Friday, June 28, 2024

This was the "normal" picture CNN went to throughout the debate .. former President Trump is 6'3" tall, and President Biden is 6'0".. yet the images CNN used all evening made it appear Biden was as big .. or bigger than Trump.. This was intentional.. while there are many incidences of CNN presenting "Fake News", now CNN has reverted to using "FAKE VIEWS"!




Online headline/story: “Michelle Obama frustrated with Bidens over treatment of Hunter's ex-wife” – Here it come.. like I predicted a good while back.. this “debate” was to lead to JoKKKe Biden’s demise as the Party candidate, and set up Ste. Michelle being the Democrat “savior”  riding a donkey out of the Shicago Convention. Oh, there’ll be “an effort (half-hearted at best)” to “talk up”  Phuckles Harris  at the Convention, but that’ll be for show and Ste. Michelle will stand tall in her presentation as “the Party savior”.




It didn’t didn’t take “too long” for JoKKKe Biden to refer to former President Trump as a “convicted felon” (about 9:45 PM), but Trump did miss “the opportunity” to respond that Biden is to be a convicted felon… just not YET!




It was not a good night for Biden.. he demonstrated his cognitive issue quite often, yet not enough to justify Special Prosecutor Robert Hur’s evaluation not to prosecute him because he’s just “an elderly man with a poor memory”. Biden did not demonstrate a “poor memory”.. he just demonstrated he has a poor recall of reality… We WANT the Interview Video!!!




Online headline: “All criminal trespassing charges dropped against anti-Israel UT Austin protesters” -- Seriously... How can  hate charges of anti-Semitism be "thrown out'?




Online headline: “ MSNBC’s Joy Reid Blasts Rich People ‘Kissing Trump’s Ring’ Who Care About ‘Tax Cuts’ Not Democracy” --  Good grief! The real issue is about MSM “journalists” “kissing the Democrat’s Donkey’s @SS! Hey,  Joy Reid... there is certainly no "JOY" Mudslinging-ville" .. well unless the leap for joy at a way to drop Biden AND Harris off the November ballot!





Online headline: “Another disappointment.’ Columbus, GA councilors say residents upset as pools stay closed” --  You know, for the Columbus GA officials to claim the delays are caused, at least in part, by difficulties in attaining "permits" is totally UNACCEPTABLE! What hoops do private developers and contractors have to jump through! Can you imagine what an outside company investigating building here in Columbus, GA thinks after hearing even the City has difficulties attaining permits required for  building?




Online story: “The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced charges against 193 people — including dozens of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals — across the U.S. on Thursday for their alleged involvement in various health care fraud schemes that the government says amount to around $2.7 billion in intended losses and $1.6 billion in actual losses. * The DOJ said its 2024 National Health Care Fraud Enforcement Action involved the assistance of state and local law enforcement and resulted in arrests spanning 32 federal districts across the U.S.” --  You know, this wouldn’t.. couldn’t .. have happened except by being tucked away in the $Trillion Dollar Biden Infrastructure or Inflation Recovery Acts.




Online headline: “WTVM Editorial 06/24/24: We Need To Teach Civics” --

 While most of my readers will benefit from listening to WTVM-TV9’s VP/Gen Manager Holly Steuart’s Editorial opinion on Civics v-being taught in our school system, I do believe this should be mandatory listening and implementation for Columbus GA’s School Board, and School Administration.




No wonder it sounds like MLB is popular again... Was watching the double header games Wednesday with the Braves at St Louis.. I'd commented to my bride that maybe... maybe... 10,000 fans were in the stadium (and that was a GENEROUS maybe). Thursday, I looked at the stats of the games... and "officially", the attendances reported were 33,921 and 33,999... New Busch Stadium holds 44,000+ fans.. so when did claiming "no shows" for season ticket holders start counting as "Present" at games?




Online story: “Tone-deaf Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Wednesday shrugged off attempts to blame Biden’s border policy for the horrific slaughter of Americans at the hands of illegal migrants, saying, “The individual who is responsible for a heinous criminal act is the criminal.” * His comment during a press conference from a Border Patrol aircraft hangar in Tucson, Arizona — some 70 miles from the nearest border crossing — came in response to a question about 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray , who was brutalized and murdered in Houston, allegedly by two Venezuelan migrants who were released into the US earlier this year.

What a sick Secretary of DHS we have!




Online headline: “A signature Biden law aimed to boost renewable energy also helped a solar company, First Solar, the largest domestic maker of solar panels, donated at least $2 million to Democrats in 2020, including $1.5 million to Biden's successful bid for the White House, reap billions” – Hmmm … I think every politician who is invested, directly or via an ETF or other fund, should be exposed and forced to divest such ownership AND Capital Gains  of this company.




Online headline: “Biden administration to lower costs for 64 drugs through inflation penalties on drugmakers” – Hmmm.. in other words, what Biden is doing is raising the prices on 1,000s of other drugs these Democrat donors sell to the public and government programs!




Online headline: “Ilhan Omar accused of failing to report tens of thousands in asset” --

 Well, it looks like the rest of the squad, like Jamaal Bowman, is on the DNC’s

hit list” too!


Went down to the Columbus, GA Riverwalk yesterday to see the wall and other damages I've seen pictures of, and this is what I found....a potential DEATHTRAP!  Can you imagine what an insurance investigator would think if someone had an open gate leading to a  swimming pool, and the inspector saw it?  What if someone went through it and fell.. it happens.. In fact it happened to me, and though no broken bones were detected by X-rays, I did get severe skin shreds on one arm and one leg. What scares me most though is what could have happened if a group of 3-to-10 year old boys were there on a family or field trip.. We know that aged boys would be all-over the RiverWalk …being... well... being normal 3-to-10 year old boys!  We know they would be racing to that open gate, and would be  victims to falls ...and potentially falling into the river.  I'm not a litigious person by nature, but if that gate isn't secured by noon today, I'm probably doing to make phone calls to "One Call-That's All", "the Good Guy", the "Strongarm" , the "Tough Guy", or one of my son-in-LAWyers.


Thursday, June 27, 2024


Online headline: “What we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray” -- Venezuela?  Hmmm... that's the government Biden wants to duplicate .. the one that the former President, Maduro, refused to leave office, and the one that emptied its jails of its worst criminals and sent them to our border...



Hmmm, since the Supreme Court now says the White House handlers can pressure Social Media to stop "misinformation" why doesn't the Supreme Court tell the White House handlers to put pressure on Resident Biden to stop giving  "misinformation" in his press conferences and campaign speeches?



Online headline/story: “Who gets how much money in deal that changes Columbus stadium’s name for Double-A Braves? * The city won’t receive any money from the sale of the naming rights to the city-owned stadium. * Mayor Skip Henderson told the Ledger-Enquirer that the Columbus Consolidated Government relinquished the naming rights to Diamond Baseball Holdings , a New York-based company that owns and operates 34 minor league baseball teams, including all Atlanta Braves affiliates. * “It was part of the negotiations and was approved by Council as part of the terms of the lease” with DBH, Henderson said in an email to the L-E. * Synovus communications manager Tiffany Capuano and DBH communications director Lauren Flemming declined to disclose how much money was paid for the naming rights and for how many years.” --

Mark Rice did report the “average naming rights payments” for other minor league teams, but somehow, I don’t think it’s CLOSE to what SIN-over-US is paying DBH because neither Mayor Skippy nor Synovus wants to let us.. or COUNCIL for that matter… know.



Oh, there’s one other “backroom deal” Mayor Skippy has negotiated for himself that has no benefit for the average taxpayers!: “CCG has the right to use one suite (location to be agreed upon) at each DBH-owned event at no cost to CCG, other than payment for food and beverage costs and services. CCG has the right to use all suites at CCG-owned events, subject to terms of the suite holder’s agreement.” – Obviously, I gotta change Columbus GA's Mayor Skippy the Poo's name! After these backroom deals have been exposed, he'll forever be known as Mayor Skippy the POOP!




Hmmm… Looks like Columbus GA Ledger-Enquirer writer Mark Rice has opened a huge "can of wormy poop" when neither  Mayor Skippy the POOP nor Representatives from SIN-over-US would mention the amount of money that exchanged hands when SIN-over-US usurped the identity of Historic Golden Park! Yes, the 100 acres down at South Commons has definitely become the "100 Acre Scam"!




Wow! I saw an online ad for "Free" at home Covid-19 tests today. First, they aren't "free", we all pay for them with our taxes, but.. under the circumstances of Dr FRAUD-i's sworn testimony, there's no validity for them being issued or used.



Online headline: “Donald Trump Evidence Shows 'Criminal Intent'—Ex-FBI Assistant Director” --  Good grief!  What yellow journalism.... quoting an ex-FBI "assistant director" who isn't under oath. because President, Trump could legally handle, re-classify, even possess documents as he saw fit. On the other hand, Biden had many more classified and top secret documents he illegally handled and removed while he was a Senator and VP.




Hmmm… Here's something that will make AOC implode! If White frontiermen hadn't nearly wiped out buffaloes back in the 1800s, she'd have to be going after Native Americans to kill off the buffaloes, and Sen. Pocahontas Warren would be on the warpath.




Resident Biden, as incumbent, shouldn't be campaigning about what he'll do if re-elected, but if he had anything good he’d done, he would be telling  us what he's accomplished so we’d want to  keep him. 




Hmmm… Was watching "Lilo and Stitch" with my youngest grandsons yesterday...and noticed that while liberals will call any individual who points out obvious specific body differences of ethnic groups some kinda bigot or some-kinda-phobe, yet Disney exaggerates ethnic facial and body features, and language idiosyncrasies, but liberals are fine with it.





After seeing pictures of the damaged walls on the RiverWalk here in Columbus, GA, it looks like Columbus taxpayers are gonna get stuck with another major bill or BOND issue…




Online headline: “Biden pardons potentially thousands of ex-service members convicted under now-repealed gay sex ban” --  Hey, this bill was passed in 2013 when he was BleepVeep Biden…  Wow! He has had 7 years as VP and President to do this, and waits until now to do what is right. What a hypocrite!




Online story: “Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said the House Judiciary Committee plans to file a lawsuit to force Attorney General Merrick Garland to turn over audio recordings of President Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur. * The suit would be the latest effort to secure the tapes after the Justice Department informed Congress it would not be bringing criminal charges against Garland despite a House vote to hold him in contempt.” – Tonight’s debate should be all evidence needed to force the DOJ to turn over an provably UNEDITED video of that interview. If Biden flounders, the video will be evidence foe an Amendment 25 challenge to his presidency; but if Biden has a reasonable night, then the video needs to be turned over to challenge the Special Prosecutor’s “decision” to not charge Biden with felonious.. if not TREASONOUS,  possession of 10,000’s of classified documents at various locations..





My bride and I enjoyed welcoming Fox & Friends’  Lawrence Jones coming to Columbus, GA  and setting up shop at a long time restaurant (Ruth Ann’s) that we’ve frequented over the years… Segments should be shown through-out the day..

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Online headline: “Border smugglers use social media to brag about trafficking migrants to US” --  Hmm, and yet conservative voices still get blocked by Social Media sites..

Online headline: “Drag queen serving as LA neighborhood official explains why 'homophobic' U-turn signs had to be removed” --  Hmmm… Men dressing in "drag" is just as disrespectful to women as people wearing  Halloween outfits including  "Blackface make-up"

Online headline: “Nurse Lucy Letby 'caught virtually red-handed' dislodging premature baby's breathing tube: prosecutors” --  Hmmm... Of course her defense will be that this was a partial-birth abortion that went into overtime…

Online headline: “Korean Air confirmed to Fox Business that 17 of its passengers received medical attention after one of its Taiwan-bound flights dropped mid-air due to pressurization issues.” – A Boeing 737… Again! Remember, there are no coincidences!

Some of the scariest moments of the 2024 Presidential Election is the number of times we've seen Obama… with a broad, relaxed, Cheshire Cat Smile….  sidling up close to Resident Biden... It's like Obama has to repeat his "Goodbye" over and over because Biden doesn't remember the game plan.

Special Prosecutor Robert Hur will probably be the most concerned person watching the “Debate”.. if Biden looks like anything bit  “an elderly man with a poor memory”. Hur will HAVE to produce an unedited video of his interview with Biden concerning why he didn’t make charges against Biden for his 1,000s and 1,000s of illegally removed  “classified documents”..

Online headline: “ Ex-CIA Director Blasts Cops Seeking Trump Autographs, “You Should Be Ashamed” -- Hmmm...Was Hayden one of "the 51" who bogusly signed the letter say Hunter's laptop was "Russian Disinformation"? Regardless, where are the leftist "label police" chastising Hayden for his personal attack on "fat" police officers?

Online headline: “AOC wins NY-14 Democratic primary” --  Good grief! AOC's opponent must either be a horrible politician... or White... to lose to AOC! If I'd been running against her, I'd have run the videos of her campaigning for Jamaal Bowman, along with the narrative, "AOC..she works harder for re-electing a LOSER than she does representing the voters in our District!"

Online headline: “Emhoff says world ‘literally’ depends on Biden win in November” -- Of course, this is an opinion of "The Hill", the DNC's propaganda machine.. but the "world’s" 2nd Gentleman Emhoff is referring to are the worlds of China, Russia, Venezuela, Mexican drug cartels, sex traffickers, Cuba, Iran, and Afghanistan.

Online headline: “ Ballot watchdog warns of Democrats illegally switching out Biden for Clinton” -- You gotta be kidding me! "Hellary" for "JoKKKe Biden's? Does America really want Bill Clinton turning the White House back into "Lolita-ville"?  Well,  I’m still going with my going with my long predicted "Ste. Michelle" ascendency..

Online headline: “13th Street, 13th Avenue in Columbus, GA may reopen this week” --  "May" reopen this week? Wow, how many times in the past 6 or 7 years have we heard that said about our Public Swimming Pools!

Online headline: “Columbus officials host Courtland Ave. rezoning meeting” -- “Smaller lots for "Affordable Housing"? What BS! The property being talked about will surround a developed street with houses in the $250,000-$400,000 range, and only 1 of the homes has land over 1/3rd of an acre. (One barely has 1/5th of an acre plot). Combined with 7% mortgage rates now, this zoning request is just developers being greedy.. Oh.. and how "happy" will the existing homeowners on Lemongrass Drive be when their homes take a "resale hit" because of the surrounding properties being "smaller"?

Online headline: “Janet Yellen says inflation will return to normal without a recession” – Hmmm… Janet Yellen&Kicking will say ANYTHING in order to hopefully keep her job after the election!

Online “headLIE”: Inflation has been higher under Biden, but rising pay more than makes up for it” -- What BS! When the government prints and floods the economy with "unearned" money, that money just assures that the prices won't drop back down.. An excellent example is how college education costs have soared since the introduction of Lottery funded scholarships, and irresponsibly given/collected student loans..

Online headline: “Clyburn: Older Black voters need to ‘talk some sense’ into Trump-inclined children” -- Or....or maybe Congressman Clyburn should look at what the younger voters are seeing and listen TO THEM! Clyburn has been "played" by the Democrats ,and the younger Black voters are seeing that the Democrat Agenda has not .. and does not "work" .. for a better America... for any American citizen!

Online headline: “My Heart Never Left: Edwin Jackson's Legacy and Community Impact in Columbus, GA”

It sure would have been NICE if the "writer" had mentioned: 1 - "706 Day" is Saturday, July 6th (07-06-24), and it's being held at Woodruff Riverfront Park from 2:00 - 6:00 PM, and 2 - that tickets (free) are required and can be attained at Eventbrite, and 3 - it'll be in the HIGH 90s and there's a strong chance of thunderstorms.

BTW, Welcome Home, Edwin Jackson.. Watched him in many Shaw vs Columbus High ball games!

Online headline: “ Georgia attorney general applauds orders against Biden’s student debt plan” – And, it's about time the District Federal  Court and US Supreme Court Systems file "Contempt of Court" charges against Biden, and.. deliver them to him at the Debate site Thursday night!

Online headline: “Justice Sotomayor Fires 'Startling New Warning Shot” – Hey, Justice Sotomayor… our Forefathers did not give Supreme Court Justices lifelong terms so they could rewrite them with liberal bias… The Forefathers just want you to preserve the Constitution that has made America GREAT! Your views make America GRATE…

Think about this... Why does a sitting President have to take off more than a week to prepare for a 90 minute debate? Not only should Biden demonstrate his awareness of existing US issues and assure American citizens he has the solutions... and the answers .... to make things better.., but  he should sound like he's abreast of international issues that reassure American citizens AND foreign leaders alike that he "has our backs". Plus… you know CNN will make sure Biden  knows ahead of time what questions the CNN "journalists" are going to ask.

SINator Pastor Warnock, D-GA,  said the "Biden-Harris campaign is not taking the Black vote for granted.". DOH! Does Warnock have a case of dementia, too? Just 4 years ago, Candidate Biden yelled at Charlemagne the god that, "“Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”  I think Biden and the Democrats feel they OWN the Black vote!

Online headline: “The Biden administration and campaign team is facing doubts from Jewish voters amid concerns over the Israel-Hamas war abroad and antisemitism at home * Troy Zukowski of the Michigan Jewish Democrats said he's been asked, ‘How could any Jew vote for a Democrat?’” – Hmmm.. looks like the American Jewish Community is becoming      “A-WOKE”, and planning it’s second  “EXODUS”  back to the LAND our Forefathers PROMISED us all!

Online headline: “Biden vs. Trump. Is a debate fair game to test mental acuity?” --  "Fair Game"?  I think things will be PRETTY OBVIOUS...pretty obvious that  President Biden has  "no game"!

Online headline: “Snopes finally admits media, Democrats were wrong about Trump” – About time! But there’s a crippling flaw in this admission… how do we believe a liar who now  wants to tell the truth?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


  • Online “The Hill” (chief DNC propaganda distributor) “headLIE”: “Inaction on GOP’s Biden ‘cheapfakes’ will cost us our democracy” --  The only "cheapfake" is MSM calling truly unedited videos "cheapfakes".

    Online headline: “Treasury secretary travels to Atlanta to announce crackdown on fentanyl” -- Hmmm...why is Yellen&Kicking  taking on Fentanyl rather than the high interest rates?

    Online headline: “Fed Governor Bowman says she's still open to raising rates if inflation doesn't improve” --  Again...Hmmm...why is Treasury Secretary Yellen&Kicking  taking on Fentanyl rather than the high interest rates?

    Online headline: “Biden administration unveils new steps to increase affordable housing” -- Good grief! With mortgage rates at 7%, there are no.. and there won't be... "affordable low cost homes"!

    Online headline: “Federal lawsuit challenges new Georgia cash bail law” Speaking of “bail”, what happened to the two antifa Cop City protesters who were arrested then found to have failed to show up for their arraignment for their arrest in the Jan 6 happenings in Washington,  DC? I found it rather strange that these two were paid to be at the Atlanta and Washington events.. and  MSM seems to ignore the "coincidence".

    Online “headLIE”: “AOC doubles down on bizarre, cringeworthy antics at pro-Bowman rally: ‘It’s called organizing’” --  Hmmm… so AOC called this "Organizing"? I remember when this would have been called "inciting  a mob to violence"!

    Online headline: “ Biden's Education Department is considering avenues to make 450,000 more workers eligible for a key student-debt cancellation program” -- Why doesn't the Supreme Court issue a "Contempt of Court" charge against Resident Biden!

    Online headline: “Nancy Pelosi Says She Has No Confidence in ‘Rogue’ Supreme Court” --  And I have "no confidence" in PeLOUSY fighting for the America I envision for my grandchildren!

    Online “headLIE”: “Embattled Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao claims FBI wouldn’t have raided her home if she was rich” --  “if she was rich”? Hmmm… talk about a “losing argument”! How does Mayor Sheng Thao explain what the FBI did to President Trump’s home?

    Online headline: “Stephen A. Smith Tells 'White Folks' To Mind Their Own Business” --  Hmmm...sounds like Smith is using Biden's definition of "Unity"… wanna bet the NBA would be cringing if Smith told “White Folks” not to buy tickets to the NBA games?

    Online headline: “The Bidens have been using their Delaware house for fast cash” --  To me, it looks like all the over $700,000.00 in mortgage payoffs made in 6 months over a 1997-98 time period indicates an unclear source of income on a Senator's salary.

    Online headline: “Columbus GA community pools in jeopardy of not opening this summer. More delays announced” -- Wow! Columbus GA is going to re-open a public swimming pool on October 29th (barring even further delays) just in time for Halloween! Think about that... also, Diamond Baseball Holdings better start thinking about its chances of Golden Park (now to be known as “SIN-over-US Park-money-in-Mayor-Skippy's-Pocket”) actually being ready for opening night in April 2025.

    Online headline: “Ahead of debate, Biden accuses Trump of ignoring middle class in new ad” --Hmmm... the only things really being ignored are the lies Resident Biden and the Democrats constantly spew out about the successful job they are doing.

    Online headline: “ City of Columbus GA announces Independence Day operating schedule” --  Wow! How insensitive...the Columbus GA  City Manager gives the debris crew Thursday off to celebrate the 4th, but ruins their weekend by making them work on Saturday!

    Online headline: “Vice President Harris says Trump is 'guilty' of 'stealing’ reproductive rights of women” -- Hmmm... the only thing anyone is guilty of is Phuckles Harris being guilty of lying... Again.

    Online headline: “Joe Biden’s Climate Law Has Created More Than 300,000 Clean Energy Jobs” – Hmmm… The only thing really created have been 300,000 drains of taxpayers’ dollars  for jobs that don't help the economy.

    Online headline: “Video shows LADA Chief Deputy DA Joseph Iniguez arrested after interrupting police who pulled over his then-fiance as the couple drove home from a wedding.” -- much for the Democrats argument that "none of them is above the law"...

    Online headline: “Murky waters? Are you better off than you were four years ago? Many voters aren't sure.” --'s not so "murky"  if you pump your own gas, and shop for your own groceries, or have eaten out often for the past 3 years.

    Online headline: “While Biden accuses Trump of being "only out for himself" in a new TV ad, Trump has campaigned on ending Biden’s 'inflation nightmare.'” -- Hmmm... the only things really being ignored are the lies Resident Biden and the Democrats constantly spew out about the successful job they are doing.

    Online headline: “The Florida Panthers have won the Stanley Cup.” – Hmmm… With the temperature as hot as it was, the Florida Panthers could probably have sold out their ice rink for higher prices to use as heat relief than for watching  the Hockey Championship game.

    Online headline: “Matter of Debate: Biden’s ticket to win head-to-head matchup is to show he is in ‘command of his faculties” – Hmmm… MSM will have to ask one more important question if Resident Biden passes the initial "tests" of showing he is "alert" and "in charge". If he successfully passes those, then MSM will have to ask, "Why have we been excusing him for the last 3.5 years?"

    You know, if Resident Biden has a great evening of debate... for that matter, even if he just has an "OK" evening, it will raise more questions about the DOJ's refusal to release an unedited video of Robert Hur's interview with Biden. Hur stated Biden was just an "elderly man with a poor memory" as being why Biden wouldn't be charged about the trove of classified documents he had illegally removed from Washington!

    Talk about child abuse… there are doctors being charged with fraud now because they were giving minor girls gender transition doses of testosterone because their blood work indicated they were LOW ON TESTOSTERONE, and conversely ordering estrogen shots for minor boys because they we LOW ON ESTROGEN! Hello… that’s because before the girls and boys got those treatments, THEY WERE HEALTHY!