Friday, June 7, 2024

 Online story: “Three veterans slammed former President Trump as a “draft dodger” and argued he is unfit to be commander in chief in a new video from President Biden’s reelection campaign unveiled Thursday, marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.” -- Wow! 3 veterans slammed Trump as a "draft dodger"…. and it made the NATIONAL news feed! Of course, JoKKKe Biden didn't serve then either, but Biden screwed up the plan Trump had started to pull out of Afghanistan and 13 American soldiers lost their lives to shoddy leadership, and just this past weekend 3 of our soldiers were killed and 34 were wounded by an Irani-backed drone attack in Jordan.

Online headline/story: “The Miss Universe, Miss USA, and Miss Teen USA pageants are now owned by a transgender entrepreneur from Thailand * This year’s Miss USA pageant, owned by the Miss Universe organization, is making headlines with unprecedented milestones. Bailey Anne Kennedy, a transgender woman, was crowned Miss Maryland, marking the first time a transgender contestant has won the title. At 31, she is older than the average pageant queen and identifies as a “military wife.” Kennedy competed as Miss Williamsport (Md) USA” -- Oh! In addition, the transgender owner of the “Miss” organization is on the record that transgenders can compete but CANNOT WIN! Looks like the only things "Miss" about the "Miss Universe Contest" is that: 1 - Most of America will "miss" watching it, "Miss" no longer lives up to its dictionary definition, and many single women will "miss" the opportunity to compete in the event...

You know, every American citizen who was fired from his/her job during the Fauci years because they refused to take the Covid-19 "vaccines" should file a wrongful dismissal suit against Dr Fauci!

Online story: “A largely Democratic Connecticut town council has sparked controversy after it refused to fly the “thin blue line” flag for a state trooper killed in the line of duty last week. * The Wethersfield Town Council voted down the request to raise the flag — traditionally flown to support police — claiming that to some people, it represents divisiveness and racism . “ – Hmmm… you know…the Wethersfield Town Council, by refusing to honor the death of a law enforcement officer in THEIR town, actually are “DIVISIVE”, are “RACIST”, and clearly FASCIST in their action.

Online headline: “As a convicted felon, Trump isn't fit to lead America's military as commander-in-chief” -- You know, for a liberal to feel a "felon" shouldn't be in charge of our military (unless the "felon" is a Democrat) is in direct conflict with the Democratic Political Agenda of fawning ..even bowing to them in Obama's and Biden's cases... with the heads of Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Turkey, Russia and China.

Online headline: “ Delta Sigma Theta Sorority says Georgia House member falsely claimed membership” – Hmmm… How many companies, private or public, would keep her on their staff after finding she had "enhanced" her resumè (in other words, INTENTIONALLY LIED) to get an employment edge? Hmmm..isn't this even worse than Senator "Pocahontas" Warren's claim to be a Native American to get "DEI" job application treatment?

Online headline: “Biden claims to have known Putin for 'over 40 years'even when he worked as a KGB agent” -- Hmmm...Biden's known Putin for 40 years? Biden recognized an HamASS hostage in attendance at a White House event? Good grief! Here's two more reasons the DOJ MUST release a confirmably UNEDITED video of the Robert Hur interview with Resident Biden!

Online headline: “Pension issue stalls retired police officer Byron Hickey’s Columbus GA Council appointment was put on hold” -- My question is why an elected Council member would get a pension plan to begin with! I think of pension plans as being incentive for career fulltime employees, not elected part-time politicians.

Online “headLIE”: “Trump falsely claims Democratic states are passing laws allowing people to execute babies after birth “ – Actually, Trump is CORRECT! Partial-birth abortions have been allowed, and in one case I remember, in a failed attempt at completing such a dastard procedure, the infant survived and was living outside the mother, but the doctor killed the baby anyway and NO charges were made!

Online headline: “California fast food restaurants have cut 10,000 jobs since state passed $20 minimum “ -- From the " best laid plans" department - Online headline: "California fast food restaurants have cut 10,000 jobs since state passed $20 minimum wage" -- Hmmm... Wow.. even a blind person could have seen this is coming!

Online headline: “Jim Nabors’s 94th birthday celebration set for June 7-9 in Sylacauga” -- Shhhh... It's a "Surprise Surprise Surprise” Party!

Online headline: “Democrat calls only 7 EV-charging stations deployed under US program 'pathetic' -- $5 BILLION dollars? Oh! Is this one of those things we're suppose to feel proud that's been quietly accomplished by Resident Biden's leadership? Of course, it’s only brought to our attention because some Democrat bought an EV and there isn’t a convenient EV charging station near his neighborhood…..

Online headline: “AOC says she 'wouldn't be surprised' if Trump 'threw me in jail' if he wins in 2024” -- What an ego! Why would Trump want to throw her in jail versus being able to point at her as the best reason to elect Republicans?

Online headline: “Biden says he won't pardon son Hunter, vows to accept verdict in felony gun crime trial” -- Hmmm...this can only mean one thing...the Prosecutor and/or jury has been bought off.

Online headline: “Biden's 'perpetual state of confusion' on display in Normandy amid rising cognitive questions” -- This is why the DOJ needs to release an unedited video of the Hur-Biden interview that the public can compare to the transcript.

Take a moment of silence: Online headline/story: “102-year-old WWII veteran from New York dies while traveling to France for D-Day anniversary * Robert "Bob" Persichitti, 2/C Radioman 2nd Class on the command ship USS Eldorado, including tours in the Pacific Theater, Iwo Jima, Okinawa and Guam, became ill last week while traveling on a ship that was en route to Normandy for the D-Day tribute. He was then brought to a hospital in Germany where he died peacefully”

Former TN Congressman, and current lead Democrat damage controller on Fox News, Harold Ford could barely keep his face straight when saying he thought Biden's D-Day speech was "pretty good". Hey .. America doesn't "need" .. the World doesn't "need"… the President of the mightiest nation in the world giving "pretty good" speeches.. especially ones that are read off a Teleprompter!

Online headline: “Arizona voters will decide fate of Texas-style border law at the ballot box” – Great idea… but it’ll only work if voting is restricted to American citizens!

Online headline: “Biden marks 80th D-Day anniversary in Normandy” -- I'm afraid to watch video reports because I really don't know how embarrassing if was for America!
Interesting... The Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece about Biden that has the highest echelon of Democrats in an uproar… and in their chaos/panic mode! Queen PeLOUSY demands the WSJ to temper... back off.. its message, but the WSJ has also emboldened other Leftist sources...Jon Stewart of "The Daily Show" says he wants to see the JoKKKe Biden his staff says is on top of his game "behind closed doors".. and we KNOW they can't produce THAT Resident Biden ...

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