly that co-owner Southern Co. can’t stick to its budget. The plant is now delayed to November 2016. -- "over $800 million in extra charges related to licensing delays"? Nearlt a BILLION dollars in costs related to nothing but leagl jockeying over licensing...Well, what did you expect from the lawyers after the GA PSC gave GA Power the right to make us start paying for construction now?

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