Monday, February 27, 2017

Online story: "Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway mistakenly presented the Best Picture trophy to "La La Land," before "La La Land" producer Josh Horowitz revealed "Moonlight" to be the true winner. " -- Hmmm... I guess it will only be fitting if "the Academy"  changes the name of the statuette from "Oscar" to "Steve Harvey" next year.

Revisiting a story from last week - Online headline: "Kellyanne Conway blasted by the president of her alma mater " -- Hmmm .. let's see.. would you rather be blasted by the liberal president of a liberal college... or... would you rather be praised by the president of the United States, and have your niche in history preserved by being the first female campaign manager to elect a president, and have a wonderful family to come home to?

It must be nice to be a RINO in North Columbus.. no Democrat is going to challenge you because you are already one of them,.. Smile John Pezold..

You know.. the only time we hear from John Pezold is when he's trying to raise our taxes or out to protect his family's hotel businesses.

L-E headline/story: "Late-night Facebook post from Myers prompted teacher to speak out * "“I see some of the posts that some of the board members might put out there," Elliott said, "and calling a school in this district horrible based on one score should not be tolerated. -- Excuse me, but when the GA school system provides the test and curriculum or this test, we have the right to make judgement when a school FAILS!

Hey, Columbus...Those mini, serve-yourself libraries set up by Together2016.... Any reports about how well they are working...or if they are still standing?

And as long as we have out thinking caps on, does anyone remember..and have any info about the sudden dismissal of Rusty Oliver as the girls soccer coach at Columbus High last year?

Looks like the DNC just waged a war on women..Last year, Debbie Washerwoman Schultz (then Donna Brazile), and Hellary ran the Democrats, and now two men are now in control.

Mainscream media's real problem with Trump could be solved by simply reporting the truth in their news presentations..but of course, that's not going to happen...and not because mainscream doesn't want to do so, but because mainscream media simply doesn't know what the truth is anymore.

You know..hearing the parking project at Columbus High will cost more than $900,000.00 is mindboggling... but I guess it sounds reasonable to folks who think erecting slab construction metal buildings costing more than $312.00 a square ft is reasonable.

 Online headline/story: "Trump says he won't attend White House Correspondents' Dinner * "I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!," Trump wrote on Twitter." -- Brilliant! Trump just deflated mainscream media, liberals/RINOs, and Hollywood in one sentence. Trump just told them they can dress up in their finest but they have nowhere to go. On the other hand, I hope Trump plans a gala that same night at Trump International for his supporters.

With  Tom Perez and Keith Ellison as the face of the Democratic Party, the DNC now just looks angry and desperate...

From the "maybe I should really look ahead more" department - Online headline: "Casey Affleck slams Trump administration's 'abhorrent' policies in Spirit Awards Speech" -- Casey who? ummm  Ben's baby brother? You know.. when Hollywood (_*_)-listers trash Trump, they are also trashing Trump's supporters...and, at the costs involved in going to a movie theses days,  I think Hollywood has forgotten that the "Deplorables" are probably the audience they should be appealing to...and we vote with our wallets when it comes to entertainment.

From the "suspicions confirmed" department - Online headline: "Gretchen Carlson in talks to join MSNBC, sources say" Well it's always been a joke when discussing MSNBC, but now it becomes reality.. the network will now achieve its "PMSNBC" recognition.

Heard that Dan DeVito  met and fawned over Obama after his NY Broadway play.. You know, I use to admire DeVito because he made a career out of being "short", but now I think he's just ruined his career by being "small".

Online story: "According to a survey of 500 current college students conducted by LendEDU, a private firm that connects students and their families with student loans and loan refinancing, 49.8 percent believe they would be able to receive federal forgiveness on their student loans after graduation." -- Good grief.. now we know for sure what colleges are teaching our kids.. and why colleges won't talk to us parents about how our children are doing in college.

From the "how can we word the headline and story so it looks like we're not covering up the truth" department - L-E Headline/story: "Student test scores improved last year * The statistics for this year’s are based on the 2016 results of the state’s standardized tests, called the Georgia Milestones Assessment System, compared to the 2015 results. *  The SGP indicates how much a student’s academic performance has improved. *  The percentiles range from 1 as the lowest growth to 99 as the highest growth. The SGP is divided into three categories: Low Growth (1-34), Typical Growth (35-65) and High Growth (66-99). The SGP allows all students to demonstrate growth, regardless of their achievement level. *  MCSD awarded five places among its 32 elementary schools and three places among its 12 middle schools and nine high schools." --  " The SGP allows all students to demonstrate growth, regardless of their achievement level."?  ... hmmmm.. then why not mention which category each of the schools are in? It's bad enough that not every school in the MCSD showed some improvement, but not showing the actual student numbers that improved based on the category each school was compared to is just liberalism at its worst.

You know, improvements at Britt David Elementary and Columbus High are impressive.. they are compared to high numbers from the year before.. but any school in the lower category needs to have actual numbers stated in this story.. For example.. a school who had 4 students in last year's figures but now has 7 students in this year's figure would show a 75% increase.. but how about all the other 100's of students in that school?  And I don't even see any recap of how all the schools that have been in the "perpetual failing" status did in this test..

L-E headline: "COLUMBUS REHABILITATION * Housing Authority spends $37M to spruce up properties" -- There are two things I'd like to see... 1.. the expense sheet for  each complex, and 2 - the date of the last renovation...

L-E headline: "Proposed licenses saying ‘noncitizen’ concern immigrants" -- Well.. they should be MORE CONCERNED about "BEING LEGAL, and working towards US CITIZENSHIP... but I'm concerned about anyone not on a legal track to becoming a US Citizen to be issued a driver's license in the first place.

L-E headline: ""Replacing ACA a complicated affair" -- Hmm.. I agree... but then what bill wouldn't be if it was drawn up by the Obama's henchman Jonathan Gruber, and passed by a Democrat-only House/Senate who didn't bother to read it!

L-E editorial headline: "EDITORIALS - Did long odds on casino get longer?" --  State Senator Ed Harbison offered the identical wussy politically correct response that John "Benedict Arnold" Pezold did about his vote on the Tax Freeze Assault.. "to let the people vote" The reason we have representatives is because all the people cannot vote on all subject n]matter.. we elect representatives to use good judgement. I guess what Harbison's "plagiarized" response of Pezold's  response is that Mayor Tom-LYING-son wrote out both answers.

Online story: " Former U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Sunday urged a major overhaul of his party, calling for more aggressive efforts to court working-class voters and fight big businesses from Wall Street to the pharmaceutical sector." -- You know.. why doesn't the Democratic Party just move to a 3rd World country that thinks like they do?

You know.. soldiers in our military are not suppose to follow illegal orders...that should be the philosophy of our law enforcement teams in "sanctuary" cities/states. No mayor or governor should be able to override common sense.

L-E headline: "Columbus consumers upbeat on economy after 2016 election" --  Yes! I reckon so.. after 8 years of Obama and 6+ years of Tom-LYING-son, what consumer wouldn't be excited that a president who actually understands economics is calling the shots!

I pulled a story on Sunday about an awful statement by a North Carolina teacher/math department chair concerning racial genocide, because, at that time I couldn't be certain that it wasn't a "fake story". Her name is Cynthia Ramsey.. send her an e-mail and tell her you disagree and are praying for her . Chances are, by time this circulates, her e-mail box will be full and/or blocked ( ), so here are the e-mail address of the principal and assistant principal : so you  can "copy" to them.

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