Monday, October 31, 2016

Online headline: "Top official furious about FBI's email announcement * A high ranking official reportedly told FBI director James Comey not to tell Congress the investigation into Clinton's emails was being reopened." -- Hmmm... no hock, Sherlock! I reckon Attorney Lynch was furious.. she'd already been hung out to dry by Obama and the Clintons when news leaked out about the that end-of-runway meeting in Arizona.

While it doesn't exonerate Comey's actions last June, coming forward now does elevate him somewhat. In spite of working under the thumb of a crooked administration, Comey showed deep down that he still has morals and a conscience. That's the "flaw" in the construction of a "house of cards" person realizing the truth is more important than their "plan". Pray for Comey's life!

I hope Comey has learned 2 lessons..1 - make sure all interviews are under oath and recorded, and 2 - make sure you don't delegate vital investigations to 2nd-in-Commands that are on the Clinton payroll.

Online headline: "Clinton: Trump is 'making up lies' about FBI probe" -- Wasn't it Hellary that just made the statement about Trump "things" that "you just can't make this stuff up"? Well, Hellary.. here;s your chance.. tell the truth about all your schemes, and let the public decide who is lying.. Oh, by the way, I'm not holding my breath on this.

From above story: ""Donald Trump is already making up lies about this," (Hellary) said at a rally in Daytona Beach, Florida. "He is doing his best to confuse, mislead, and discourage the American people." --  "He is doing his best to confuse, mislead, and discourage the American people." ?.. Hmmm... I think this statement is more about Hellary looking into a mirror.. Hellary has done her best at confusing, misleading, and outright lying in deceiving the American people, and her previous success is unraveling as the light shines on her.

Hellary's spokesman Robbie Mook says Hellary wants Comey to put all the info "out there" so she can see what it is...You know, Hellary knows everything..she just wants to know what Comey knows.. Now, why doesn't she just come clean about all her twisted dealings ..

I have to admit Comey's release has made some liberals show they do have a little sense of humor..I laugh when I hear them say they don't know what's in Comey would be reopening the investigation because he found Hellary's cookie recipes.

In a CNN interview by Michael Smerconish, Bleep Veep Biden "flinched when Smerconish raise Anthony Weiner's name. Bleep Veep Biden reacted tensely, " Well, oh, God. Anthony Weiner, I should not comment on Anthony Weiner, I'm not a big fan, and I wasn't before he got in trouble. So, I shouldn't comment on Anthony Weiner." -- Hey Mr. "Nobody messes with Joe" Biden.. this should be right up your alley.. this is a real "BFD"!

Whatta choice..should Comey release the Weiner/Abedin text/e-mails and risk jeopardizing the "Carlos Danger" case, or not release them and have to bring up charges against Hellary AFTER the election?

After listening to Hellary spinmeisters implode on Comey's release, Hellary must know what exactly what is on Huma's and Weiner's phones/computers, and is desperate. She knows nothing will be released so she's trying to act like a victim. The trouble with her ploy is that no one sympatizes with Hellary as a victim...

Online headline: "Time for Indians, MLB to get rid of ridiculous and offensive Chief Wahoo" -- Good grief.. let a team emerge into the public eye, especially one challenging the Chicago Cubs, and liberalism gets a bit stirred up about something it could care less about as long as the Cleveland Indians were a second-tier team. Have you noticed how mainscream media has "forgotten" about the Washington Redskins and the Florida State Seminoles since their success has waned?

You know.. speaking of poltical correctness moves, why hasn't mainscream media gone after the University of Miami to change it's nickname to something other than "Hurricanes"? I'm sure they can make a great case about the fears children in Louisiana and New Jersey  feel about being reminded about hurricanes.

Hellary has used Comey's rejection of charging her with anything last June as her "Shield of Purity".. but now is ripping him a new one because his conscience got the better of him.... or maybe Comey just got tired of Hellary using his bad decision to ruin his life.. Anyway, if she had been above board in her private and political life, there would be no James Comey in hers today.

In 1992, my Arkansas cousin.. a Clintons and Carter connected yellow-dog Democrat made a break from the Clintons following Bill being nominated as the Democrats nominee. Our whole den went suddenly quiet when Cousin Fred stated, "I've just sent a check to the "Re-elect Bush" campaign.. because.. I just can't WISH the CLINTONS on the rest of America". He said "Clintons" not "Clinton"..  We all realized he wasn't just referring to Bill, but Hellary as well.

L-E headline/story: "How does Columbus’ early vote compare to past elections? * When the poll closed Saturday, 20,855 Columbus residents had cast ballots since early voting began Oct. 17, averaging 148 an hour. If that rate keeps up for the final week, the total when early voting ends at 7 p.m. Friday will be 30,771.
 * The voting machines are set up in the community room on the ground floor of the City Services Center, 3111 Citizens Way, off Macon Road by the Columbus Public Library." -- I'm curious.. are these "machines" taken directly to a safe storage area and secured until post election time, or simply redistributed for use in other precincts on Election Day? If they are stored until Election Day, how is the information within secured? If they are used again in other precincts ON Election Day, is there any way that any scrubbed/deleted info can be recovered and counted a second time? These are questions that need answers.

L-E headline/story: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT * MCSD’s six-figure earners increase by 19 *  senior director of regulatory compliance, $102,094" -- A couple of questions.. you know 19 is not an imposing number.. but wouldn't it more reflective of the truth if the Ledger headline said, "MCSD’s six-figure earners increase by 45%"?... Oh.. and what is a "senior director of regulatory compliance,". and since it's a "senior" position, how big is the department? Also, it looks like a position and department that could be eliminated when Trump's elected, as Trump has promised to get rid of as many regulations as possible, and obviously, this department/staff was created to figure out the effects of such regulations.

LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Every high school government teacher in the MCSD should require at least one class to attend a CCG council meeting. They could really learn how their local government works for them." -- "really learn how their local government works for them"? .. or NOT! Besides, those students would be better off being sent to watch the MCSB rubber stamp what's not working for them..

L-E's "Thought for Today": “You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals.” — Marie Curie, Polish Nobel Prize-winning chemist (1867-1934)." -- Hmmm.. guess Obama, Pelosi, and Hellary forgot to tell the rest of the Democrats that this was important in setting up a New World Order.

Just curious.. maybe there will be something on this Monday, but have yet to see anything about the Nevada cattle ranchers being jury exonerated for their protest against the US Government taking over their grazing rights.

L-E editorial/Commentary headline: "Republican Party should nominate Republicans * BY GEORGE WILL Washington Post Writers Group" -- Good grief.. what we need is for Washington Post writers stop confusing RINOs with Conservatism!

I wrote last week about a woman who didn't like Trump because Max Lucado didn't think he's a decent man. I asked her if she thought Max Lucado would think Hellary is a decent person..what I should have asked if Max Lucado thought Saul (Paul) was decent..then asked since God chose Saul, how do you know God didn't chose Trump to carry the message.

When God tapped Saul to carry HIS message, he was a sorry man, but God did not say he was "deplorable" or "irredeemable". Vote Trump

I sent this question in to " " last week: "Explain to me how buying a home without the same freeze protection is fairer to new home buyers. Thanks in advance."

This is the response I got:
"Because they are in a fair market value system that allows their property to be valued up or down depending on actual value.  They will never be taxed on value they can prove they do not own.  The existence of the new system creates the opportunity to lower our millage rate and thereby reduce taxes for everyone. " --

"They will never be taxed on value they can prove they do not own."? What BS..There is no FMV until a buyer and seller agree on a price to make a transaction.. Two FLAWs in the "THAW" concept are that when a home in a stable neighborhood is updated then sold, FMV considers every home in that neighborhood has increased in FMV, and property taxes will be assessed at a higher rate for every home, but if a home is sold at a lower price because of an owners death/financial need at a lower price, the Tax Assessor's Office is not going to lower every other house in the neighborhood accordingly on its own initiative

You know.. anyone supporting this THAW referendum is a hypocrite if they do not vacate their existing "freeze" -- The theory they promote is that FMV is fairer, yet they don't want "fairer" for themselves..

It's really laughable that Hellary really wants the FBI to release content of the recent e-mails announced by Comey...she knows what they are , but just prays she can keep her base from deserting her before November 8th.

Just got confirmation that another one of our Councilors is now against the THAW.. Judy Thomas.
..of course she was for it until she read it..well, had it read to her by one of my friends!

You know, if James Comey "suddenly" dies or is killed, how comforting will it be for his family to know the DOJ will investigate?

During a campaign event for Hellary at Chatham University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Tuesday ,  Bleep Veep Biden made this remark:  . “The state of our economy could be characterized by a single word: pitiful,” he argued. “We’re still battling recession, I don’t care what the official stats are saying, America is still in recession. And we’re not doing anything about it.” He then added that it was “lazy American women” who brought about the downfall of the economy, because “they sit around on their behinds, doing nothing and squandering their days away when they could be improving the country that has given so much to them.” “I’m not sure how exactly we got to this point, but we’re here and we need to move. Like, yesterday,” he said. about that ladies of America... your work is never done in a socialist's world.

Super Low Info Voter's L-E "soundoff": "Canada is not nearly as wealthy as the U.S. yet their healthcare is free. They take care of their people. I guarantee you they are healthier than Americans." -- Good grief.. since it is World Series time..  Strike one: Wealth is determined in more way than money. Strike two: The only thing about "free Healthcare" is that it isn't FREE.. unless you listen to Bernie Sanders' definition of free.. it's just that working people taking care of their families' needs are also being taxed to take care of other people's needs because other people are pulling their share, Strike 3: Without real facts, this "batter" can't guarantee anything.. so.. Three Strikes and You're OUT!

Another Super LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Insurance companies take advantage of consumers required to have policies by raising rates and terminating coverage. Let’s dump the insurance companies and have single-payer insurance like Medicare. Wake up, greedy politicians!" -- Greedy politicians"?  How about lazy and worthless Democrats that vote on who promises to provide something for nothing? ... Strike THREE!  and You're OUT!

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