Thursday, June 20, 2024


Online headline: “Biden's new immigration program draws praise from some New Yorkers” – Hmmm… Here's that favorite abuse of fact word..."some"...that liberals use to imply it's a wide-spread belief.



Online headline: “Clyburn on Biden losing steam with Black voters: ‘This is all about miscommunication, disinformation” --  Hmmm…Clyburn musta figured out that if Black voters move to Trump, Clyburn loses his “negotiation”  power in the Socialist-Democratic Party.



From the “ain’t this a joke?” department – Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow are fearful that if Trump is elected, he’ll pull them “off the air”.. Good grief! It’s the Democrats who want to wipe “free speech” off the air when it doesn’t serve the Party Agenda.. Besides, Trump KNOWS that having Behar and Maddow criticizing him only elevates him…



Online headline: “Airfield with Taylor Swift's jet targeted by climate activists using orange paint” -- Hmmm... this should change Taylor Swift and the "Swiftees" from voting liberal  this Fall.



Online headline: “ Biden Releases New Ad Calling Trump 'Convicted Criminal' --

Hmmm... and how long will it be before ads run calling Biden  "a not yet convicted criminal"?



Online headline: “The Location of The 'Lost' Confederate Gold From the American Civil War Is Still A Mystery Today” --  How does this story fail to mention Columbus, GA and William H. Young?



Online “headLIE”: “MSNBC Host Nicolle Wallace Says Trump Is Preparing ‘A Hostile Takeover’ To Turn DOJ Into ‘Political Weapon’” -- "Trump is preparing a hostile takeover to turn the DOJ into  political weapon"?  Where the hell has MS Wallace been hiding the last 3.5 years?



Online headline: “Poll: Majority of Americans support preserving Confederate history” --

Like Morgan Freeman said, "If you don’t know your past, if you don’t remember it, you are bound to repeat it".



Online headline: “Fauci says he still fears someone may kill him” -- Says the man who wore cloth Covid-19 masks that he KNEW  didn't actually protect him...



Online headline: “Ex-Biden official responds to Lindsey Graham calling Biden a felon” --Maybe a more accurate description would be "unconvicted far".



Online headline: “Uptown Columbus, GA to welcome new beer, wine and slushie bar” – “Ray’s Body Shop”? Perhaps an even better..and more appropriate name would be "Pope John’s LUBE JOB".



“The Hill”.. the Democrat’s Propaganda Mill… Opinion: After 15 years, give Congress a raise” -- Hmmm...$174,000.00 is more than adequate ...perhaps even too much... for the part-time job the Founding Fathers imagined... Now, what would get my attention... and probably my vote, would be a Congressional Candidate interested in TERM LIMITS!



Online headline: “15-Year-Old Charged in Montgomery Shooting Homicide of 12-Year-Old Girl” --Hmmmm....Why is a 15 year old charged with 3 counts of murder being treated as an unnamed child?



Online headline: “National Anthem Singer Change Lyrics to “Blue Glare” at Major League Baseball Game” --  Hmmm....Since he's playing word games, maybe somebody should point out to him that he's actually a BROWN man, not BLACK.



Online headline: “ Sharpton rips Trump claims about work for Black community: ‘Absurdity’” – “Absurdity”... know, that's a pretty good self-description of Al Sharlatan's  value to the Black community's future.



Online headline: “ 'It's Existential': Jane Fonda Spells Out Threat Of Electing The 'Orange Man” -- It should tell you all you need to know that “Hanoi Jane” is still pro-Communist..... nothing's changed since Nam..



Online headline: “Black advocates to use Juneteenth to demand political change” -- I agree... Blacks do need political change...starting with removing their shackles of the Socialist-Democratic Party!



Online headline: “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamie Raskin seeking answers from Chief Justice John Roberts over Supreme Court ethics” --  You sure would be nice if AOC and Raskin learned what real ETHICS are!



Online headline: “‘I’m Fearful’: Maxine Waters Bravely Attends Sentencing Of Convict Who Made Racist, Hateful Death Threats” -- Hmmm...whatta hypocrite! Waters lives in a gated-community in another Congressional District in California!



Online headline: “Holder worried Supreme Court will come to ‘dangerous’ conclusion on Trump immunity” --  So “The Hill” reports … the primary Democrat Propaganda outlet is citing Obama's ex-Attorney General who provided fully automatic machine guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, and was never prosecuted!



Online headline” “ 11-Year-Old Allegedly Sat on 15-Year-Old Friend While He Drowned In Columbus, GA Pond. Five Other Children Watched, But No One Reported It for Nearly a Week” -- What a sad state of family values!



From the “and remember where you saw the first mention of Michelle Obama being named the Democrat Presidential Nominee coming out of the Convention” department – Online headline: “Michelle Obama issues Juneteenth voter registration message: ‘This is a critical moment for all of us’” – Thus begins her campaign… this has been the plan… one that has kept the Democrat Primary period from becoming like the 1968 Democrat Convention in Shicago… By not running in the Primaries, Biden’s  “mess” has been kept “low key”.. and pre-election Black vote buying looks “Bidenish” to non-Black Democrats rather than racial.



Online headline/story: “White House video caption slip-up dubs Kamala Harris ‘Madam President’ during ‘Queer Eye’ cast meeting * Near the end of the clip, which was tweeted by Harris’ official X account Tuesday , one of the cast members addressed her as “Madam Vice President,” but the caption read “Madam President” instead.” --- Poor Phuckles Harris.. she’s about to become a “footnote” in American history…



Online headline: “Keeping American schools closed for a year during the coronavirus pandemic was a “mistake”, Anthony Fauci, the former head of a US public health authority has admitted for the first time.” --  What BS! Yes, closing schools was a mistake... but it was THE PLAN the LEFT used to get Biden's SPENDING bills passed that paid off the big PHARMA donors, Unions,  and BLUE STATES/CITIES vote buying programs!



Online headline: “ The Biden campaign is reportedly exiling aides who question its strategy, creating a “fear of being viewed as disloyal” among those working toward the president’s reelection, per a new report from Axios. ” --  Wow! How prophetic… PATHETIC, too… that a Party’s loyalty is to its agenda rather than our country! I remember when politics was about two sides wanting to get America to the same point in the future, but just having two different routes in mind..



Online headline: “Nathan Wade's media tour annoys Fani Willis allies in Georgia: 'Unnecessary distraction” --  "American as Apple Pie"? Hmmm... not so fast... there was nothing innocent when Fani tempted her "apples" for WADE to bite into..



Online headline: “Savannah, GA-area state representative fined $17,000 for multiple campaign finance violations” – Good grief! How can there not be an investigation into probable election fraud as well? His was about one GA House seat…and the “fine” is $17,000.00… now imagine how much we don’t know.



Have you noticed that Climate Change  activists seem to only talk about heat in the US, and only cities on America's East Coast being flooded by rising sea water?

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