Monday, June 24, 2024

Online headline/story: “Biden campaign launches pre-debate offensive across Georgia * Porsha White, who heads Biden’s Georgia operation, said Donald Trump’s pledge to serve as a dictator on day one * By Greg Bluestein - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution --- “Trump’s pledge to serve as a dictator on day one”? What irresponsible and biased “journalism”! No responsible or credible “journalist” …..or media source…. should publish such a biased and undocumented political claim without challenging the obvious LIAR! Shame on the AJC!

Online “headLIE”: “VP Harris’s Husband Tells CBS: ‘Literally, Our Country and Our World Depends on Us Winning This Election’’ – What a “sad state” when Resident Biden’s AND Phuckles Harris’ SPOUSES are more credible people than THEIR spouses! Unfortunately, they are just as biasedly ill-informed….

Online headline/story: “ Biden WH official Apologizes For Old Tweets Comparing Police to Slave Patrols: ‘Do Not Support My Current Views’ * Tyler Cherry, a new Biden White House official apologized on Sunday for old tweets where he compared police officers to slave patrols and called for the abolishment of ICE. * Back in 2015, Cherry wrote on X, formerly Twitter, “Praying for #Baltimore, but praying even harder for an end to a capitalistic police state motivated by explicit and implicit racial biases.” * Months later he wrote in another post, “Time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs.” --

Good grief! Cherry wasn’t “brought in” to the campaign team because he would apologize (wink) for his beliefs, but because he still believes those beliefs and is WILLING to be “forgiven” for them being brought up again now!


Online story: “ A floating pier built by the US military for seaborne humanitarian deliveries to Gaza has proved itself to be fragile in the face of rougher seas than expected, and the future of the whole $230m project is now in question. *  The pier has been usable for just 12 days since it began operations on 17 May. On most of those days the assistance arriving by sea has had to be left on the beach as there have been no trucks to distribute it to warehouses in Gaza, because of lack of security.” -- Hmm.. guess with the OBM exposing the much higher National Debt we're going to see because of the American Racovery and Anti-Inflation Acts, Biden is trying to show "cost savings wherever he can.. he built to ill-fated Gaza Pier" for $320 Million, but because its 's been such a disaster, not the cost is being touted at $230 Million... You know, semi drivers are very skilled but… but who’s idea was it to feel that any… much less ALL.. of the semi drivers could efficiently .. consistently.. back an empty trailer out a 900 foot “pier” that’s barely wider than  the rig itself?

From the “stupid statements answer themselves” department – Online headline: “Gretchen Whitmer says Biden isn't getting credit for the infrastructure law because voters are 'stressed out” – DOH! Excuse me, but if voters ARE “stressed out”, it IS because they understand the infrastructure AND Anti-Inflation Acts all to well!

I read that over 1,300 Muslims have died making their journey to Mecca during the hot part of the year… Wonder how many aliens have died traipsing their way through Central America and Mexico on their way to our Southern Border?

Online headline/story: “Mayor Adams’ budget quietly installs a permanent ‘migrant crisis’ spending spree * Migrant spending of $4.7 billion for the upcoming year is 14% of the salaries and wages the city pays to its total workforce — so if it persists, New York will face severe cutbacks in the regular day-to-day services it provides.” --
Wow! Just in case somebody who learned “new math” in the public education system is reading his, 14% of the NYC employees is basically 1-in-7. The NYPD has 34,000 officers…knocking off 1-in-7 would be eliminating over 4,800 officers.. the NYFD has over 15,000 employees… knocking off 1-in-7 would be eliminating over 2,100 firefighters. And that’s just in the first year!

Online story: ” “As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pushes to gain ballot access in all 50 states, Democrats are ramping up their efforts to block the independent presidential candidate by filing legal challenges seeking to get his ballot petitions thrown out in several states.”  -- Hmmm … so far, RKjr has gotten on 15 states’ ballots.. The DNC was excited to begin with as the DNC planned on Kennedy, running as a maverick Democrat, would reduce Trump’s votes in key Blue and Red States like Perot did to Bush 41 in 1992 that got Clinton elected with on 43% of the popular vote. But now, states like NC, Nevada, New York and even DELAWARE are even more “in play” for Trump and down ballot Republicans if RFKjr stays on those ballots.

Online headline: “ Kamala Harris says abortion bans are creating 'a health care crisis” -- Hmmm...and I think killing a fetus is a much worse healthcare issue!

Online headline: “NY Gov  Hochul says the Supreme Court is ‘living in the 1700s” – And they should be!  You know, eliminating the original Amendment concepts by Political Party Agenda removes the Founding Fathers' goal of our government beginning ...  and progressing... as a government "OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people"! There are two ways to change or add to our Constitution, and Legislative or individual state declaration is not either one of them! WHY...why don't the Democrats stop attacking America’s future!

Online headline: “ $46.8 Billion Budget Deficit: California Reaches Compromise on Minimum Wage Increase for 426,000 Healthcare Workers” --  Wait a minute! How do politicians  get to ignore a law they put on the books that a business person could be sued on if he/she ignored it?

Online headline/story: “Biden campaign details pre-debate plan of attack *  where a larger slice of the American electorate” will tune into the campaign, they will also hold 1,600 events * events will target voter groups the campaign views as important to its alliance. This includes college students, members of the LGBTQ community, and 300 debate night watch parties. Some of these watch parties will be hosted by social media content creators whom the campaign will grant special access to a place usually reserved for credentialed media” -- Wow! None of "Biden's" watch or influencer parties will be focused on crime, the border, inflation, Jihadist, anti-Semitism,  or drugs... and CNN feels this will address will cover America's ills and needs.. God help us!

Online headline/story: “6 Kids Charged After Black Boy Drowned In Pond, No One Reported It For Days * A medical examiner ruled Greene’s death a homicide. One of the children allegedly sat on Greene as he drowned. * An 11-year-old child is facing charges of involuntary manslaughter and concealing the death of another. “ – You know.. there’s another scenario that needs to be probed.. the 17 year old… Why can I not believe that an 11 year old could handle a 15 year old boy in a struggle…and a 17 year old knowing that an 11 year old “taking the credit” isn’t going to be prosecuted the same as a 17 year old.

Online headline/story: “Disappointment and 'depression': Biden's biggest fundraisers watch their advantage vanish * Biden’s allies are bracing for a slugfest without the benefit of a fatter wallet, as financial reports showed Trump outraising Biden in back-to-back months, hauling in huge sums after his 34 felony convictions and erasing Biden’s longstanding financial edge.” – “erasing Biden’s longstanding financial aid”? It’s worse than that! All of a sudden, the Democrats are having to spend money up and down the ballot in normally BLUE states they usually didn’t have to spend campaign money in defending!

Did you see the worst GA counties list for economics? At least 4, Quitman, Ben Hill, Colquitt, and Quitman,  of the worst 5 are in Democrat Congressman Bishop’s District 2.. Bishop has been their Congressperson foe 32 years… why does District 2 keep sending him back!

We've been aware that our active CBP agents are not allowed to comment about the border issues... recently,  "Synovus" finagled a deal with the Mayor of Columbus, GA to rename  historic  Golden Park. Wonder if any of our media have asked any Synovus frontline employees for their personal thoughts on this . Bet they have been told not to comment.

Online headline/story: “Former Obama fundraiser says she's divorcing the Democratic Party, voting for Trump for the first time * Allison Huynh who created Willow Garage, a company that created robotics and AI systems, which were later sold to Google, along with her then-husband Google programmer Scott Hassan, helped raise millions of dollars for the Obama campaign in 2008 by hosting elaborate "$50,000- and $100,000-per-plate dinners," for Silicon Valley giants * "The Democrats were policing the wrong things," she said. "The things that we need to police are violent criminals that are scattered throughout the streets of San Francisco, people defecating, shooting up heroin in front of me and my kids, and allowing criminals to go in and steal from our grocery stores, shutting down grocery stores,"  * "I love to cook, and when I wake up in the morning, there’s no grocery stores to go to." *  Huynh said, “ she is "divorcing" the Democratic Party and plans to vote for Trump in the upcoming election.”  -- Bet she ain’t voting for PeLOUSY or Adumb Schi**, either!

Online headline: “Wisconsin parents fuming after climate protesters strip down naked during public protest, official says“ – And it got worse when protesters started bring minor children out naked on their bikes.. You know, there was a time that any adult who did this would get arrested for “public indecency” and “Child sexual abuse” … we need to return to that time!


Online headline: “Sydney Sweeney, who purchased her Florida Keys home for $13.5 million, is the latest star to take advantage of "tropical anonymity."  --  Hmmm… How come MSM avoids talking about the personal tax benefits celebrities receive by simply moving from California to Florida?

Online headline: “Trump says 'few communities have suffered more under the Biden regime than Philadelphia' in rally stop” --  Wow! A packed arena, 10,000 plus, in Philadelphia... You know, in 2012, during the Presidential race, 59 different Philly precincts didn't report a single vote cast for Romney...statistically.. this was  not possible...

Online headline: “‘On Call’ by Anthony Fauci M.D. Book Review: A Doctor's Powerful Journey and Legacy in Public Health” --  Hmmm..."On Call"? A better name for his book would have been "On Hallucinations"!

Did you see the video of AOC campaigning for Jamal Bowen in the NY Democrat primary? First, it's sad when an incumbent Democrat Representative has to actually campaign in a Democrat Primary, but it's pathetic when another Democrat Representative has to be brought in for help, and it's even more pathetic when AOC is the guest Democrat supporter. And AOC's rants released more methane gas than a herd of cows!

Here we are, a shade more than 4 months to the 2024 Elections, and all of a sudden, we are not hearing anything about Stacey Abrams and her voter registration efforts. Only two things could have this effect... 1,  there's a financial scandal awaiting to erupt, or 2, she's heavily involved in getting illegal aliens registered to vote.

Online headline: “ Sanders rips billionaires who ‘give up democracy’ to support Trump” -- Wait a minute! "Senator Bernie" is not even FOR democracy; he's a Communist, and opposes democracy ideals such as freedom of speech and equal rights for all. You know… there are two ways to become a billionaire .. work hard in a pro-capitalism world, or like Putin, just commandeer major industries like oil & gas, and take it for yourself!

Online headline: “ Biden administration overrides GOP, authorizes $109 million for Kenyan force for Haiti” -- Talk about corruption! Biden is paying one country's thieves to monitor another country's thieves! What I also want to know is how much did the Obama/Biden administration fund the Clintons following the 2010 earthquake when she was their Sec of State and he was a special UN Envoy.

Online headline: “ Climate activists spray paint private jets, mistakenly believe Taylor Swift’s plane was at airport” -- Well, hopefully Taylor Swift and "the Swifties" will rethink supporting the Liberal politicians these wackos support!

Online headline: “Biden administration allocates $850 million to slash methane from oil and gas industry” --Most of the tax dollars will go to teachers' unions and wacko groups whose "elites" will syphon off their "rewards" before returning it via political donations to the Democratic Party.

Online headline: “Biden DHS docs suggested Trump supporters, military and religious people are likely violent terror threats” -- Hmmmm...yet, when we read/hear about violent crimes in BLUE sanctuary areas in connection with Border issues, they're violent, uncontrolled illegal aliens attacking or killing  American citizens...

Online headline: “12 New Yorkers convicted Trump − but he never fully fit in to New York City” --  Hmmmm ......Typical liberal elitist Democrat bias.. they will praise Frank Sinatra for doing it "My Way", but condemn Trump for doing New York more successfully "his way"..

Online headline: “ ‘Squad’ member apologizes for calling Oct. 7 rapes propaganda: ‘I am not going to be perfect'´-- Well, I DO think Jamal Bowman’s pretty damn "perfect" .. a perfect "poster child" of anti-Semitism...a perfect example of why no one should vote for any Democrat, and  a perfect idiot. In reality, if Bowman was leading his primary election, he’d never apologize for this…

One thing everyone needs to keep in mind is that when "national poll figures" are aired of simply discussed by MSM, that California, alone, will provide more than enough Biden votes to give Biden a lead on a National level.

Online headline: “New Jersey school district apologizes for offending Muslim group with question about ISIS terror group in quiz” --  Good grief! Shouldn't American and Muslim students KNOW THE TRUTH, TOO!

Online headline: “US Will Redirect Air Defense Shipments to Ukraine Rather Than Countries Ordering Them” -- Wow! This oughta be a great comfort to our other allies....NOT!

Online headline: “Columbus, GA  quarterly financial report reveals challenges and progress” --  Hmmm... when the Mayor has to dip into the Columbus, GA "fund balance" for $10,000,000.00, it sorta makes it look like the "move along, there's nothing to see here" response to all the missing money exposed by the External Audit needs another "look-see"!

Online headline: “Democratic National Convention to grant media credentials to social media influencers” – Well, what did ya expect.. MSM is just as much an influencer group as Social Media… except MSM gets paid more for running “fake news” and biased ads/stories.

Online “headLIE”: “Georgia DA warns prison conditions threaten public safety” – Yep..
HeadLIE!  Actually, it's unwarranted prison RELEASE of recidivist that's the THREAT to public safety!

Online “headlLIE” : “ Biden touts 1M pensions saved under American Rescue Plan” -- Sadly, it's JoKKKe Biden claiming this... so we know it's a lie...

Online headline: “Georgia’s water parks are open for summer. Here’s what to know about hours & prices” --Hmmm...everywhere but Columbus, GA! Our public pools want be ready until “school’s in” ?

Online headline: “Jury finds Sig Sauer liable for pistol shooting; awards $2.3M in damages” -- What BS! Another gun deciding on it’s own to shoot it’s owner…You know this will get thrown out... well, unless Sig has built a gun powered by Artificial Intelligence..

Online headline: “Most Americans regardless of party approve of Hunter Biden conviction” – “Approve”? I think the proper word is AGREE! Hey, but what  do you expect from "The Hill".. it's the leading Democratic Party propaganda source!

Online headline: “Congressman Offers to Serve Arrest Warrant to Netanyahu For ‘War Crimes’ During Address to Congress: ‘I’m Available’” -- Hey, Jewish American Community, even without reading the story, you know it is a Democrat! Why does the Jewish Community still support the Democratic Party?” What’s next.. will Resident Biden issue a statement, that “if you don’t vote for Democrats, you ain’t Jewish”?

Online headline: “ Columbus GA  community pools in jeopardy of not opening this summer. More delays announced” – “in jeopardy”? I think it’d a FORGONE CONCLUSION! School starts before the first one will open!  Hmmm.... wonder what the Las Vegas odds are on "SIN-over-US Park" baseball stadium being finished by the scheduled 2025 opening date. Too boot, even finishing it on time will be an admission by Mayor Skippy the Poo's that Synovus is more important to him than Columbus families having access to a swimming facility.

Online headline: “Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reporters receive honors for their work” --
While individual recognition is good (even though none was for "Best in category" ... this is coming AFTER the Columbus (GA)  L-E announced that it's  going to REDUCE producing a "print" version to 2 days a week. Oh, have you seen how thin the L-E print version has become... and the L-E charges $3.00 for them.. I think the L-E needs a lesson in Business Economics…

Online headline: “Bernie Sanders campaigns with embattled Rep. Jamaal Bowman” -- Wow! A Socialist-Communist campaigning for a genocidal Jihadist!  It's bad enough that the Democrats created the KKK, but this is going on in the 21st Century!

Online headline: “FBI argues against release of 9/11 evidence” --  Why would the FBI/DOJ object to revealing truths and facts about any crime? Well, unless you consider that President Obama went on an “apology tour” and bowed down to them…and gave them $1.7 BILLION in cash!

From the "Bias? What BIAS!" department -  Online "headLIE": " Republicans and right-wing media outlets are increasingly spreading deceptively edited Biden videos" -- Wow! This is the most flagrant "headLIE" I've seen this year! All the videos being talked about come from a "pool" source at events where all media outlets are provided with a single source "feed" from a shared camera source.

Online “headLIE”: “Treasury Secretary Yellen says U.S. is at full employment” -- Talk about irony, we've just read about the "WORST headLIE" and here is its number 1 challenger! US Treasurer Yellen&Kicking says the US is at FULL EMPLOYMENT! How my BS can one Biden appointee spew out in one LIE! First, the fact that to her, "full employment" only means that no one is looking for a job, but that's only true when too many people are either making enough from either a government program checks or working in a criminal business.  And then there's the fact that way too many illegal aliens are working jobs that should be filled by American citizens ... and would...if the Americans on government programs had to have a job before being eligible for assistance checks.

Online “headLIE”Fauci blames Trump admin staff for feeding him misinformation, animosity” -- Wow! Here's even another challenger for "Worst headLIE" of 2024:  Good grief! Dr FRAUD-i is claiming his lies were generated by Trump's staffs' lies to him! Excuse me, but didn't Trump's staffs' information come from FRAUD-i to begin with?

Another “headLIE: “Ernst questions Biden ‘campaign signs’ bought with taxpayer money” -- Here's another challenger for worst "headLIE" of the 2024 campaign season .. the Biden campaign includes him having signs declaring projects started during his term of office aren't just government  projects, but projects "FUNDED BY BIDEN"!  WHATTA LIE! All the government projects are funded by taxpayers, NOT politicians!

Online headline: “ Alvin Bragg Sounds Alarm Bells on Threat of Trump With No Gag Order” --  Of course Bragg doesn't want Trump to have "freedom of speech" ...that is a primary need for Socialism to work for its elite class!

Online headline: “Columbus Family Connection hosts hygiene drive from June 21 through July 30” --  I'm curious... obviously, the "Columbus (GA)  Family Connection" is using a Columbus taxpayer funded facility (City Hall) for its headquarters, but does "Columbus (GA)  Family Connection" pay rent or are we taxpayers paying for it....also, since "Columbus (GA) Family Connection" is part of a statewide agency, are its employees paid by us taxpayers, or do they draw salaries from money they collect in donations?

What is the "natural order of things" of a traditional Winter sport that has its men's version (NBA) finishing it season in June, while it's women's version (WNBA) has its season openers also in June.  Oh! And what is traditional about having the National Hockey League ending its season in June... in FLORIDA!

The car industry is skidding... Ads have changed from trying to sell cars to just getting a lease on them... Lower payments can be given on leases than buying one on time with the high Bidenflation interest rates.

Online headline: “Bill Gates wants to 'fix the cows' so they stop burping, farting methane into the air.” -- Gates wants to stop cows from farting... Here's how he could get a good start on stopping  cows immediately!  Between him and his EX, Melinda, AOC & the Squad, Queen PeLOUSY, JoKKKe and Jill Biden, Hunter, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Fani Willis, Letitia James, Reid, Maddow, Anderson Cooper , the Cuomo Brothers…. Their heads could be used as corks to block cow emissions!

Online story: “The U.S. Congressional Budget Office released new estimates this week that the federal deficit this year will be nearly $2 trillion, more than double the deficits just five years ago. * “Large deficits push federal debt held by the public to 122 percent of GDP in 2034,” CBO said. “Economic growth slows to 2.0 percent in 2024 and 1.8 percent in 2026 and later years.” * CBO’s revisions include a significant increase in large part because of the recent foreign aid bill passed by Congress.” -- Of course by debate night, this will all be blamed on Trump…

I received a Survey form from Congressman Bishop's campaign that had a list of things I thought he should address... I checked off: Veterans needs, lower taxes, and high consumer prices.. but I let him know I was concerned that: Inflation, Border security, illegal aliens benefits , and crime rates were not... WERE NOT on his list he thought I might be concerned about. Does Bishop actually represent the interests of GA District 2 citizens or the Washington Democrats?


Alvin Bragg has dismissed the charges against antiSemitic protesters at NYC universities... "Insufficient evidence" he said. Hmmm ..then there IS SOME, and he did prosecute Trump without ANY real evidence. HMMM... guess Bragg figured he couldn't stack a jury like he did in Trump's trial. 

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