Friday, June 28, 2024

This was the "normal" picture CNN went to throughout the debate .. former President Trump is 6'3" tall, and President Biden is 6'0".. yet the images CNN used all evening made it appear Biden was as big .. or bigger than Trump.. This was intentional.. while there are many incidences of CNN presenting "Fake News", now CNN has reverted to using "FAKE VIEWS"!




Online headline/story: “Michelle Obama frustrated with Bidens over treatment of Hunter's ex-wife” – Here it come.. like I predicted a good while back.. this “debate” was to lead to JoKKKe Biden’s demise as the Party candidate, and set up Ste. Michelle being the Democrat “savior”  riding a donkey out of the Shicago Convention. Oh, there’ll be “an effort (half-hearted at best)” to “talk up”  Phuckles Harris  at the Convention, but that’ll be for show and Ste. Michelle will stand tall in her presentation as “the Party savior”.




It didn’t didn’t take “too long” for JoKKKe Biden to refer to former President Trump as a “convicted felon” (about 9:45 PM), but Trump did miss “the opportunity” to respond that Biden is to be a convicted felon… just not YET!




It was not a good night for Biden.. he demonstrated his cognitive issue quite often, yet not enough to justify Special Prosecutor Robert Hur’s evaluation not to prosecute him because he’s just “an elderly man with a poor memory”. Biden did not demonstrate a “poor memory”.. he just demonstrated he has a poor recall of reality… We WANT the Interview Video!!!




Online headline: “All criminal trespassing charges dropped against anti-Israel UT Austin protesters” -- Seriously... How can  hate charges of anti-Semitism be "thrown out'?




Online headline: “ MSNBC’s Joy Reid Blasts Rich People ‘Kissing Trump’s Ring’ Who Care About ‘Tax Cuts’ Not Democracy” --  Good grief! The real issue is about MSM “journalists” “kissing the Democrat’s Donkey’s @SS! Hey,  Joy Reid... there is certainly no "JOY" Mudslinging-ville" .. well unless the leap for joy at a way to drop Biden AND Harris off the November ballot!





Online headline: “Another disappointment.’ Columbus, GA councilors say residents upset as pools stay closed” --  You know, for the Columbus GA officials to claim the delays are caused, at least in part, by difficulties in attaining "permits" is totally UNACCEPTABLE! What hoops do private developers and contractors have to jump through! Can you imagine what an outside company investigating building here in Columbus, GA thinks after hearing even the City has difficulties attaining permits required for  building?




Online story: “The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced charges against 193 people — including dozens of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals — across the U.S. on Thursday for their alleged involvement in various health care fraud schemes that the government says amount to around $2.7 billion in intended losses and $1.6 billion in actual losses. * The DOJ said its 2024 National Health Care Fraud Enforcement Action involved the assistance of state and local law enforcement and resulted in arrests spanning 32 federal districts across the U.S.” --  You know, this wouldn’t.. couldn’t .. have happened except by being tucked away in the $Trillion Dollar Biden Infrastructure or Inflation Recovery Acts.




Online headline: “WTVM Editorial 06/24/24: We Need To Teach Civics” --

 While most of my readers will benefit from listening to WTVM-TV9’s VP/Gen Manager Holly Steuart’s Editorial opinion on Civics v-being taught in our school system, I do believe this should be mandatory listening and implementation for Columbus GA’s School Board, and School Administration.




No wonder it sounds like MLB is popular again... Was watching the double header games Wednesday with the Braves at St Louis.. I'd commented to my bride that maybe... maybe... 10,000 fans were in the stadium (and that was a GENEROUS maybe). Thursday, I looked at the stats of the games... and "officially", the attendances reported were 33,921 and 33,999... New Busch Stadium holds 44,000+ fans.. so when did claiming "no shows" for season ticket holders start counting as "Present" at games?




Online story: “Tone-deaf Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Wednesday shrugged off attempts to blame Biden’s border policy for the horrific slaughter of Americans at the hands of illegal migrants, saying, “The individual who is responsible for a heinous criminal act is the criminal.” * His comment during a press conference from a Border Patrol aircraft hangar in Tucson, Arizona — some 70 miles from the nearest border crossing — came in response to a question about 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray , who was brutalized and murdered in Houston, allegedly by two Venezuelan migrants who were released into the US earlier this year.

What a sick Secretary of DHS we have!




Online headline: “A signature Biden law aimed to boost renewable energy also helped a solar company, First Solar, the largest domestic maker of solar panels, donated at least $2 million to Democrats in 2020, including $1.5 million to Biden's successful bid for the White House, reap billions” – Hmmm … I think every politician who is invested, directly or via an ETF or other fund, should be exposed and forced to divest such ownership AND Capital Gains  of this company.




Online headline: “Biden administration to lower costs for 64 drugs through inflation penalties on drugmakers” – Hmmm.. in other words, what Biden is doing is raising the prices on 1,000s of other drugs these Democrat donors sell to the public and government programs!




Online headline: “Ilhan Omar accused of failing to report tens of thousands in asset” --

 Well, it looks like the rest of the squad, like Jamaal Bowman, is on the DNC’s

hit list” too!


Went down to the Columbus, GA Riverwalk yesterday to see the wall and other damages I've seen pictures of, and this is what I found....a potential DEATHTRAP!  Can you imagine what an insurance investigator would think if someone had an open gate leading to a  swimming pool, and the inspector saw it?  What if someone went through it and fell.. it happens.. In fact it happened to me, and though no broken bones were detected by X-rays, I did get severe skin shreds on one arm and one leg. What scares me most though is what could have happened if a group of 3-to-10 year old boys were there on a family or field trip.. We know that aged boys would be all-over the RiverWalk …being... well... being normal 3-to-10 year old boys!  We know they would be racing to that open gate, and would be  victims to falls ...and potentially falling into the river.  I'm not a litigious person by nature, but if that gate isn't secured by noon today, I'm probably doing to make phone calls to "One Call-That's All", "the Good Guy", the "Strongarm" , the "Tough Guy", or one of my son-in-LAWyers.


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