Monday, June 17, 2024


Online Friday headline: “Trump turns 78, spotlighting age as central issue in 2024 race” – You know.. the issue is not the age of Biden or Trump… the issue is the dementia Biden constantly demonstrates!

Online headline: “Jill Biden says husband is 'one of the most effective presidents' in modern history 'because of' his age” -- Hmmm.... maybe Jill Biden needs to have a COGNITIVE test run, too.

Remember a few months ago we were told that the last Columbus,GA  E-SPLOST had collected its maximum amount allowable in tax revenue? Why are we still having to pay it when we buy things?!

Online headline: “Jane Fonda Says the Climate Fight Is ‘What I’m Going to Do Till I Die’” – Thank God she’s 86…. Thank you, God,  for “86-ing Jane Fonda…

Online “headLIE”: “Yellen on Trump's tariffs-taxes idea: It would ‘make life unaffordable’” – Good grief! Yellen should be YELLING about what Bidenomics has done to America’s economy… and future… since Trump left office!

Online headLIE”: “Yellen tries to make the case that people ‘are better off now” -- Good grief! Mortgage rates have doubled since Biden appointed Yellen and pumped trillions of dollars into giveaway programs that have pumped consumer prices on food up 25% or more, and rent has skyrocketed .  I guess Yellen figures Democrat voters can't read so telling the truth doesn't matter.

Online headline: “Biden looks to capitalize on star-studded Hollywood fundraiser after Trump's massive cash haul in blue state” -- Typical Democrat hypocrisy... $25.00 for the peons, $500,000.00 for their good friends who benefit...

Online headline: “White House, Obama team dispute characterization of fundraiser video” – Huh? Obama had to grab Biden by the arm, tirn him around, then guide him off the stage,,, this was clear as crystal!

Online headline: “Sen. Warnock Pushes to Block Medical Debt from Credit Scores” – Hmmmm.. what’s next… will Resident Biden start “forgiving medical debt”, too? If so, no one will ever pay their medical bills… even insurance companies!

Online “headLIE”:  “Fact check: Biden, not Trump, has the record lows for Black unemployment and poverty” --  Hmmm.... one stat not "mentioned" is that unemployment percentages  drop when seekers of jobs drops, and that number of job seekers drops precipitously when people are getting government program checks.

Hmmm….Biden must have appointed Phuckles Harris as his 'Climate Change Tsar" as well!  She was in Atlanta for a couple of hours on Friday, and is going back there for a couple of more tomorrow (Tuesday) then flying Air Force 2 back to Washington.. do you think she has any clue.... or just doesn't care... about the operating costs, and carbon output of a 747 jet?

Online headline: “VP Harris stops by Atlanta 100 Black Men event to shore up Georgia base ahead of election” --  Hmmm... bet she feels all the Atlanta I-75/85 traffic between Downtown and the Airport she caused to be stop were all pulled over  just to see her....and the honking was because the stopped drivers wanted to encourage her! Yeah.. Right!

Watched some of Phuckles Harris' "interview" at the Atlanta 100 Black Men Conference on Friday.. She was talking about the early 2000's collapse of the housing market and how it made housing so unaffordable.. DOH! It was because mortgage companies could not ask questions about verifying loan seekers incomes.. the result was (I know personally because I sold one and bought another home in 2003), according to my realtor, that 22 out of 25 home buyers could "qualify" for a $349,999.00 home. (Only 3 in 25 could qualify if the price was higher). Then, with the collapse, interest rates soared and made homes even more unaffordable. Now, because of Bidenflation, mortgage rate interest has gone from under 3% to 7% which has killed affordability ...again!

Online headline: “SFPD will get paid $1 million per year to station officers outside Pelosi home” --  Wait a minute! Why not make her move to a NON-SANCTUARY city instead!  There were no incidences prior nor since, and when it happened Paul Pelosi could have averted all his injuries by inviting the police officers who responded into his home to arrest the guy! Another solution would be TO REPLACE Queen PeLOUSY in Washington!

Speaking of "political hush money” .. Didn't we just read about some $17 Million in tax dollars being distributed to blackmailers of Congressmen  who had various harassment cases threatened/pending?

The California US Senate race is between Adam Schiff and Steve Garvey... I think I have the one ad slogan  Garvey should run the next 4 months: "A vote for Steve Garvey is a vote against sending Adumb Schi**  back to Washington DC."

Online headline: “A new report published by ATTOM found that the number of home foreclosures rose nationwide in May as Americans continue to face an affordability crisis.” --  Well....this is what happens when Democrats are given the key to the bank vault!

Online headline: “Detroit pastor thanks Trump for visiting the 'hood' as Biden, Obama who ‘never came’ attend LA fundraiser” – Hmmm…Of course major Democrats don't get out into the inner city streets... they believe they already OWN the Black vote, so why bother...

Online headline: “Prosecutors in Georgia election case against Trump seek to keep Willis on the case” – Typical “liberal-speak”…Prosecutors (2 would qualify as a plural) want to keep Fani ( "A" as in f-A-rt) Willis on the case because : 1 - none want to be given the case, and 2 - none want to be the one to say there won't be a case if "Fani" is kicked off.

From the “Move along, folks, there’s nothing to see here” department  - Online headline: “Explosives found in Chattahoochee River pose no risk to public in Columbus, Phenix City” -- Hmmmm.. Why isn’t the type of munitions found haven't been fully disclosed?

Online headline: “Democratic Senator begins inquiry of ICE center in Texas after allegations of poor conditions” --
Hmmm--- “poor conditions”? You know.. there wouldn’t be the “over demand” for space if Biden had simply left the “remain in Mexico” policy Trump left him on “Day 1”.

Online “headLIE”: “US Crime Rate Drops to ‘Historic’ Lows With Murders, Rapes, and Robbery Plunging, New Statistics Show” – Aside from this being from “Good News Network” which is a Socialist-Democrat “propaganda house”, the even more pertinent fact is major BLUE CITIES are not reporting their crime stats to the FBI.. Columbus, GA is one of these cities, too.. in fact, IO requested the number of homicides in Columbus, GA for 2023, and the CPD response was “33”.. fortunately. The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer was keeping up with them by name and date, and notated there were 57 such homicides in Columbus, GA in 2023… and don’t forget, the current FBI is controlled by Attorney General Merrick Garland at the DOJ…. So… so much for accuracy!

From the “she’s a “sainte” in her own mind” department – Online headline: “Squad member Cori Bush claimed she performed miracles, cured tumors in autobiography * In another instance, Bush claimed she cured a woman racked with tumors. * “One woman whom we met had several visible tumors on her torso. She was due to have surgery but lacked health insurance and living in the park. One of the tumors was particularly painful to her. I laid hands on her and prayed, and I felt that my hand was no longer touching a tumor. It shrank along with the others on her body. * The book was released by Knopf in 2022. * But despite a full court media blitz at the time, few people appear to have read it.” --
Hmmmm.. sounds like Cori Bush is a legend in her OWN mind…but do you really think God hs empowered her with healing powers since she is a pro-HamASS genocidist of God’s “Chosen People”?

Seriously.. why do people schedule outdoor weddings, receptions, or rehearsal dinners in June in the Southern states? I saw 3 in Atlanta this past weekend, and am still Shaking My Head.

Online headline: “Next season will be the end of an era for both TNT and Charles Barkley.” -- Charles Who?

Online headline: “Columbus, GA Community concerned after teen drowns in Columbus retention pond” – 11 and 12 year olds involved in the death of another child! Whatta devastating twist! I wonder if this could.. would..  have ever happened if the public pool at Rigdon Park had been operational.

Online headline: “Biden looks to capitalize on star-studded Hollywood fundraiser after Trump's massive cash haul in blue state” -- Typical Democrat hypocrisy... $25.00 for the peons, $500,000.00 for their good friends...

Online headline: “Father’s Day money lessons to teach your kids” -- Hmmm.... the best lesson on finances a father can give his children is don't vote for Democrat Presidential candidates.

Online headline: “GDOT: Pipe replacement work on I-185 is set to start on June 17” --  “Replacement work”?.....excuse me, but why would these pipes need to be replaced ALREADY!

Online headline: “Dr. Anthony Fauci turned down millions to leave government work fighting infectious diseases” – Good grief! “dr. FRAUD-I” made more taxpayer funded salary that the President!  Why would he want to leave a job that has paid him MILLIONS of dollars that he wasn’t held responsible for?

Online “headLIE”: “Lowering the voting age is important, youth says” – Good grief! Whatta Socialist-Democrat lie! Today’s 16 years olds have no clue what goes on outside Instagram!  Ah! The misconceptions of youth...they think they have ALL the answers... we thought we did too, at their age, and we had a lot more understanding of what our Constitution was...

From the “confirmation” department - Online headline/story: “Biden preparing to offer legal status to certain undocumented immigrants * A program being developed by White House officials would offer work permits and deportation protections to unauthorized immigrants married to U.S. citizens, as long as they have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years, the sources said, requesting anonymity to talk about internal government plans.” – Yep… The “master plan” is not about getting illegals registered to vote, it’s about getting Congressional Districts expanded in Blue States, and Blue Cities in Red or “Purple States” before the 2030 Census that could forever change the House majority to Democrats!

Online headline: “Fani Willis says she’s been ‘attacked and oversexualized’ by critics” --  Oh! Now, she feels she is "the victim" but the real victim is Lady Justice! It was Fani (remember to pronounce the "A" as it sounds in FART, not FAIR) who offered her "apples" for Nathan to "bite" into.

Online headline: “Luka Doncic Makes NBA History in Celtics vs. Mavericks Game 4” --
History indeed! It looks like Luka Doncic has become the FIRST White basketball player to accomplish this... Of course, the fact that players today play so many playoff games compared to the players of "yesterday" makes it easier to reach 1,500 points at a young age.

Online “twisted” headline: -- Sharpton denounces Trump’s latest race rhetoric: ‘Look at his record’” --  Think about this... when Trump was donating to Democrats, Democrat politicians and activists praised him..

Online headline: “Biden setting new records on diversity of federal judges” -- Wait a minute... there's nothing "diverse" about appointing judges who don't protect the Constitutional rights of all Americans citizens equally!

Online headline: “Muscogee County Revives Community Spirit with the Return of Summer Block Parties” --  "Provided "FREE" Covid-19 & flu vaccinations"? Good grief! We're learning how fraudulent the whole Biden-Fauci Covid-19  programs were, and now we're gonna be paying for more "FREE" vaccines to pay off  Big Pharma companies who donate to Democrats!

Online headline: “Milwaukee mayor: Trump’s comments about city could ‘cost him the election’” -- Hmm ... like the Milwaukee Mayor was planning to greet Trump at the airport, and make a welcoming speech at opening night of the REPUBLICAN convention…. Yeah… Right! Heck.. Columbus, GA had Trump come into our town and Mayor Skippy didn’t bother to greet him at the airport! Same thing last week when Republican candidates and special speaker Dr Ben Carson came to town… no Mayor Skippy to be found….

Online headline: “Kamala Harris is Biden’s secret weapon in North Carolina” -- Hmmm...Phuckles has made her 5th trip to NC to talk with the Black communities...and only Black communities.. Guess Resident Biden has appointed her as "Unity/Diversity Tsar".. and she’s just as bad at it as she is the Border Tsar..

Online headline: “City of Columbus, GA  Launches HARP to Aid Low-Income Homeowners with Accessibility Improvements” -- Hmmm.... is this  why  Council has had to dip into the fund-balance for $10 Million this year!

Online headline: “Biden ‘strongly opposes’ major troop pay raise in 2025 defense bill” – Hmmm… and inflation means our soldiers will have less ammo and weapons to defend themselves as well as our country!

Online headline: “Some Trump voters don’t believe the U.S. is a democracy” -- And they are...RIGHT! The Founding Fathers created our Constitutional form of government as a "Limited Republic"! Now, if we can only make the Democratic Party base voters learn the difference!

Online headline: “The moment masked anti-Israel protesters set fire to American flags outside Israeli consulate” – You know, the same “donors” who support the genocidal protesters also support the Democratic Party candidates.. and what they DON’T want is “law and order” conservatives getting elected..

Online headline: “Liz Cheney rips McConnell over Trump meeting: ‘History will remember the shame’” --  Hmmm... nothing like Lizard Cheney complaining would give Mitch McConnell as big a boost in credibility!

Online headline: “ Barnes Siblings Confront City Council Over Corruption Allegations and Replacement Appointment” – I really liked Pops Barnes! This doesn't mean I always agreed with him, but he was as hard working as we can expect a Public Servant to be, and a standard for other Councilors to emulate... Now, that doesn't  mean he should have been given the right to name his successor had he just retired, either, so why the heck do his children feel they even have a say in it!

Online headline: “Schumer: McConnell ‘should have had the courage not to show up’ to Trump meeting” --  Hmm....real courage would be for Schumer to disavow his allegiance to the antiSemitic Democratic Party!

Make your voice heard! The Columbus, GA Council Post 10 runoff, and Party House runoffs will be decided on Tuesday, June 18th. Less than 5% of voters are expected... that means your vote becomes 20 times more powerful when you cast your vote. Make sure you remember! With all the backroom deals ($50 Million in Bonds to raze and rebuild the baseball Park.. remember the blatant removal of Golden Park's name, and giving it to "SIN-over-US"….  we don't need another Synovus connected Councilor like Chambers. Former fabulous Councilor John House has enthusiastically endorsed John Anker, and I do as well. Also vote for Brian Jack for House District 3!

Father’s Day at the White House:

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