Thursday, October 27, 2016

Online headline: "'There is just no good answer': Emails show Clinton advisers responding to questions about her private server" -- Hmmm... "there is just no good answer"? Well, that's not the only thing that the asnwer is "there is just no good answer".... it is also the answer to "what has Hellary ever accomplished", and "why would anyone vote for her for president"... THERE IS JUST NO GOOD ANSWER!

In an  interview with CNN's Dana Bash, Trump was asked how much of his own money has he and will he spend. Trump said, ""Let me just tell you that we have — I'll have more than $100 million in the campaign," Trump said. "Hillary Clinton has nothing in the campaign. She's all special interests and donors, and they give her the money then she will do whatever they tell her to do." Trump also said his Democratic counterpart, Hillary Clinton, was outspending him 50-to-1 in Florida. Trump said in the "old days" he would have received "credit" for "spending less money" and being ahead in the polls. A poll released Wednesday showed him leading by 2 points in Florida.".... Hmmm.. when you think about it, the Democrats awways spend excessively more money with mainscream media than Republicans.. obviously, this is why mainscream media fawns over Democrats ...

When hubby Bill was president, Hellary was known as "FLOTUS"... if she wins in November she will become known as "SINK US".

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Trump brags about black supporters who appear to be white" -- Hmmm...and HuffPOOPOO fawned over the appearance of very white Rachel Dolezal at a Hellary event who "identified with blacks" but was previously ousted from her post as president of a NAACP Chapter in Washington BECAUSE she was white. I guess HuffPOOPOO only discriminates against people who identify with other races/genders if they don't support Hellary.. I do have a question for HuffPOOPOO.. did anyone bother to go ask the woman about her ethnicity before running this piece?

Online headline: "24 photos that show why Michelle Obama will be remembered as the most stylish First Lady of all time" -- You gotta be kidding.. obviously Michele Obama is only being compared to Hellary when she was "FLOTUS" but not Jackie Kennedy ...

Online headline: "16-year-old boy shot near middle school in Utah" -- Hmmm.. tragic.. yes.. but there's one question not asked.. nor answered this situation... what was a 16 year old doing at a middle school?

Online headline/story: "Federal Employees Donated Way More To Clinton Than Trump * "The Hill" reports that as of the end of September, 95 percent of the $2 million in donations employees gave to the presidential candidates went to Clinton." -- You know.. this is one of the "anchors" that keep government stagnant and overbearing... whether it be local or national.. government employees should not be able to contribute to elected officials or any political PACs.. It just sends the wrong message.. it's can really be considered "adversarial" to the best interests of the private sector..and heaven knows how many government employees feel coerced to support a boss who may be their boss again after the elections.

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Donald Trump Lies Again About The Iraq War" -- Amazing.. the HuffPOOPOO wants to focus on what it tries to portray as a Trump lie, yet has no interest in airing headlines about KNOWN Hellary lies.. guess there are just too many to know where to start.

From the "you really didn't think mainscream media would run with this, did you" department - Online story: "Police said a murder-suicide by a Kenyan refugee in Virginia Tuesday may be terrorism, although the investigation remains in its early stages. * Getachew Fekede opened fire at the FreightCar America factory in Roanoke where he used to work early Tuesday, killing a former co-worker before killing himself. Police said the 53-year-old entered the U.S. through a refugee immigration program and was fired by the company in March when he stopped showing up for work. * Police said Fekede rode a bicycle to the facility near downtown and somehow entered its paint shop. Officers received a call of shots fired at 6:02 a.m. and arrived two minutes later. But by that time, Fekede had fired 10 rounds from a 9 mm pistol, Roanoke Police Chief Tim Jones said. * The police chief also said Fekede entered the U.S. in 2011 through a refugee immigration program. " -- Oh.. what was that figure, hmmm 65,000 I believe, that  Hellary wants to allow "impossible to vet" Islamic refugees into our country?

Last night my lovely bride needed to drop some materials off to a co-hostess regarding a planned holiday party. It took us back to my old childhood neighborhood. The first thing I noticed was the surface smoothness of the road.. it was so much more pleasant than the streets of my current neighborhood. Of course, Mayor TomLYINGson doesn't live in my current neighborhood, but she does live in my old one. Must be nice to have "pull" when your driveway connection NEEDS an overhaul.

A Clinton spinmeister on Fox stated we shouldn't be talking about Hellary issues but about Trump using Chinese steel in the new Washington Hotel that opened yesterday.. .. I caught it immediately, but then "the balance lit up" when the Trump advocate caught it and said that the hotel was built before any of us was born, and no steel was being bought from China then. YES! There is justice.. and "fact checks".. at least on Fox...

You know..if your Congressional Representative was a Democrat in 2009, and he/she voted for OObamaCRAP without reading it for themselves, then they aren't going to represent you and your interests on anything else either.

If you're not sure about voting for Trump or not, just remember, any other choice is vote for Hellary.

You know Slick Willie is agog at the possibility of getting back into te White House..because..
he can lure interns with now legal Cuban cigars.

From the "truth about Bernie" department:

L-E headline: "HILTON AVENUE POLICE SHOOTING * Detective: Suspect used shower during standoff" -- Good grief.. was this a necessary detail?  Now the family will be reminded of that every time they take a shower... and feel "dirtier" after getting out.

LIV's L-E "soundoff": " I agree with Donald Trump with one issue — the world is laughing at us. Donald, the world is laughing at us because of you." -- Good grief.. the "3rd World" has been laughing at "US" since Obama was elected and his first events were accepting the Nobel Peace Prize and making his "Apology Tour"... oh.. and don't forget the "I told you so" messages between Islamist countries after not going after ASSwad the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd times he crossed Obama's "line in the sand".

From the "things you run across looking up other things" department - L-E story: "The word “witch” comes from the Old English “wicce,” meaning “wise woman.” -- Hmmm guess we better move Hellary's picture as a dictionary example in the "W" section, to the "B" section

L-E's "Thought for Today": “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” — Theodore Roosevelt, American president" -- Well, obviously, Roosevelt would have voted for Trump

L-E story: "The other open principal job in MCSD is at the yet-to-be-named arts academy for grades 6-12. The academy is being constructed behind the Columbus Public Library off Macon Road and scheduled to open in August." *  “We plan to fill this position by January,” Fuller said, “so the principal can lead the hiring of the unique staff in preparation for the school opening.” -- We can hardly wait for the process of student selection for the new Arts Academy being built.. can you not imagine the politics and biases that will prevail in the first year's selection of "a chosen fe" for each grade, then multiplied infinitely by selecting only students at age 5 or 6 to fill the few spots in the earliest grade each year after.. Imagine having hopes dashed at age 5 or 6, or the plight of late bloomers with real talent that will be overlooked along the way.

Repeat: "Hellary says I'm "irredeemable".... and you are, too. How can she claim any Christian values or understanding? Christ does not consider anyone "irredeemable", but I imagine He will be looking very hard to see if Hellary ever becomes repentant.

Another repeat: "You know, for a woman who can't "recall "anything about her own life, Hellary seems to be able remember everything about Trump's.

L-E headline: "FORT BENNING * Army about leaders, not gender * BY CHUCK WILLIAMS" -- Hey,, this applies to electing a president as well.. guess Chuck is telling us to vote for Trump instead of Hellary.

L-E headline/story: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD * School board’s report card questioned
* A six-person committee appointed by chairman Rob Varner and vice chairwoman Pat Hugley Green is comprised of current or retired Muscogee County School District employees. * The Muscogee County School Board has received its report card. * The grades are the highest possible, but the critical comments of unnamed “individuals” don’t seem to reflect such an assessment — and the graders don’t appear to be objective. * Board secretary Karen Jones said Wednesday that chairman Rob Varner of District 5 and Green selected the committee members according to GSBA guidelines." --  good grief.. Board Secretary Jones is also Superintendent Lewis' personal assistant.. what did you expect.. and honest and transparent assessment? This "report" is befitting the "Common CRAP Curriculum".
L-E headline: "GALLUP POLL: POLICE * American respect for police reaches 50-year high" -- Hmmm... guess it must be election time and Democrats fear the inevitable so now "Blue Lives Matter"... until November 9th.
A "Letter to the L-E Editor" said: "Trump is a microcosm of the lost character of our country. Michelle Obama’s speech was a call for our country to get back to a moral fiber; to ask ourselves if money is our God or are we going to keep supporting lies and liars like Trump." -- Hmmm then I guess the division over "partial birth abortions" is what the Democrats' "moral fiber" consists.
Another "letter to the editor" is signed by Jane Seckinger, President and CEO of Goodwill, the only "Jane" Seckinger in the MC Tax Digest lives in a Columbus home that has been frozen since 1994, and I remember before she remarried, she lived off Fortson in Harris County so I'm not sure even when she became a resident of Muscogee County, but it's obvious if she considers herself a "Welcomed Stranger" she has not even made a purchase herself in Muscogee County. And what's with her assertion she has a problem with hiring personnel for Goodwill Industries because of the tax freeze?

Oh.. did you see the most recent vandalism performed on Donald Trump's Star in the Holly Wood Walk? I didn't think so.. sledgehammer and pick axe.  You Tube at 11:00.

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