Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 Didn’t want this comment to get “lost” in my Monday’s “Weekend Update”, so I’ve waited until today to comment about the US Open… We have to remember back to 1997 when another gloating foreigner collapsed on the back nine to give away a Major Championship… the 1997 Masters when Greg Norman had a 6 stoke lead when teeing off Number 10 at Augusta National.. while Augusta is not one, Pinehurst #2 is a Donald Ross designed course that makes golfers learn every shot he/she can imagine around the greens, and one deadly sin on a Ross course is going over the greens.. Guess most courses don’t teach that….

Online headline: “From the "Hey, CNN.. if you needed proof, here it is" department - Online headline/story: "House Democrats back out of White House ethics bill after allegedly being contacted by Biden officials" -- WOW! Straight from the donkey's mouth! Why would any president or any Party be against a stronger ethics policy... well, unless they were already breaking the rules..

Online “headLIE”: “ ‘This did not happen’: White House denies claims Biden froze at fundraiser event” --  DOH! What else are the White House handlers going to say? You can believe them (yeah.. right) ... or you can watch the video and believe your own eyes.

Online headline: “Anti-Israel group led by top Rashida Tlaib fundraiser dissolves” – Hmmm… 501-(c)-4 organizations should not be able to collect money that the donor can deduct from his/her taxes then have a 501-( c ) – 4 organization pass  it along to a political candidate.. An individual cannot deduct donations given directly to a candidate/Party/PAC but can deduct such if given to a 591-(c)-4 organization who then passed it on to a particular candidate the donor likes. This should be 100% illegal!

Online headline: “The Man Who Saved Biden’s 2020 Campaign Lets Loose” – Representative James Clyburn, D-SC,  donated to Jamal "Fire Alarm" Bowman in NY Primary...Politicians should be banned from contributing from their campaign accounts to other politicians. It allows illegal donations to happen too easily.

Online headline: “President Joe Biden prepared to use oil reserves again to lower gas prices” --  Purely a desperate political "band-aid"! Again, one of Biden's "Day 1" Executive Orders overturned a Trump policy that made our country "energy independent" and financially solvent.  Now, Biden has to weaken our financial independence and MILITARY strength using our gas and oil reserves.. which, ironically, were plentiful because TRUMP handed them over to Biden in GREAT shape.

Online headline: “Secret Service agent robbed at gunpoint during Biden trip to California” -- How embarrassing! An armed Secret Service agent getting robbed.. and getting a shot off and not taking the assailant out! This was an agent assigned to protecting our president! Of course, the DNC may have wanted this quality of agent around him.

Online headline: “ Columbus, GA  businesses voice concerns over recent crime wave” --  What crime wave? Didn't you hear the FBI report of the huge drop in crime? Of course, the "huge drop" is because the CPD and other “BLUE CITIES” just isn't sending their crime reports to the FBI..

Online headline: “Police investigating shooting resulting in 15-year-old’s death at Columbus apartments” – I’m Proud of WRBL-TV3  for telling us it was in the Elizabeth Canty Homes and not just a Cusseta Rd address. Sadly, this is just 1 of 4 or 5 homicides in the last 10 days or so.. Hey.. Chief Public Safety Officer Skippy the Poo, how about an updated number of homicides for 2024… oh… and be sure to compare the Columbus L-E’s number with the one you get from the CPD!

In a rather awkward video where he  put cheese slices on  raw burgers to cook, Senator UpChuck Schumer, D-NY,  looked almost as relaxed and comfortable backyard grilling as Senator Pocahontas Warren did convincing us that she's used to drinking a beer in her kitchen.  You can tell it's campaign season, and Democrats are trying to convince their voters that they are one of the working class who knows what's happening in the real world.

Now that the FBI has confirmed and sworn under oath that the laptop does belong to Hunter Biden.. .. when will a Special Prosecutor  be named to bring up the 51 government agents who swore in writing that the laptop taken to a repair shop in 2019 was "Russian AND Election Interference", rather than Hunter Biden's?

Based on the weaponized DOJ/FBI agents vs the DHS, we indeed do have people ABOVE THE LAW... illegal aliens everywhere,  and criminals in SANCTUARY cities and states.

Hmmm...now there are 7.4 million "awaiting court dates" illegal aliens.. that's an average 7,000 cases each ICE agent is responsible for.... and Mayorkas and Harris and Biden swear that the border is secure... Yeah..right!

Online headline: “Tupperware shuts down only remaining US plant, moves manufacturing to Mexico as over 100 workers laid off” -- So much for Bidenomics helping America! On the other hand… I find it hard to believe that Tupperware could not operate profitably at the plant they just shut when it involved only 100 employees… One thing Congress should pass is that a company cannot maintain its Corporate headquarters in, nor claim the USA as it’s headquarters, if it doesn’t have a physical manufacturing plant in America.

Online headline: “Red Sox Set Franchise Stolen Base Record vs. Yankees” – Hmmm…Making the bases 16.66 % larger makes a big difference! Bases are now 3”-to-5” inches closer between them, and wearing those
“base stealing oven-sized mitts” takes another 2” inches off the distance!

Online headline/story: “GOP Rep says House sergeant-at-arms should take Garland into custody  * Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (Fla.) said Sunday that she wants the House to use the sergeant-at-arms, a provision that hasn’t been used in more than a century to enforce the contempt of Congress resolution against Attorney General Merrick Garland.” – Because Garland serves at the appointed “whim” of the President, he should have insisted his staff comply with the order of the Congress which has this “checks and balance”  power to issue. Garland’s failure to comply is basically anarchy and a high crime!

Online story: “The IRS plans to end a major tax loophole for wealthy taxpayers that could raise more than $50 billion in revenue over the next decade, the U.S. Treasury Department says.” --  Hmmmm....you know .. when the small group that pays 42% of all income taxes received feels the additional "pinch" from IRS, they stop making "capital gains" income which, in turn, slows down economic growth and increased jobs. With inflationary interest rates, "money" can now get 5+% interest without the risk of investments, so "money" just takes the less risky route.

Hello, Columbus GA Council! When are the citizens finally going to see the results of the completed EXTERNAL AUDIT of the Consolidated Government of Columbus departments?

There's a rumor going around that Isaiah Hugley will "step down" from his City Manager's position and run for Mayor with Skippy the Poo's endorsement. Let me get this straight ... HUGLEY will leave his $200,000 plus salary and go for a job that pays about $85,000... and he'll get to pick his own replacement... let's pray this IS ONLY A RUMOR!

It's Tuesday...Election Day...Make your voice heard! The Columbus, GA Council Post 10 runoff, and Party House runoffs are TODAY until 7:00 PM. Less than 5% of voters are expected... that means your vote becomes 20 times more powerful when you cast your vote. Make sure you remember! With all the backroom deals ($50 Million in Bonds to raze and rebuild the baseball Park and others.. remember the blatant removal of Golden Park's name, and giving it to "SIN-over-US"….  we don't need another Synovus  connected Councilor like Chambers. Former fabulous Councilor John House has enthusiastically endorsed John Anker, and I do as well. Also vote for Brian Jack for House District 3!

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