Friday, October 7, 2016

Online headline: "Experts: Trump to suffer historic loss with the key group" -- Good grief.."experts" laughed when Trump declared his candidacy... "experts" scoffed at Trump winning the Republican nomination.. "experts" crowned Queen Hellary two years ago. "experts" can't explain how Bernie beat up Hellary in way too many states, "experts" ...  what the hell do they know..

Online headline: "OBAMA: The US economy has 4 huge problems — here's how I'd fix them" -- Good grief.. ZERO-bama has had nearly 8 years to  make a difference.. talking about now it sounds like when campaigned on "Hope and Change". yet he's campaigning for Hellary and "More of the Same".

From above story _ ZERO-bama listed 8 "things" he considers are wrong,, this one "kills me" because he and Hellary were.are proud of the unemployment numbers today and the "millions" of jobs he created.:
"Declining labor force participation. Obama noted that 12% of prime-age men (25-54) are not in the labor force today, versus 3% in 1953. For women, this number has also increased, to 26% from 23% in 1999. " --  Good grief.. between men and women between the ages of 25 and 44, there are over 15,000,000 according to ZERO-bama,, and that means the true figure in much higher for people not only NOTcontributing to their own welfare or the economy, but being a DRAIN on it! Oh, and this figure does not include the men and women between 25 and 44 who are unemployed but LOOKING for work. What's sadder is (and I cannot find a number in GOOGLE) the number of government employees on the taxpayers' wallet who are paid to tend to. keep track of, and patronizing them. Even sadder is that if the 15,000,000 WERE working and unemployment was ZERO, we'd still have a huge number  of non-working government employees running unnecessary programs!

Ha! you say.. at the above ending statement.. When my bride and I operated "My Party PLace", we got  a phone number for the business that obviously belonged to someone who;d previously been in government programs. Hardly a week went by when we didn't record 1 or 2 phone calls form agencies wanting the previous owner to come back to them for benefits.. I reckon the program office folks were recruiting past recipients so their government jobs could be kept relevant.

From the "good grief.. you can't have it both ways" department - Online headline: "Wal-Mart pulls offensive costume from its website" -- It's confusing. liberals, and Democrat politicians want Transgender people tp be accepted as normal into mainstream life, but get offended when Walmart (et al) offer up "transgender" Halloween costumes.. Walmart just pulled (Tans-granny" and "Call me Caityn" costume off the racks.

Online story: "A group of 30 former Republican members of Congress has publicly come out against Donald Trump.* "Sadly, our party's nominee this year is a man who makes a mockery of the principles and values we have cherished and which we sought to represent in Congress," the letters states." -- "Makes a mockery of the principles and values we cherish"? Oh.. so these "Republicans" cherish Hellary's "principles and values"? This pretty much explains why the "principles and values" of the family and God-loving majority of Americans has been tromped on!

Hmmm...why does Fox give Karl Rove the time of day? What campaigns has he really helped? Bush43 ran against 2 very weak Democrats, McCain actually could have won had he not gone soft in September/October when the financial fears took hold, and he killed Romney's appeal after Romney drubbed ZERO-bama in the first debate.

From the "it's about time" department - Online headline: "Rachel Dolezal to be featured at North Carolina MLK celebration" -- Well, hallelujah and Amen! The NAACP has finally acknowledged that "white" is a color of people! Let harmony begin..

Online headline: "Hillary Clinton applauds Kanye West for ending concert early after Kim Kardashian robbery: 'Bless his heart'" -- "bless his heart"? You know, Hellary spent years in Arkansas picking up the habits of Southern satire. Obviously mainscream media and Kanye and the Kardashians do not understand that when a Southern woman ends a comment with "Bless his/her heart", that person has been "dissed".

HuffPOOPOO headline: " Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos won the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a surprise choice after Colombians voted “No” to an agreement he signed with Marxist rebels to end 52 years of war." -- Good grief.. someone may have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize for even less deserving reasons than ZERO-bama did just weeks after he took office in 2009.

HuffPOOPOO headline: "President Obama: Visionary in Cairo, Provincial in Jerusalem" -- Hmm just demonstrates ZERO-bama's mastery of the two-faced delivery of his speeches.. Next time you see him give a speech from a TelePrompTer equipped stage, please not that he will not look straight into the front camera and speak to everyone in the room.

Online headline: "Newly disclosed emails show top Obama administration officials were in close contact with Hillary Clinton’s nascent presidential campaign in early 2015 about the potential fallout from revelations that the former secretary of state used a private email server." -- Good grief, if there was any doubt of White House involvement/knowledge, it was only in the minds mainscream media wonks.

Good grief... does anyone outside mainscream media really believe that the 15 year old daughter of a Democrat State Senator and Hellary endorser asked her question about "body image" on her own? It's no different than than the little girl who ran by Secret Service agents who didn't bat an eye when Hellary stepped out of Chelsea's apartment following her collapse at the 9-11 ceremonies last month... OF COURSE IT WAS STAGED!

Once again, ZERO-bama is out making promises he can't keep. This new "climate pact" he's championing as a cure-all for his legacy..unfortunately, he's not empowered to make commitments/treaties that haven't been brought to and approved by Congress. January cannot get here fast enough!

Looks like Patrick Kennedy, guest speaker at the Sue Marie and Bill Turner Servant Leadership Award night is up to his arm pits in Hellary scandals. Seems he got Hellary e-mail headers reclassified from B1 to B5, which puts many more in category that even most Congressmen are not allowed to read them. What kind of example is Kennedy to be associating with the Browns, this years Servant Leadership Award winners.

ZERO-bama must really be concerned about the upcoming election. He's actually acting presidential about the hurricane coming into the entire East opposed to heading to golf course during the last hurricane and the Texas/Louisiana floods when he thought Hellary was a shoo-in.

Going "local" for a moment:

You know, Mayor TomLYINGson has spent 5 years on trying to get rid of the Constitutional Amendment.. that's a shame when she could have spent that time doing something good for the City.

If you remember back this summer, we got forms about our homes we had to supply to a Texas firm who was hired by the mayor/council to reassess our homes by a computer formula. I objected to this direction since we have a taxpayer funded department that's RESPONSIBLE for keeping assessed values up-to-date. Obviously, our tax dollars are being wasted, and the mayor just spent more money paying an outside source to do what we should expect from her Tax Assessor's Office.

We have a major decision to make locally as well as nationally this November. Both involve whether you want higher or lower taxes. Voting for Trump will help your business and federal income taxes. Voting "NO" on TomLYINGson's assault on our property taxes will, too.. It's uncanny that both assaults on our family security are led by women who can't point to anything they've done that has brought prosperity to us.

Have you noticed the similarities between Mayor TomLYINGson and Hellary? They're Democrats, women, power-hungry, lawyers, never met a tax increase they don't like, and neither is comfortable with the truth.

I'm involved in the "Keep the Freeze" movement locally. We have a social media site that's open to both sides of the issue. We want it that way because every homeowner in Columbus deserve to have access to as much correct information they can get to make an informed decision. We welcome opposition, but we wish the Mayor would send less Tim KAINT spokespersons to cloud the issue

On the other hand, "Thaw the Freeze" screens/blocks those who ask the tough questions and inject the truth into discussions. This is our town. It was before TomLYINGson got here, and it will be when she packs up and leaves.

More celebs are getting more vocal about supporting Hellary.. Maybe they should look at how the fans have reacted to the NFL ratings drop on TV and worry about their drop at the movie box office. I avoid liberal entertainers when ever I can.

ZERO-bama has used his 'Executive Order pen" to leave an economic plan (presumably for Trump..this ought to tell you how ZERO-bama is reading the polls) for the next Oval Office occupier. ZERO-bama said capitalism doesn't work when there's a huge gap between the originators and workers. This must be why, like all Democrats, ZERO-bama nor Hellary have no grasp of how to revive our economy and create private sector jobs. If you close the economic gap by taking working capital from those doing the work and give it to those who don't want to work, nothing will work!

Yesterday, ZERO-bama commuted  102 more drug-convicted criminals. He's commuted nearly 600 this year alone. He claims they are non-violent criminals, but what's more like the truth is that most of these convicted criminals took "plea bargains" that dropped the violent aspects{ of their crimes. Now they are back on the street. Wanna bet that the latest 102 were released just in time to register (legally or illegally?) to vote?

In the Daytona, FL area, the police officers are being put on 20 hour schedules to prepare for citizens needs during Hurricane Mathew's trek. Blue Lives Matter!

TomLYINGson Informed Voter's L-E "soundoff": "It’s easy to see why Columbus hasn’t had any significant growth in decades. Our welcome mats have the neighbors’ property tax bills stashed underneath them." -- Good grief.. I wish the Mayor would stop having her Tim KAINT's debating the issue.. none of them have facts to back their claims.
Another TomLYINGson Informed Voter's L-E "soundoff": "I went to pay my property taxes and the lady ahead of me paid $1.73. I paid $5,000. Boy, Columbus is a great place to live." -- Well, at least this one is correct that Columbus IS a great place to live.. in spite of the Maor's claim otherwise.. f course, this is another "soundoff lie".. a lady, and it w[=must have been a VERY OLD lady may go down to the tax office and pay her taxes, but someone who has $5,000.00 in taxes due is not.. he/she sends a check or it's paid through his/her mortgage. Besides, if he/she did have $5,000.00 in taxes, only $2,000 were due on October 3rd.
Hmm.. random thought.. to liberal America, primary colors are the rainbow ones. to patriotic Americans, the colors of our National Flag are the primary colors!
L-E headline/story: "Jury grants voluntary manslaughter verdict in fatal stabbing *  Voluntary manslaughter means killing someone while in the heat of passion. *  The fight started over a marijuana pipe Holden accused Cordero of spilling." -- "jury grants voluntary manslaughter verdict"? Juries don't "grant" verdicts.. besides, who can equate "killing someone in the heat of passion" with killing someone over spilt marijuana?
Monday is a federal holiday.. wonder if FEMA will be taking the day off in Florida?
L-E headline: "U.N. Syria envoy warns Aleppo could be ‘destroyed’ this year" -- Hmm, wonder if Gary Johnson wondered what the UN and Syria are.. we already know he doesn't know anything about Aleppo.
L-E "headLIE": "Study: Apes think like humans in important way" -- Good grief.. Apes don't think like humans, but if you are a liberal scientist with an agenda, you might correlate an ape "aping" a man as "thinking" like one.
L-E headline: "Once lauded as a peacemaker, Obama’s tenure fraught with war" -- Good grief.. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos may have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize for even less deserving reasons than ZERO-bama did just weeks after he took office in 2009.

From the "maybe the L-E ought to rethink firing it's proof readers and relying on Spell-Check" department - L-E headline: "Falcons hoping newly signed Hawk can make a quick impact * A.J. Hawk brings 10 years of experience to the Hawks, and they hope he can play Sunday at Denver." -- The "Hawks" are playing the Broncos on Sunday?  What position does Hawk play.. "small guard" or "teenie forward"?

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