Tuesday, June 28, 2016

From the "what a stupid Fox News headline" department - TV headline "Brexit vote creates buyer's remorse" -- What BS! 72% cast their votes and the majority spoke.. why is it that mainscream media think that if the majority of people vote against what mainscream media feels should have been the results, then the majority is wrong?

Hey Hillary and mainscream media..Remember..remember it well.. all the bookies in England believed the pre-Brexit polls before the election and bet on the wrong whorse.

The excitement felt by Hillary and the mainscream media when a new and manufactured poll comes out isn't prophetic...it's more pathetic...pathetic because it gives them all a false sense of confidence that will be burst in November.

Amazing...regular gas prices in Columbus. GA are soaring again, yet on I-75.. and in Florida even, , gas is .15-.20 cents cheaper.

You know.. when hotels advertise you get "free" WIFI.. they ought to be forced to ad that "it's slow!".

We need to crack down on cars running yellow-turning-red signals. Sunday, while driving some of our church members home in one of our church buses, a light turned yellow as I was approaching it. I stopped for the light, but as I did, an SUV blew by us and a very light. I reached for my phone to call it in, but then realized the SUV had SHERIFF DEPUTY printed all.over it..if any body at 911 is reading this, it was about 12:20 heading north on 2nd Ave.

L-E story: "When a man opened fire in a gay nightclub in Orlando two weeks ago and killed 49 people, Brig. Gen. Tammy Smith responded by offering to help organize an LGBT Pride Month event at Fort Benning. * On Monday morning, about 75 soldiers and civilians — including Maneuver Center of Excellence commander Maj. Gen. Eric Wesley, his wife Cindy and Smith’s wife Tracey — attended the LGBT Pride Month celebration on main post." -- Hmmm smart.. smart political  move as well.. holding a Gay Pride event on post.. what Islamist jihadist terrorist is going to try to bring out a gun when everyone there is armed better than him?

LIV's L-E "soundoff": "The Ledger has had three major articles on the gun issue and still hasn’t printed that 92 percent of Americans want background checks and “no fly no buy.” -- Good grief.. only the uninformed would want to give government the power to forbid people on a "no fly list: from buying guns.. why, because government is the one who DECIDES who is on the :no fly list"! Has this writer/idiot already forgotten what government did by ordering IRS to slow down/stop 501-(c) 3 applications for conservative organizations? 

From the L-E's "Today in History" feature: "In 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Alien Registration Act, also known as the Smith Act, which required adult foreigners residing in the U.S. to be registered and fingerprinted." -- Whoa.. interesting how quick ZERO-bama. Hillary, Pelosi, and Reid are to pat FDR on the back for his socialist programs, but seemingly forget to support FDR's vision to protect our citizens from criminals illegally crossing our borders.

From he "politically correct BS" department - L-E headline: "Dems: Clinton never personally denied Benghazi security" -- Good grief.. how many complete turns can one make at twisting the truth? This is way beyond "full circle".. it's not just about Hillary "denying" security.. it's about Hillary not PROVIDING security in Benghazi, and issuing the right orders that night...

L-E headline: "Michelle Obama, daughters in Africa to push girls’ education" -- Good grief.. why isn't Michelle and her entourage right here in Columbus, GA chastising our current school board/system about its failing schools.. it would be more effective for the fight on poverty.. and a lot cheaper trip than to Africa.

Online headline/story: "The Sanders campaign tried to rig caucus tiebreakers with double-sided coins * At one point shortly before the caucuses, Sanders's Silver State director Joan Kato instructed staff to buy double-sided coins — in case coin-flips were needed to decide any of the caucuses in the event of a tie, according to staffers." -- "double sided coins"? Probably had Democratic Party symbol Jackasses on both sides, because, in the vernacular of Hillary.. "What Difference Does It Make!"

Online headline: "U.S. interest in U.K. travel soars after Brexit " -- Of course, mainscream media is making it sound like American tourists are interested because of the drop in Pounds-to-Dollars value, but Americans "know" that it will be safer to travel because security will be up to Britich standards versus Brussels' standard.

Online headline/story: "Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'racist' and 'a total fraud' * Donald Trump told NBC News that Sen. Elizabeth Warren is "racist" and "a total fraud" after attacking him during a Hillary Clinton rally in Ohio on Monday. * She made up her heritage, which I think is racist. I think she's a racist, actually because what she did was very racist," Trump said in a phone interview." -- Hmmm.. well I guess that makes Slick Willie a racist and fraud, too, for claiming he was the first "black president".. mainstream media should have caught that back in 1992 when he was governor and flew a confederate based flag over the Arkansas Governor's Mansion.

Online headline: "Famous face helps dying passenger in the middle of flight * When a rider suffered an apparent fatal heart attack during a cross-country flight Sunday, one notable figure stepped up to aid him and his concerned family." -- It was Tim Tebo... I'm waiting for the other shoe to all.. you know, the one when ZERO-bama writes an Executive Order to the FAA ordering it to put Tebow on "the no-fly list" for prating in public. Vote Trump!

From the "something you already knew but it hadn't clicked yet" department: That judge who recently who oversaw the controversial Stanford rape case... well he was originally appointed by California Democrat Governor Gray Davis..

From the "even if there isn't any, mainscream media will create bias" department - Online headline: "Trump is failing to win over key group" --- Good grief.. it's talking about "Bernie" supporters.. Hillary is the one who has to worry about not winning over Bernie supporters n November..

Online story: "ISIS released a new video late Sunday showing scenes from San Francisco and Las Vegas, and calling on the terror group's supporters to carry out attacks targeting Christians in the U.S. The video, which runs almost 10 minutes long, also threatens Christians in Australia, Europe, Canada, and the Balkans." -- Hmm.. San Francisco.. a sanctuary city .. a perfect fit for ISIS.. the police department will protect them afterwards.

From he "perfect solution for atheists/agnostics..and liberals in general" department - Online story: "People are typically buried or turned into ashes after they die, but there is another, lesser-known option. * It is known as alkaline hydrolysis, or green cremation, and it involves the use of water, an alkaline solution, heat, and pressure to dissolve the body. * A green cremation dissolves body tissue into a sterile liquid that is eventually sent into the sewer system. " -- Hey, morticians.. I'll volunteer.. pay my own way in some cases, to do the actually "flushing down the tubes" on a lot of the above.

Online headline: "Poll: Majority of Republicans prefer someone else to Trump" -- Yeah, and I can name most of the 16 that ran against him.. and so can the Trump supporters.. my question is "your point"?

Online headline: "Oregon mother kills intruder hiding in child's bedroom * A Portland mom of two fatally shot an unidentified 59-year-old male after finding him in her child's bedroom early Sunday morning. * 'Traumatized' woman could face charges" -- "could face charges"? I'll say,, I charge her with being the "Mother of the Year" !

Online headline/story: "GOP powerhouses are now refusing to attend convention * Politico reported Monday that Donald Trump's campaign and the Republican National Committee are having trouble finding speakers for July's big event. * Well-known names who won't appear * Former nominees Mitt Romney and Sen. John McCain have said they wouldn't go to the convention, as did both former Presidents Bush. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Sen. Lindsey Graham and up-and-comer Sen. Ben Sasse told Politico they won't be going, either" -- And why should they show up.. voters have already chastised them for not showing up for us the last 8 years! Besides, they are the reason people voted for Trump!

There's another pro-Hillary , anti-Trump ad aimed at trying to paint Trump as a misogynist.. Good grief.. why would any woman vote for Hillary.. I mean, she freely admits she can't run the economy as well as a man, and thinks other mothers should be "OK" with perverts urinating and showering in their teenaged daughters locker rooms..  

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