Tuesday, June 25, 2024


  • Online “The Hill” (chief DNC propaganda distributor) “headLIE”: “Inaction on GOP’s Biden ‘cheapfakes’ will cost us our democracy” --  The only "cheapfake" is MSM calling truly unedited videos "cheapfakes".

    Online headline: “Treasury secretary travels to Atlanta to announce crackdown on fentanyl” -- Hmmm...why is Yellen&Kicking  taking on Fentanyl rather than the high interest rates?

    Online headline: “Fed Governor Bowman says she's still open to raising rates if inflation doesn't improve” --  Again...Hmmm...why is Treasury Secretary Yellen&Kicking  taking on Fentanyl rather than the high interest rates?

    Online headline: “Biden administration unveils new steps to increase affordable housing” -- Good grief! With mortgage rates at 7%, there are no.. and there won't be... "affordable low cost homes"!

    Online headline: “Federal lawsuit challenges new Georgia cash bail law” Speaking of “bail”, what happened to the two antifa Cop City protesters who were arrested then found to have failed to show up for their arraignment for their arrest in the Jan 6 happenings in Washington,  DC? I found it rather strange that these two were paid to be at the Atlanta and Washington events.. and  MSM seems to ignore the "coincidence".

    Online “headLIE”: “AOC doubles down on bizarre, cringeworthy antics at pro-Bowman rally: ‘It’s called organizing’” --  Hmmm… so AOC called this "Organizing"? I remember when this would have been called "inciting  a mob to violence"!

    Online headline: “ Biden's Education Department is considering avenues to make 450,000 more workers eligible for a key student-debt cancellation program” -- Why doesn't the Supreme Court issue a "Contempt of Court" charge against Resident Biden!

    Online headline: “Nancy Pelosi Says She Has No Confidence in ‘Rogue’ Supreme Court” --  And I have "no confidence" in PeLOUSY fighting for the America I envision for my grandchildren!

    Online “headLIE”: “Embattled Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao claims FBI wouldn’t have raided her home if she was rich” --  “if she was rich”? Hmmm… talk about a “losing argument”! How does Mayor Sheng Thao explain what the FBI did to President Trump’s home?

    Online headline: “Stephen A. Smith Tells 'White Folks' To Mind Their Own Business” --  Hmmm...sounds like Smith is using Biden's definition of "Unity"… wanna bet the NBA would be cringing if Smith told “White Folks” not to buy tickets to the NBA games?

    Online headline: “The Bidens have been using their Delaware house for fast cash” --  To me, it looks like all the over $700,000.00 in mortgage payoffs made in 6 months over a 1997-98 time period indicates an unclear source of income on a Senator's salary.

    Online headline: “Columbus GA community pools in jeopardy of not opening this summer. More delays announced” -- Wow! Columbus GA is going to re-open a public swimming pool on October 29th (barring even further delays) just in time for Halloween! Think about that... also, Diamond Baseball Holdings better start thinking about its chances of Golden Park (now to be known as “SIN-over-US Park-money-in-Mayor-Skippy's-Pocket”) actually being ready for opening night in April 2025.

    Online headline: “Ahead of debate, Biden accuses Trump of ignoring middle class in new ad” --Hmmm... the only things really being ignored are the lies Resident Biden and the Democrats constantly spew out about the successful job they are doing.

    Online headline: “ City of Columbus GA announces Independence Day operating schedule” --  Wow! How inane...how insensitive...the Columbus GA  City Manager gives the debris crew Thursday off to celebrate the 4th, but ruins their weekend by making them work on Saturday!

    Online headline: “Vice President Harris says Trump is 'guilty' of 'stealing’ reproductive rights of women” -- Hmmm... the only thing anyone is guilty of is Phuckles Harris being guilty of lying... Again.

    Online headline: “Joe Biden’s Climate Law Has Created More Than 300,000 Clean Energy Jobs” – Hmmm… The only thing really created have been 300,000 drains of taxpayers’ dollars  for jobs that don't help the economy.

    Online headline: “Video shows LADA Chief Deputy DA Joseph Iniguez arrested after interrupting police who pulled over his then-fiance as the couple drove home from a wedding.” -- Hmmm...so much for the Democrats argument that "none of them is above the law"...

    Online headline: “Murky waters? Are you better off than you were four years ago? Many voters aren't sure.” -- Hmmm...it's not so "murky"  if you pump your own gas, and shop for your own groceries, or have eaten out often for the past 3 years.

    Online headline: “While Biden accuses Trump of being "only out for himself" in a new TV ad, Trump has campaigned on ending Biden’s 'inflation nightmare.'” -- Hmmm... the only things really being ignored are the lies Resident Biden and the Democrats constantly spew out about the successful job they are doing.

    Online headline: “The Florida Panthers have won the Stanley Cup.” – Hmmm… With the temperature as hot as it was, the Florida Panthers could probably have sold out their ice rink for higher prices to use as heat relief than for watching  the Hockey Championship game.

    Online headline: “Matter of Debate: Biden’s ticket to win head-to-head matchup is to show he is in ‘command of his faculties” – Hmmm… MSM will have to ask one more important question if Resident Biden passes the initial "tests" of showing he is "alert" and "in charge". If he successfully passes those, then MSM will have to ask, "Why have we been excusing him for the last 3.5 years?"

    You know, if Resident Biden has a great evening of debate... for that matter, even if he just has an "OK" evening, it will raise more questions about the DOJ's refusal to release an unedited video of Robert Hur's interview with Biden. Hur stated Biden was just an "elderly man with a poor memory" as being why Biden wouldn't be charged about the trove of classified documents he had illegally removed from Washington!

    Talk about child abuse… there are doctors being charged with fraud now because they were giving minor girls gender transition doses of testosterone because their blood work indicated they were LOW ON TESTOSTERONE, and conversely ordering estrogen shots for minor boys because they we LOW ON ESTROGEN! Hello… that’s because before the girls and boys got those treatments, THEY WERE HEALTHY!

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