Thursday, July 26, 2012


London 'bobbies' carry no pistols, but private security carries assault weapons.


Online story: "In one of his most direct statements on gun control since his election, President Barack Obama Wednesday called for a "common sense" approach to assault rifle sales in light of Friday's mass shooting in Aurora, Colo., saying no "mentally unbalanced individual" should be able to get their hands on such weapons." -- From another online story: "As far back as the Gun Control Act of 1968, there have been federal laws against selling weapons to mentally ill individuals. But the Virginia Tech tragedy in 2007, in which the shooter Cho Seung-Hui was able to pass two federal gun background checks even after a state court ruled that he was dangerously mentally ill, highlighted the need for better record-keeping and interagency communication to enforce those laws." Sounds more like a case of federal malfeasance in enforcing EXISTING federal laws... sorta like our immigration laws not being enforced, and voter fraud laws not being enforced. We don't need new laws, just new leadership.


In England, women's soccer must be as popular as fast pitch softball in the USA. Watched a few minutes of an Olympic contest between England and New Zealand, and most of the fans were disguised as empty seats, and the others, I suppose were either other players, family & friends, and politicians.


A Fox News anchor said it "was difficult to get reporters into Syria". Did he mean that it was difficult 'to get them into Syria' or difficult 'to get them to go into Syria'?

I just heard the most abusive sound imaginable! While in Florida, some local advertiser had the gall to use my wife's cellphone ringtone as the intro music! The dastards!!!


From a fellow BCer - Omen?

Welcome to the SEC!


From the same BCer... she's on a roll!


The latest from "Hal --I'm no good at singing "Happy Birthday." -- Hmmm, and that list just keeps getting longer and longer; you know..the list of things he's 'no good at' !


WTVM9 headline: "Auburn's most notorious murderer, Edward Seibold, up for parole" -- Just the sight of his name immediately triggered the horrors of this man. Now I learned some judge overturned his death sentence, and he's eligible for parole! This story should be laminated to the desk in front of every judge who n=might ever have such an appeal come to him/her for review! Hopefully, no such parole will ever be granted, but even the remote possibility is an injustice to legal system.


I'll give Norene Marvets for being the first School Board incumbent for even bring up the SPLOST list of projects that need to be scrapped because of insufficient revenue stream, BUT, her votes countermand common sense.


L-E headline/story: "Water main breaks, flooding portion of Second Avenue * A few nearby buildings had water issues Wednesday afternoon. The federal courthouse and 12th Street Deli still had working water, though people reported it had a brown tinge. Ralston Towers had no water issues. " -- Maybe those at the Ralston need new glasses.. my Broadway business has had 'brown tinged water' for several weeks since the sewer work began.


RIP, Willie Bowman. He was a goodygoodygoody-good man.


L-E story: "ATHENS, Ga. — The committee appointed to find the next president of the University of Georgia has met for the first time. * The group has a list of ideal qualities they hope to find in the college’s new leader and says they want a visionary fundraiser who has integrity. " -- This just highlights the shortcoming in our education hierarchy. Just as there should be able bodied people qualified to step into our local Superintendent's shoes already on the staff, the same goes for the UGA. Not having a plan for a successor is a horrible way to run a business or school system. No business professor would teach business students to operate without a succession plan. At least I hope not.


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