Wednesday, June 19, 2024

 Online headline: “Migrant mob allegedly pummeled NYPD cops checking on unattended children outside NYC homeless shelter” -- Hmmm...the one question not asked was "With the Biden Administration “so insistent” in keeping parents and children together, actually how concerned are the asylum seekers when they sit idly by as minor children walk about in the wee hours of the morning!"?

Online headline: “Legendary Center Fielder Willie Mays Passes Away at 93” – Hmmm… Next to Ted Williams, Willie Mays was a very close second as my favorite baseball player of all time... even ahead of Ty Cobb who was a competitor and longtime personal friend of my grandfather... I have a 1906 Louisville Slugger bar Cobb gave to my grandfather trying to recruit him to come to Detroit and play ball with him. Hey, Granddad...Hey, Dad...Hey, Ted...Hey, Ty...."Say Hey" to Willie for me!

Online headline: “White Juneteenth Scholarship Recipients in Texas Draw Outrage” -- Good grief! If America has a national holiday, it's for ALL Americans.. not just Americans of a certain color!

Online headline: “Dem Milwaukee mayor, Wisconsin governor should ‘step up’ to help with RNC protest zone, says GOP Sen. Johnson” – Hmmm… The "slogan", "WisDems - Fighting For Our Freedoms" shows how sad the Democrat Party has become... There are no "Freedoms" if only one segment of society gets them.

Online headline/story: “Student loan relief contributing to 27% jump in projected federal budget deficit, per CBO * The federal budget deficit will hit $1.9 trillion this fiscal year, according to an updated projection released Tuesday by the Congressional Budget Office. That’s 27% – or $400 billion – larger than the agency estimated in February. * Looking longer term, the nation’s debt will approach $57 trillion in fiscal year 2034”—Hmmm… 10 years from now, and the budget deficit hits or exceeds $57 Trillion.. blame it on Biden and the Democrats.. Remember it was Biden who promised his “Build.Back.Better Infrastructure Bill” and his “Inflation Reduction Act” would not only boost our economy now, but would reduce our National Debt!

Online headline: “Scientists make stunning discovery deep below 'Doomsday Glacier' in Antarctica: 'We really, really need to understand” --  I'm curious.. if 90% of icebergs are already under water, how would 10% melting majorly affect the water level... especially when you take into consideration that air trapped in ice makes ice displace more water than then the ice becomes water.... You have to wonder if the "science" is the same as  "dr. FRAUD-i" defined for us in his Covid-19 disinformation

Online “headLIE”: “Top federal prosecutor in New Jersey tells jury Sen. Menendez never pressured him” – Hmmm… Sounds more like Sellinger is casually saying, "Nothing to see here, just keep moving along".

Online headline: “White House Cancels Netanyahu Meeting For ‘Pulling Stunts’ With Aid Protest Video” -- Once again, why does the American Jewish Community support Democrats who are supporting HamASS genocidal persecution of Jews in the Mid-East?

Hmmmmm…With his lackadaisical position with Israel, the only message Resident Biden is sending to our enemies and allies alike is that he isn't going to have our other allies backs either!

Online headline: “Anthony Fauci on contradicting Trump, combating COVID and becoming a hero − and a villain” --  Bottom line is :  Trump was right, Fauci was/is a conman!

Online headline: “Late-Night Host Jimmy Kimmel Stepping Down From Role Amid Serious Medical Concerns” --  "Serious medical concerns"? I think he meant serious MENTAL concerns!

Online headline: “Who won Columbus Council and Harris County Commission runoff elections?” -- I really don't understand why in both races in both the primary election and the runoff, that there were variables in the number of votes cast for all the Council Post 10 elections.. it was especially disconcerting to see the variances in the Council Post 10 runoffs. Why would anyone vote for a candidate in the Special Election but not in the Regular Election.. Especially when this occurred to EVERY candidate.. I think we need to go back to paper ballots.. these QR code ballots just don't allow voters to be assured that all their votes are counted.

Online headline: “ Biden angered, distracted by political attacks on his family: 'Impenetrable sadness” – You  know … To me it sounds more like .. Hmmm...the "apple (laptop)" didn't fall far from the tree...

Online headline/story: “ A glaring error in Trump’s hush money trial * A New York jury acquitted publisher John Peter Zenger of seditious libel in 1735 in what the National Constitution Center correctly calls " an early example of jury nullification ." Three centuries later, another New York jury was falsely instructed that it lacked that power, thereby rendering its guilty verdict against another high-profile defendant, former President Donald Trump , constitutionally infirm. * Juries have always had the power to acquit against the evidence, and telling them otherwise violates the Sixth Amendment and due process.” --
“Juries have always had the power to acquit” yet the judge who took hours explaining his rules to the jury didn’t mention this one.. Interestingly, the judge in Hunter Biden’s trial in Delaware  did mention this to the jury. You know, when the NY judge eventually goes to trial, bet he demands that his judge mentions this!

Online headline: “Narcotics investigation leads to the arrest of two and discovery of drugs worth over $25,000” --  Hmmm...Seems to me that the ADDRESSES of the TWO residences raided would be pertinent information that Columbus, GA's law-abiding citizens might benefit from knowing..

Online headline/story: “Morgan Freeman Calls Black History Month ‘An Insult’: ‘My History Is American History’ *  “The mere idea of it. You are going to give me the shortest month in a year? And you are going to celebrate ‘my’ history?” Freeman told Variety. “This whole idea makes my teeth itch. It’s not right.” * Freeman stressed that black history is American history and should be taught and celebrated. * “My history is American history. It’s the one thing in this world I am interested in beyond making money, having a good time and getting enough sleep,” he said. * “If you don’t know your past, if you don’t remember it, you are bound to repeat it,” Freeman said of understanding American history.” – I’ve always enjoyed Morgan Freeman’s work.. whether serious or humorous, Freeman has always come across as genuine.. on and off the movie screen.. and he hit the nail on the head when he said, “If you don’t know your past, if you don’t remember it, you are bound to repeat it,”, because it’s going on again with Democrats feeling they own the Black vote…

Has anybody seen Robert F. Kennedy Jr lately? As determined as he sounded months ago about being a real choice in 2024, he's been mighty absent from the spotlight recently. My guess it's dawned on Barack Obama that RFKjr is drawing votes away from Biden rather than Trump as the DNC was planning.. That… and RFKjr suddenly realized that once the Dem Convention meets in the Obama's hometown of Shicago, Michelle will leave the convention as the lead name on the November ballot.

Online headline/story: “10 most patriotic US states ahead of July 4: See if your home state made the list * Analyst Cassandra Happe of WalletHub, which is headquartered in Miami, Florida, said these factors weighed heavily on the patriotism rankings for the states. * "The most patriotic states have a lot of residents who serve or have served in the armed forces, high voter turnouts during elections and a high share of the population volunteering with national and local organizations," she said in a media statement” – Hmmm… They are 10 – Hawaii, Maryland, Washington, New Hampshire, Colorado, Oregon, Maine, Montana, Alaska, and 1- Virginia.” – Interesting… 6 of the 10 states named weren’t even colonies that fought in the American Revolution, and Hawaii and Alaska weren’t even territories until AFTER the Civil War, nor states until 1959, Maine has a Socialist Senator, and Washington and  Oregon are “sanctuary states”. While I was initially insulted that Georgia didn’t make the list, now I’m RELIEVED GA didn’t make THIS list AT ALL!

Economics 101: Low interest rates create new businesses, more tax revenues, and affordable housing. High interest rates shut down businesses, reduce tax revenues, and kill affordable housing.. It's as simple as this.. Trump will Make America GREAT Again; Biden..heck, any Democrat.. will Make America GRATE Again.

Fox News... even  "The Five" has become disappointingly politically correct! On "The Five" yesterday, Democrat Damage Control Agent Harold Ford "slipped in" a lie that no one corrected or challenged .. Ford said Trump only built 40 miles of "new" Wall on the Southern Border. This is one of those  Democrat "half-truths" that's also a flat out lie.. True, only about 50 "new area" miles were erected, but there was about 450 miles of replacement walls for existing fenced areas that were dilapidated. Hey! Greg Gutfeld.. you're gutless!

As I was drinking my first cup of coffee this morning, I had a flashback...does anyone know where Juan Valdez is now?

It use to be that CNN and MSNBC were the leading sources of "FAKE NEWS", but now Resident "No Joke" Biden’s White House announcements are "FAKE NEWS" by themselves.

Wow! Listening to Karine Jean-Pierre label the unedited "media pool" videos of Resident Biden's disoriented public  appearances made available to ALL media outlets as "cheap fakes" makes it imperative that the DOJ release a verifiably unedited video of the Hur-Biden interview. Until then, the transcript of the interview has no credibility for the assessment Hur made.

Online story: “President Joe Biden is prepared to release more oil from the country’s strategic reserves if gas prices increase during the summer. This is the latest plan by the Biden administration to counter higher prices at the pumps and the more expensive prices on various goods due to inflation * Biden’s strategy to release oil from the country’s reserves has shown promising results. On May 21, the national average price for regular gas was $3.598 per gallon. As of June 16, that price dropped to $3.447, indicating a significant decrease in gas prices.” – Good grief! There would be no shortage, and we’d have lower prices if Resident Biden didn’t shut down, on “Day 1”, the energy independence from OPEC Trump had attained and handed off to Biden!  To boot, Biden has never refilled the Strategic Oil Reserve from his first release, and we still see the much higher prices that came anyway.

Remember last month when Resident Biden said he needed Congress to pass a law for him to get border security.... then recently issued an Executive Order instead? Well, now he's BYPASSING Congress to give a form of amnesty to 500,000 illegal aliens.. this is a "high crime" and actionable!

The Republicans are going to "blow it"... 2020 ... They are so consumed at brow beating Biden which won't get them any new voters, and it will cost  them voters who are just tired of the political nanny-nanny-poo-poo.  The Republicans should be encouraging the base conservatives, and frustrated Independents/Moderate Democrats who WANT to be enthused at the potential of a return to sanity.. The Dems, Republicans and Independents already KNOW that what Biden says about his economy is not working for them.

Online headline: “21 year old Trevor Bady allegedly shot 15 year old Ahliana Dickey in her Lawrence Street home in Lowell and will face multiple charges.” – “Parents had to go home to find her”? How were they expecting their 15-year old to get to the graduation ceremony! Sounds to me they KNEW.. were allowing… their 15 year old daughter to be involved with  a 21-year old man. Heaven help us!

Melinda French Gates says she can't vote for Trump because he's pro-choice, so she's voting for Biden... Hmmm..Melinda Gates is a terrible role model for women.. she's saying she feels women should be able to kill unwanted babies. If she wants to be the "Pivotable" icon for women, she needs to be an advocate for women making better choices about contraception and sexual responsibilities they have control over. Hmmm.. voting for Biden, yet divorced her husband because he made choices in his own sex life.

Hmmmmm...Biden’s  Surgeon General wants to require "Warning Labels" on social media sites because parents aren't monitoring their children's usage . DOH! HMMM...Government wants to take over more  parental control, yet Government also believes parents shouldn't be involved in their children's education or in "gender" decisions.

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