Friday, June 21, 2024

What did you see in the video of Resident Biden at the Juneteenth White House video? All the people..even Phuckles Harris and her Plus 1 were swinging to the music... Well, all but one of the people there .. Resident Biden was doing his re-enactment of the upcoming sequel of "Weekend at Bernie's 2024". 
Online headline: “Publix selling rare plant for a limited time near these Florida cities” -- Hmmmm....Why introduce non-indigenous plants to the US ....again? Remember KUDZU?
Online headline: “ Columbus GA Consolidated Government holding rezoning meeting for Courtland Avenue” -- Hmmm... it would be nice if the purpose/reason of rezoning an obvious residential area would be TRANSPARENTLY mentioned in such a story... Hey... this is a former MCSD property.. interestingly, there's no amount of money listed for the amount it was sold to a developer over 20 years ago, and the low taxes that have been assessed on it for the same amount of time... Oh! An undeveloped  piece of that “block” (now Lemongrass Dr - looks like about 8 acres) was sold in 2011 for $812,000,00, yet the 19 acres of 2601 Courtland is ”FMV” assessed at $151,730.00… Hey,,, Mayor Skippy…HOW ABOUT SOME TRANSPARENCY! 
Online headline: “Romney stays course on whether he supports Trump for president: 'It's a matter of personal character” -- Two words: RATT Romney…..
Online headline/story: “ Columbus ranked as one of top 20 best-ran cities, according to a study * The ranking is determined by “Quality of City Services” and “Total Budget Per Capita.” For the first, Columbus landed at #83 but for the latter, the River City ranked #8. *  WalletHub used these metrics for its rankings:
Financial Stability, Education, Health, Safety, Economy, Infrastructure & Pollution
You know, a well run City doesn't dip into it's "Fund Balance" for $10,000,000.00 when it's recently been issuing $100,000,000.00 in BONDS on top of 5 different 1% sales taxes, and a well run City doesn’t have the garbage issues Columbus, GA  does, nor the high-per-person homicide rate, nor the poor reading-at-grade-level test scores we have…. nor allows it’s outdoor pools be closed for 5 years and more!
Online “Joke-line”/story: “Joy Behar Calls Out “Rigged” Emmys For Failing To Award ‘The View’ * The ballsy moment came at the start of the panel’s interview with Rachel Maddow * “It’s so good to be here. I’ve been looking forward to this,” the MSNBC host said  * “I like talking to you guys. And I feel like your conversations are getting smarter and smarter and smarter. I always learn something.” – “I always learn something”? Well, we now know Maddow’s “source of wisdom”… and it really clarifies our perception of Maddow…
TikTok, a China owned Social Media scam,  has "banned" a women's sportswear company ads because TikTok feels they are "hate" ads against transgenders competing against real women in sports.  You know, it's "oxymoronic" that China, which does not tolerate such in its own country!
You HAVE to read this whole article.. it’s not long but reveals amazing figures of Russian losses vs Ukraine! Online headline: “Russia Hits Major Artillery Loss Milestone” 
Online headline: “Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. did not meet the criteria necessary to join President Biden and former President Donald Trump on-stage during the first presidential debate of the cycle, CNN said.” -- This was by design. Now the Dems have realized that it's Biden supporters looking for a new choice, not the Independents or Trump supporters. Also… It’s important.. very important.. to realize that these are the states RFKjr is on a ballot: California –  Nevada –  Utah –  Idaho –  Nebraska – Oklahoma –  Texas –  Iowa – Michigan – Ohio North Carolina –  South Carolina – New York –  New Hampshire –Delaware – Hawaii, and if voting “against” Biden rather than “against” Trump effects “down ballot races”, more taken-for-granted Democrat Congressional races may be in play as well.
We're now a week away from the June 27th "debate" between Biden & Trump... don't think this is not an integral part of the Democrat's campaign.. a poor performance by Biden is expected...even DESIRED ... by the Democrats, too! Like we saw Wednesday, Michelle Obama made her presence known that she's gonna be there at the Convention 'to save' the day.. 'to save' the Democrats... and 'to save' America... but the Democrats have to quietly eliminate Kamala Harris as well, and a Convention coup is the only way that will work.
From the “Gomer Pyle” department - "CITIZEN'S ARREST!, CITIZEN'S ARREST!, CITIZEN'S ARREST!" Have you seen those "Clear Caption" ads for telephones? The ones saying it's a Federal Program so there's "no cost to you".... Whatta lie! If it's a "federal program", we're ALL paying for it....well unless you're an illegal alien. 
At least for the moment, the collapse of the $320 MILLION DOLLAR "temporary" Gaza dock to unload supplies is moot... but why did Resident Biden build it BEFORE getting all the hostages released alive  ... at least the American ones? Once again.. why does the American Jewish Community support the Democrats!
From the “Look at me! Look at me! Department - Online headline/story: “U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., introduced legislation Tuesday that would create a federal grant program to help technical colleges and community colleges match their workforce development programs with community needs. * The bipartisan bill - also sponsored by Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind. * The Pathways to Prosperity Act of 2024 would provide competitive grants to community and technical colleges to support partnerships between those schools and employers.” --  Hmmm…. Why does SINator Warnock constantly try get “credit” for giving away our money? Besides, what he doesn’t mention is that every Republican, yes.. EVERY REPUBLICAN also CO-SPONSORED Senate Bill S.4580, and it’s been sent to “committee” but has NOT been approved (but will be) nor signed into law! Typical SINator Warnock “Look at me  grandstanding”!
Online story: "Local safety agencies weigh in on child firearm accidents * Safe Kids Columbus, GA says, that " one in three homes with children have guns" -- It's probably higher than that, but what has to be the most dangerous situation is teen gang members who have unregistered, illegal guns in their homes.

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