Saturday, June 25, 2016

Somehow this post from June 24, 2016 is not showing up.. Not sure what happened, but am reposting it. For you daily readers, This is Friday's "blog posting".

Online headline: "Britain votes to leave EU, Cameron quits? -- Wow... the bookies must have been killed!

Think about this.. If Tim Kaine.. well, any male becomes Hillary's VP choice... what will the VP do? Hillary has pretty much said she'll put Slick Willie in charge of the economy.

Online headline: "Obama: Ruling on immigration sets 'the system back' * The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday dealt President Barack Obama a harsh defeat after a 4-4 ruling that is a direct result of Justic Scalia's death in February." -- "direct result of Justice Scalia's death"? Good grief..the "4-4 block" just kept a lower court decision intact.. if Scalia had been present , the Supreme Court would have SMASHED ZERO-bama's despotic ego.

Online story: "Do not mess with the guys behind the food trucks in Manhattan. Halal cart vendor Eissa Naser, 37, thought he'd park his gyro cart by Tenth Avenue and 30th Street on Tuesday, but Halal cart  vendor Mohamed Awad, 39, considered that corner his turf. The two men began to brawl, and Awad slashed Naser in the back with a razor. Naser needed five stitches, the NYPD told the New York Daily News. Awad was charged with felony assault and weapons possession Tuesday." -- In a tribute to Guns N' Roses:
In New York City, welcome to the jungle * Watch it bring you to your sharia knees   *I wanna watch you bleed"

Online headline: "President Obama has 'discussed' being an NBA team owner" -- Good grief.. I can see his starting line-up now,, at Point and Projecting (the Secret Service would be comfortable with "Shooting")  Guards.. Obama & Obama.. at Power /Small Forwards.. Obama & Obama.. at Center (of attention) .. Obama..  Hey.. you don't think he'd let anyone else take credit for winning, do you?

Online "headLIE": "Democrats' bold standoff in House comes to an end" -- "bold standoff"?  It was a 60's style "sit-in"! At best it just demonstrated why nothing gets done in Congress.. Republicans try work hard amidst the distraction of a bunch of Jackasses getting paid while sitting on their butts.

Hmmm.. what are Congressional Democrats going to do for another 50s-60s  encore... paint a "White Line" down the aisle between themselves and freedom?

If anyone ever thought the violent protests at various Trump rallies were anything but staged with DNC support, that notion flew out the window following the 60's style sit-in protest by Dems in the Capitol.

Online headline: "Immigration activists pledge electoral payback for US Supreme Court ruling" -- Hmmm..there have been many "tweeks" about who gets to vote in US elections over the history of our United States.. age, sex, and race discrimination has been ended through various (and needed) Constitutional Amendments, but in no case has the qualification of being an American citizen been weakened. and no state can add non citizens to it's rolls for national elections.  Make sure it stays this way..Vote Trump!

Online headline: "Joan Rivers' dog bowl sells for a ton" -- Hmm .. bet the buyer thought it was her personal dinner dish.

Online headline: "Disney reopens beaches with new security measures * Disney has lifted the ban on its beaches 8 days after the deadly alligator attack and they have new measures to keep guests safe from harm ." -- Hmmm.. Well, Disney has warnings up now about alligators and snakes in the water areas.. now it needs to post signs about the  dangers that lurk in the park itself to your wallets from food and gift vendors.

Online headline/story: "Philadelphia congressman resigns following fraud conviction *  U.S. Representative Chaka Fattah Democrat) resigned from Congress on Thursday, two days after he was convicted of orchestrating multiple frauds aimed at enriching himself and preserving his political career. * Prosecutors said Fattah misappropriated hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign, charity and taxpayer money in a series of schemes stretching over several years." -- "misappropriated hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign, charity, and taxpayer money"? Good grief,, we could convict every Democrat on this! Hey, Hillary.. you're a Democrat, too...

Online story: "Colorado could become the first state in the union to offer its citizens universal, single-payer health care if voters approve an amendment on November's ballot. * Supporters hope that if Amendment 69, known as ColoradoCare, passes, other states will follow. * Proponents believe Colorado is the perfect testing ground for this issue because its constitution is far easier to amend than most other states. They cite the passage in 2012 of an amendment legalizing recreational marijuana despite the opposition of nearly every elected official in the state. *  The proposal would double the state's $25 billion budget, prompting opponents like former Democratic Governor Bill Ritter and Republican State Treasurer Walker Stapleton to charge that free health care for all will not really be free at all." -- "will not really be free at all"? What.. a Democrat that KNOWS "free stuff" isn't really free,, wait'll Hilary and Bernie hear about this! On the other hand it makes sense that smoking a little weed on your way to the polls easily leads to a committing "Amendment 69" to ones self.

Online headline: "North Korea: We won't abandon nukes with US gun to our head" -- "we want abandon nukes with US gun to our head"? Well, maybe not with either ZERO-bama or Hillary holding the gun (assuming they haven't gotten the gun banned), but lets's see how long it takes Kim Jong-un  to flinch with Trump's finger on the trigger!

Was watching the men's gymnastic USA Olympic trials last night. What's with the bad boy/thug look...scraggly beards, tattoos, spiky hair...gymnastics is a sport of clean power and grace and skill and body control..not loner attitude.

The 3rd attempt of Baltimore's State Attorney to railroad a Baltimore police officer in the death of Freddie Gray has returned another jury verdict supporting the police. Maybe State Attorney Mosby will drop her witchhunt of the police department, and focus on the Mayor for reining in the police force from protecting law abiding Baltimore citizens.

Good grief...without even going further than a black "victim",  a black defendant, a black prosecuting attorney, and a black judge, what else could have changed the merits of the 3rd police officer exonerated by the Baltimore legal system?

It's early now as I ponder this:  the US Supreme just released it's denial of a white female students claim that the Texas University affirmative action policy was racially discriminatory. Surprisingly it was a 4 - 3 decision upholding the Texas admissions' policy, and Justice Kagan did not participate..what I want to know is who of the 4 most constitution supporting Justices voted for the affirmative action policy?

Am watching the "shooting" incident in Germany at the moment: You know with ISIS terrorists seemingly making black garments and facial masks their "uniform", I like to see our S.W.A.T. and other urgent response teams adopt something else than the black wear they seem to prefer as well. It's like watching a game where both teams are wearing the same uniform. How about something that we can identify our team as the Good Guys!

From the "I want to be a fly on the wall" department: I'd love to be a fly on the wall to see Hillary going to a women's bathroom following a confused male...uh...transgender urinating in a stall Hillary will have to use..don't you she her becoming conflicted about the seat being in the down position?

You know, with Hillary's preference for pant suits, do you wonder whether she urinates sitting or standing?
L-E headline: "Democrats vow to push on for gun control * House Dems wrap up 25-hour sit-in on Capitol Hill after Republicans deny demands House speaker refuses to allow vote on legislation to expand background checks for gun buyers in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting Rep. John Lewis of Georgia urged the crowd not to give up and to vote in the fall elections" -- If the Democrats want to show how gun control can work, why don't they start with the streets of South Chicago. All the guns there could be confiscated, and the deaths on the streets would not slow down.. thigs will find alternative methods to probably more killings since no law abiding citizen would have a gun for personal protection. Oh, Chicago homicides are at 313 as of this past Wednesday, and there's usually a certain spike on the weekends.
You know... why is it that the L-E makes such an issue over what Democrats "want" now that the American voters have stripped Congress down to 188 (187 today) of them as of November of 2014 (43%), yet when Democrats had 256 (59% as well as 58% of the Senate vote AND ZERO-bama in the White House, Democrats did nothing but pass OObamaCRAP without even reading the bill?
LIV's L-E "soundoff" "The Bible says all homosexuals will die." -- You know.. libs should actually read the Bible before bashing it,, The Bible says everyone will die ... the Bible is a guide to determine where your eternal life will be spent.
From the L-E's "Today in History" feature: "In 1968, “Resurrection City,” a shantytown constructed as part of the Poor People’s March on Washington, D.C., was closed down by authorities." -- Hmmm let's parse this a bit.. LBJ was president and both Houses of Congress had 2/3rds filled by Democrats.. How do voters for today's Democrats not know this.. you can see why libs want Common CRAP curriculum in our schools today..
L-E story: "The U.S. Supreme Court has said death row prisoners must have “rational understanding” that they are about to be executed and why, but lawyers for a condemned Alabama inmate say stroke-induced dementia has left their client unable to pass that test. *    Angie Setzer, a lawyer for Madison, told the court Madison has no independent recollection of the crime and, therefore, cannot rationally understand why the state plans to execute him. *     A defense expert testified in state court that Madison suffers from vascular dementia and is unable to connect the crime to the planned punishment, Setzer said." -- How convenient.. when a criminal says "I don't recall", then he/she is mentally incompetent to be executed for his/her crime.. Hey! Isn't that the same defense Hillary uses?
L-E story: "   Just this week, the Ledger-Enquirer reported about a massive indoor water park headed for LaGrange and a Hampton Inn slated for downtown Columbus. *  Great Wolf Resort is bringing a 93,000-square-foot indoor water park to LaGrange. It will include a hotel with 456 themed suites, according to the company’s website, and it’s projected to draw about 500,000 visitors a year and create hundreds of jobs. The resort also is expected to boost tourism, not just in LaGrange but throughout the region." -- How novel.. private business is paying for the development of a recreational facility on the premise of it being profitable.. while here in Columbus, Mayor TomLYINGson has spent millions (combined.. upwards of $50 Million) of mostly tax dollars on the Chattahoochee Whitewater Course, the Bike Paths, and the Aquatic Center that Columbus taxpayers will never see a profit (or property tax relief) from.

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