Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Online story: "Donald Trump released a video Monday afternoon in which he called the latest documents released by the FBI on the Hillary Clinton email investigation "proof of corruption at the highest level." * "This is very big and frankly, it's unbelievable," Trump said. "What was just found out is the State Department and the FBI colluded, got together, to make Hillary Clinton look less guilty and look lot better than she looks." -- "to make "Hellary" look less guilty"? Well, "looks" aren't everything.. and "looks less guilty" don't mask the inner person she is.

Exposed e-mails show that even her staff doesn't know who Hellary is...finally, there's a question Hellary can answer truthfully..who is Hellary? and she can honestly say she "does not recall".

After a lot of thinking, I finally figured out a question to ask Hellary in which her "go to" answer is appropriate...Question: Hellary, when was the last time Bill looked at you with respect and love in his eyes? Answer: " I do not recall."

Mainscream media is scrambling to convince American voters that if Hellary staffers decided to take foreign "donations" for the Clinton Foundations, it means that the staffers acted on their own, and Hellary is INNOCENT! Good grief, nobody on her staff acts on their own!

Good grief...mainscream media didn't hesitate to grill Trump on the accusations of miscellaneous women, yet when one of Trump's NC Campaign HQs gets fire bombed, it's been almost like Trump did it to himself. Mainscream media has a short memory about the violence of Hellary supporters during earlier Trump rallies, and how Hellary pretty much ignored commenting on them.

Somebody turned off the Internet for Julian Assange.... hmmm, maybe Algore DID invent it.

Bleep Veep (BFD) Biden says the women making accusations about Trump are classic examples of abuse of power. Hmmm, I don't think I heard "Meet the Press" ask Biden what he thought about Hellary and Slick Willie's handling accusations of the abused women in their lives.

Soapbox Moment: I've seen two different missives distributed to apartment complex residents (Bickerstaff/Waddell and Greystone Properties) proclaiming residents should vote "YES" to keep their rent from going up. In reality, the opposite is true. A "YES" vote will actually promote raises. If home property taxes can be raised annually , then fewer folks can buy or keep their homes which will up demand for rental space, and that allows landlords to raise rent... just simple supply & demand principles that drive our economy. In another way, the landlords are greedy and self-serving.. by getting their tenants to vote "YES", they are getting them to be less able to buy a home and the tenants will be locked in longer to their rentals.


There's a list of the "Top 10 Cities Where You Don't Want To Get Sick"... # of the Top 6 are Elmira, NY, Binghampton, NY, and Hot Springs, AR.. interestingly.. well .. more like SUSPICIOUSLY.. all three cities have been under the direct spell of Hellary.

L-E "Letter": "Our current property tax system does not ensure affordability. As a realtor, I see so many families that cannot do what so many others seek: own a home. New buyers bear the tax burden under our current property tax system. Property taxes are set at a higher rate for new buyers to offset losses incurred by frozen property taxes. In fact, the tax for new buyers is so high that it increases their mortgage note to the point that a family is essentially priced out of the housing market. * Columbus, we are better than this. It is imperative that Columbus citizens vote to thaw the freeze.– Chester Randolph, Columbus" -- I've known Chester Randolph for many years, and I cannot believe he is so misguided in his claims.. Eliminating the "freeze" will not benefit a single buyer.. at best, it will eliminate or hinder new buyers from qualifying for a purchase, as the threat of annual tax hikes limits the maximum borrowing amounts mortgage companies can provide. To boot, no new home buyer will be paying less in year one than he/she would with the "freeze" intact, and will have no control over any of the future taxes.

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