Monday, October 17, 2016

Online headline/story: "Trump's reaction to NC firebombing raises eyebrows * Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump issued two contrasting responses to the vandalizing and apparent firebombing of a Republican Party headquarters in North Carolina on Sunday. * A graffiti message reading "Nazi Republicans leave town or else" was left on the building, and the blaze inflicted extensive damage to the office * A graffiti message reading "Nazi Republicans leave town or else" was left on the building, and the blaze inflicted extensive damage to the office *  Clinton condemned the incident on Twitter Sunday evening. * Meanwhile, Trump was quick to assign responsibility for the incident to Clinton supporters, despite a lack of evidence from authorities." --  "despite a lack of evidence "? Now the mainscream media WANTS EVIDENCE? Funny.. how a LACK OF EVIDENCE doesn't stand in mainscream media's way in running anything negative about Trump, and so many previous outbreaks of violence of Hellary supporters at Trump rallies seem to be forgotten.

Random question: Why does mainscream media seem so eager to support Hellary's claims that the Russians are the ones who hacked the Democrats' e-mails, yet have no interest in the content of them?

Another random question: Why would Russians even try to hack into Democrats' e-mail when Democrtas will hold press conferences to announce their next moves?

Online headline: "Clinton heavily favored to win Electoral College: Reuters/Ipsos" -- On the other hand, Hellary was GUARANTEED coronation from 2008 until 2015.. Las Vegas is not this euphoric.. place your bets on Trump.

Online headline: "Bloomberg reportedly wanted to be Hillary Clinton's secretary of state"  -- Well, it looks like Kerry is a gonna either way. THat's gonna make America better again.

Saturday Night Live OWES Donald Trump EQUAL time... to have a skit aimed at Alec Baldwin for his voice mailbox taped tirade at his daughter.

"Alec Baldwin left an extremely angry voicemail for his and ex-wife Kim Basinger‘s 11-year-old daughter Ireland Baldwin when he couldn’t get in touch with her, as reported by TMZ yesterday. Here’s the transcript:

Hey I want to tell you something, okay, and I want to leave a message for you right now, cos again it’s 10:30 her in New York on a Wednesday and once again, I have made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone to call you at a specific time. When the time comes for me to make the phone call, I stop whatever I’m doing and I go and I make that phone call at 11 o’clock in the morning in New York and if you don’t pick up the phone at 10 o’clock at night and you don’t even have that goddamn phone turned on.

I’m tired of playing this game with you. I’m leaving this message for you to tell you that you have insulted me for the last time. You have insulted me. You don’t have the brains or the decency as a human being… I don’t give a damn that you’re 12 years old or 11 years old, or a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn’t care about what you do as far as I’m concerned.

You have humiliated me for the last time with this phone and when I come out there next week. I’m going to fly out there for the day just to straighten you out on this issue. I’m going to let you know just how disappointed in you that I am and how angry I am with you that you’ve done this to me again.

You made me feel like s*** and you’ve made me feel like a fool over and over and over again. And this crap you pull on me with this goddamn phone situation that you would never dream of doing to your mother and you do it to me constantly and over and over again. I am going to get on a plane and I am going to straighten your ass out when I see you.

Do you understand me? I am going to really make sure you get it. That I’m going to get on a plane and I’m gonna turn around and come home. So you better be ready Friday the 20th to meet with me. So I’m going to let you know how I feel, about what a rude little pig you really are. You are a rude thoughtless little pig. Okay?"

Baldwin made one particular comment in his tirade that I do take exception to.. he said, "I have made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone to call you at a specific time.". No Alex Baldwin , you've ALWAYS BEEN  AN ASS, and you daughter had nothing to do with that.

You know, if you think a person of any color is a racist because they have a different opinion, then you are the racist in the conversation.

While I haven't watch any NFL games this year, I have seen pics of some of the garish i=uniforms being worn to pick up waning interest of the TV audience. Some are outright embarrassing for a grown man to be seen in.. and the others are worse. If I were a professional football player, I'd have self-doubts about being forced to play in a clown's suit.. Hmmm... with the creepy clown scares, I wonder if Walmart will also pull NFL uniform costumes from its stores?

Online story: "FBI interview summaries and notes, provided late Friday to the House Government Oversight and Intelligence Committees, contain allegations of a "quid pro quo" between a senior State Department executive and FBI agents during the Hillary Clinton email investigation, two congressional sources told Fox News. *He said "there was an alleged quid pro quo” involving Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and the FBI “over at least one classified email.” *  As Fox News previously reported, interviews released earlier this month, known as 302s, reveal the serious allegation that Kennedy applied pressure to subordinates to change classified email codes so they would be shielded from Congress and the public." -- Hey... Patrick Kennedy is coming to Columbus to speak at the Sue Marie and Bill Turner Servant Leadership Award dinner.. hope his revelation doesn't further taint the Browns' evening. Hey, Ledger-Enquirer, here's a chance at getting your status back as a newspaper.

Can you believe MSNBC? It's advertising that you get Brian Williams covering the final debate this wonder MSNBC doesn't get upset at Hellary's lies.

Think about how hackers hacked into the Democrats e-mail... Do you really want Democrats handling correspondence of National Security measures. Also think about Hellary's personal server ...seriously, if someone hacked into it, don't you think they would sell such info to people who would siphon out the security info and are smart enough not to let Obama or mainscream media KNOW what they know?

What do you believe when a known liar says, "When someone takes the low road, I'll take the high road"?

You have to wonder which oneis is lying about killing Osama bin Laden...Obama or Hellary..Aha! Gotcha... they both was a Navy SEAL that pulled the trigger!

Mainscream media is more than's manipulative. When presented with facts about Hellary crimes and scandals, mainscream media creates distractions to put the focus on Trump.

In retrospect.. I find it highly revealing that Ruth Bader Ginsburg apologized for her views about Colin KaeperPRICK. Wail a minute.. Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life.. maybe Hellary sent her an offer she couldn't refuse.. and Ginsburg fears for her life now.

L-E headline/story: "Lawyers spar over ‘thawing’ tax assessment freeze * Tomlinson called Harp’s assessment “completely untrue.” -- "Mayor TomLYINGson says "completely untrue"...interesting.. do you believe Mayor TomLYINGson or an honest man? Besides, both my grandfathers and dad advised me not to believe in absolutes.. especially one spouted by a liar.

L-E headline: "Should state be allowed to take over chronically failing schools?" -- YES! We got a first hand demonstration at how desperate the MCSD and Democrats were when people offering a chance to change this were not supported by the L-E.

LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Especially after the recent release of the disturbing and gross Trump video, the support for Donald Trump by evangelical voters is demonstrating an astounding level of “selective outrage” and a hypocrisy that knows no bounds."  -- The worst demonstrations of hypocrisy are the Hellary supporters. Trump apologized for the unauthorized video of off-the-record locker room banter, while Hellary still lies about her knowledge of treasonous actions. Just look at her sworn under oath responses to questions about her e-mal/personal server.. 25 questions and 23 ""do not recall" answers. What she really said is she was "taking the 5th" but using a phrase that has worked for her every time her lack of honesty has been outed.

Another LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Don’t let Trump soft-peddle his conduct and get away with it. It was gutter, vulgar, obscene conduct of the worst type. He’s sorry all right … sorry he got caught. What a jerk." -- Hmmm let's reword this so it's realistic: "Don’t let Hellary/mainscream media soft-peddle hher conduct and get away with it. It was gutter, vulgar, obscene conduct of the worst type. She’s sorry all right … sorry she got caught. What a jerk."  -- Hmmm this makes more sense now,

L-E headline: "Suspect sought after Columbus man dies of at least 10 stab wounds in East Wynnton" --
Hmmm... bet Hellary and Feinstein call for a new ban on guns and ice picks tomorrow.

There's another good "Sunday Interview" in the L-E today with Judge Mary Buckner.. it's another good read and there's one question/subject that really hits home and should be delved into:

Q: Q: What was it like attending segregated schools?

A: A: It was good. ... I guess I can use the word good. I don’t know if that’s politically good to say. ... But look at all the teachers who knew you. They knew your parents. If you were not performing to the extent that they knew you could, they would report it to your parents. The principals knew you. They kind of kept their hands on you. To that extent, I think it was really good. And our friendships were good. Most of my friends today were my friends from elementary school all the way up to senior high school. And even though I went off to college, they ... remain my friends today.... You felt like a family when I grew up in that kind of environment.

Now, I learned (later) that we didn’t have all the books we should have had.... Our math books were — I learned this after I went off to college — not upgraded to the extent that I learned when I went off to college, because some of the students there were taught some math higher than the math that I had learned. But I didn’t know that at the time when I was in high school. I think that growing up in a segregated school system had its benefits, and I miss it sometimes when I think about what’s going on in the school system today. The parental involvement was on both sides. It was with the parents and the teachers. Everybody was not good. All the kids, we were mischievous and all of that. But at least it was reported and the concern kind of kept some of the people that were inclined to do bad things from doing it, you know?"

You know, what I believe Judge Buckner was meaning was "neighborhood" schools.. I firmly believe the route to integration would have served students and City and nation better if children were sent to their neighbor hood schools through grade 6, and the staffs at ALL schools had been racially diverse.. kids would have been better served to watch educated adults (supposedly mature) interact as role models working together for a common cause.. You know what.. it's not too late to do this tomorrow.

HuffPOOPOO headline: " Is Shep Smith The Future Of Fox News?" -- Hmmm.. well the HuffPOOPOO just confirmed why I switch channels whenever "Shep" (my brother has=d a dog named "Shep") Smith comes on.

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Oregon Church Apologizes For Banning Overweight People *
Guidelines from the New Creation Church, a non-denominational Christian organization in the Portland suburb of Hillsboro, banned members with “excessive weight” from the team." -- "non-denominational Christian organization"? That's pretty much an oxymoron. Regardless, this just points out the elitist nature of liberals.

HuffPOOPOO headline: "President Of The Arizona Republic Addresses Threats Over Hillary Clinton Endorsement * “We chose patriotism over party.” -- "patriotism over party"? Good grief.. another story from mainscream media that CERTAINLY has a "lack of evidence"!

For the 3rd time this week, Irani-backed rebels in Yemen have "crossed the line" and fired missiles at a US Naval destoyer. It's bad enough that Obama is our commander-in-chief, but it's even scarier that Muppet-man John Kerry is Secretary of State.

Why does mainstream media pile on an unsubstantiated story about Trump because defends himself, yet ignore substantiated scandals on Hellary because she says she "does not recall"?

You know, what would mainscream media's focus be on if mainscream media actually "fact checked" the source of any personal accusations?

Fox News is losing me...while it is the only TV news that brings conservative views to the mix, it is it's quest to give the Democrat spinmeisters a voice, Fox pretty much gives them free rein, and they are diverting pertinent discussion into political fodder for Hellary.

America should be thankful that Trump is the Republican candidate...had the mainscream media done the same 'hit job' on any of the other 16 wannabes, each and everyone would have folded.. capitulated ..and Hellary would already be the next president.

 L-E headline: "ELECTIONS 2016 * Want to vote early? * Here’s what you need to know" -- I'm glad the L-E is actually mentioning "write -in" opportunities, but the L-E left one race out..The Democrat Party didn't bother to run anyone against John Pezold in the District 133 race because the Democrats couldn't find a party candidate who would oppose Pezold's turncoat stance against keeping the "freeze". So if you disgree with Pezold's campaign to raise your property taxes, write-in "Benedict Arnold".

You know, Commercial property owners (business/apartments) get not only to expense their taxes, they also get to expense their costs of maintaining their properties. Homemowners do not get such relief from keeping their homes nice.

L-E headline/story: "Baker Court leak got lost in the shuffle * Baker Court is a very short cul-de-sac off Baker Circle, which is off Benning Road near Arbor Pointe, which used to be Baker Village. Just at the mouth of the street and almost on Baker Circle, water has been bubbling up from the ground for a while now, months maybe * After driving over to see the leak and shoot a photo, I called Jeremy Cummings, the field services manager for the Water Works and he checked into it. * He initially said their people had just repaired a leak on Baker Circle the day before (which would have been last Thursday). Well, I said, I went out there on Friday morning and the thing was still burbling away, and there was an orange and white barrel marking the spot." -- Wait a minute.. if a leak in a pipe on my property happens. I pay not only the cost of the unused water that leaks, but also the sewage costs as well as the cost of getting the leak fixed.. How about the Columbus Water Works being responsible for the costs to taxpayers for not fixing that leak and make all of us some kind of "refund/adjustment", since somewhere in the future, some number-cruncher will calculate how much water was lost and add that into the formula that determines how much the CWW will raise our rates.

LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Now that Trump has graphically told us how he feels about women, how many of you Christian conservatives will take your Trump signs down?" -- You know, it's amazing how little liberals know about God, or they would bring Him into their lives. Our God is merciful and forgiving, and does not expect perfection, just desire to be a good and better person as we live our lives, but I guess that's too complicated for liberals to comprehend. They feel that if they see a situation they could personally help a person, it's "not their job".. other people should give them money so they can HIRE some other person to give the person in need some help.

L-E's "Thought for Today: “The thinking of a genius does not proceed logically. It leaps with great ellipses. It pulls knowledge from God knows where.” — Dorothy Thompson, American journalist (1894-1961)." -- "pulls knowledge from God knows where"?  Hey libs, that's what's missing from your claims.. you don't know God, and pulling "facts" out from your rears is not the same as "God knows where".

On page A4 of the L-E, the there is the listing of recent "Local and Area Deaths" on one side, and a sample voting ballot on the other. Guess the L-E feels that the recently departed need to know who to vote for...

From the results of the Bills-49er game, it's obvious that KaeperPRICK took more than a knee.. maybe the next time KaeperPRICK takes a knee, he'll be paraying to God to send in the National GUARD, not a LEFT guard, to protect him.

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