Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Did you hear Resident Biden actually "read" that "on Day 1" he signed Executive Orders to "fix" the issues Donald Trump created? How does he call eliminating policies that were working a "fix"? Oh, and during his "reading session", not one mention did he make about doing the one necessary thing that will help the most... finishing the Wall Trump was building, and that Biden stopped  on "Day 1"?

Did Biden's comment about it's time to take action bother you as much as me! For 3.5 years, border security has been under control or his Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and Biden's "Border Tsar" VP Phuckles Harris, both of whom have denied there has been a problem at the Southern Border. I didn’t notice Biden firing Mayorkas or replacing Harris on his 2024 ticket yesterday…. Of course, unless somebody puts this info on a Teleprompter, I doubt he remembers WHO Mayorkas or Harris are.

With laws that can charge people in their own homes for not keeping guns secured so children cannot find them, I've always wondered why Hallie Biden wasn't charged with some sort of federal crime for illegally disposing a firearm.. Think about it.. she put/tossed it in a dumpster near a school where any desperate street person could have "found" it, and then the gun becomes part of street crime.


Many people live their lives taking 2 steps forward, then one step backwards… and it gives them perspective.. direction.. of where to take their next 2 steps.. Resident Biden is.. for lack of other adjectives … DIFFERENT! It seems that for every two steps backward he’s taken since his Day 1 Executive Orders, he follows it up with another step backwards….

Online headline: “Stormy Daniels recalls wearing bulletproof vest to Donald Trump’s trial as she details ‘horrifying’ threats” – Hmmm… it was probably just a bra she wasn’t used to wearing daily, but,, Good grief! Who would waste a bullet on her....

Online headline: “Columbus GA City Council to discuss renovations to jail” -- Hmmm... I think we deserve an audit as to where every penny of the Public Safety LOST sales tax revenue has been spent over the last 15 years.. it certainly hasn't been spent on adding the 100 new police officers we voted on.

Online headline: “Biden says he's more physically viable than TIME reporters interviewing him: ‘I can take you too” -- Good grief! Biden is the 21st Century's Max Headroom, and visible proof of early artificial intelligence.

Online headline: “Biden says world leaders are scared of another Trump presidency, tell him 'you can't let' Trump win” -- Hmmm...leaders like Xi, Putin, Rahbari, Maduro, Miguel Diaz-Canel, Obrador ... possibly Trudeau and Macron (but these two are a stretch).

US Attorney General Garland is desperately trying to keep the video of Robert Hur’s interview with Resident Biden.. You know, the Robert Hur transcript of his investigation interview with Biden is not proof of what was actually said. Without an examined-for-editing digital/video recording of that interview for comparison, there is no valid proof of what Biden said, or of the questions Hur asked him.


Online headline: “More than 500 noncitizens registered to vote in DC Council elections Tuesday despite House reckoning” -- Seriously, how has it evolved that Washington DC gets to make plans and laws and Constitution without Congressional approval..Washington, D.C, has no rights of it’s own! The Founding Fathers did not wantWashington, D.C. to be considered a state.

Online story: “During opening statements, Hunter Biden's defense attorney said that Hunter Biden drove his father's Cadillac to the gun store to purchase the firearm in question in his criminal trial. * Abbe Lowell on Tuesday morning said that Hunter drove the car to a cell phone store and while there, he went across the street to the gun store and ended up purchasing the gun.” – Wait a minute… Knowing of Hunter’s drug addiction, JoKKKe Biden allowed him to use/borrow his luxury vehicle? Sounds like a parent in denial!

Online headline: “Video: Fauci admits COVID vaccines had little ability to stop infection and transmission” -- Hmmm … Then why is there a new wave of government approved home delivered Covid-19 tests bring pushed on us!

Online headline/story : “School district DEI trainer says American flag becoming 'hate' symbol, employees resisting CRT should be fired * Dr. Nancy Dome is the CEO of Epoch Education in Oakland, CA which calls itself a "national leader" in DEI and indicates that at least five public school districts, ranging from nearly 40,000 students to over 70,000 each, have hired the firm to bring in an equity agenda. It lists the U.S. Department of Education, which did not respond to a comment request, as a client. “ – Good grief! Just seeing this is a California based business voids her credibility to the MAX! Tried to find “five public school districts” she implied, but I guess those five aren’t too keen on being identified…

Online headline: “City of Columbus GA launches HARP to help low-income homeowners with repair costs” -- It's not "affordable" housing when other home owners maintenance savings accounts are taxed to pay for other people's home maintenance. It doesn’t matter where the “government money” comes from.. it was taken out of people’s pockets and is being given to other people who get approved by government employees! Now, what kind of restrictions come with these “grants”? Can such homeowners turn around and sell the property the next day, and can property owners turn around and lease the property out as soon as the repairs are done? Looks like a real issue for Council 10 runoff candidates to discuss! Oh! Is having such a home be qualified require it be under the “homestead exemption” status, and current for all property taxes?

Online headline: “If Trump wins, he could weaponize U.S. spy services against his domestic political enemies, former intel officers warn” -- Actually Obama and Biden both weaponized Government agencies.. IRS, DOJ and FBI for sure…Hmmm... You know... YES, Trump could continue this ...but he has too many more important things to accomplish making AMERICA GREAT again, rather than "grate" again like Biden.

Online headline: “ 31 weapons missing from Fort Moore” – Well, you can bet they are “on the streets” of Columbus GA by now!

Well, one thing for sure, we do not have to worry about what Resident Biden will do for a job in 2025… He’ll become the new “poster child” for LifeCall’s “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” ad campaign.

Online headline: “WaPo Bezos sounds alarm over dwindling audience in heated staff meeting: 'People are not reading your stuff'” -- Hummm…"Not reading your stuff"? I think "stuff" pretty much identifies the problem... "stuff" is not a synonym for NEWS, or the TRUTH.

Online headline: “Oklahoma becomes sixth state to put a constitutional amendment on Nov. 2024 ballot providing that only U.S. citizens can vote in elections” – You know, without Democrats being elected, this kind of Amendment wouldn’t be necessary to re-inforce our US Constitution!

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