Monday, February 13, 2017

Online headline: " Al Franken suggests some GOP senators worry about Trump's mental health" -- Hmmm.. well, the Democrats couldn't have picked out a better representative to speak for them.. Franken, on his best day,  is but a joke.

Online headline: "Evacuations ordered below damaged California dam" -- Hey, Governor Moonbeam,, how about ordering a couple of "snail darters" and some indigenous algae to identified, then order that they be protected at all cost, and see if that will stop any water from being "released".

Coordinated Headline: "Oroville Dam: Feds and state officials ignored warnings 12 years ago" -- Wow! Mainsceam media and the Democrats have found another way to "Blame Bush". Now, why didn't Obama do something about it in the 8 years he was president?

From the "libs must be conflicted" department - Online headline/story: "Yale to change name of college tied to 19th century slavery defender * The college is named for John C. Calhoun, a South Carolina native who served as U.S. vice president under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. He graduated from Yale College in 1804. *  Yale said it will rename Calhoun College for Grace Murray Hopper, an alumnus who received a PhD in mathematics and mathematical physics in 1934. It described Hopper, who died in 1992, as a trailblazing computer scientist and a brilliant mathematician who also served as a rear admiral in the U.S. Navy." -- Whatta lib dilemma! Of all the people selected to replace a slave advocate, Yale picked a woman who was a warmonger, has a guided missile launching destroyer named after her  ... and kept her ex-husband's name even though she had no children.... Personally, I think she more than lived up to her nickname, "Amazing Grace", but it really must chap libs.
From the "CNN Fake News" department - Online headline/story: "Faith Hill Responds To CNN Mistake * Last week, CNN took to Twitter to announce an upcoming hip-hop collaboration between Faith Evans and the late Notorious B.I.G. Unfortunately, the network mistakenly announced the duet album would be done by country star Faith Hill, instead of Evans," -- Will mainscream mediocrity ever end?
From the "doesn't mainscream media have anything else to do" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "What is Donald Trump really eating? * Donald Trump might not know too much about alcohol but he does know that KFC is Finger Lickin' Good.* Trump loves his fast food - including KFC and McDonald's. Last year he told the Daily Mail that he eats a ton of fast food on the road because quote, "it's quick"" -- Hmm.. so mainscream media is concerned about what Trump eats... I tell you what, it's obvious what Trump really eats is their lunch!
Online headline: "Sears, Kmart drop 31 Trump Home items from their online shops * Hmm and there are 150 Sears/K-mart stores closing this year.. Looks more like Trump voters are dumping Sears/K-marts.
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Trump on Warren: 'Pocahontas is now the face' of Democratic party" -- It's not often that I disagree with a Trump assessment, but in this case, I think Elizabeth Warren's image is more in tune with the southside of  a Jackass.
From the "libs may change their minds about moving" department - Online headline/story: " Canadian man who beheaded bus passenger granted total freedom * A Canadian man who was found not criminally responsible for beheading and cannibalizing a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus has been granted his freedom. *  Manitoba’s Criminal Code Review Board announced Friday it has given Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, an absolute discharge, meaning he is longer subject to monitoring. * Baker said he heard the voice of God telling him to kill the man or “die immediately.” * He repeatedly stabbed McLean while he fought for his life. As passengers fled the bus, Baker continued stabbing and mutilating the body before he was arrested. He severed McLean’s head, displaying it to some of the passengers outside the bus, witnesses said." * The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 1999 that a review board must order an absolute discharge if a person doesn’t pose a significant threat to public safety."-- "heard the voice of God telling him to kill the man or 'die immediately'"? Wait a minute.. he didn't hear God say that.. maybe a "god" , maybe Allah, but not God. On the other hand.. now you see what happens when libs run the Supreme Court...
From the "oxymoron headline" department - Online headline: " 'MORAL MARCH' Massive crowd protests Trump, anti-LGBT law in NC" -- "Moral March"?
Mixture of personal contributions and some online stories - I may be rethinking my membership in Netflix. On April 28th (which is also my birthday), Netflix will air a series called "Dear White People". The show expands on Justin Simien's 2014 movie of the same name, which chronicled the lives of several black students at a predominately white, Ivy-like university as racial tensions spike. In the new 30-second spot, protagonist Samantha White bluntly ticks off a list of acceptable Halloween costumes on her radio show: "Pirate, slutty nurse, any of our first 43 presidents. Top of the list of unacceptable costumes: Me," she says amidst a flurry of photos of fellow students in blackface." -- Hmmm.. while I will not condemn the show until I actually watch an episode... or two... I bring note to the "pith" of the promotional info.. I'm 70, and have never "black-faced myself" nor approved of such by any on my generation.. and secondly, who will take note that though the setting is "the lives of several black students at a predominately white, Ivy-like university" versus  how it will probably malign Southern schools.
I heard a liberal spinmeister say that the problem with attacking-style media coverage of Trump is because Trump attacks.the media...Huh? What I've seen from day one is mainscream media attacking Trump, and Trump, not.only defending himself, but turning the tables on rude reporters.
You know, when black and white citizens and leaders realize they have one destructive enemy they share..America will reach its potential. It's not ISIS, it's not each's liberals..and it doesn't matter whether they are politicians or media, Democrats or Republicanish, black.or white..liberalism is America's worst enemy.
Hey,, too, mainscream media..we know you won't like just get on with your lives and stop reminding us why we are so grateful to have Trump rather than Hillary running the economy and our safety.
Online story: "With President Trump pledging $1 trillion for infrastructure, California officials on Wednesday took a break from their feud with the new administration to propose a list of $100 billion in projects for possible federal funding to help rebuild the Golden State’s system of crumbling roads and bridges and improve transit and water storage. * The state faces a $136-billion backlog of necessary repairs on state highways and local roads,." -- Good grief.. Jerry Brown threatens secession, then holds up his hand and yells, "me too.. me, too" when he hears about Trump wanting to spend mega-bucks on infrastructure.. and California wants more that it would take to build not only the wall on our Southern border, but also for a wall to be built around the California border with the other contiguous 47 states. I'll make this a "motion".. do I hear a "second"?
From the "passing the buck" department -- Picture of both Clinton women's husbands "H->"ing  off the loss to their wives..


If you wonder why mainscream media is focusing so hard on Trump, you have to realize that mainscream media doesn't want to address the Clinton problems.. their foundations are taking hits because "pay for play" donors know the Clintons no longer have any "play" for donors to "pay", but also, the Clinton's son-in-law "hedgefund" was "shuttered" (closed down) in December for sustaining other people's investment losses that rivaled hers.
Yesterday, Representative Hank Johnson, D-GA4, held a " listening session to hear from our Muslim, immigrant and refugee brothers and sisters on what they’re experiencing and how we can all help bring about change and greater understanding". Hmmm... I wonder if considered whether too many in attendance in one place might "tip Georgia over"?
L-E headline: "City manager: New government center could cost $100 million or more" -- Hmmm... and we could get a new City Manager for only $100K or so...and even a good one for $150K.
Council Agenda:
"REMOVAL, RECYCLING, REUSE OR DISPOSAL OF MATTRESSES & BOX SPRINGS FROM PINE GROVE MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL – It is requested that council approve the contract for mattress recycling, reuse, or disposal services with Furniture Bank of Metro Atlanta Inc. (Atlanta) for the estimated contract value of $35,000 annually. Pine Grove Landfill takes in approximately 50 mattresses or box springs per day; which equates to approximately 13,000 annually. It is the city’s intent to divert all mattresses and box springs from Pine Grove Landfill in an effort to meet diversion goals and increase landfill compaction rates." -- This $35,000.00 contract... are we getting paid for the mattresses,  or giving them the mattresses and $35K?
From the "libs can turn on a dime" department - LIV's L-E "soundoff": "The world knows that our President did not serve in the military. Yet he criticizes Senator McCain, one of our heroes." -- Hmmm.. libs are so transparent,, in 2008, the libs fawned over McCain during the primaries, but once he got the nomination, hey chewed him up and spit him out.
From the "can I get an Amen" department - L-E "soundoff": " Just because I refuse to lower my moral standards doesn’t make me a hateful person." -- AMEN!
L-E story: "Democratic members of Columbus’ legislative delegation will host a “Georgia Resists” town hall meeting * The initiative aims to mobilize Georgians to engage with their elected officials and organize their communities around progressive issues at the state, local and national level." -- Good grief.. I'm sure Atlanta will take notice... and "write Columbus off"... again... How many time can a City vote 60% +/- for Democrats and expect to win favor of the Republican Party?
L-E story: "Fear and panic have gripped America’s immigrant community as reports circulate that federal agents have become newly aggressive under President Donald Trump, who campaigned for office with a vow to create a “deportation force.” -- Good grief.. while a lot of citizens can be excused for not seeing the follow-up report on the ICE deporting  that Mexican woman with the criminal record, writers for the AP, WaPO, and the Columbus L-E have no-nada-ZERO excuse for not seeing the story telling us that the raid ICE made was made.. finalized.. under Obama.. and just occurred after Trump took office.
L-E headline: "Shaw senior charged with surreptitiously recording student in restroom" -- "surreptitiously"? Now that's a word that wasn't in the last Spelling Bee.. maybe it will be next year.. flavored by a good local example usage sentence.
L-E headline/story: "Tractor-trailer truck overturns on Airport Thruway *  “I mashed the brakes and I said ‘I ain’t got no brakes,’ ” * Worthy said to his brother-in-law riding in the cab. “I kept blowing the horn for people to move out of my way. I pulled the trailer brakes and everything.” As he made the wide (round-about) turn to get onto Airport Thruway, Worthy said he couldn’t get in other lanes because of heavy traffic. He was traveling 30 to 35 mph. " -- Hmmm..and just wait until top-heavy loaded logging trucks start trying to navigate the River Road "Roundabout"...
L-E story: "Republicans love cutting taxes, especially if they were authored by a president named Barack Obama. But as they push their wobbly effort to erase his health care overhaul, they’re divided over whether to repeal the levies the law imposed to finance its expanded coverage for millions of Americans. * It’s a trillion-dollar dilemma – actually closer to $1.1 trillion. That’s the 10-year price tag the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office puts on revenue the government would lose if the law’s taxes on wealthy people, the insurance and pharmaceutical industries and others were eliminated." -- Good grief.. mainscream media has drunk so much liberal Kool-Aid that it believes government forcing people to comply by penalizing them is good for the economy! The Citizens will not lose the $1.1 TRILLION.. they will keep it in their pockets and spend it however they please which will spur the economy!
L-E story: "House Democrats are united against President Donald Trump, but as they wrapped up a somewhat painful, inward-looking retreat on Friday, they are still trying to figure out how to turn that opposition into a winning strategy." -- Maybe Democrats should "look inward".. and notice they are in the minority in so many ways that they need to look at what forward thinking Americans actually want!
L-E "headlie": "Fixing travel ban’s legal problems won’t be an easy task" -- Well, it would be if mainscream media used truthful headlines.. such as referring to Trump's Executive Order as an "ENTRY ban" versus a "travel ban".
You know, all the denials, all the tweaked reports, or all the "favorably facted" L-E stories about crime being less go out the door when newcomers or business leaders/scouts come to town and ride on Veterans Parkway between River Rd and 13th St. There are 11 businesses that have fenced themselves in with barb and/or razor wire visible from the street.

L-E headline: "Poverty should be addressed, agree grassroots leaders" -- Good grief.. it was calculated that $22,000,000,000.000.00 .. (That's 22 TRILLIONDollars.. that's 10% more than our current NATIONAL DEBT!) has been spent since LBJ created the "Great Society.. War on Poverty" back in the 1960's.. Government cannot solve poverty by running entitlement programs..
L-E headline: "Big concert will benefit ACLU" -- Hmmm am I missing something.. nowhere does this indicate that America will benefit...
LIV's pathetic L-E "soundoff": "Republican ranks could swell by millions if they would — like Democrats — recruit, instead of reject, Hispanic and Muslim immigrants. These are primarily people of faith, whose values are more conservative than liberal." -- Good grief.. why would Republicans HAVE to RECRUIT? People are free to choose their political philosophy  based on what's important to them.. Do they want to be independent or basically a slave to government?
Really stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "When Republicans repeal Obamacare the number of uninsured in Georgia will jump by 71%, and 1,006,000 Georgians will lose health insurance." -- Good grief.. when people bought into OObamaCRAP because they would be "penalty taxed" if they didn't, who can call that a willing or working system?
L-E headline: "VANITY FAIR CONFIDENTIAL * Show looks at Columbus’ ‘Stocking Stranglings’" -- Good grief.. a magazine known better for "exposures" than an " exposé " and that considers "Cait" a female is going to solve the Stocking Strangler case.. Good grief.. gimmee a break!
 L-E story: "A later spring break is on the proposed 2017-2018 school calendar for the Muscogee County School District. * Spring break this school year is March 20-24 but next school year will be a week later, during March 26-30. * Students will still get a week off for Thanksgiving. *  For the winter break, the students will attend class on Dec. 20 then not return until Jan. 8. Counting weekends that is 18 days away from class. * Students will be off for Labor Day, Veterans Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day and Memorial Day." -- Wow.. you know, there's no need for a full week off for Thanksgiving (Wed-Fri should be ample) and there's no need for the "Winter (vs Christmas) Break to go a week past January 1st, and there's no need for school to end before the first of June.. There. I think I've solved a lot of problems.. School can begin the day after Labor Day (saving that holiday expense) so when you figure the days saved during the school year, you can do this.. and save not only the expense of air conditioning during the hottest months of the year, you'd give families a full summer off for vacations and other family visits. Even the City's outdoor pools would benefit! Win-Win in my book.. Oh.. was it intentional that "Easter" was left out of the hoiliday system?
NOTE: I noticed this story was done by Larry Gierer rather than Mark Rice.. could it be the L-E finally sees the conflict of having a reporter who's wife works for the MCSD (and another who's wife is on the MCSB) being restrictive in addressing issues within the MCSD?
From the above MCSD story: "The board is being asked to approve Landmark Grading Company for the construction of a parking lot for Columbus High School and to amend the project budget to include additional funding of $200,000." -- Aside from the "coincidence" of this getting on the agenda following questions about why this property was paid for last year but nothing done about it, is the "additional funding of $200,000.00" the total cost of razing the home and converting the space to parking, or is it " "additional funding " for what was projected originally.. Somehow, $450,000.00 (close to half a million to purchase plus construction) for what.. 50 more spaces,, is hardly a bargain.

Another item from above MCSD story: "Scheduled to address the board on the public agenda are Marianne Young, Felissa Grissett and Gail Tompkins. The topics were not given in the board agenda." -- You know, what are the chances that I could get a speaking spot at a MCSB meeting and my subject matter not be disclosed at the time of the request?

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