Friday, February 17, 2017

I'm sorta confused.. the local paper published a "holiday schedule" for various government offices as to which are open/closed for "Presidents Day" but is it today or Monday?
From the "who's mainscream media feel it's fooling" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Poll: Trump's approval rating sinks below 40 percent  * The new Pew Research Center poll shows that Trump's rating is historically low when compared with other presidents during their respective first weeks in office" -- "the Pew Poll"? Isn't that the one that had "predicted" Hellary a 60-40 shoo-in winner in September? "Pew Poll"? More like a "p-e-e-w-w-w-w! poll". BTW, Rassmussen's Poll was also released yesterday.. it paints a different picture showing Trump with a 55 percent approval rating -- a 16 point-difference from the Pew poll. Oh.. BTW, too, Rasmussen's September Poll predicted Trump by about 2 points.. to win!

How about the DOW & S&P rally since Trump won the election! Tell you what..over 100,000,000 Americans have benefited from this, but what about challenging liberals to donate all their profits to leftwing, feel-good programs they support when government funding is cut off.

How about the DOW & S&P rally since Trump won the election! Tell you what..over 100,000,000 Americans have benefited from this, but what about challenging liberals to donate all their profits to leftwing, feel-good programs they support when government funding is cut off.

Love Trump! During his press conference, Trump told the CNN reporter that he was going to change his name for CNN...instead of "Fake News", the new name will be "Very Fake News".

It was uplifting to watch Trump putting mainscream media in its place yesterday..Mainscream media believes it is bigger than the stories it reports, and expediency is more important than the truth...and mainscream media is wrong.

Hearing press reporters be concerned about their 1st Amendment Rights of free speech but none addressing their responsibility to print/report the truth is the number one problem with liberals.

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Fox News anchor Shep Smith blasts Trump * Shortly after the press conference, FOX News anchor Shepard Smith hit back hard. "It's crazy what we're watching every day, it's absolutely crazy. He keeps repeating ridiculous throw away lines that are not true at all and sort of avoiding this issue of Russia as if we're some kind of fools for asking the question," said Smith." -- "we're some kind of fools for asking the question," said Smith"? Hmmm.. sounds like Schlepp Smith finally "gets it"... I pretty much predict Schlepp Smith will be the next Fox "anchor" to be "dropped".

You know.. "anchors" Schlepp Smith.. as well as field reporters, would probably do America (and their own careers) a great service..if they would examine what Trump's doing that's positive for our country.. and report it "fair and balanced".. I wonder if Schlepp Smith even know's that's part of Fox's spiel?

Online headline: "A flash flood watch is in effect as a once-a-decade rainstorm barrels toward Los Angeles" -- Looks like the "snail darters" lobbying group "win".

Online headline: "Nearly 800 former EPA officials oppose Scott Pruitt's nomination" -- Trump must have really struck a nerve.. and made a great choice! And it looks like the 15,000+ current employees may attain "former" status, too.

Online headline: "Reading a certain book makes you a better person" -- Dang.. my guess was "The Bible"... but...according to a recent paper published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, kids who read Harry Potter books and identify with Harry are more open-minded and less likely to be prejudiced against minority groups... Hmmm.. of course liberals would feel that..

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Scientists are close to bringing the woolly mammoth back * Scientists at Harvard University say they are about two years away from making a hybrid woolly mammoth embryo. * The team, believes that it is nearing the point where it can splice mammoth-exclusive traits, such as long hair and blood that's resistant to freezing, into an elephant embryo's genome." -- Hmmm.. maybe it's just me, but I thought science was suppose to lead us forward.. On a positive note, it could backfire on the libs. The Republicans could modify its elephant symbol and give it long hair with a pony tail. and appeal to the hippie element that is entrenched in the Democratic Party..

You know.. Harvard's "monkeying" around with genome stuff could lead to a real improvement for mankind.. conservatives' brain matter could be spliced into liberals' embryos, and the babies would start out with a eal live, WORKING brain.

I enjoy old Perry Mason and Matlock shows..justice always seems to win in their court cases...of course, neither one could win in the liberal-biased courts we have today.

Online story: "Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday asking him to convene a grand jury or charge Bryan Pagliano, the computer specialist who helped establish Clinton's server while she was secretary of state. * Pagliano did not comply with two subpoenas ordering him to appear before the oversight panel. The GOP-led committee later voted to hold him in contempt of Congress. * Chaffetz said in a statement that allowing Pagliano's conduct "to go unaddressed would gravely harm Congress' ability to conduct oversight."" -- And Chaffetz is right.. Pagliano must understand that just because Hellary is "above the law" in mainscream media's eyes, she's not in the eyes of the law, and he is not either.

Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina said there is "an element of disrespect" in Trump's comment to journalist April Ryan, asking her whether she was friends with CBC members and could convene a get-together.
"He's not going to ask any other reporter to do that for any other group, so why did he do that to her? I think that was pretty instructive to me," said Clyburn, a veteran lawmaker and member of the House Democratic leadership." -- The CBC should be violates our Constitution.. you know the one they swear an oath to uphold... by discriminating against race which is addressed specifically in the Constitutional Amendments.

Online story: "In a letter to the Chairman and Ranking member of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, AARP Senior Vice President Joyce Rogers lashed out against the recently introduced State Age Rating Flexibility Act of 2017, legislation that would allow insurers to charge older Americans significantly more for health insurance. *  “This legislation has a simple explanation -- it would be an age tax -- charging older Americans not yet eligible for Medicare a penalty of five times what others must pay for health insurance. The term ‘age rating’ is Washington-speak for overcharging older Americans by thousands of dollars for their health care,” AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond told FOX Business." -- "age tax"? "age rating"?  How about simple math probability logarithms? Does this "professional" address "age rating" for teen aged drivers? Does she address "age ratings" for life insurance? The answer is "No!".. Move on...

From the "it must be  Court District 9 territory" department: "The Washington Supreme Court ruled unanimously Thursday that a florist who refused to provide services for a same-sex wedding broke the state's antidiscrimination law, even though she claimed doing so would violate her religious beliefs." -- Hmmm... now what would the Court decision if the bakery filed a discrimination suit against a same-sex couple who walked by this florist shop and selected another  florist because it was owned by a same-sex couple?  District 9 would feel that would be "OK".

Was reading about the outbreak at River Road Elementary School, and was stunned to see the student population at only 430. I remember when the state did not distribute funds per student when such a low number of students were assigned to a school (remember when two South Columbus Schools were merged into one in order to get to the state minimum?) . Well, while I was looking up a new minimum standard for elementary schools (no definitive result... so far), I ran across a "standard" for the state that requires an assistant principal ONLY if a school has 750 or more students ( "A school with an enrollment of 750 or more students has a full‑time assistant principal or an additional qualified person designated as an assistant to the principal on a full‑time basis." -  ).  tried to look up the school and see if one was listed, but the database doesn't show assigned assistant principals, but I was dumfounded that the alphabetical list of principals/assistant principals was compiled by first rather than last names.. this just demonstrates how unprofessional the MCSD is.. Now, if there IS an assistant principal at elementary schools with less than 750 students, then, by state standards, these are unnecessary personnel, thus an unnecessary tax expense.

Sen. Rand Paul needs to shut up about how he feels about how OObamaCRAP should be handled.. there are people in charge of the process, and he's nit one of them.

From the "stick the blade in... and twist it" department - L-E headline: "New choice for Labor would be only Latino in Trump Cabinet" -- Good grief.. the L-E cannot celebrate the reason Acosta was nominated which has nothing to do with his DNA.. it has to o with Martin Luther King, Jr's "dream" of being accepted by his worth.. another thing.. at least the L-E didn't mention that Acosta would be the "only" non-billionaire Latino in Trump's Cabinet..

L-E headline/story: "In many cities, protests mean a day without restaurants * The heart of Philadelphia’s Italian Market was uncommonly quiet. Fine restaurants in New York, San Francisco and the nation’s capital closed for the day. Grocery stores, food trucks, coffee shops, diners and taco joints in places like Chicago, Los Angeles and Boston shut down. * Immigrants around the U.S. stayed home from work and school Thursday to demonstrate how important they are to America’s economy, and many businesses closed in solidarity, in a nationwide protest called A Day Without Immigrants." -- Hmmm.. let's see.. what actually was accomplished..I guess restaurants that participated just lost a day's revenue.. I didn't go hungry, and my bride and I dined out at an Aussie themed steak house and got wonderful food and service.. tell, who actually went hungry because of liberals feeling their are too important? Oh, and who actually lost a day's wages and tips? Brilliant protest... NOT!

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