Thursday, June 30, 2016

 If a presidential candidate is "FOR" the current NAFTA agreement, how can she be "FOR" America? America has become the dumping ground for the dregs and drugs of the Mexican cartels, jobs are being shipped to Mexico and the only exchange we are getting is merchandise at cheaper costs and higher markups shipped back to sell to Americans who can no longer afford the life they had before losing their jobs. Vote Trump!

Online headline: "llegal aliens and immigrant-rights activists set up a demonstration in the middle of an Atlanta city street Monday, blocking the road to ICE headquarters, demanding an end to deportations." -- This is WHY a wall is NEEDED.. America has lost all the respect it has under ZERO-bama... ote Trump!

The only response mainscream media and Democrats have to Trump's plan to build a wall is to call him a "racist".. Hmmm.. is it racist to be a patriot? Is it racist to have the vision to see controlling access of immigration as a way to make America great again by insuring natural and naturalized American citizens that their streets will be safer, and their jobs will be plentiful and secure? Is it racist for a patriot to want people who have access to the American Way of Life to be pro-America? .. Not in my book.

Online "headLIE": "Drunken-driving convictions could increase because of the Supreme Court's recent ruling" -- Wrong.. drunken driving convictions WILL increase because police will be better able to collect better evidence at the time of stopping a person who has chosen to get behind the wheel of a car in an incapacitated condition.. All citizens will benefit as more potential DUI situations are diffused as people take the consequences of not making good choices.

Online headline: "Romney: My family has asked me to jump into 2016 race" -- Good grief.. how many votes is that..his, his wife's, his 5 sons' and their wives'.. 12 voters who want him to run.? Good grief, their were more than 12 votes in my family who voted for him last time, and ZERO who would vote for him this time around.. hang it up, Mitt... wait a minute.. you don't think the Clintons have dangled a job at him to run their foundations, do you?

Online story: "French is currently ranked sixth among world languages, after Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi and Arabic. But it is gaining speakers quickly and, the study reports, will be spoken by 750 million in 2050, up from 220 million today." -- Good grief.. does this mean Muslims will learn French instead?

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Canada Loves Obama So Much That They Want Him To Violate The U.S. Constitution * Members of Canada’s parliament chanted “Four more years!” after Obama gave a speech to them." -- Good grief.. obviously Canadians haven't  been watching that ZERO-bama has already violated our Constitution.. what I'd like to hear is Canadians violating their own Constitution by drafting ZERO-bama to come be their president ... tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough.

Hmmm.. you know what would happen if ZERO-bama was president of Canada? Canadians would want to build a wall to keep America's illegal alien population out of Canada.

From the "liberals don't know jack" department - HuffPOOPOO headline: "The Best Wines To Pair With Your Barbecue" -- "wine"? With BBQ? Good grief.. next, libs will be wanting to use croissants for buns.

Online headline: "Hillary: The American People Lack RESPECT and SYMPATHY for ISIS" -- Good grief.. this was the gist of her address at George University. Maybe what we really need is a wall around Washington, DC that fences-IN Democrat politicians.

There's a poll out that says LGBTQs have more medical & mental issues than heterosexuals. First, how can you take a credible sample of such a small percentage of Americans ..secondly, could it simply be that they are more confused over what bathroom they are safest in?

Kerry says that ISIS's dastardly deeds in Turkey happened because..." they are losing"..good grief .. ISIS did so simply because it COULD, and to send a message to other countries.

Man, did Lynn Westmoreland nail Hillary about Benghazi...He said about Hillary, "If she can't fix the problem, she'll fix the blame".

From "the scariest thing I've seen" department: - One of my daughters put a family picture on Facebook, and "tagged" each of us. When I dragged my "mouse arrow" across the picture, it asked me to name the ones it didn't :know".. Facebook KNEW which face was mine, my wife's and daughters.

From the "lesson in futility" department - Online headline: "Atlanta to focus on getting guns off the street as crime rises" -- Good grief.. the only thing that will cut crime is getting THE CRIMINALS off the street.. and keeping them there. If you just take the illegal guns from criminals, they'll just get more.. they are CRIMINALS.. that's what they DO!

L-E headline: "Legal fees in lawsuits against city top $2.8M * Sheriff John Darr’s attorneys seek $326,000 in latest bills Fees for Darr suit account for more than half of total The Countryman-Creighton Bishop suit and Pierce’s suit are currently in Superior Court" -- Hmmm.. what I'd like to see is a breadown.. per hour.. of what exactly was done during a billable hour.. I's also like to see what attorneys for Mayor TomLYINGson have required/requested that has made attorneys for Darr, Bishop, Pierce, and Countryman to be so active,, surely, there can't be much going on when courts are mulling the points submitted weeks before any decisions are handed down.
L-E headline: "Turkish officials blame Sunni extremists for attack" -- Good grief.. isn't anyone ever going to actually call them Islamic jihadist terrorists?
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Social Security’s board of trustees just reported a surplus of $2.8 trillion, with less than a penny on the dollar spent on administrative expenses. Why are Republicans trying to destroy it?" -- Good grief.. does this idiot actually think ZER-bama, Pelosi, Reid, and Hillary are Republicans?

L-E headline/story: "Some facts about the Fourth of July" * The Declaration of Independence was written on paper made from marijuana or hemp." -- Hmmm.. I guess this explains why ZERO-bama and the Democrats are always trying "to smoke it".

Following up with facts about Chicago..While 77% of the steet killings are blacks, only 32% of Chicago's population is black. One interesting note.. between the 2000 and 2010 Census, Chicago's population dropped by nearly 200,000 people.

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