Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Whew..Hellary is taking it to Wells Fargo..guess she's making sure the other banks realize she could going after them if they stop paying Billannd her big bucks for meaningless speeches. On the other hand, betcha Warren Buffett isn't too happy about voicing his support for her as his stock dips.

Online headline: "GOLDMAN SACHS CEO: 'Flat out, yes, I do' support Hillary Clinton" --Of course he does... he's bought and paid for her... besides, he's seen what Hellary had done to Wells Fargo which didn't "pay to play" with her.

Online story: "Halloween, a holiday known more for disguises than revelations, may be able to predict the winner of the quickly approaching presidential election. * Dating back to Richard Nixon's presidential run, the candidate whose Halloween mask sells the most is far more likely to win the election. * If that trend continues, Election Day could be frightening for Hillary Clinton voters. According Savers/Value Village, Donald Trump masks are outselling Clinton masks by 7 percentage points" -- Whew.. thank goodness Bernie is not on the ballot.... with the number of "creepy clown" sightings, Bernie would walk away with the crown!

Online story: "A new book claims that "our intuition was right all along," that the universe had a creator. * In "Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed," the new book by engineer-turned-molecular-biologist Douglas Axe, Axe says his years of research into the genius of life has led him to conclude that the answer 'can only be God." -- Who needed a "new" book.. we already have the Bible..

Online headline: "Obama burns Trump on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live': 'At least I'll go down as a president'" -- Yeah.. the one with an asterisk ... for setting a world record of National Debt, and the worst healthcare plan, and for making Jimmy Carter seem competent.

You know, the polls we are getting bombarded with must be bogus.. otherwise, why are Hellary and Obama still hammering him..It's hard to believe they would be doing so if they "know" Hellary has won.

James Carville..where is James Carville? You know the guy that looks like he was the poster child for Slytherin in Harry Potter . He was a fixture in the Clintons previous campaigns, but he's suspiciously absent in this one..this just doesn't feel right not to hear his cackling voice running interference for them.

Bob Creamer .. the DNC pawn who "resigned" after bragging about recruiting mentally unstable homeless people to violently stage Trump rally protests, didn't resign...he wasn't even fired...he was buried! Now it looks like Hellary is directly connected to criminal election violations.

Good grief...Obama has ordered over 10,000 California National Guardsmen to repay signing bonuses issued 10 years ago.. you know.. when a soldier is offered a re-up, and the government thinks it's a mistake...10 years later...it's not the soldier's fault. Obama should use his pen to absolve the combat soldiers, and identify the government officials who were responsible for this snafu.

Question of the day: Will Representative Pezold's parents get to keep their freeze? His parents are living in Spring Harbor which is completely tax exempt yet their old home still carries the homestead exemption/freeze protection.

Speaking of Representative Pezold... As the representative of ALL the citizens of District 133, Benedict Arnold Pezold, should go out of his way to sure all his constituents have a voice on the campaign site for the "THAW" conversations.

I took a ride through Green Island yesterday to look at the properties owned by many of the signers of a letter to promote "THAW the FREEZE". While I didn't see all of them. I only found 2 that had the guts to put out a "THAW" sign in their yards. One very notable absence was in the yard of John "Benedict Arnold" Pezold, the current so-called Republican in District 133. Guess he doesn't want his neighbors to remember he's for raising their taxes.

OObamaCRAP is on the way up and the 25% figure is from the White House, so you know they are as favorable to Obama as they can get away with.

Have you seen the "I'm Hillary Clinton, ad I approve this ad" that mocks autistic children? Is there no subject Hellary cannot "slur" as long she throws Trumps name into it?

One of the few things that keeps landlords from constantly raising rents is stabilized property taxes on homes. Removing the constitutional protection will give landlords all the impetus they want to be able to raise rents whenever they feel ..or at least feel they can.

Seriously, how does mainscream media "miss" things like the connections of Hellary/Obama with the connections to the top 2 people in the FBI? Comey and McCabe. Comey was General Council for Lockheed Martin which is a huge donor to the Clinton Foundations, and his brother Peter works for DLP PIPIR which audits the Clinton Foundation, and McCabe,, whatta prince,, Deputy Director of the FBI who led the Clintion "investigation" (which was neither under oath nor recorded) who's wifr ran for a State Senate post in Virginia heavily funded by Clinton advisor, now Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, who channeled nealy $500,000.00 into McCabe's wife's unsuccessful campaign. If for nothing else, VOTE TRUMP.. we'll get new FBI directors and a new Attorney General!

Excuse me, but how do "early voters" count more than voters who wait to vote on Election Day?

Online headline: "'Apprentice' staff: Trump forced us to work after disaster" -- Good grief.. and I'll bet he "forced" them to take a non-minimum wage pay check as well!

Why are the so-called "experts" proclaiming that Trump's campaign is 'failed" because he doesn't have state field offices "to get out the vote" like Hellary. Personally, I think Trump supporters KNOW to go vote, while Hellary voters need cattle prodding promises...

You know what's the scariest part of Hellary's campaign...Bernie Sanders now supports her platform.

I just thought about this.. Mayor TomLYINGson's assault on our FUND BALANCE may have been planned all along to inflate interest rates on any new bonds Columbus floats for TAD developments.. this would make it more attractive for financial companies, bond buyers, and lawyers to market.. our lowered Bond Ratings will give bond buyers higher interest rates, and bond marketers more margins of profits..

I sent a letter to Tim Chitwood yesterday following his response to Tyler Townsend's "corrections" about the "THAW" Townsend supports so openly:
Tim -  Did you ask Tyler (Townsend) if he thought the "modified plan" was more or less fair than the existing amendment that treats every homeowner equally? Also ask Tyler if he thinks it's "fair" that when he buys another home "eventually", that his neighbors will pay "freeze rates" and he won't?

It's logic like his that keeps me from considering him for any investment advice/services.

You know, if you put Hank Johnson, D-GA, and Sheila Jackson Lee, D-TX, in one room by themselves, each could "claim to be the smartest male or female in the room", but neither could claim to be smart.
L-E headline/story: "RED RIBBON WEEK: DAY 3 * ‘That West Coast influence of gangs was coming in’ " * “And it started becoming popular to go to jail,” he said. " -- "started to become popular to go to jail"? You know.. this is the core of the problem that exists today.. jail became a respite, a haven,  from broken neighborhoods and families. Even with the evils of jail, jail still afforded a roof, food, and healthcare, and even more unfortunately.. an education system for further crimes...
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Too much time was squandered by the candidates talking bad about each other. We want to know about their plans for America." -- Good grief.. those are what Hellary has planned for America, Trump, too, but Trump's plans will help, and Hellary's are more of the same of Obama.
L-E headline: "Ralston: Legislature’s effectiveness based on relationships, trust" -- Well.. we know Columbus homeowners' trust.. relationship with all but Josh McKoon, is especially "busted". especially the one with turncoat Pezold in District 133.
L-E editorial headline/content: "EDITORIAL * Realistic math still not in picture *  Former Parks and Rec Director James Worsley had told the city in 2012, when both he and the swim center were brand new to Columbus, that it would take at least $1.2 million a year to run the natatorium adequately and keep it open 89 hours a week. " -- The problem is not that "Realistic math still not in picture ". it's that realistic math was never discussed BEFORE the money pit was built.. This is going to be the co-legacy joke of Mayor TomLYINGson.. along with the Queen TT Lounge.. .. hmmm..what about the THAW, you say? Hey.. the THAW is not a joking matter!
I have a hard enough time getting the L-E to print any of my letters, but the L-E sees fit to run the one from Steve Anthony TWICE! Well, here's my response to his Friday also letter... again..
L-E "letter from Steve Anthony, President of the Greater Columbus Home Builders Association ":
"The Greater Columbus Home Builders Association strongly endorses the “Thaw the Freeze” initiative on this November’s ballot to retire the current antiquated property tax freeze system. A Fair Market Value Tax will help bolster our local economy by increasing consumers’ willingness to purchase and improve their homes, thusly creating more jobs in Columbus. * The current property tax structure puts a disproportionate burden on anyone purchasing a new home in Columbus." -- Good grief, was Common CRAP math in our education system much longer than we believe? Since there are no tax reductions in store, and nobody who buys a house after January 1st, 2017 will pay less in taxes than someone who buys a home on December 31st of 2016, where is the "THAW the FREEZE" logic? he only things that will change is that your taxes will go up if you buy/build in 2017, and once a lawsuit is filed because of that, the home you bought during the Constitutional "freeze era" will lose in court (as it will no longer be protected by Supreme Court rulings) if the TomLYINGson referendum should pass.
In another letter, David Schwimmer suggests automatic tax assessments be tied to a CPI figure of 3%...

Does David Schwimmer want to bankrupt us? If my house was adjusted in value at 3% annually,  it would be assessed at over $120,000.00 HIGHER than 10 years ago, while in reality, my home has just recovered from the market collapse. The house next door to me has been sold/bought 3 times in the past 4 years, and only this year did it regain the value of what it was worth when I bought mine. This David Schimmer is certainly no "Friend".

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