Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Online headline: "Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser: Official" -- Trump IS making America GREAT Again! He's brought integrity back to government! He demands accountability.. Hey, Loretta Lynch.. why didn't you resign when you were CAUGHT having that meeting with Slick Willie!

From the "proof is in the pudding" department - Online headline: "Playboy returns to nudity in new issue" -- Just as suspected.. no body really read the articles.

From the "proof liberalism is our worst enemy" department - Online headline/story: "Sheriff outraged after being forced to disarm before entering hockey arena * Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich said he was outraged Saturday night when he was prevented from entering the Spokane Arena to promote a charity hockey game, because he was carrying his gun -- even though he was on duty." -- Hmmm... Washington state.. of course.. the same state that brought us Judge Robart, and voted for Hellary in a bigger margin than Obama won by in 2012. Why even allow law enforcement officers wear guns if they cannot protect citizens at public events?

From the " Judge Robart said: The government has pointed to no evidence...that any alien from any of the countries named in the order has perpetrated a terrorist attack in the United States."" department:  9th District Court Judge Robart said he didn't know of any terrorists from the 7 countries named in the ENTRY BAN who'd done any terrorist acts. Yesterday, a list of 72  terrorist convictions since 9-11-01 of "immigrants/refugees" from those 7 countries came to light..Minnesota had 8 of those, and at least two of the terrorists were living in Washington, which joined with Minnesota in the lawsuit to block the order. Oh, it is said that none are so blind as those who will not see... I disagree,, blinder still are people who just don't WANT to see.

Hey, Judge Robart.. does this guy look familiar?

Imagine...Bernie Sanders and Al Franken calling Trump "delusional". Delusion is feeling either Hellary or "the Bern" would be president.... or Franken being a Senator.

A liberal commentator said on Fox that Trump has estranged himself of formidable Republicans like McCain, Graham and Rubio. Good grief..all three of these have estranged THEMSELVES with the American conservative movement.

It's refreshing to have a president that doesn't kowtow to liberals in the mainscream media or government or in the judicial branch.. Go Trump!

You know, why is mainscream media feeling it is representing America by denigrating every word, every action of Trump, when the real attitude of America is the soaring stock market. America..and the world in general, is excited Trump is our president.

From the "it only makes sense if you're a liberal" department - Interesting....with all the liberal push for empowering women, why are liberals so joyful that Nordstrom and others are kicking Ivanka Trump's line out of their stores?

The scary situation at the Oroville, CA dam just amplifies the irresponsibility of governments throughout our country. Politicians are so concerned about spending new money on projects that they don't take care of what's already built and needs maintaining . Locally, our mayor authorized a $244,000.00 bathroom on our local RiverWalk, while letting our 45 year old government center to further deteriorate and now wants to spend $100 MILLION dollars to build a new one.

Instead of trying to get the minimum wage raised, employees should try to maximize their efforts so employers will recognize their value and pay them more to stay where they are working.. As my dad told me, "make yourself valuable in whatever you do, and people will recognize and reward your value." I tell my girls the same thing.

Online story: "All but one of about 50 undocumented Mexican migrants at a meeting Saturday indicated they would rather risk detention and long court battles in the U.S. than return to Mexico voluntarily." -- Good grief.. and liberals scratch their heads about why our prisons are overflowing? Entitlement programs nor the Mexican economy simply do not guarantee a roof and bed and 3 squares a day..

Online story: "Prosecutors in Puerto Rico have smashed a ring of current and former U.S. Transportation Security Administration workers that allegedly smuggled 20 tons of cocaine worth as much as $100 million into the U.S. over more than a decade." -- It was bad enough in the past, but my blood will boil if any of those guys try to "pat me down" again in the future!

L-E headline: "2016 ELECTION FALLOUT * Democratic town hall meeting draws more than 100 people in Columbus" --- Hmmm.. ell since 69,817 people cast their vote in November, it looks like 69,717 didn't show up.. even more damaging to the Democrats is that 39, 831 voted for Hellary, and obviously they didn't show up either.. In fact, if 100 was the actual number, I'm willing to bet that only Democrat politicians, Democrat officials/poll workers, and the mainscream media were the only ones present..

While the "soundoff" about the guy who wanted "two Flacons, two Braves, and two Bulldogs" for pall bearers so they could let him down one last time is going to be my all-time favorite "L-E :soundoff", this one would have made the Final 5: "America now ranks 29th in the world in science and math scores. You know it’s time for a change when the Polish (ranked 11th) start telling American jokes."

L-E headline: "EDUCATION * School district releases vision, values survey results" --  I saw.. even took the poll.. and not one question gave you the option of another viewpoint... What's needed is a poll made by taxpayers to see where the School Administrators stand on efficient use of tax dollars. BTW, I noticed that no "comments" were included in this story.

L-E headline: "Jewish fears of Trump mount on eve of Netanyahu visit" -- Good grief.. Obama wouldn't even see Netanyahu.. and even tried to openly undermine his re-election. Somehow, I do not think mainscream media speaks for mainstream American Jews anymore.

From what can only be described as "sour grapes" department - L-E "headLIE": "Beyonce shines, Adele flubs at the Grammys" -- Good grief.. Adele "emotionaled out" singing a tribute to George Michael, and mainscream media is getting back at her for a 3-to-0 trouncing of Beyonce in the awards sector..obviously. "Adele's Life Don't Matter".

How loving.. the L-E's  Foreclosure Section was a full 8 pages today.. Happy Valentine's Day.

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