Monday, June 10, 2024

Online headline: “Hunter Biden laptop re-emerges as media embarrassment as it becomes key evidence at gun trial” – Hmmm…All 51 of the Security experts should be dragged in and made to testify under oath they writing.. when they sent their letter claiming the laptop was "Russian Interference"... and then they should be tried themselves for "Election Interference" and for an overthrowing (a coup) the existing government"!

I knew Special Prosecutor David Weiss was trying to sabotage the case against Hunter Biden...again. He could have brought 51 US intelligence officials into court and had them ALL denounce the letter they signed calling Hunter's laptop just part of "Russian Interference" prior to the 2020 elections, and then, charged all 51 of them abuse of power, and sabotage and a coup.

You know, there's ANOTHER MAJOR REASON a verifiably unedited video of Biden's interview with Special Prosecutor Robert Hur MUST be released. Whenever Biden speaks, we KNOW that what comes out of his mouth does not match exactly what comes across the Teleprompter! We know this because of all the corrections and back-tracking "the White House handlers" release shortly after them in futile efforts of damage control.

Online headline: “Biden's 'perpetual state of confusion' on display in Normandy amid rising cognitive questions” -- "Amid riding cognitive questions”? Good grief! Biden's "confusion" has been obvious to anyone who sees without a biased eye!

Online headline: “President/CEO of the Georgia Beverage Association Kevin Perry talks about the ‘Every Bottle Back’ Initiative and the new Zero Waste Center in DeKalb.” – Hmmm… and I remember when former Columbus, GA Mayor TT Tom-LYING-son ordered us to STOP sending glass bottles etc to our Recycling Center because it wasn’t worth the costs!

A Republican candidate in the early run at the Presidential nomination, Vivek Ramaswamy, said JoKKKe Biden ran on a platform of "Unity"..but failed.. I disagree .. While Biden did run on a "Unity" promise and he certainly HASN'T delivered, but it's not a "fail" in his book.. he didn't want to .... or intend to deliver "Unity". UNITY of the races would destroy the Democrats' real goal of division.... even "DEI" is intended to put more wedges between the races.. it's just another name for Affirmative Action.

Online headline: “ Jimmy Kimmel Slams ‘Draft Dodger Don’ on 80th Anniversary of D-Day” – Oh.. and Biden “served”?

Online story: “Mexico’s outgoing president pledged Friday to press ahead with j udicial reforms despite nervousness among investors and suggestions from his own handpicked successor that he should go slow. * President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he would pursue 20 constitutional changes after his Morena party won a two-thirds majority in Congress in Sunday’s elections, including making all judges run for election and enshrining a series of unfunded benefit mandates in the Constitution.” --  This is why our Founding Fathers gave the people, not the government, the power to change the Constitution… Of course, Democrats do TRY to constantly circumvent our Constitution (trying to give illegal aliens voting rights, the President canceling Student Loans, affirmative action programs etc), but eventually, our Supreme Court will get things put right again.. Obrador even wanting to elect all judges and putting unfunded benefit mandates ( which makes Democrats in our Congress salivate to duplicate that here) in the Mexico’s Constitution will bring on economic disaster to millions more Mexican citizens. Hmmm… but on the OTHER HAND, if Mexico does this, millions of illegal aliens in America will clamor to move back to Mexico!

Remember two things about the Biden Administration agenda: 1- May 30, 2024, when a New York Court surpassed December 7, 1941 as an even worse date than what President Roosevelt described it as a "date that will live in infamy", and 2 - when Biden's concern about the border's effect on the 2024 election had him finally issue an (though inadequate) Executive Order being an actual ADMISSION that BORDER TSAR Kamala Harris and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas were both following HIS policies since Day 1 when Biden overrode Trump's Border policies.

In a funny, yet sick way, that while both China and Democrats fund "green protests" to shut down coal operations, and while Biden IS closing down coal mines/production, China is BUILDING 3 new coal production facilities MONTHLY!

Hmmm... You know, the only real crime brought forward in the New York Trump trial were admission of extortion by Stormy Daniels.

Go ISRAEL! Go IDF! In an effective raid "a la" the Raid on Entebbe, the IDF rescued 4 hostages that HamASS kidnapped from Israel from a music festival last October! Now .. what's Biden doing about the American hostages HamASS refuses to send back to us! Technically, HamASS has no reason to NOT send their American hostages back to us.. Biden has not sent American troops in to get them, so HamASS can't use that as an excuse not to release them.

Online headline/story: “Caitlin Clark will reportedly be left off final roster for U.S. women's Olympic team * Seven players have Olympic experience at 5-on-5 while two others have played in 3-on-3 competition. “ -- While I really don't think rookie pro players should be on the Olympic roster, I disapprove more of the use of players from the 3-on-3 teams...


While speaking at the D-Day ceremony in France, Resident Biden could have been charged with plagiarizing the 1984 speech by President Reagan at the same event. The Democrats are really desperate to try to make Biden sound like Reagan.. On the humorous side, we know there was more ARTIFICIAL sentiment (Fake News) rather than INTELLIGENCE in the Teleprompter words Biden read.


Hmmmm... if Resident Biden is going to plagiarize President Reagan like he did in France, he needs to work on this one, too. Reagan said, " Government is not the answer to your problem , Government IS the problem." I suggest Biden's speech writers modernize it.. try this, "government is not the solution to America's problems, Democrats are the problem"!

Online headline: “Former Obama official gives one-word answer (“NO”) when asked if he would retract attack over Hunter Biden laptop” -- This exactly why the entire 51 signees of that "letter of intentional misinformation for election interference" should have been called to court and be grilled under oath!

Online headline: “Newsom, Dem leaders try to negotiate Prop 47 reform off California ballots, as GOP wants to let voters decide” – Of course Newsom doesn’t want the victims of crimes voting to toughen up weak CA laws… Prop 47 is what made all stealing of items under $950.00 a misdemeanor “crime”, and was the core of the “sanctuary city” movements that the Democrats want to keep so illegal aliens can’t get deported based on crimes they commit..

Are the Biden's really concerned about "Climate Change" or inflation? Jill Biden flew home from the D-Day ceremonies in France to be at Hunter's trial, then flew back. Are they really concerned about their "carbon footprint" or abusing White (House) Privilege by wasting taxpayers' money on their own whims.


Online headline: “Biden Leaves in Middle of WW2 Event, French President Left to Greet Veterans Alone” – While it was a visual insult to the even older WWII American vets there for the ceremony, circumstances may prove the speculation that Biden may have “pooped” in his “Depends”, and Jill took him downwind so he wouldn’t stink more than usual…

Looks like Biden had his biggest campaign rally ever this weekend.. unfortunately they were Anti-Israel protesters surrounding the White House. Hmmm... do those genocidal zealots realize that Biden is not the president of Israel.

How did the Anti-Israel zealots get close enough to the White fences to place red paint handprints on the white brick fence columns?


While I'm not an avid fan of ice hockey, I do keep my eyes & ears open, and am very aware of the Stanley Cup Championship series going on now.. I hope it not just me that notices that one of the teams battling for the championship is from Florida where no kid has ever grown up playing hockey on his backyard ice rink his dad fixed up.

While media was a bit concerned over China buying land near our military bases, and lying spy balloons near them as well, there’s more you need to know. The below info is a part of the info available on “Wikipedia”




 and it should be alarming:

“Smithfield Foods: It operates as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chinese-owned conglomerate WH Group.[4][a] Founded in 1936 as the Smithfield Packing Company by Joseph W. Luter and his son, the company is the largest pig and pork producer in the world. * In addition to owning over 500 farms in the US, Smithfield contracts with another 2,000 independent farms around the country to raise Smithfield's pigs. * Outside the US, the company has facilities in Mexico, Poland, Romania, Germany, Slovakia and the United Kingdom.[7] Globally the company employed 50,200 in 2016 and reported an annual revenue of $14 billion.[2] Its 973,000-square-foot meat-processing plant in Tar Heel, North Carolina, was said in 2000 to be the world's largest, slaughtering 32,000 pigs a day * Then known as Shuanghui Group, WH Group purchased Smithfield Foods in 2013 for $4.72 billion. It was the largest Chinese acquisition of an American company to date.[11] The acquisition of Smithfield's 146,000 acres of land made WH Group, headquartered in Luohe, Henan province, one of the largest overseas owners of American farmland. “ –  And knowing what we know about China’s virus producing capabilities at Wuhan Labs, we should be very concerned about eating Smithfield Farms and other brand names’ products they own that could be weaponized WORLD WIDE!

Headline about the Hunter Biden trial: “In other words, the U.S. Government that was a one-time party to the lie, belatedly confirmed the lie." -- Hmmm... and why didn't Special Prosecutor David Weiss call all 51 of the government security "agents" who propagated the lie by signing a letter stating is was "Russian Interference" and IT WAS NOT Hunter Biden's laptop, and have them own up to their lie, UNDER OATH and ask each one WHO had specifically organized what was obviously a treasonous COUP.!

Online headline: “Colorado Democrat governor signs two bills supporting migrants” -- "supporting migrants"? We're talking about illegal aliens, not migrants! The whole scheme is to get driver's licenses to illegals who can use them to get illegally registered to vote!

Online headline: “Anti-Israel agitator in Hamas headband holds up bloodied Biden face mask steps from White House” -- Hmmm...maybe a Kathy Griffin fan club member... or maybe Kathy herself costumed in "reverse drag"..

Online headline: “An Appeals Court Rules the Fearless Fund's Grant Program is Discriminatory—What This Means for Similar Programs” – Yep… and so was Charles Barkley’s donation to Auburn that only Black women can get!

MidTown Columbus GA has proposed a new “Bicycle Park” at Dinglewood Park in the LakeBottom area off 13th Street. It has promise, but there are concerns that need to be worked out before it goes into effect.. Is it something MidTown will build and maintain or is it something they want the City to do? And looking at the schematics, it looks like something that skateboarders will be attracted to, and that will be contentious with parents trying to teach their children how to ride (sorta like an expert ice skater whizzing around a packed ice rink showing off while first timers struggle trying not to fall), and 24/7 security needs.

Online headline: “Phenix City addresses concerns over sewage flow into Chattahoochee River” -- Sounds ominously like, "Ooops, we got caught"....

From “The Hill” opinion” department Online story: “ * The Biden administration recently floated the idea of resettling a limited number of Palestinian refugees from Gaza to the United States. As a nation, it’s the least we can do.” – GOOD GRIEF! With HamASS’s control of Gaza, we know only the “Palestinians” that will be allowed to leave will be HamASS terrorists getting out of Gaza before Israel finds them!

Online headline: “ Biden Administration Introduces New Fuel Efficiency Standards” -- Good grief! Do the math.. at 65 MPG, a 20 gallon tank could take you 1,300 miles! But what we'd see is GM, FORD, & Chrysler putting 5 gallon tanks on their vehicles, and states raising their per gallon tax rates by 3 or 4 times to make up for lost revenues. In GA, per gallon taxes could be $1.25 vs 31-cents, which we know would raise the price per gallon to $4.50 - $5.00, so think about the issues what your 15-MPG truck would cause... Multiple gas fill ups per day, and $125-$150.00 to fill a 32 gallon tank.

Online headline: “Public housing residents, posh prep school kids spark NYC playground war — with tensions going into full swing” – Hmmm.. I think the most proper sign would be "American Citizens Only!"

Online headline: “‘I’m Speaking Right Now!’ Kamala Harris Tells Protester Being Dragged Out Of Speech She ‘Values And Respects’ Her Voice” -- Hmmm... maybe she was speaking, but she wasn't saying anything of value!

Online headline/story: “Son of former Bucs owner donates to Trump campaign in protest of felony conviction” -- Culverhouse said, "I don't care if Trump is a Republican or Democrat. The Judicial system cannot be used as a political tool. The Democrats crossed the line in this persecution, the same as I would say if the Republicans treated President Biden this way." -- Hmmm.. but Robert Hur has made sure the Republicans cannot treat Biden this way... Hur basically said the "the sweet old man with a bad memory" isn't competent to stand trial.

Online “headLIE”: “Supreme Court ruling will make it harder to create more majority-Black districts in Louisiana” -- No, the Supreme Court has said that the Democrats cannot promote discrimination or enslave the Black vote!

Online headline: “Hunter Biden's defense team in historic criminal trial likely 'banking on' hung jury” -- Of course it'll be a hung jury.. only one juror needs to be bought.. but when it is, the DOJ should (but won't) demand a change of venue or at least a new jury from another state, and a new prosecutor from another District, and... and demand that the 51 perjurers who signed the "Russian interference" letter be charged with treason and political coup.”


We're going up to Atlanta Saturday to deliver something to our daughter, so we saw there was a Braves baseball game and thought that would go. Looked through the decent seats on the Braves side and found a pair at "only" $154.00 EACH...I thought, what the heck, $308.00 was high but "bit the bullet" and clicked on the purchase icon.. filled out the info, and then the "all total" number showed up... including the unnamed "fees" the total came to $451.71! Excuse me, but $143.00 in "fees" is ridiculous... well, unless Taylor Swift was the Ball Girl in front of our seats.

You know.. why is it that when our City builds a building, it doesn’t get ]maintained so taxpayers get our money’s worth? They are razing the Government Center, and now the buildings at Golden Park (that were built just 30 years ago) and will want to raze our jail as well.. and it’s not just the City of Columbus GA that’s so abusive of our tax dollars.. just think about how the original “New Spencer High School” fell apart and now we have the Newer New Spencer High School”.. I just wonder whether anyone of our elected officials actually checks over construction contracts, or why contractors aren’t required to stand behind their work?

Oh! Columbus GA Councilors.. we know we’re not going to get them from the City Manager or Mayor Skippy, but we still haven’t seen the actual figures of the external audit WE”VE paid for!

Online “headLIE”: “Chicago police superintendent pledges DNC protests 'will not be 1968' riots” – Hmmm.. in a way, he’s probably right… the 1968 “protests” will look like a slumber party in comparison.

Online headline/story: “San Francisco opens ‘free’ food market that costs taxpayers over $5 million” * The Food Empowerment Market is aimed at easing burdens for food stamp holders who may run out of resources toward the end of each month. Geoffrea Morris, who pushed the legislation through city government in 2021, argued that the market is "supplemental" and not meant to be the sole method of feeding people. * "This is a supplemental source for food. Food stamps should be the primary source. This is a supplemental source especially close to the end of the month when families are facing the pain, especially with inflation," Morris told local media.” – “especially with inflation”? Do Queen PeLOUSY and Resident Biden know about this?

From the “Poll News, nothing but the Poll News: department – Online “headLIE”: “ More than half of Biden supporters say main reason for backing is to oppose Trump: CBS poll” -- Whatta "headLIE"! 100% of Biden votes come from those who hate Trump and America's future... 105% if you count the votes cast by dead people.

Online headline: “ VP Kamala Harris says Trump's conviction should be "disqualifying"” -- Hmmm .. funny... Phuckles Harris, who is UNQUALIFIED, saying someone who is the MOST QUALIFIED should be DISQUALIFIED...


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