Tuesday, June 4, 2024

 From the “Bias? What BIAS!” department – Online headline/story: “New poll finds nearly half of Americans think Trump should end campaign after conviction * by SUDIKSHA KOCHI * A new ABC News/Ipsos poll conducted between May 31 and June 1 found that 49% of respondents think Trump should end his campaign as a result of the Manhattan jury's verdict.” – Typical “Muck Rack” source writer’s “view” of statistics! The fairer, more accurate headline would be, “MORE THAN HALF of those polled do not think Trump should end his campaign”. In fact, I ran a poll of “The Breakfast Club” blog readers, and 100% of responders think Biden should be removed from office by the 25th Amendment.

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin just left the Democratic Party and is now an “Independent”. You know, that makes more Republicans (49) than Democrats (47) in the US Senate. Along with 2 Socialists (“Bernie” and King) and 2 Independents (Sinema and Manchin). Why isn’t McConnell doing HIS JOB as ranking member of the Republicans.. he should be “wheelin’ & dealin” to get Sinema and Manchin caucusing with the Republicans and take over the Senate Leadership!

Senate count update! Online headline: “Embattled Sen Bob Menendez files to run for re-election as independent candidate” – Looks like the Senate count of Democrats is down to 46… though I’m not sure Menendez can even vote anymore.. but McConnell can bet on Menendez NOT voting with Schumer..

The Republicans need to work harder... they are letting all the "blame" get directed to Biden, yet Biden is just the messenger. The Republicans need to expose the cabal behind the White House Oval Office and "shine the light of truth" on them.
Early voting started yesterday in Columbus, GA for the runoff between John Anker and Travis Chambers to replace Mayoral “Yes man” Tyson Begly for Columbus GA Council Post 10. It was Mayor Skippy's hand picked appointment (to replace John House who moved out of town) , Tyson Begly , who was the deciding vote that took the citizens' right to decide the future of Golden Park, and saddle us with $50 Million more in debt. Now, while I expect a politician’s wife to support him, the Columbus, GA Mayor's wife has sent a TEXT MESSAGE to selected Columbusites (I was not included, but a friend of mine was and alerted me) to vote for Chambers.. Obviously, Mayor Skippy wants a Councilor who will automatically represent the Mayor's interests versus Columbus citizens BEST INTERESTS. John House recognized this, too, and has endorsed John Anker. Vote for John Anker !

Online headline: 'The bill is much, much larger': Report suggests Georgia Power customers will pay more for Plant Vogtle than anticipated” – Wait a minute! The members of the Public Service Commission and GA POW CO Board Members should have to pay for GA POW CO overages for any amount the PSC and GA POW CO Board "okayed" for GA POW CO construction estimates!
Online headline/story: “Miss Universe co-owner says trans and married women ‘can compete’ under new guidelines ‘but they cannot win * A leaked video was discovered of Anne Jakapong Jakrajutatip, co-owner of Miss Universe, in a board meeting from last November, speaking earnestly about her opinion on the inclusion of trans women in the pageant. * Jakrajutatip, who is transgender, continued in the leaked conversation that “women from nontraditional backgrounds” “cannot win” Miss Universe.” – Hmmm… sorta like “not keeping score”, so in reality, even the winner doesn’t win. Now, seriously, what company wants to put its future in the hands of every protest group in the world?

Online headline: “Columbus/Muscogee County GA School District sues TikTok, other platforms for harming students & costs” -- Hmm… A quicker ..and better… solution is banning student use of cellphones on campuses during school hours . What was most interesting is that the law firm of former Columbus Mayor TT Tom-LYING-son is representing the School District and the School Board vote breakdown… What the Columbus GA citizens NEED to know are the potential financial gain/loss of the suit, and.. AND the financial arrangements with Hall Booth Smith.

From the “There are lies.. then there is this HUGE one!” department – Online headline: “The Justice Department claims releasing President Biden's interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur would boost the danger of AI deepfakes” – First, there is no need to use AI to embarrass Resident Biden… it’s tough enough watching him embarrass America and himself every time a camera is on him! Secondly, with Hur’s basic assessment that Biden is not competent to stand trial, the video became even MORE relevant than the transcript which Hur’s office was in charge of editing and publishing.

Online headline: “Padres infielder Tucupita Marcano facing lifetime ban for betting on MLB games” – AMEN!

Online headline: “Blue city leader to stop sharing crime alerts with constituents because they create bad 'perception” – Hmmm … it ended up being Shicago, but my first thoughts were that the city could have been Colum bus, GA as well.. I got a 2023 report of homicides from the Columbus Police Department that showed 33 homicides.. yet the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer listed 57 different homicides including names and dates.

Well, if we didn’t know it before hand, we know “the fix” is in for Hunter Biden’s trial! The prosecutor, David Weiss, is the same one that tried to give Hunter immunity from prosecution on the gun purchase charges of fraud/perjury months ago, and when the case was thrown back into the court system, Weiss was REAPPOINTED to prosecute the case, and with him selecting a Delaware jury in less than a day pretty well indicates Weiss rubber stamped the selections of Biden’s lawyers. A change of venue and prosecutor is NECESSARY!

Online headline: “Fraud trial juror reports getting bag of $120,000 and promise of more if she'll acquit” – Welcome to Democrat Michigan and a Democrat DOJ! The thing is that probably some of, maybe ALL the jurors received similar “bags”, but 1 chose to turn it in…

Online headline: “$200 Million! That's right.. American citizens have sent $200 Million dollars in donations, mostly in small amounts, to President Trump since Thursday because we know he's the only current politician that really wants to ...is capable of .. is WILLING TO.. standing up for us.
Online headline: “Stormy Daniels breaks her media silence and says Melania should leave Donald Trump” -- Hmmm...and what was her advice to Hellary?
America is now under collusive attack! Jihadism has teamed up against Christian and Jewish faiths, and is led by the snakes called HamASS in Gaza and JackASS in Washington.
Online headline: “Israel begrudgingly accepts Biden’s Gaza deal: ‘Not a good plan’” – Excuse me, but why would Biden even ask Netanyahu to approve a deal before he had HamASS’ approval! More importantly, why hasn’t Biden told HamASS that unless all of our American hostages were immediately returned ALIVE, that the US would join Israel, and infiltrate from the Mediterranean shore!

Online headline: “'No background check': Reports say smugglers use social media to lure Turkish migrants to easy entry into US” – Hmm… why is it that illegal aliens can pay smugglers $10,000.00 to get them into America, but Biden pays the illegal aliens living expenses once here?
Online headline: “Biden admin quietly dismisses over 350K asylum applications from immigrants since 2022” – Hmmm… barely 50 cities in the entire US have populations of 350,000 or more, and we KNOW figures reported by the Biden Administration are less than truthful…


Online opinion “headLIE”: “Socialism isn’t a dirty word. It’s simply about wanting to make a fairer society * by Will Hutton” – Good grief! Socialism is about “all animals are equal, but some animals are MORE EQUAL than others” as written in “Animal Farm” exposing the agenda of Socialism.. It was required reading when I went to High School, but now High School students probably can’t even read books based on reading competency level testing..

Online headline/story: “Minnesota mayor thanks President Biden for canceling his student loans * "The Supreme Court tried to block me from relieving student debt. But they didn’t stop me. I’ve relieved student debt for over 5 million Americans. I’m going to keep going," Biden's post read. * St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter proudly declared on Wednesday that his student loans had officially been canceled. The Minnesota mayor posted a screenshot of his Mohela account, the site used to manage and make student loan payments. His account read $0.00." – Wow! Talk about political pandering and vote manipulation! I checked Mayor Carter’s salary, and while I didn’t easily find his current salary, he had a base salary of $132,091.00 in 2019. How did he even qualify under Biden’s traitorous reponse to the US Supreme Court’s ruling that he CAN’T do this!

Repeat reminder: Never forget! In December of 1941, President Roosevelt called the bombing of Pearl Harbor "a date which will live in infamy". With the travesty that happened May 30, 2024 in a New York City courtroom, I don't think President Roosevelt could find adequate words to describe what happened in America that day.

Online “headLIE”: “Biden campaign speeds up efforts to get voters to pay attention to the presidential race “ – No, Biden’s campaign wants the old Democrat base to pay attention to what the Democrat agenda is.. They do NOT want the Democrat base to listen to what they are doing to Trump…

Online “headLIE”: “Kathy Griffin says controversial fake Trump photo cost her one-third of her fans” – Hmmm… no,, what Kathy Griffin did to herself cost her dearly!
Rumor has it that Reba McEntire is going to re-release an updated version of one of her hit songs:
“Well, don't trust our nation to no New York Liberal lawyer
Cause the judge in the town's got corruption on his mind.”

Resident Biden justifies giving money to illegal aliens and 3rd World countries because they “are developing”. Well, under Biden America has become a developing country as well. America is developing a 3rd World political agenda!

Online headline: “Chiefs' Harrison Butker may be sidelined for kickoffs this season as team adjusts to new rules” -- While I won't be watching NFL games....again ..I have a suggestion that sounds more legit than this NFL fiasco..Let the kicker kick the ball when Colon KaeperPrick starts singing the National Anthem from his knees, and the rest of the players can't move until he stands up again.

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