Tuesday, June 11, 2024


From the “trick question” department - Hmmm... remember when political campaigns focused on "selling" voters on a "we have a better plan for America"? When was the last time you heard of a Democrat referring to JFK's saying "ask not what your country can do for you,  ask what YOU can do for your country!" Answer: If a Democrat isn’t my age (77 +/- a couple of years), they probably haven’t heard OF it, much less heard it..


This is a statement made by Seema Gajwani, special prosecutor for Juvenile Justice Reform in Washington, DC:

 "We have successfully used restorative justice *wrist slaps) in stabbing cases, in carjackings, and burglaries, all instead traditional prosecution," Seema Gajwani, special prosecutor for Juvenile Justice Reform (created in 2017 to address racial inequities in the criminal justice system), said about her work as the program's chief during a 2021 webinar. "We are focusing on serious violent crime."-- "focusing on serious violent crime"? Well, stabbings and carjackings by juveniles sound pretty serious violent crimes to me! What it sounds like is violent juvenile criminals are getting a "Get out of jail  Free" card because they are Black.


Online headline: “Jurors might believe Hunter Biden is guilty and vote to acquit him anyway” --  Hmmm… an acquittal will basically mean that Lady Justice's blindfold wasn't put on correctly. A hung jury basically means at least one juror was not interested in “equal justice for all” (or gotten to). An out of state jury should have been impaneled, and a different Prosecutor should have been named other than the same one who agreed to a plea deal with immunity given for all Hunter's previous crimes.


Online headline: “GOP releases Jan. 6 clip of Pelosi saying 'I take responsibility' as she discussed National Guard absence” --  Hmmm...is there any doubt she's more than earned her name of Queen PeLOUSY!


Online headline: “Fani Willis Prosecutor's Private Meeting With Judge Revealed” -- Hmm... and in a different  case.. I'm beginning to ... no.. I'm pretty much convinced the DA title given F@ni Willis stands for. "_umb _ss".


Online headline: “Al Sharpton and Rep. Byron Donalds get into heated debate about Jim Crow: 'Get it through your skull” * Donalds accused Sharpton of lying about his remarks last week” --  Regardless of the one undeniable fact is that the Jim KKKrow era was ruled by Democrat politicians, Rev. Al Sharlatan is going to say otherwise!


From the Democrat propaganda source “The Hill” - Online “headLIE”: “Majority of Jews back Biden, call antisemitism ‘serious’ problem, poll finds” – You know… I believe this is another attempt to evoke “Jewish Guilt” that the Democrats are trying in another futile exploitation to “keep the Jewish vote in line”! I think it’s time for the Jewish to mount their second “Exodus”!


Online headline/story: “California agrees to repay feds $52M in ‘improperly claimed’ immigrant Medicaid disbursements” * The inspector general blamed an outdated calculation metric for the disparity” * The audit, conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services under Inspector General Christi Grimm, covered more than $372 million in federal Medicaid reimbursements made on behalf of noncitizens during fiscal year 2019. A total of $52.7 million of that sum was not filed for in accordance with federal requirements. – Of course Gov Newsom is quick to pay the $52 Million.. he GAINS reprieve from repaying  the other $320 MILLION .. and probably got immunity from fraud prosecution!


Online headline/”headLIE”/story: “A Gen Xer got $110,000 in student loans forgiven after he'd paid off more than he borrowed. It's allowed him to scrap his plans to work part time in retirement.” * While Perry took out student loans for both of his degrees, he couldn't afford payments with his initial salary, so he placed his loans on forbearance. He wasn't required to make payments during this period, but interest was still accumulating, causing his balance to grow. In 2023, his account said he owed just more than $110,000, according to documents reviewed by Business Insider, which he said was more than he originally borrowed.  – OF COURSE it was more than he “borrowed” there was 30 years on accrued interest! This goes to PROVE that no student loans should be approved for a “liberal arts degree curriculum”.. students enter and leave college with no clue on money management! 


You know, without student loans or lottery scholarships, college tuitions would never be as high as they have soared in the last 30 years!


From the “Dr MLK, Jr is rolling over in his grave” department -  Online headline: “John Leguizamo urges Emmy voters to pick non-White candidates in full-page New York Times ad * Leguizamo suggested that White people are overrepresented in many American industries” --  Hmmm... Sounds like the same concept of “unity"  that Biden has in his platform... 


Online headline: “ American slavery wasn’t just a white man’s business − new research shows how white women profited, too” – Good grief… in 1830 , there were nearly 3,800 Black slave owners in the US as well.. hope the "reparations" advocates are listing their descendants as "payers" and not future "recipients".


Online headline: “AI enabling Iran’s crackdown on women as authoritarian regime uses tech to enforce head covering” -- Hmmm..sorta Biblically cryptic.. women being the victim of a snake selling them on an "Apple" product.


Online headline: “Police arrest 11-year-old after month-long crime spree that included car thefts and shootings” --  I can see ..feel even.. why the name of an 11 year old's name would be withheld, but I think the media needs to release whether the 11 year old perp is an American citizen or an illegal alien..


Online headline: “Youngkin calls out Pentagon’s plan to gift China millions with rooftop solar panels * The panels are part of the Biden administration's green energy push” – What’s China going to do.. they probably made the solar panels Biden wants to give to them, so China will probably keep selling them back.. over and over.. to Biden, and China will just keep on building more coal plants!


WTVM-TV9 headline: “Law enforcement presence near 11th Ave & 12th St. in Columbus GA” --  Why doesn't WTVM-TV9 give us the accurate news.. Not many people know where an intersection is, but most would know where the Warren Williams Homes are... oh.. and not too far from the proposed Bicycle Park at Dinglewood Park. 

Speaking of the “Bicycle Park”, will the construction include REMOVING THOSE EYESORE “RED ARROWS” that point out nowhere?


Associated Press claims it is the "most trusted source of information on election night since 1848"  --  Hmm ..when a liberal  media source has to proclaim ITSELF as "most trusted since 1848",  they must expect us to  believe they discovered Morse Code, the radio, the telephone, and Television.


Online “headLIE”: “Biden visits a military cemetery that Trump reportedly said was 'filled with losers” -- Main Scream Media loves to report hearsay as fact, but what MSM doesn't "mention" is its source, John Kelly,  who is now the Chief of Staff for Biden, and Kelly feels Biden's Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is also a credible source.


Online headline/story: “Illegal immigrants are offered an array of taxpayer funded benefits, enticing more to come: 'Pull factor' * There have been more than 7 million migrant crossings during the Biden administration * Migrants who are released into the interior are currently unable to work legally until six months after they have filed a claim for asylum, which not all illegal immigrants do. Many have also spent thousands of dollars paying smugglers to guide them to the southern border and so will often have few resources.” – You know.. since the “illegals” have so much money they can give to the cartel to assist them, why doesn’t the Biden administration tell them to come to valid ports of entry and apply properly, and use that money to sustain themselves during the waiting period?

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