Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Now we know… Columbus GA Mayor “Skippy the Poo” made a couple of “backroom end-around deals” when he went around the original codicil that gave Columbus citizens a vote on changing the use aspects of Golden Park.. Historic Golden Park is NO MORE! Beginning yesterday, it is officially “Synovus Park”.. Hmmm…somehow, “Synovus Park” doesn’t feel right under the back room deal that made this happen.. something more fitting stares us in the face… something like “SIN-over-US” is more apt.. Now, what I want to know now is did any of the Columbus Councilors KNOW at the time they were asked to vote on the bond deal that just Historic Golden Park Stadium would undergo 2 massive overhauls? In other words, did any of the Councilors KNOW that at the time they were asked to vote that the NAME of the Stadium would be OVERHAULED as well? I wonder if the Golden family was notified ahead of time? I do know I wasn’t and the Golden family is.. well… FAMILY! Hey Councilors.. somebody let me know when you were informed!

Kicking the name Golden Park off the baseball stadium is not the first major “deal” between Columbus GA Mayor Skippy the Poo and Synovus.. a couple of years ago, Skippy announced spending $25 Million to buy the Synovus downtown building (most of which was formerly known as Kirven’s Department Store), and another $25,000,000.00 to renovate it as “City Hall”. Oh, and then there was the public paid cosmetic improvement of the RiverWalk area between the Synovus Building and the Chattahoochee River.

Hmmm… now we need to know more about the $50 MILLION Bond Debt Columbus GA citizens are now responsible for that were issued to build the “SIN-over-US” baseball complex.. Which financial institution led the distribution? My more than reasonable GUESS is “SIN-over_US”… Oh, and who bought the bonds? Again, my more than reasonable GUESS is “SIN-over-US”. It just makes reasonable sense… Whoever handled the distribution got a fee, and the interest will be $4 +/- Million annually paid by Columbus citizens’ tax dollars, and then the Columbus citizens will have to redeem those bonds for $50 Million in 20 years.

One other “mystery” involving “AA” Braves Baseball at “SIN-over-US Park”.. there’s a website we can go to the put a deposit on for season tickets, but there’s no mention of what the season or individual ticket prices will be.. A former Columbus citizen (and still a very good friend of mine) now lives in Asheville, NC, home of the Asheville Tourists “AA” baseball team, says their tickets range from $28.00 to $79.00 each. I’m pretty sure the tickets here at “SIN-over-US Park” will be the same range.. Wonder how many of the $79.00 season tickets “SIN-over-US” gets for paying for the stadium name?

From the “basic common sense” department - Hmmm...even "transgenders" feel there are only 2 genders! If they are males, they wanna be females, and if they are females, they wanna be males... and they can vacillate every day if they want to, so why is there an uproar when a male who says he’s a male, or a female who says she’s a female be chastised.. punished.. for wearing a t-shirt proclaiming there are only 2 genders?


Hey, Columbus, GA voters! We have an important election on Tuesday, June 18th.. with as few voters who will be aware of the runoffs, it’s vital everyone reading this go out this week (through Friday -7:00 AM to 7 PM) to the City’s Service Center on Macon Road for early voting, or on next Tuesday to your normal voting precinct. I’m voting for John Anker (and much needed TRANSPARENCY) in Council Post 10, and Brian Jack in the Republican runoff for US House District 3, and supporting Wayne Johnson in the Republican Primary for US House District 2.

Online headline: “A Delaware jury announced its decision about President Joe Biden’s son who faces up to 25 years in prison.” -- Hmmmm...Resident Biden must really be sweating the upcoming November results. While most jury tampering is usually aimed at getting a defendant "off", this could be the first case of a jury “tampering” to make sure of the guilty verdict. Think about it...Resident Biden intentionally went on the record BEFORE THE TRIAL to say he would "honor the verdict", but what he really wants to say in the next 5 months is that Trump's verdict should be honored, too, without appeals.

Online headline: “Hunter Biden found guilty on all counts in gun trial” -- With Hunter's conviction, Trump, depending on how he words it, has an opportunity to really help our country's future… and himself. If I were Trump, I think I'd make a statement that the US needs to put a stop to our government agencies being used as weapons against political opposition. Then, make a promise that upon his election, if the Bidens, all of them, will put in writing all the illegal deals and actions they have committed, then, upon his being sworn in, he will commute and/or pardon all of them for all the crimes they admit being a party to. The exceptions would be responsibility for unpaid taxes owed, and new taxes on previously unreported income/ revenues, and any crimes/illegal actions not specified in their statements.

Online headline: “ 22,000 Columbus GA records found in project that highlights unknown history of enslaved people” – Hmmm… but what's not mentioned is that in 1830, there were nearly 3,800 Black slave owners in the US. Now. do their descendants pay reparations as well? Nor does it mention that there are NO enslaved people in Columbus, GA today… well, unless you count the voters that the Democratic Party claims it owns!

Online headline: “ Children of Pops Barnes blast Columbus Councilors for appointment of District 1 successor” -- Hmmm...those 2 children feeling they are ENTITLED to their late father's Council seat is exactly why Council's appointment was the right one!

Online headline/story: “UAW president under investigation by federal monitor * The monitor, Neil Barofsky, is investigating whether Fain abused his power as union president. He also accuses union leaders, including Fain, of obstructing the investigation and interfering with his access to information.” -- Hmmm...after watching the DOJ operate with so much bias, why would a Union boss even feel it necessary to cooperate with any investigation this close to an election?

I'm tired of rants for slave reparations... Now, if you want to talk about real subjects that need “reparations”, it's time to "right" current "wrongs,".. let's start with convicted murderers getting the automatic death sentence, and their direct relatives compensating the victims family for the rest of their lives... YEAH! That’s the ticket!

I had to verify it but did you know that after the IDF rescue of 4 Israeli hostages from HamASS houses in Gaza, CNN ran bottom on the screen “streaming updates” that said the “hostages” had bee RELEASED by HamASS! Fortunately, a guest on at the time spotted it and called CNN out on it LIVE!

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