Wednesday, February 8, 2017

From the "mainscream media doesn't even know when it's been backhanded" department - Online headline/story: "Kellyanne Conway flips the script: 'I don't think CNN is fake news' * "I don't think CNN is fake news," Conway told Jake Tapper. "I think there are so many reports everywhere — in print, on TV, on radio, in conversation that are not well researched and are sometimes based on falseness." -- "not well researched... based on falseness"? Conway just "rearranged" the facts, and CNN feels like it has been vindicated..... Not only is CNN "fake news" by a different name, CNN is proud of being stupid as well.

New York wants to become a "sanctuary state"... This is not only moronic, but demonic.. Only Democrats would welcome in unvetted refugees following 9-01-01.

In 1991, following my last business trip to NYC, I celebrated I would not HAVE to return there in he future.. NYC was a city where the only smiles Southern visitors got waspay when we pulled out our wallets to pay our bills. In 2002, I returned... to mourn.. to visually reinforce my concept of absolute terrorism, to pray.. I was glad .. glad because those same New Yorkers from the past were welcoming.. actually open and grateful as their businesses had suffered mightily from the drop off of visitors.. I saw a more human aspect than I had experienced in all the years I went there on business. I put NYC back on my :OK" list for future visits. With the move Democrat P{arty New Yorkers are now initiating, NYC is back on my "S*** List".

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wants to change the Electoral College" -- Good grief.. the only change we need is to get Ginsburg "voted off" the Supreme Court.. I think it's time for a leagal challenge to her sanity and competence.. Just for the record.. a quick refresher course of other  "Ginsburgisms":
1 - "Asked what if Trump won the presidency, Ginsburg said: "I don't want to think about that possibility, but if it should be, then everything is up for grabs."
2 - "Asked what if Trump won the presidency, Ginsburg said: "I don't want to think about that possibility, but if it should be, then everything is up for grabs."
3 - "she thought her late husband, tax lawyer Martin Ginsburg, would have said, she said: "Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.""
4 - "He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that ….

-- Hmm.. Ginsburg said, ""He says whatever comes into his head at the moment".. Hmm..seems Ginsburg does too, and this should be grounds for such a challenge to her mental demise, but suggesting she should lead a charge to rewrite the Constitution puts her in conflict with her job to rule on the constitutionality of actions in conflict with the Constitution.  For the record.. she is only 1/9th of an entity that combined has equality of Congress and the President.. and a pathetic 1/9th at that.

Online headline: "Report: President Obama may be rejected from golf club due to Israel policies" -- Imagine that.. Jews rejecting membership to a Country Club.. of course, Obama has never demonstrated definitively whether he's a Christian or a Muslim, but in the vernacular of Hellary. "What difference does it make at this point".

Seems Hollywood is going to boycott designers that Melania wears,, So far, tere have been calls to boycott Ralph Lauren, Givenchy, Dior, The Row, and Derek Lam.. Hollywood should be careful for what it wishes for.. pretty soon, the A-Listers will only have a choice between Michelle Obama's designer and K-mart.. and not only would that be a case of not knowing the difference, pretty soon, K-marts may be closed.

Online headline: " Oregon woman dies after homemade zip line uproots tree and falls on her" -- Hmm.. and in Oregon, no jury would convict a tree for defending itself..

Online headline: "Iran pulls missile from launchpad after apparent prep for launch, US officials say" -- Hmm.. just proves what Trump has said all along.. the world had lost respect for America under Obama, but not knowing what Trump may order is shutting down terrorism challenges.

From the "America IS becoming GREAT... AGAIN" department - Online headline: "Japan's Sharp may start building $7B plant in US, report says" -- Yes!

Online headline: U.S. Rep. Sanford Bishop is awarded the Army Distinguished Civilian Service Medal" -- Wait a minute... isn't this like giving a plaque to a person who signs your paycheck?  Isn't this prohibited by law forbidding government employees campaigning for other government employees?
Online headline: "CALIFORNIA * UC Berkeley police defend 'hands-off' approach to riot over speaker" -- Good grief.. when protesters don masks and take objects into their hands that could kill people and/or damage properties, then the protesters become CRIMINALS, and all "hands-off" approaches should be abandoned!

Remember when the MCSD rushed through buying a home on Cherokee Ave from Walker Garrett at an almost $100,000.00 premium to the price he bought it (and the value assessed by the MC Tax Assessor's office).. because of the urgent need to build more parking spaces at CHS? Well, that house is still standing.. vacant.. guess the MCSD is not trustworthy in acquiring property when it's spending out tax dollars.

Good a liberal is claiming that even Jesus Christ would be turned away from entering the US under Trump's ban..Ridiculous! Jesus was born in Bethlehem...and at no time has Bethlehem been in Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Sudan or Ethiopia.

You know.. it's not that Democrats just don't "know jack".. Democrats "don't know Jesus" either.

Hmmm, with Federal Judges like Robart feeling he's more powerful than the president (or the voters in 30 states who put Trump in office), it's, mandatory that America needs stronger immigration restrictions... and better vetting on liberal judges,

You know, the Supreme Court should dismiss lower court rulings overriding Trump's Executive Order on banning entry into the US. The lower courts have usurped powers not granted to them by the Constitution, and Congress should side with Trump as it has already been dissed by lower court decisions that enact legislation versus upholding the Constitution.

Does mainscream media realize that supporting Democrats attempts at destroying Trump are in reality an attack on short, treason.

Online headline/story: "Federal scientist cooked climate change books ahead of Obama presentation, whistle blower charges * A key Obama administration scientist brushed aside inconvenient data that showed a slowdown in global warming in compiling an alarming 2015 report that coincided with the White House participation in the Paris Climate Conference, a whistle blower is alleging. *  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in a major 2013 report, concluded global temperatures had shown a smaller increase from 1998 to 2012 than any similar period over the past 30 to 60 years. * Thomas Karl (federal  scientists team leader) published in the journal Science in June 2015 and later known as the “pausebuster" paper sought to discredit the notion of a slowdown in warming. * Karl’s neglect of the IPCC ( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)  data was purposeful, according to John Bates, a recently retired scientist from the National Climactic Data Center at the NOAA." -- This, my friends, is what is universally known as "cooking the books".

L-E half-truth "Head-LIE": "TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDER * Judges skeptical of need for ban" -- Ok.. if the L-E said, "some judges", or "a lot of judges" or l\"liberal judges", or even "two judges" were skeptical, the wordage could be true,, but.. BUT to imply that "judges" as a rule, are against protecting America is absolute yellow journalism..
From above story: "A panel of appeals court judges reviewing President Donald Trump’s travel ban ...." -- Whoa! It is not a travel ban, it's a ban on persons from 7 Mid-East and African countries from being allowed entry into the US until a proper "vetting process" can be established for those 7 countries.. It is not a "Muslim or Religious ban".. Those 7 countries represent only 15% of Muslims world wide.
L-E headline/story: "COLUMBUS CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU * 5,000 thespians coming to Columbus, bringing $1.7 million economic impact * The Georgia Thespian Conference is bringing more than 5,000 student thespians to downtown Columbus this week, and the economic impact for the city will be close to $1.7 million. * For nine consecutive years, the Columbus Georgia Convention and Trade Center has hosted the event, which features numerous dramatic and musical productions presented by high school students from throughout Georgia. * A news release from the trade center said it will serve more than 21,000 meals during the event and about 8,000 pounds of food will be prepared. About 1,350 gallons of tea will be served" -- Hmm.. after 9 years, you'd think the CVVB and L-E would mention that most of the 5,000 are high school students, and 8,000 pounds of food being prepared over (I guess) 4 meals at the Convention Center means that teenagers will be served only 1.6 pounds of food each for 4 meals (that's about 6.4 ounces per meal per ravenous teenager). My guess is that most of the teenagers aren't going to eat the Trade Center meals, and will seek "fast food" as soon as they can "escape".. which means adult and family dining in downtown will be impossible this weekend..
L-E headline/story: "MLK Jr. Outdoor Learning Trail * Join Columbus State University students to help identify important places and people around the Martin Luther King Jr. Outdoor Learning Trail. The goal is to create a heritage map and tour. The meeting will be 5-7 p.m. Feb. 15 at the Carver High School cafeteria. The public is invited. For further details, contact Ronzell Buckner at 706-442-8044." -- Well.. I pray the trail info  is more accurate with facts than the "Black Heritage Trail" brochure printed for the 1996 Olympic period..
L-E headline: "Schumer says he has ‘serious concerns’ about Gorsuch" -- Hmm.. and I and many others have serious concerns about Schumer sitting in the Senate all these years when 49 states have no say so in his re-elections. TERM LIMITS for Senators should be the rule.. The House pretyy much has a "term limits" option called  a "2 -years election cycle".
L-E headline/story: "DISTRICT 29 * McKoon’s decision to not seek re-election sparks interest in seat * Harris County Sheriff Mike Jolley, LaGrange Mayor Jim Thornton, state Rep. John Pezold, Columbus attorney Mark Post, Columbus attorney Ted Morgan and former congressional aide Theresa Garcia Robertson were the names most mentioned. All of them are Republicans." - Good grief.. John "Benedict Arnold" Pezold is so attached at the hip of Mayor Tom-LYING-son, he should run a Democrat..
From the "who forgot to tell the L-E that calling anti-America/pro-Hellary protesters "anti-Trump protesters" is no longer in vogue" department - L-E "headLIE": "Anti-Trump protests complicate start of his presidency" -- Good grief.. nobody believes anything else but that these "protesters" are Democrat paid flunkies so why is the L-E still trying to support them?

L-E "headlie/story": "A quarter of U.S. adults have hearing loss * BY LENNY BERNSTEIN * Washington Post * Forty million adults have lost some hearing because of noise, and half of them suffered the damage outside the workplace, from everyday exposure to leaf blowers, rock concerts and other loud sounds, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Tuesday." -- "a quarter of U.S. adults have a hearing loss"?  What a flawed statement.. after watching Democrat 65,000,000 voters still casting their votes for Hellary in spite of the conversations about her lies, I'd say the number of Americans with hearing loss is much higher than the 40,000,000 stated in this story

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