Thursday, June 23, 2016

Online headline: "Trump supporters used one word to describe Clinton" -- Dang I missed it.. while I agree that "dishonest" is a "right on" descriptive word, it still isn't as good as the first one I thought about.

It's happened..."Gorilla Guitar" has become the victim of the Whittlesey Road expansion debacle. bride and I, got to know "Gorilla" when he was operating across the street from our "My Party Place" business on Broadway, and celebrated his growing business as it relocated to an off Whittlesey Road building.. No one knew Whittlesey would be such a transportation snafu for 4+ years. ....the DOT..."Dumping On Taxpayers"..

I see only one problem with Trump's plan to create jobs to make "America Great..again...for everbody". When Trump creates the avenues to new jobs, how many of the Democrat voter base will even be willing to take, much less apply for these jobs?

Seniors.. today's and you future ones also.. our..I repeat.. OUR.. Social Security fund is definitely in danger... and electing Democrats at any national level is putting another nail into its coffin.. electing Hillary could be the final nail. Why.. because of Democrats promising "free stuff" and making it easy for people not to work or even seek work is crippling Social Security funding... NO FUNDS go into the Social Security "lockbox" from people who aren't working! Think about that.. no funds go into the (as Algore declared) "lockbox", but Democrats will make sure those not working will be able to tap into it at age 62. Vote Trump!

This November will be interesting..we have full scale write-in race for Clerk of Superior Court. Former Superior Court Clerk, Linda Pierce, was waylaid during the Democratic Party primary, and the person who won has absolutely no legal background which is a huge plus in running this office. There was no Republican entrant, so local Attorney Mike Garner has stepped up to the plate and is running as a write-in candidate. We are lucky that our current ballot set-up is electronic and writing in for a candidate is a lot simpler than olden times. I will be reminding Columbus to remember that we have a better choice, but we'll have to remember to do it.

Seems like the biggest point mainscream media and the DNC will be is their assessment that how can Trump run the country well if he has difficulties running his campaign? Personally, I think voters are charmed.. glad.. that Trump isn't a career political wonk, and will overcome the stagnation of the "politics as usual" aspect of Hillary.

Hillary is scheduled to give two days of speeches on the economy...what's she going to do, introduce Slick Willie to talk for her?

Online headline: "Donald Trump attempted to reset the presidential race with a brutal speech blasting Hillary Clinton" -- "brutal"? Is this how mainscream media supports Hillary.. by calling
the truth" brutal?

Grand Slam, walk-off home run pitch: Trump said that while Hillary's slogan is "I'm With Her", his slogan is "I'm With You"!

Trump hit a crushing home run in his speech yesterday..impassioned and straightforward, if he just repeats this heartfelt plea for America's future for the next 4+ months, even Debbie Wasserman Schutz, Elizabeth Warren, Chris Matthews, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Bill Clinton will pull the Hillary lever with twinges of regrets.

In her speech, Hilllary says kicking out 11,000,000 illegal aliens (or as Hillary viciously group them all, "Mexican") will cost "us" hundreds of billions of dollars...hmmm..seems to me that, doing so once would free up those hundreds of billions of dollars for each year there!

From a L-E story about trivia: "Every day, more money is printed for the game Monopoly than for the U.S. Treasury." -- Hmmm.. this stat must have been stated prior to ZERO-bama's first day in office...sad thing is that the Monopoly money has kept its value better in the last 8 years..

You know.. I'm amazed at the number of crime suspects that turn themselves in then plead "Not Guilty" in court... Guess court provided criminal lawyers don't get paid much for a "Guilty" plea... sometimes it makes you wonder who are the real criminals.

L-E story: " For the first time in a dozen years, the Muscogee County School District has adopted new English language arts textbooks for its middle schools and high schools. The content will be different, and the teachers will deliver it to their students in a different way." -- You know, if the MCSD realizes it needs to change the textbooks and teaching strategy for English grammar, why doesn't it just order reprints of the English grammar books used in the 50s-60s.. We learned to read and write way more efficiently than what most students are getting out of a public school system currently.. Heck, even our history papers were graded on grammar as well as content..

Remember that Tiger Woods kid that stole the PGA's thunder when he erupted on the scene.. well, now he's 40 years old.. wow.. time flies!


From the "confirmation that Democrat Congresspersons actually do reflect their targeted voter base" department - Online headline/story: "Democrats vow to continue sit-in as House adjourns * Democrats took over the floor of the House at 11:25 a.m. ET Wednesday *  the House formally adjourned at 3:13 a.m....the Democrats showed no signs of abandoning the sit-in" -- Hmmm.. its pretty obvious that base Democrat voters actually do listen to the Democrat politicians' campaign promises.. now Democrat Congresspersons are sitting on their butts all day getting paid while Republicans try to work and get things done.

From the "Democrat voters should take another look at Democrat politicians before they vote for them" department - Online story pertinent to the Democrats "sitting on their butts" in Congress: "Democrats staging a sit-in on the floor of Congress won't go hungry -- we spotted their food order on its way into the Capitol ... and it's pretty damn ironic. * A couple carts full of Chick-fil-A food were toted in by Congressional interns. We get it ... protesters gotta eat, but consider this: The push for gun control legislation was prompted by Omar Mateen's heinous attack on a gay nightclub -- and Chick-fil-A's ownership has a long history of opposing LGBTQ rights."  -- While this does confirm that Democrat politicians don't mean it when they make promises to buy votes, but mainscream media also made the wrong assessment about Chick-fil-A.. Chick-fil-A doesn't oppose LGBTQ "rights". Chick-fil-A just supports the Bible and practices its Christian belief system.. and that's exactly what Chick-fil-A  did yesterday and in Orlndo last week.. Chick-fil-A reaches out in a Christian way to aid those hurting.

From the" Typical liberal "fact" department - Online story: "Gallup estimates about 123,000 same-sex American couples married in the past year, with a higher number of the unions taking place in states that already had legalized same-sex marriages. * In total, 9.6 percent of gay and lesbians Americans are married, compared to 7.9 percent before the ruling, Gallup said." -- "9.6 percent"? Excuse me, but how can you make a specific percentage claim on anything that has no way to be verified... guess Common CRAP Math is the panacea of accuracy that liberals strived for.. being able to make pulled-out-of-the-air claims seem finite.

Read that a new 57 story condo building is in the works on Miami's Biscayne Bay.. you know, I wish them luck and all, but what can be the lifespan of a 600' tower built on land ..what.. 2 feet above water level.. in sandy soil in a hurricane zone? On the other hand, if the building is built to withstand such winds, what will happen if the building becomes a "sail" capturing such force... will the tip of Florida simply sail away?  Hey, let's ask GA Congressman Hank Johnson about this.. he's the one that alerted us that Guam would tip over if we added too much military equipment on our military base there.

Online headline: "NHL awards expansion franchise to Las Vegas" -- Hmmm.. a guy dressed up as Rodney Dangerfield should be the teams mascot.. he could skate around the rink calling every opponent a "hockey puck".

Online story: "The Pentagon announced Wednesday the transfer of Abdel Malik Ahmed Abdel Wahab Al Rahabi from the Guantanamo Bay detention facility to Balkan nation of Montenegro." -- "transfer"? Has ZERO-bama fired so many generals and admirals that no one in the military will stand up for themselves in fear of retribution?  Good grief.. why doesn't someone remind the mainscream media that the Pentagon is not releasing terorists, ZERO-bama is!

From a L-E story about trivia: "Every day, more money is printed for the game Monopoly than for the U.S. Treasury." -- Hmmm.. this stat must have been stated prior to Obama's first day in office...sad thing is that the Monopoly money has kept its value better in the last 8 years..

Have you noticed the number of "suspects" who turn themselves in for a crime, but then plead :Not Guilty" in court? Guess court ordered (i.e. taxpayer funded) crimianl defense attorneys don't get paid as much for "Guilty"leas.. Hmmm.. makes you wonder who are the real criminals..

L-E story: " For the first time in a dozen years, the Muscogee County School District has adopted new English language arts textbooks for its middle schools and high schools. The content will be different, and the teachers will deliver it to their students in a different way." -- I'm glad that the MCSD is acting on the failures we are so blatantly exposed to by the different tests, but if the MCSD wants to improve English grammar, why not order reprints of the Grammar books used in the 50s-60s? Our generation is definitely more efficient and capable in writing and grammar skills than the current MCSD graduates...

The above item generated a flashback: Periodically, I used to go to our Personnel Department (versus today's "Human Resources Departments" in businesses) and review the recent employment applications to see if any recent applicants might have skills that fit a future project needs.. One application struck me between the eyes that "we have a problem". In the section asking for previous work experience (yes, you could actually ask applicants about those, then), I read one that said: "Non.... I just don graduated".. I'm still exhausted from the feeling of futility I felt at the moment..

L-E headline: "Goldman Sachs cutting 98 New York jobs" -- Hmmm.. guess Goldman Sachs finished shredding all the copies/documents of all of Hillary's speeches she made for them.

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