Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Polls.. shmolls... A little history: Online story: "Virtually every prediction (with or without public opinion polls) indicated that ________ would be defeated by __________.   Fill-in the blanks,,, "T....R...U.......man would be defeated by Dewey". And Trump supporters are not in the survey mixes.. The polls are basically taken from lists of regular Republican & Democrat voters, bu rump showed there are a lot more voters out there that showed up at the primaries with purpose.

Speaking of "polls" - Online headline/story: "Report ranks states from weakest to toughest gun laws
InsideGov examined current gun control measures in place in each state and scored each accordingly. No state received an A grade and 26 received F’s. * conducted by The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence" --
Good grief.. when you have a poll conducted by a source with an agenda, you are going to get poll results

When Trump wins, what excuse will the RINO Elites have? They've whined they couldn't get anything done on ObamaCare  or his Executive Orders because "they didn't have the White House".. now they are whining that "the people" have rejected their ilk and supported a man of action from the Real World and they cannot handle not having their own ego/power trips.

Why does mainscream media allow Hellary to call the 12 year old she defended the rapist against, and the 3 other women Trump had on his press conference "accusers". All 4 were victims!

I tell you what.. Republican elites and mainscream media are in lockstep with getting Hellary elected. That pretty much tells America how much Washington is scared of Trump shaking out the fleas in the carpet in the Oval Office. Vote TRUMP!

Alan Colmes keeps calling the issues in Bill Clinton's personal life "his sex life".. one of the first things rape victims are told is it was not about sex, it was about power. Slick Willie is all about power.

We are reliving the Bill Clinton abuses all over again.. I've always heard that women's centers help rape victims by reinforcing that sexual assault is not about sex, but about power/powerlessness. How do women's centers stay quiet when the Clintons and mainscream media refer to Bill Clintons assaults on women as his "personal sex life" when it's all about "I've got the POWER and there's nothing you can do about it predatory assault? Why haven't.. no... why AREN'T women's centers/organizations speaking out.... LOUDLY!

Did you notice Slick Willie is now "combing over"..must be for all the hair Hellary has snatched out for his womanizing, and  Obama & OObamaCRAP comments.

Congrats to Mr and Mrs Frank Brown! They are more than worthy of receiving the Sue Marie and Bill Turner Award for Servant Leadership. Sorry I will not attend, but there's not one thing I want to hear come out of another Kennedy's mouth.
How can Hellary claim to be a women's rights advocate yet refer to her husbands predatory actions as "sexual" when therapists tell victims it was about men having more POWER than women ?

Online story: "The attorney who represented Casey Anthony during her murder trial has a new client — and her target is Donald Trump. * The plaintiff and at least one other witness say they attended a party hosted by billionaire and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. The complaint says both Trump and Epstein raped the plaintiff multiple times during the party. The plaintiff says she was 13 years old at the time." --  Good grief.. of course this is "political sabotage" instigated to distract Trump from campaigning on real issues that Hellary doesn't want discussed, but I'm glad Jeffrey Epstein is the center of this as mainscream media avoids mentioning the 26 trips Bill Clinton has made with billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to his private island.

Online headline/story: "Clinton weighed reinstating Glass-Steagall, Wikileaks emails show * Mandy Grunwald, an outside adviser to Clinton, urged Clinton's policy team in October 2015, just days before a Wall Street policy rollout, to consider endorsing a new version of the Glass-Steagall Act, according to an email reviewed by Reuters * The Glass-Steagall Act was a Depression-era law that prohibited commercial banks from engaging in risky trading activities. The 1933 law was repealed in 1999 during the presidency of Bill Clinton when he passed legislation removing barriers between commercial banks, investment banks and insurance companies." -- Good grief.. and Hellary has said she will put hubby Bill BACK in charge of the economy if she's elected!

Online headline: "Rare poisonous sea snake found off coast of Iran" -- Ooops, my bad.. thought ISIS had taken to the sea.

Online headline: "FOX's Geraldo Rivera says he has 'embarrassing' video of Donald Trump" -- Well, I hope Trump beats Geraldo to the punch as shows those embarrassing hoax tapes of Geraldo opening "Al Capone's vault". Whatta hack... and moron.

Online headline: "John McCain calls US diplomacy 'toothless' and advocates for military intervention in Syria " -- Good grief.. how can McCain advocate one thing then say he's not going to vote for the only presidential candidate who might agree with him?

Hellary had a very revealing faux pas Sunday night.. when Trump called her on being involved in the infamous "drawing the line in the sand" for Syria's ASSwad, Hellary said she wasn't Secretary of State then. Hmmm of course, in her book, she said she was. That's the trouble with Democrats, they don't read anything before they pass it out.

I would ask this as a rhetorical question but there is an answer..Does Hellary have no shame? No..she doesn't. Sunday night, Trump said he filed his taxes according to existing tax laws, just as Buffet and Soros do. Monday, Hellary said Buffet paid income taxes. Of course he did, as does Trump. Filing federal taxes and paying what you owe .. whether it's a lot or none based on existing laws is all that's required.

Which do I put in my blog:

Mayor TomLYINGson didn't really think her "Thaw the Freeze" campaign.. If she "wins", she will have to watch out for all the thawed freezes or she'll be the next to melt.
Hmmm. do you think our mayor has thought about the unintended consequences if she get the "freeze thawed.. she'll probably melt.

Speaking of the mayor's assault on the tax freeze, bet she wasn't a happy camper yesterday when word got back to her that 10 "Keep the Freeze " billboards pop up around town in some great locations. The people of Columbus are on to her "increase taxes & spending" plans.

The libs are trying to disassociate Slick Willie from Hellary. Mainscream media is claiming Hellary's spouse is not running for office...EXCUSE ME but it is Hellary who tells her base that Bill will be put in charge of her ECONOMIC POLICY because he's better at that. No, mainscream media, Bill Clinton IS fair game.

Locals! "Citizens to Keep the Freeze" has some stationary signs to place out in the next few days and is looking for good locations. If you have property with a lot of traffic, let me know and I'll pass your name and address along.

You know, our legislative delegation could make a change in the laws governing property taxes. If a county has "Free Market Value" as its model, and your property taxes are raised between the time you bought then sold it, and the net sales price is lower than the assessed value,.then the county must make a pro-rated refund based on the sales price rather than the arbitrary FMV the county assessed it as.

Question: On who or what do liberals blame the historical changes in climate that Earth went through BEFORE there were humans in the picture?

You know, Hellary will be in grave danger if she does get elected. "Huh" you inject...Well as.many promises as she's made to foreign despots for donations to her foundation for services she will render AFTER the election, Muslim-Americans and refugees will probably stone her for prostituting herself.

Interesting..Hellary was trying to ride on the coattails of Abraham Lincoln..hmmm, can you imagine history recording her as "Honest Hellary"? Me, neither..... wait a minute..I CAN imagine school books rewriting it.

Ironic isn't it that our first man president has been memorialized for his honesty, and if Hellary becomes our first woman president.. .. .. Wow..what will we tell future children about hers?

L-E headline.. well, maybe more of a "headLIE": "Giving up on Trump? Ryan focusing on saving the GOP" -- Good grief, the people elected Trump as their GOP candidate in order to save the GOP from its elitist takeover by RINOs! Ryan and his band of supporters are only interested in preserving their own power in the status quo they've developed in Washington..
L-E headline: "Nearly a week after hurricane hit Haiti, U.N. appeals for aid" -- Hey, how much is the Clinton Foundation chipping in? As I remember, Bill was appointed United Nations Special Envoy for Haiti and his and Hellary's Foundation leveraged his appointment to disaster prone Haiti to fill the coffers of their Foundation. Let's see how touched Clintons are about the latest Haiti disaster.. A few million won't even "prime the pump".. did deep Clintons!
L-E headline: "Al Roker addresses Billy Bush’s suspension" -- So much for Billy Bush's claims he was a 34-year-old innocent bystander in the Trump video because he was "younger and naive".. Now pics are showing up that HE posted next to a "Topless Maids" van he jokingly said would be a good Father's Day gift for his dad. Hmmm.. not so innocent or naive after all.

I see more into the L-E's "Foreclosure Section" than meets the eye.. I remember when the Foreclosure Section was Section E,, and I remember when it became Section D.. now it's Section C.. wonder when the L-E will be one of the victims of Section C?

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