Thursday, June 13, 2024


Online headline: “Hunter Biden’s gun trial exposes corrupt prosecution” --  We need to know what the difference David Weiss thought that changed his mind from first trying to give Hunter immunity from the same crimes he just convicted Hunter of!

Online headline: “Nathan Wade says his relationship with Fani Willis was ‘bad timing’ but not responsible for delaying Trump case” -- "bad timing"? Nah!  It was collusion; it was unethical; it was immoral; it was.. basically... CRIMINAL!

Online headline: “Columbus, GA grapples with rise in alligator sightings” --  Hmmm... wonder which is bigger... the 10-foot  "croc" living under the dock at Bulldog Creek... or the "CROCK" coming out of Mayor Skippy the Poo's office?

A couple of Columbus GA Councilors quickly responded to my concerns about whether they knew in advance about Historic Golden Park being stripped of its dignity as it was with being stripped of its history... they had no advanced warning ahead of the renaming announcement  at the ground breaking...

Just learned, also, that the owners of Golden Foundry, direct descendants of Golden Park's namesake, Theo Golden, were not notified in advance… nor invited to the "wake"... I thought it was a courtesy.. if not a set procedure,  that the family of a "death victim" was notified before the "death victim's name" was released.

You know, when the deflowering of Historic Golden Park  was announced at the ground-breaking ceremony, reports of the amount "SIN-over-US" was paying for the "renaming" was "not available", what wasn't mentioned… wasn't announced…  was whether the City of Columbus GA or Diamond Baseball Holdings got the money... nor whether it was a one time cost or to be renewed annually/periodically!

Online story: “Thousands swarmed the area in front of the White House on Saturday to protest President Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, with many waving pro-Palestinian flags and chanting "Free Palestine" as they marched around the nation’s capital. * The protest descended into chaos after some demonstrators turned their attention to the statues in Lafayette Square just outside the White House and vandalized them with spray paint and graffiti. * Other demonstrators turned their attention to park rangers working the area, shouting "F--- you, fascist!" and "Piggy, piggy, oink, oink!" Water bottles were aggressively thrown at rangers. One man wearing a Hamas headband held up a bloody face mask that depicted Biden and shouted, "Down, down occupation!" Another demonstrator lit an American flag on fire.” – Once again… why does the Jewish Community support DEMOCRATS!.. There’s not one anti-Semitic protester who will vote for Trump or anybody else who is a Republican…

Online headline: “Putin's fleet of warships in Cuba is direct warning to Biden, experts say“ – Hmmm.. the last time this happened was in 1961 but even  Democrats were anti-Communists then!

Online “headLIE”: “House GOP doubtful DOJ will charge Garland like former Trump aides” – “doubtful”? They SHOULD KNOW this as a fact.. and work harder to regain the White House so the DOJ and FBI can be cleaned out!


Online headline: “Lia Thomas' Olympics dreams dashed after legal challenge to World Aquatics' transgender policy fails” –  Times…. they have-a-changed! I remember when America led the world….. not wussed out on WOKE ideals.


Online headline: “Fetterman 'at fault' for Maryland car accident that injured him, wife, and other driver” --  WHOA! Let's make sure Fetterman uses his own insurance… and money… to pay all the damages and fines!

WRBL-TV3 Columbus, GA’s Chuck Williams pointed out in his interview with Council Post 10 candidates Anker and Chambers  that the City of Columbus, in spite of all the Covid-19 grant money  and higher LOST tax revenues, over $10 Million dollars has been drained from the City's fund balance.... and it doesn't appear to have helped our City to improve its crime rates or appearances of our government buildings or street surfaces. And now, with the new $50 Million Dollar in bonds issued for SIN-over-US Park (formerly known as Golden Park), there'll be another $4 +/- million in taxes used to annually pay the interest on those bonds! On top of everything else,  Council runoff candidate Chambers is overly connected with SIN-over-Us.. vote for John Anker.. for transparency and responsibility to the taxpayers of Columbus, GA!

Online headline: “Blinken announces more than $400M in new humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza” --  Good grief! Why are we sending $400 Million that will end up in the hands of HamASS?

Online headline: “US building $100 million military bases for foreign nation” -- Hmmm...building in Somalia... wasn't that the country  that shot down 3 American Black Hawk helicopters then drug our soldiers through the streets of Mogadishu, and President Clinton retaliated by blowing up an aspirin factory?  Why are we building them $100,000,000.00 worth of military bases?

Online headline/LIE/sory: “FBI says crime has plummeted to start 2024 - but is missing a big part of the data  * The figures from the Quarterly Uniform Crime Report indicate a 15 percent drop in the first three months of the year compared with the same period in 2023. * However, data informing the FBI’s figures is supplied voluntarily by law enforcement agencies across the US, and do not include major metropolitan areas including Los Angeles and New York , where crime is historically high. The LAPD and NYPD are the two largest police forces in the nation, but they are not included in the FBI data” – Don’t laugh.. Columbus, GA has a history of not reporting our homicides to the FBI… because if it did, Columbus, GA would be ranked as one of the highest homicides-per-100,000 population in the country!

Hmmm… the arrest of Columbus, GA’s “Colgay” founder on drug distribution/gun charges probably explains the “festive” atmosphere at last Saturdays celebration..

Online headline: “ DOJ memo says Garland cannot be prosecuted for contempt over Biden-Hur audio” -- How can anyone trust the transcript being accurate.. truthful...or genuine for that matter, unless a verifiably unedited video can be compared to it.

Online headline: “Columbus Police Department provides 1-year progress report” – Wait a minute!  How can the CPD be considered "fully staffed" when none of the 100 more officers that were felt necessary in 2008, and have been paid for by LOST tax revenue,  have been added?

Online headline/story: “Georgia's Biggest Losers: 1/3 of Cities Shrink While State Population Booms *  While Georgia's overall population continued to grow over the past three years, approximately one-third of its incorporated cities lost population. * Columbus ranked No. 1 as the state's biggest loser, shedding over 5,000 residents and accounting for a 2.4% population loss. * Albany ranked second in shrinking Georgia cities, with nearly 2,800 residents -- 4.0 percent of the population -- packing their bags for other locations. * The report shows that 185 of Georgia's incorporated cities -- 34% of Georgia's 537 incorporated cities -- saw population declines from April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2023. * During the same three-year period, Georgia's population grew 2.9% overall in the, pushing the state's population over 11 million people for the first time.” –  “Columbus is the biggest loser!”  Sorta puts a pretty good damper on Mayor Skippy the Poo’s 100 Acre Scam at “SIN-over-US Park”, and the message of the taxpayer funded Chamber of Commerce.

Online headline: “Miss Maryland USA, an Asian American trans military wife, speaks out against hate” -- Whatta joke... a man married to another man winning a "Miss" contest...

Online headline: “Remington's sale of its ammunition arm to a foreign buyer is raising eyebrows” – Hmmm… on the other hand, Remington may have recognized that the Democrats might make it illegal to manufacture bullets in America for the Constitutionally protected guns, so Remington wants to keep American patriots able to acquire the ammo for the guns!

Online WRBL-TV3 story: “Locals are invited to observe a special called meeting for the Board of Trustees of the Columbus, Georgia Employee Retirement System Pension and Benefit Trust Fund. * The meeting will be on Thursday, June 13 at 12 p.m. in the Information Technology Computer Lab at City Hall on First Ave. * The meeting is for the board to discuss a proposed amendment to the Public Safety and General Government Pension Plans. * The public is invited to attend in person.” – Whatta JOKE… after all the dodging of transparency concerning Mayor Skippy the Poo’s backroom deals with SIN-over_US, now a meeting is “called” to taxpayers attention 2 days before the fact!

Speaking of jokes…Did you see the video at the White House Juneteenth Event.. everybody was dancing and swaying to the music.. except Resident Biden... he stood motionless .. like he was a cardboard cutout of himself for visitors to take selfies with…

Online “headLIE”: “Biden’s capital gains taxes would boost economic equality” -- does taking money from the private sector that would go back into the growth of the economy,  and giving it to Congress (which can't even operate within its budget) to spend on social programs’ administration help our economy?

Palestinian "protesters" in Brooklyn vandalized the homes of Jewish Museum Board Members.. Mayor Eric Adams made a statement that this is not protesting, "it's a crime"! Well, Mayor, why weren't they all arrested on the spot!

Just heard from a "legal eagle" friend of mine who told me Hunter Biden graduated from Yale in 2006, and was admitted to the Washington, DC Bar in 2007. Hmmmm... Do you mean Hunter was 36 before graduating law school,  and  37 before passing the bar.. Certainly not the resumé of a protegé....

8 "fully vetted"  at the border Jihadists (per Biden spokespersons), have been picked up in America this week following ICE observations. This shows us how ludicrous Secretary of DHS Mayorkas' claims that our borders are secure are.

Online “headLIE”: “Biden reportedly blames re-election bid for Hunter's conviction: 'He would have gotten the plea deal'” – And whatta "headLIE"!  Well, unless he thought he owned the judge who suddenly realized that there was a bright spotlight eliminating the shadows these kind of deals thrive on.

Online headline: ‘Ocasio-Cortez, Raskin to introduce legislation to ‘rein in a fundamentally unaccountable and “rogue”  Supreme Court” -- Hmmmm... These Congresspersons better look at the log in their eyes before looking at the splinter in the Supreme Court members' eyes. (Matthew 7:3-5)

Personally, I think America is better off with voters seeing AOC running around representing the goals pof the Socialist-Democratic Party…..

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