Thursday, February 23, 2017

Let's talk "gas" taxes .. particularly Georgia.. gasoline in GA 18.4-cents per gallon in federal taxes, 31-cents in State taxes, and if you're buying in Columbus, add another 4-cents a gallon.. In other words, the first 53.4-cents.. per gallon.. is for taxes.. so if you put in 20 gallons, you just forked over $10.68.. I grew up when $10.68 would 30 to 40 GALLONS of gas (and more if a "gas war" were in effect). You would think that for that much  every time you pump in 20 gallons, we'd have pot-hole free roads.. Most of GA DOES... in fact, the percentage of "roadway in sub-optimal condition is "only 19%" which is 2nd best in the country. After driving around Columbus dodging such pot-holes, I firmly believe Columbus is primarily responsible for the 19% of the roads in "sub-optimal condition".

Online headline: "The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, ruled Tuesday that the Second Amendment doesn't apply to protections of assault weapons in Maryland." -- You know.. I can support a ban on "assault" weapons... of course, the Appeals Court  has not defined .. satisfactorily.. to me, what is an "assault weapon".. I look at fully automatic guns as assault weapons.. not just guns that look like them. I consider machetes and long bladed knives in the hands of jihadists "assault weapons, but not the gold penknife passed down to me by my grandfather that deputies manning the doors at our Government Center want to confiscate. I consider baseball bats in the hands of a street gangs "assault weapons" but not my 1906 Louisville Slugger Ty Cobb gave my grand father. And now, I'm rethinking by objection to fully automatic guns.. With street gangs and jihadists  running around the streets that the police cannot (or in some cities, ORDERED not to) frisk, I may need  fully automatic guns for my bride and me to protect my home.

Walmart objects to a "border tax" with Mexico, and I'm sure Walmart would really object if all their ships from China were hit with a similar tax.. but it's not because Walmart  is concerned about increasing clothing prices to the consumer..No, Walmart is concerned about a dip in it's "margins" that pad the bottom line,, and the bonuses that pad the pockets of it's executives..and do you wana bet whether any of the executives buy clothing at Walmart?

Online headline: "Poll: Republicans more concerned by leaks than Trump's Russia ties" -- DOH! Now, if we could only get mainscream media and Democrats to focus on the "leaks" as well.

Dylan Roof... he was sentenced to death last month.. why is he still breathing?

'Scumbags organized around making money': California congresswoman calls Trump's inner circle the 'Kremlin clan'

For all you Southwest Georgians.. let's not forget this in 2018.. it appears to have been swept aside in 2014 and 2016.

Online story: "It may not be “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” but The Washington Post is featuring a new motto on its website: “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” -- Hmmm. I can see why the WaPo would not want to associate itself with the NYT slogan, "All the news that's fit to print", as the NYT has destroyed that concept, but I cannot understand why Jeff Bezos would adopt such an ambiguous and cryptic slogan. Think about it... Democracy DOES die in DARKNESS... the darkness created by back room deals, and  by a press that more interested in agenda than the truth..

Online headline/story: "Ex-Guantanamo Detainee Jamal Al-Harith Became Suicide Bomber: Reports * A former Guantanamo Bay inmate who won a compensation after suing over his detention reportedly carried out a suicide bombing at a military base in Iraq. * A statement released by the militant group said a fighter it identified as Abu Zakariya al-Britani was behind a truck attack near Mosul on Sunday. * NBC News has confirmed that the family of Jamal al-Harith identified him as the man in the picture distributed by ISIS that is said was al-Britani. * Al-Harith was one of 16 men who subsequently sued the British government, alleging that it was aware of or complicit in their treatment while in U.S. custody. * The group received a cash settlement in 2010, but details of the exact amount of individual payments are unclear.*  However, NBC News has been unable to verify whether the attack actually occurred." -- "NBC News has been unable to verify whether the attack actually occurred"?  Good grief.. when was the last time "facts" ever determined whether NBC  ran a story or not?

You know, before any mainscream report is made belittling a Trump plan be aired/published, the reporter should have to reference an Obama action that actually benefited our nation, and followed our Constitution's directives.

Online headline/story: "McCain makes secret trip to Syria as US debates new plans to fight Islamic State * McCain makes secret trip to Syria as US debates new plans to fight Islamic State" -- Good grief.. how does mainscream media not know "when/where" McCain was? Oh, and if the pro-Hellary anarchist ever wanted to make a truthful statement, they have missed this chance to scream.. #McCain... NOT MY PRESIDENT!

Online headline/story: "Senate may force Trump to turn over tax returns * U.S. Sen. Susan Collins said on Wednesday she’s open to using a subpoena to investigate President Donald Trump’s tax returns for potential connections to Russia. * Collins was asked if the committee would subpoena Trump, who’s also a Republican" -- Collins is a Republican?  I believe she lost all claim to that when she voted against Trump's Secretary of Education... besides.. where in the Constitution.. or in added options to run for office, is it required to give your tax returns to anybody but the IRS..

Online headline: "Canada sees spike in border crossers coming from US" -- Well.. does Canada expect the US to build a wall there? No way! The US is certainly better off when liberals vacate OUR land. Hey,, were any of those the Hollywood celebs that promised to do so if Trump won...

Online headline: "San Bernardino terror victims say county falling short on providing treatment" -- Looks like we've been limiting the use of OObamaCRAP to  healthcare.. OObamaCRAP pretty much encompasses his entire 8 years in office.

Now Mexico is concerned about deportees from other countries being returned to Mexico by the US... hmmm, Mexico should have thought about this BEFORE collecting fees at its Southern border and allowing others from cutting through to get to the US.

You know, driving by what is a "virtually completed" GA DOT project here in Columbus, and taking in the visual site results, there ought to be a law added so that "Keep Columbus Beautifu"l and "Trees Columbus" must sound off their approval BEFORE the project manager leaves the site.

Just listen to Trump's meeting yesterday pretty much exposed the problem with mainscream media. They don't listen..All of them sit paused and ready to pounce with questions they've been formulating in their heads when they should have been listening to what actually was being said.

Think about it..why do we homeowners have to pay more for sewage fees than our water usage. The amount of fluids (et al) we send back to the "system" is considerably less than what we consume for other usages.

One of Schumer's spinmeisters said that if all illegal aliens who could be deported were, then America would come to a screeching halt. What BS! We have close to 320 MILLION people here, and if even 20 MILLION were deported, there would be plenty of people to fill any open jobs. Of course, we'd lose all those jobs created by the previous administration to count, feed, process and house the illegal aliens..

Online story: " Georgia driver's licenses given to immigrants and others with legal permission to be in the U.S. would include the word "noncitizen" under legislation proposed this year." -- Name another countr who will issue a driver's license? Most other counties recognize an International Permir if used with a valid US state's license in order to rent a vehicle, but will not issue a license. The United States also does not issue IDPs to foreign visitors. To get an IDP, contact the motor vehicle department of the country that issued your driver's license.If you want to rent a car, you may need both your license and an IDP. Find out the rental company's policies and other requirements in advance.

Online headline/story: "Connecticut governor (Democrat, of course) proposes massive fee hike on gun owners * The governor of Connecticut has proposed quadrupling a five-year renewal fee for pistol permits in the state as part of his plan to combat the state’s deficits, according to the Associated Press. * The AP reported that Gov. Dannel Malloy (D-Conn.) plans to raise the renewal fee for pistol permits from $70 to $300 as part of his proposal to reduce the state’s budget deficit, which is currently estimated at approximately $1.7 billion * The AP reported that Gov. Dannel Malloy (D-Conn.) plans to raise the renewal fee for pistol permits from $70 to $300 as part of his proposal to reduce the state’s budget deficit, which is currently estimated at approximately $1.7 billion. * For pistol owners paying their first five year fee, their costs would jump from $140 to $370 — which includes a $70 fee collected by cities and towns. Fees for the background checks needed to obtain the pistol permits would also increase from $50 to $75. * The proposed fees — which would be among the highest in the country if authorized — would raise about $12 million a year for the state." -- Hmmm... two concerns here.. first.. law abiding citizens would probably become "criminals" as they refuse to renew permits... but secondly.. is the outrageous expectation that raising gun permit fees would eliminate the $1.7 BILLION dollar deficit that has ballooned during the Governors 6 years in office.. If ALL Connecticut legal gun owners DID renew their gun permits, it would take over 1,400 YEARS to collect $1.7 BILLION!

Hmmm... since the house Walker Garrett sold to the MCSD at a nearly six figure profit has been in the news. I have another question that Garrett should voluntarily answer.. He bought a house for $154,000.00 out of an estate in 2013.. following his divorce, he got sole possession by a quitclaim signed by his ex in 2015. Less than a year later, Garrett sold it to the MCSD for $250,000.00. Two days after the closing, and following calls of concern about his residency in Council District 8, he bought another house in District 8 for $210,000.00. Technically.. legally.. everything is above board, but.. there's another issue.. IRS says you don't have to pay a capital gain tax on a profit from the sale of a house if... IF you buy an equal or higher priced house within 2 years.. I do not think this transaction qualifies for that provision. Let's make sure we ask him about his tax returns when he runs for re-election.

L-E headline/story: "Local publication calls for Smyre to run for Columbus mayor * The Courier/Eco Latino had a cover story with a large photo of state Rep. Calvin Smyre and a headline that read: “Calvin Smyre: Your Rent Is Due; It’s Time To Run For Mayor Of Columbus, Georgia." --  Why would Smyre give up the power he has as a Sr Democrat powerhouse in Altanta to be a Democrat Mayor of Columbus when Republicans pretty much ignore Columbus'  Democrat mayors? Additionally, Smyre would have to abandon his power as the chair of the Synovus/CB&T Foundation. 
From the "Mein Kampf book of journalism" department - "Online headline/story: "MSNBC Anchor: "Our Job" Is To "Control Exactly What People Think" * Mike Brzezinski said, "he (Trump) could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job."" -- -- Excuse me.. when a person works for a company or publication that projects itself as a "news source", it's employees should only be interested in present the facts.. and if an employee gets the approval of his/her employer to make commentary, he/she still has an obligation to present the basic facts... FACTUALLY, and let the reader/listener decide what the truth is vs opinion. This in mind, remember that the "half-truth" is the blackest of all lies! Comrade BRZEZINSKI, you are in the wrong country!

You know, after hearing a MCSD teacher soundoff on the inadequacy of 'Judging" a school or student by one CCRPI test score.. it made me think about what CCRPI is an acronym for.. how about "Common Crap Reality Proven Irrelevant"

L-E headline: "Dripping pipes, fire hazards revealed on Government Center tour" -- Why are people "happy" to show these off? Seems to me, these problems would be better solved by hiring new people to replace the people responsible for allowing the building to deteriorate .
L-E headline/story: "School board members align in Columbus High parking decision * When the Muscogee County School Board has a split vote, the members most critical of the administration, Frank Myers of District 8 and John Thomas of District 2, usually are in the minority. Tuesday night’s meeting, however, provided an unusual case of Myers and Thomas supporting the administration amid a controversial decision." -- You know, Frank Myers should have recused himself from voting (or voted, "NO") since he, too, has a daughter currently attending CHS.
From above story: "According to the bid tabulation attached to the agenda, Landmark Grading Company of Fort Mitchell was the low bidder among seven contractors. The bids ranged from $571,727 to $859,360. Even the low bid exceeded the original estimate MCSD construction manager Bobby Hecht gave the board. Add in $50,000 for engineering design, $20,000 for construction testing and $43,273 for contingencies, and the administration now estimates the project to be $685,000 — which requires the additional $200,000 in funding. * But some board members argue the true cost of the project is more than $900,000 when the purchase of the property is taken into account. " -- Good grief.. how could this have been discussed just a few days ago and neither the MCSB nor the L-E published the cost of the house into the overall figures.. When this house was bought, a house on a relatively flat lot about 4 times the size of Walkers house was available just across the street from the CHS baseball field. In addition to more than enough space to provide all the parking needs for CHS, it has a buiding that could be used for CHS programs, and paving would have been easier and less costly...and it was available for slightly more than twice what Garrett was paid for this house.

In a "letter" to the L-E. an uber-lib has penned, "It is becoming increasingly apparent to millions of Americans, including the 35 California psychiatrists who have signed an open letter to that effect, that the megalomaniac who has seized the reins of power in our government and has packed his Cabinet with the inept and ominous detritus of the swamp that he claims to have drained, is mentally unstable, to the point of psychosis." -- Hmm,, and how many non-Clifornia psychiatrists would gladly sign on to a list of names, including the letter writer, that the people are in a rather unfortunate state of denial, and have bigger issue that our president, who, BTW, did not "seize the reins",  but was selected by the voting citizens of 30 of our 50 states.  

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