Friday, October 28, 2016

Online headline: "President Obama to hit the campaign trail hard for Hillary Clinton" -- You know... this is exactly why Trump deserves your vote.. and America NEEDS Trump.. If Obama had this much commitment to America, America would WANT a third term, and... when you think about it, Trump would not have stepped up to the plate.

Online headline: "Clinton will use secret weapon in last campaign days" -- Good grief.. this is exactly what Trump said is wrong with the Obama policy.. announcing your "military moves" to the "enemy"..  Now, her "secret weapon" is already announced.. Obama will "hit the campaign trail hard for Hillary Clinton". This is for her base's information.. if Obama had been "for all America" all along, Hellary would already be the next president.

Online headline: "Hillary Clinton is reportedly considering Joe Biden as her secretary of state" -- Good grief.. another "secret weapon"? You know.. Bleep Veep Joe would be a welcomed negotiator ... by the jihadists! Biden has a propensity to implode.

Mike Pence's plane skidded off the runway.. Hmmmm... do all, especially Creamer, current and former DNC  "operatives" have iron-clad alibis?

Online story: "On Thursday, the National Law Journal and Washington Post relayed an account from an Alaska attorney who accuses Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her and grabbing her butt in 1999. Moira Smith, who was a 23-year-old student at the time, met Thomas (who was confirmed to SCOTUS in 1991) at a dinner for Truman Foundation scholars. Thomas has called the claims "preposterous." --  Good grief.. what did this woman do .. flip a coin to see whether to smear Trump or Thomas to get her 15 minutes of "fame"?

I had an unusual "happening" yesterday.. heading down Veterans Parkway, I got behind a semi with message "Student Driver" and "To enroll, call xxx-xxx-xxxx". The driver was perfect.. right on the speed limit.. and signaled before changing lanes.. wanna bet he'll do all this once he "graduates"?

Online headline/story: "Donald Trump speaks Hindi in unusual new campaign ad aimed at Indian-American voters * The ad then cuts to the Republican presidential nominee's speech to a charity concert in New Jersey earlier this month organized by the Republican Hindu Coalition. *  "He's the only candidate who has ever spoken Hindi," Kumar said of the ad." -- Another thing.. Trump is the only presidential candidate that "speaks American (vs political patronization) " to ALL Americans.. regardless of race. gender, religion, or age! His message is for everyone!

Online headline: " (Unidentified) Trump official says campaign has '3 voter suppression operations underway' -- Good grief.. less than 2 weeks before the election and mainscream media has nothing it can promote good about Hellary so it fabricates stories like this... what mainscream media . and Hellary.. don't like is that unlike typical Republican offerings, Trump actually addresses,, talks with all the groups Democrats feel "they own"... and offers them everything he offers every other Ameican.

The results of November will boil down to...  if you don't vote for Trump, it's YOUR fault if Hellary wins.

Well, there she goes again..Hellary .. lamenting that "if they go low, I'll go high" as she spews insult after insult at Trump... Yeah, right..of course it's either how you figure Slick Willie defines "high", or she's talking about the height of her ego.

Was watching Hellary introduce Michelle Obama...and it sounded like Hellary was introducing Michelle for president.... And you know what, Michelle actually sounded better as a candidate than Hellary..

Heroin..and other opiod overdoses are emerging as a real issue...let's look at you want someone looking for a way to stop recreational drugs from coming into our country or one looking for ways to legalize it?

As more WikiLeaks reports come to light, it looks like mainscream media (and the IRS) should be more interested in taking another look at the Clintons' personal tax returns.

Regarding the "letter" printed in the Columbus L-E by the Pres/CEO of the local area Goodwill INdustries.. you know the one complaing about our "freeze" being an albatross on hiring?  Well check out this story on Goodwill practices.. here's the headline and "link" : "Goodwill’s Charity Racket: CEOs Earn Top-Dollar, Workers Paid Less Than Minimum Wage" -

I think I know why the current group of Democratic Party wonks can support Hellary.. most of them are the same that didn't read OObamaCRAP before they voted on it, so we must assume they didn't read the FBI "yellow sheets" on Hellary before they committed to be super-delegates for her even before the primaries.

I tell you what, if the Columbus Convention and Travel Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Economic Development Authority are telling us that we've had next to zero growth in the past 30 years because of "the freeze" maybe it's time to cut off all tax revenues that fund the salaries of all the employees that work for them!

LIV's L-E "soundoff": "You Republican voters say you don’t like politically correct. Right? Here it comes. You’re stupid." -- Hmmm.. what conservatives want is for "political correctness"  demanded by liberals is for liberals to see themselves as they are, and civility and sense of humor to be re-introduced to all aspects of society.. and . as in this liberal's "soundoff",  this liberal shows us exactly how stupid we see.. no, we know them to be.
Another LIV's L-E "soundoff (that proves my point above): "Concerned about healthcare (aka Obamacare) costs? Stop voting for Republicans who allow greedy insurance companies to stick their heads in the trough. These people are stealing you blind." -- Two things happened: no Democrats read the finally version before they signed it, and no Republicans voted for it or have bee allowed to amend it, and now this obviously stupid liberal is blaming Republicans.. there must be a clause in OObamaCRAP that only "Kool Aid" be given in IV bottles.
L-E headline/story: "Murder suspect denied hearing * Terrell McFarland, one of three murder suspects a Muscogee County grand jury indicted in the deadly March 26 Peachtree Mall shooting, was denied a preliminary hearing. *  indicted on charges related to the shooting in late September along with Tekoa Chantrell Young, 23, and Xzavaien Trevon Jones, 18. *  In Superior Court, McFarland, Young and Jones will face one each of murder, participation in criminal gang activity, possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime. Jones has an additional charge of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon." -- "Jones has an additional charge of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon"? Good grief.. Jones is 18.. and not only a repeat felony offender, but a worse one than the previous. The problem is not an imbalance of blacks being incarcerated more than whites, it's about young people being involved in crimes because of lack of discipline, lack of respect, and disregard of others rights.. Where are the parents.. where is the spiritual leadership in he the community..and where is the black leadership trying to help stop this evolution towards disaster.
L-E headline/story: "Columbus Regional Health gives gift to Auburn University * Columbus Regional Health is giving Auburn University a gift of $250,000 to support two classrooms in its new nursing school building." -- Wait a minute.. we tax payers give Columbus Regional revenues from our property taxes.. how can Columbus Regional give money to any entity outside our city ,, and even STATE! Council needs to revoke the agreement!
L-E story: "We’ve all heard about the plan to build a high-speed rail line between Columbus and Atlanta.
* The train would run between Columbus’ airport and Hartsfield in Atlanta and would get passengers from one to the other in about an hour for an estimated $23.50. That’s about 10 minutes longer than a flight from here to Hartsfield, but can you get an airline ticket for 23 bucks?" -- Good grief.. has anyone parse Mayor TomLYINGson's theory and costs? Projected at about $4,000,000,000.00 with a completion date of 2030, history alone tells us that the costs will have double.. maybe quadrupled by that time, but in order to get any return on investment would require user revenues of $1,000,000,000.00 annually.. that means that at $23/50 each way/$47.00 round-trip that the ridership would have to make over 21,000,000 round-trips ANNUALLY! When is the L-E going to start questioning.. rather than repeating. any figures thrown out by the Mayor ..or for that matter the MCSD. as being factual.. much less feasible. Even using the 30,000 per month example would be 360,000 roundtrips and be a disastrous economic albatross .. Oh.. maybe TomLYINGson is setting up the "tax freeze" to be the heavy here, too.
L-E headline: "Columbus, Albany, Rome have highest jobless rate in Georgia" -- Hey Maypr TomLYINGson.. are you working to eliminate the "tax freezes" in Albany and Rome.. Oh.. they don't have'em.. and their homeowners are subject to Council whims as to raising their taxes.

Perusing through "the letters" in the L-E, there's an impassioned plea by a writer to THAW the FREEZE.. seems like the L-E, in it's haste to promote its agenda, did not screen the writers address. Well, well, well.. Seems like that mighty impassioned plea for Columbus to vote "YES" on the THAW wassent in by one Christina Senn.. but what dog does she have in the fight.. she co-owns a house.. a homestead exemption house in HARRIS COUNTY! ( ... She just WORKS in Columbus.

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