Friday, October 21, 2016

Trump and Hellary went after each other at the Al Smith Dinner. Trump won..because, in order for mainscream media to excoriate Trump, it will have to discuss the points Trump brought up about Hellary to their audiences which probably hasn't heard about them before.

Online story: "During the 90-minute debate, Clinton touted her debt-free college plan. * "I want to make college debt-free and for families making less than a hundred twenty five thousand dollars," Clinton said. "You will not get a tuition bill from a public college or a university if the plan that I worked on with Bernie Sanders is enacted." *  A new analysis by the The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), an independent, nonpartisan nonprofit organization, disagreed with Clinton's assertion. In fact, CRFB found that Clinton's plan would add $500 billion to the debt over the next 10 years. * Considering the current US national debt of about $19.7 trillion, $500 billion seems minimal. Still, it's an increase." -- You know.. when the GA Lottery started, $3,000.00 per semester paid a huge chunk of a students college experience... now, maybe a third is covered.. having that huge slush fund of cash available has created waste and runaway costs that far exceed the nation's inflationary rate. Should a "free" tuition program be set up using today's figures, the day the program is initiated, the Committee For a Responsible Federal Budget's figures become moot. and tax dollars for education will soar like they have in GA's university system. In addition, the overall projected National Debt calculated for Hellary's "budget"  is projected at an additional $9 TRILLION over 10 years if .. and only if, there's no additional waste of inflation.

Remember Robert Creamer.. the guy that went "poof" after the Veritas posted videos of him taking credit for the violent protests at Trump rallies? You know, the ones where mentally unstable homeless people engaged in physical violence that injured Trump supporters and police officers alike?  Well, there's a lot more about him that explains the prompt removal of him from the media circus. Creamer not only was the head of "Democracy Partners" and "Americans United for Change", he WAS a member of the DNC (Democratic National Committee along with Debbie Wasserman SChultz and Donna Brazil. he's married to Illinois Democratic Party Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, and ... has been convicted/served time for tax violations and bank fraud. No wonder Hellary got this menace to democracy out of the spotlight so fast!

Oh.. and Creamer had 342 "logged in" visits to the White House in the last 7 years and on 47 of those, he met with Obama. Ya think Obama didn't know what was going on.. especially in Chicago?

Hellary is a hypocritical contradiction. She says she has no concern about 36 week  babies being killed by doctors via partial birth abortions, yet wants absolute gun control to make sure doctors can't kill  toddlers with guns. What a difference a year makes!

Online story: "Billionaire Mark Cuban says the findings that have emerged from the hacked emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta are examples of a "positive organization." -- Good grief.. Mark Cuban just hoisted himself on his on ego.. unless of course, Cubam agrees with the DNC/Hellary Campaign that Latinos are "needy", Bernie is a "doofus" and Bernie supporters are "self-righteous whiners" and  parental basement dwellers, Catholics and Southerners are mockable, and of course we know Hellary feels Trump supporters are "deplorable" and irredeemable".

Online story: "Hillary Clinton's got your WikiLeak right here ... in Georgia, where her tour bus dumped raw sewage onto the roadway. * It went down Tuesday in Lawrenceville at around 9:30 AM when someone inside the RV got out and opened the sewage drain, which drained onto the roadway and into the storm drain."  - Vote Trump.. we don't need/wany anymore of Hellary's crap in GA.. Besides. since some has been dumped into the storm sewers, Mayor TomLYINGson will probably raise OUR sewer rates to pay for cleaning up Hellary's stuff.

From the "I guess it's in the eye of the beholder" department - L-E photo and caption:
"Frank Brown and the honorable Patrick J. Kennedy, featured speaker of the event, pose together Thursday night."  -- You know.. Frank Brown was honored as the Sue Marie and Bill Turner Award winner last night, and the L-E chose to address Patrick Kennedy as "honorable".. Only in the world of liberal world of Bill Clinton definitions can Kennedy be described as "honorable" while standing next to dear Frank Brown.
Oh... don't forget, the Exchange Club of Columbus is serving its traditional foot-long hot dogs today and tomorrow at the Shrine Club on Edgewood Road. Drop by.. they are still as good as you remember from the Fair grounds.. or call in and order and feed your office staff! $7:50 includes chips and drink.. Call 706-341-1947.
L-E headline: "CITY BUDGET  * Columbus Aquatic Center lags behind revenue projections" -- This is "news"? You know, unless it's a value that users will accept real-life fees that keep the facility open, then it's a drain on the tax payers.. and maybe it's time to "pull the plug".
Once again we see how TomLYINGson's thoughts about the costs running something are not very real. The Sheriff's Office, and Superior Court Clerks' Office are well known by the lawsuits about inadequate budgets TomLYINGson insists are adequate.. the Aquatic Center is just another case of her lack of concept in proper budgeting..
Oh.. maybe if the Mayor started charging the Citizen's Center personnel for parking in those reserved spaces in the garage.......
L-E "letter from Steve Anthony, President of the Greater Columbus Home Builders Association ":
"The Greater Columbus Home Builders Association strongly endorses the “Thaw the Freeze” initiative on this November’s ballot to retire the current antiquated property tax freeze system. A Fair Market Value Tax will help bolster our local economy by increasing consumers’ willingness to purchase and improve their homes, thusly creating more jobs in Columbus. * The current property tax structure puts a disproportionate burden on anyone purchasing a new home in Columbus." -- Good grief, was Common CRAP math in our education system much longer than we believe? Since there are no tax reductions in store, and nobody who buys a house after January 1st, 2017 will pay less in taxes than someone who buys a home on December 31st of 2016, where is the "THAW the FREEZE" logic? he only things that will change is that your taxes will go up if you buy/build in 2017, and once a lawsuit is filed because of that, the home you bought during the Constitutional "freeze era" will lose in court (as it will no longer be protected by Supreme Court rulings) if the TomLYINGson referendum should pass.

In another L-E "letter": "Drumpf has proven himself time and again to be truly demonic.– John Studstill, Columbus" -- Hmmm.. I do believe Studstill is a CSU professor clinging to Algore's  Climate Change.. Looks like Studstill has just "stood still".

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