Friday, June 14, 2024

Today is a special day… June 14th  is “Flag Day” honoring our Stars and Stripes.. it is also Donald Trump’s birthday! It is indeed a special day for America!

Columbus GA Council seems “giddy” at the recent report of the Columbus Police Department… but there is something amiss.. A week ago I wrote concerning a loss of information in recent months. One option “Spot Crime” had was a report on all crimes within 5 miles of one’s address.. All of a sudden, I was only getting crimes reported that occurred in Phenix City, Alabama. I got this reply from “Spot Crime” yesterday:

“It appears that we get data on a more regular basis for the area in Alabama, which is why you're mainly seeing this on your alerts.  Currently, we do not receive data from the Columbus Police Department, therefore, your alert defaults to showing data for the other areas within the 5 mile radius.  We hope you will attempt to reach out to them to ask them to share their data with us as we believe that crime data should be available to all and we strive to make this data transparent to all. “

Guess the Police Chief brought in by Columbus, GA  Mayor Skippy the Poo has “adopted” Skippy’s “rule of transparency”.  This may explain why a report I got on 2023 homicides in Columbus said there were  “only”  33 such homicides, yet the list of homicides in Columbus, GA that the Columbus L-E published showed 57 homicides!

Online headline: “Stuart Varney: Biden's special counsel 'tapes' are reminiscent of the Watergate scandal” – Fox Business News anchor Varney NAILED IT!  Remember the  “missing 18 minutes” of recordings from Nixon’s Oval Office tapes? Without the DOJ releasing a VERIFIABLY confirmed unedited  video of the Special Prosecutor Robert Hur-Resident Biden interview, here’s nothing to prove that the transcript wasn’t  a TOTAL FABRICATION!  Oh! And we’ve really come to  trust the Biden Administration  DOJ/FBI executive staff …. NOT!

Online headline: “Biden made it easier for student loan borrowers in bankruptcy. This woman, who thought it was a joke, got $158,182 cleared” – Hmmm… I'm not saying some professional occupation paths can't run up a high amount, but  how does an "ordinary student" get that much in unsecured loans. My bet  is a lot of missed payment and a lot of compounded interest and penalties. I would like to see the guy’s face when the Supreme Court rules… AGAIN… that JoKKKe Biden doesn’t have that power of debt dismissal..

Online headline/story: “Cleanup underway after flooding at Columbus GA Government Center * According to Mayor Skip Henderson, the flooding was caused by two faucets being left on overnight on the sixth floor of the building in the probate court area. * The mayor says the investigation into this incident is ongoing. ”  --  Hmmm...2 faucets left running all night on the 6th Floor... sounds like possible sabotage... and/or  continued lackadaisical maintenance... Wait a minute.. the 6th Floor is where Mayor Skippy’s office “was”….. “COINCIDENCE”?

Online headline: “‘Wish You Guys Would Play By The Rules’: Biden Admonishes Reporter For Asking Off Topic Question “ -- Hmmm...sounds like Resident Biden is certainly no fan of  "Freedom of the Press"!  CNN should be scared... Very scared!

Online headline: “NY Dem Rep Daniel Goldman: No legitimate reason to release Biden probe audio” -- What BS! Releasing a verifiably unedited video is QUITE necessary to validate Hur's statements!  The "transcript" could be accurate .. but it could be TOTALLY FABRICATED..

Online headline: “San Francisco becomes one of the first major US cities to declare ‘sanctuary’ status for transgender people” --  Hmmm..."Sanctuary" for “transgender people”?  Why?....Did San Francisco have laws against nature on its books? You know… San Francisco would be better off if it declared itself a “Sanctuary City” for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS!

News Alert! --  Fani Willis is so mad! She says she's tired of "these idiots" pronouncing her name like it's "Fanny" rather than "Fani" ….so remember to  pronounce her name with the  sound of the "a" in "fArt" not  like the "a" in fAir.

Republicans are missing something extremely important about the illegal alien issue. It's not just about Democrats trying to get illegals able to vote.. that's not their BIG ISSUE.. The big one is about what as many as 17,000,000 "invaders" being counted in the next Census  will do in shaping the Congressional District allocations. That 's enough people to influence 22 whole districts in Blue states and Red alike, and swaying creation of, or controlling many more, that currently are slim Red or Blue  majorities of the politically influenced.  We must get back to counting only the American citizens when determining Congressional Districting.

Online headline: “Put it to rest': DOJ shoots down House Republican conspiracy that it controlled Trump NY case” --  DOH! And how else would you expect the Democratic Party built  DOJ to respond…

Online headline: “Biden considering separate hostage deal with Hamas, potentially bypassing Israel “ – Good grief! What’s Biden gonna offer HamASS.. to buy back our hostages with weapons  so HamASS can step up its genocidal attack on the Jews in Israel? Again.. Why does the American Jewish Community support the Democratic Party!

Online story: “Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) suggested that Hunter Biden’s conviction in the federal gun charges case could create “an opening” for Michelle Obama to make a bid for the White House. “ – This has been MY prediction all along… The Democrats could not allow Michelle Obama seek the nomination via the primaries because she’d won “hands down” against Biden which would effectively made Biden a “lame duck” president, and even less effective at keeping the Socialist-Democrats’ agenda intact. The plan all along was to have her emerge from the Democrat Convention as the Party’s savior!

Online headline: “ DOJ tells Jordan search found no evidence of collusion with Manhattan DA in Trump case” – Once again, what else  did you expect the DOJ to say?

Online headline: “$3.4 trillion in individual tax cuts are expiring next year. Biden and Trump would handle it very differently “ – If you think inflation is hurting you family, wait’ll next year!  If Biden… or any Democrat for that matter,,, gets elected President in November!  The tax cuts implemented by Trump expire in January of 2025, and no Democrat will keep them ongoing…

From the “the half-truth is the blackest of all lies” department – Online “headLIE”: “Pelosi: Trump coming to Capitol Hill with ‘mission of dismantling our democracy’ “ – “Dismantle Democracy”? Not quite, Queen PeLOUSY… Trump is coming to Washington, but the only thing he wants to “dismantled” is the Democratic Party’s socialist agenda you’ve been trying to install!

Dr. Ben Carson, world-renown Neurologist/Surgeon and former Republican candidate for President,  was in Columbus, GA Thursday to speak in support of Brian Jack and Donald Trump. His life story, and his love of America were mesmerizing! I cannot remember ever listening to any speaker who was as genuine and sincere and humble  as Dr. Carson.

Hey… Columbus, GA voters! Make your voice heard! The local Council Post 10 runoff and Party House runoffs will be decided on Tuesday, June 18th. Less than 5% of voters are expected... that means your vote becomes 20 times more powerful when you cast your vote. Make sure you remember! Vote today (Friday) until 7:00 PM at the Citizen’s Service Building off Macon & Rigdon Roads or on Tuesday the 18th!

With all the backroom deals ($50 Million in Bonds)  to raze and rebuild the baseball Park.. then the removal of Golden family’s  name and giving it to "SIN-over-US", we don't need another Synovus connected Councilor like Chambers. Former (and fabulous)  Councilor John House has enthusiastically endorsed John Anker, and I do as well.  Also vote for Brian Jack for House District 3!


Hate Crime Alert! Whoa! Our Columbus GA RiverCenter is bringing the following to our town the weekend before the November 5th Election! Men dressing up as women disrespects real women! Why should anybody tolerate this! 

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