Wednesday, July 31, 2024

 Whoa! Now the French Olympic Committee is “back tracking” about the Christian-mocking “drag” scene being something other than the “Last Supper” most of the world identified it with.. How embarrassing the LEFTIST defenders must feel for supporting the fake “Bacchanalia” excuse offered as an explanation!

Nearly 3 weeks have passed and our DOJ still hasn’t broken the encryption codes of e-mails/texts on assassin Crooks’ phone… We have to begin wondering whether our DOJ cannot break the code to see where they lead… or just doesn’t want the code broken because of WHERE it lead..

Two things really have to be addressed about Crooks movements on July 13th.. 1 – How was he allowed to fly his “drone” around the rally complex without anyone questioning him, and 2 – How did he know hours ahead of the rally that such a prime shooting location was “available” and would not be monitored by the US Secret Service?

Online headline/story: “Schumer silent on Biden oil purchase after blasting Trump for 'bailout for big oil' * Trump sought to purchase oil for the SPR in 2020 and was criticized * The DOE announced a purchase of 4.65 million barrels of oil Monday to replenish the SPR, which has been tapped by the Biden administration, to assist with high gas prices.  * The department bought the oil for an average price of $77.” – MSM doesn’t present “all the facts”.. Biden sold off over 40 MILLION Barrels and now is buying back 4.65 Million barrels. We’re still dangerously low with wars staring us in the face.. Additionally, what MSM is ignoring is that when Schumer “blocked” Trump’s purchase back in the Spring of 2020, barrels of oil had dropped below $20.00 versus the $77.00 per barrel that Biden’s desperately spending now because of the imminent dangers…

Online headline: “Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua gives ‘green light’ to members to attack U.S. cops” -- Oh.. and don't forget that Biden and the Socialist-Democrats IDOLIZE Venezuela's Maduro...yeah.. Maduro, who for the second election in a row, has refused to release the election results or move out of the President’s House..

Online headline: “2024 election is suddenly about race. That's awful for our country” -- politics in this day and age, the only "skin issue" that should be relevant is HOW THICK IS IT!

Online headline: “Paris Olympics admitted opening ceremony drag show was based on ‘Last Supper’ — then tried to walk it back” – Anybody trying to “sell” an alternative “fact” is just reciting liberal sound bytes!

Online headline: “'Full House' actress defends Olympics 'Last Supper' performance after Christian co-star blasts it” – Hmmm… Jodie Sweetin better take her foot out of her mouth before she gnaws it OFF! Uber-lib Sweetin repeated the LEFTIST drivel about the “Last Supper” Olympic scene not actually being about the  “Last Supper”, and now the Olympic Committee has admitted the scene in question WAS about the “Last Supper”.. Hey, Hallmark.. we stopped watching your movies with Jodie Sweetin because, at best, she a mediocre actress.. now it’s time to cut her out of the Hallmark family altogether…

Online headline: “The View’ co-hosts condemn critics of Olympics Last Supper drag show: ‘Watch something else!’ – Can’t wait to see them “backtracking” to get in step with the Olympic Committee’s correction of this!

Online headline: “IDF kills Hezbollah commander behind brutal attack on children's soccer field  * Fuad Shukr, whose death is unconfirmed by Hezbollah, was wanted by US government in connection to 1983 Marine barracks bombing in Beirut” – A Jihadist terrorist killed children and American soldiers.. and the Socialist-Democratic Party agenda is upset… Why does ANY American support the Democrats!

Online headline: “Acting Secret Service director ‘hurt’ by counter sniper’s email ripping leadership after Trump shooting” – Oh… The DOJ can decode this e-mail, but can’t decipher the assassin’s phone messages.. Yeah, right!

Online headline: “Stacey Abrams returns to Georgia to back Kamala Harris” – Hmmm.. yeah.. Stacey Abrams has such a track record of winning, being honest, living large off her foundations assets that she’s bound to be an influence on GA voters… NOT ..…Hmmm..I wonder.. did Phuckles Harris approve of this arrangement?

Online headline: “ 9/11 terrorist begs judge to send him back to France because he is fearful of execution if Trump is president *  Sadly... there are some Clinton, Obama, and Biden judges that might do this.. and good grief, if France's Macron was proud of the Christian mockery at the Olympic Opening, he would be even prouder letting the @-hole  free! –

Online headline/story: “Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro rips antisemitic graffiti on two Pittsburgh community centers * Pittsburgh has once again become the target of anti-Semites after two Jewish community centers in the Steel City were vandalized with red spray paint early Monday” – Once again.. why does the American Jewish Community support Democrats!

Online story: “Washington Post Editor Karen Attiah, the co-chair of the annual National Association of Black Journalists convention, stepped down Tuesday in apparent reaction to that group's decision to have former President Donald Trump speak at its convention and career fair in Chicago on Wednesday, among other factors.” – Talk about an agenda that doesn’t include any attempt at unity!

Online headline: “Pete Buttigieg Can’t Believe How ‘Odd’ J.D. Vance Turned Out to Be” – Hmmm… Says the guy who calls his mate his husband...

Online “headLIE”: “Poll shows Americans view Harris as more intelligent — but see Trump as the better leader” --  Good grief! How can she be considered “more intelligent”  than a billionaire business person?

From the “maybe this is the Trump that MSM was comparing Harris’ intelligence” department – Online headline: “A Member Of Donald Trump's Family Endorses Kamala Harris For President” -- Hmmm...guess Fred Trump can't get praise for his smarts but MSM will pay him for being dumb…

Online headline: “Columbus GA  Council addresses infrastructure, trash and signage issues” -- Wow! You'd think Mayor Skippy the Poop would want to talk about something he's been successful in... but like VP Harris.. that cupboard is BARE!

Online headline: “Opinion: Kamala Harris Would Be A DEI President — And That's A Good Thing For America * This column is part of HuffPost’s “She the People” series, stories by Black women exploring Kamala Harris’ historic candidacy.  “ -- Nothing is good for America if the president is elected as an affirmative action choice... we need the best person we can get for leadership.

Online headline: “Over 1,000 Venezuelan crime organization members in US” – Yeah.. WAY OVER 1,000! Remember.. Maduro.. Biden’s idol, emptied his prisons and sent them to us…

Online “headLIE”: “GOP Arizona Mayor Warns Trump Will Refuse To Leave Office If He Wins Second Term” --  Good grief! Trump is not like the Democrats' idol..Maduro of Venezuela, who has done this twice now!

Online something: “Republicans call Harris a failed border czar. The facts tell a different story”  -- Good grief! MSM “facts” are always contrary with the Truth!

USSS Agents are the ones that need to be fired? It wasn’t the agents who assigned themselves to work around the assassin’s shooting spot!

It’s Biden who’s evil personified... His attack on the Supreme Court not having "term limits" is unfounded because the Supreme Court does not write/enact laws. The Supreme Court is the "people's brake" on rabid Congresspersons and Presidents.. We do need term limits on Representatives and Senators, though!

Online headline: “William Calley, whose My Lai Massacre trial put Columbus in world spotlight, has died” – First, it took the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer 3 months to “sniff out” this story… Calley died April 28th… Whatta tragic  situation. One man was thrown to the wolves by higher ranking military .. Columbus, GA had one horse's ass reporter named Dusty Nix  who should have been sued for cruel & unusual harassment for reporting it ANNUALLY until he retired!

Online headline: “Biden Repeats Story About How His Dad Was Pro-LGBT, Even Though He Went on to Oppose Gay Marriage for 39 Years” – Of course, the story about his Dad was a lie, also…

Online “headLIE”: “Historian Timothy Ryback: "Hitler could only have dreamed" of Trump's fanatical support” --  This is not 'history', this is agenda!.. Ryback, who lives in he Netherlands (which is where his opinions are) and  has been a “lecturer” (not to be confused as a professor) at Harvard..

Online headline: “2 boxers cleared to compete in women's division at Paris Olympics after gender eligibility questions, IOC says” --  Wow! Eligibility of competing in women's boxing  doesn't require the competitors to be actual women...biologically.. this is wrong... absolutely WRONG!


History is repeating  itself:


I’ve previously been posting my “QR” to guide readers to the website to donate to a fundraiser for a favorite charity of mine.. The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls… and a lot of you read this on your phones and found it complicated to scan a “QR”  that’s on your phone, so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 Online “headLIE”: “Booker says reform will ‘restore a lot of legitimacy’ to the Supreme Court” --  You know, if the Supreme Court becomes politically threatened at the whim of a political party, then the Supreme Court will cease to be able to protect "the people" from the government!

Online headline: “ U.S. sponsor pulls out of Olympics amid anger over Paris opening ceremony scene” --  Hmmm… Since the choreography mimicked the "Last Supper", then it was intentional.

Online headline: “ Augusta commission to debate getting downtown Emily Tubman monument rebuilt” --  Wow! My grandmother, Elizabeth McElhenney FRY Kirven,  was graduated from Tubman High School in 1908 in Augusta, GA, and her family home was on Greene Street..

Online headline: “: ‘What I saw made me ashamed’: Head of Secret Service will address security failures in hearing on Trump assassination attempt” --  You know.. if Thomas Matthews Crooks was "sizing up" that roof spot hours before Trump arrived, he probably HAD TO KNOW the plans of the Secret Service NOT to be "monitoring" it... everything about the shootings leans towards collusion between the USSS, the DHS, the DOJ, and the White House!

You know... the more that gets revealed about the inadequacies exposed by the Secret Service in Pennsylvania sorta points towards there being COORDINATED  intentionality in the Administration side of the USSS-DHS-DOJ-White House connections.

Online headline: “Biden dropped out after threats from top Democrats” -- Even more suspicious is him “dropping out” the day after Trump was shot!

Online headline: “People feel good': Georgia Democrats galvanize base ahead of Harris visit” --  Hey ..if the GA Democratic Party  was " galvanized", the Dems would not be starting campaign headquarters in Fulton County or Columbus, GA.

Online headline: “Olympics ‘Last Supper’ Star Threatens to Sue Her Right-Wing Haters” --  Hmmmm... "she" suing? It would be very interesting to see..hear.."she" swearing to tell the truth in court and declaring "she" is a female.. ..

Online headline: “Wanted: Poll workers. Must love democracy.” -- Hmmmm ...  and yet "Honesty" is more important in protecting everyone's voting rights

Online headline: “Harris quickly pivots to convincing Arab American voters of her leadership” -- You know, what I really notice is the lack of contact .. the lack of "presence"...with Louis Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam" !  I also wonder “where the Nation of Islam will be”  DURING  the Shicago DNC Convention…

Online headline: “Texas governor, Border Patrol Council say they've never heard from VP Harris: 'Abject failure'” --  You know, had Border Czar Phuckles Harris really made an effort at discovering the "root causes" of the illegal aliens crossing our border, she would have had one-on-one discussions with every border state's governor to learn what each had experienced.

Online headline: “ Democrats had feared Georgia was a lost cause with Biden running. Harris will campaign there Tuesday” --  The Democrats really are worried... they've even opened a Harris Office in Atlanta as well as one in Columbus, GA  because her winning “big” there is no longer a "slam dunk".

Online headline: “JD Vance’s former Yale classmate and friend says emails show political transformation on ‘literally every imaginable issue”  -- Hmmm... well, Vance DID grow up a Democrat.. but then became better educated and became a conservative Republican after he GREW UP.

Online headline: “ 'Voice of leadership': Harris has repeatedly praised her pastor who blamed America for 9/11” --  What is it about Democrat pastors blaming America for 9-11-01? Even Obama's Pastor asked God to condemn curse.. America!

Online headline: “ 'White dudes' rally to elect the first female president” -- Have you noticed that everything the Democrats do "is about skin color"?  And what you don't see is Democrats concerned about unifying America..

Online headline: “Democrats are hard selling Kamala Harris’ message that Trump and Vance are ‘weird’” --  Hmmm... and yet the "weirdest" thing I've ever seen or heard in politics are Harris' "cackling" chuckle and Donkey-like grin.

How can polls still ignore RFK,Jr at this stage? How can MSM ignore him, too!  The Democrats and MSM talk a lot about "democracy", yet have taken away their primaries  voter bases' voting rights, and are now trying to squash RFK,Jr's right of Free Speech.

Online headline: “Congressman who first called for Biden’s ouster welcomes president to Texas” --  What "ficklism"!  Dogget "dogged" it! Once "the Party" decided what was best for "the Party", Democrats standing up for what is BEST FOR AMERICA's FUTURE went out the door.

It's hilarious that Democrats are trying to claim "they" passed the 1964 Civil Rights Law now being celebrated... In 1964,  253 of the 435 House members were Democrats but only 153 (60%) voted "YES" on the bill.. while 75% of the The Republicans voted "YES". In the Senate, 67 of the 100 Senators were Democrats but only 46 of the Dems voted "YES" while  81% of Republican Senators voted  "YES". Without the Republicans, there would not have been the 1964 Civil Rights Bill the Democrats are "celebrating" falsely.

Online headline: “Van Hollen says it was a ‘mistake’ for Democrats to support Netanyahu addressing Congress” – Good grief! Do the Democrats believe the rest of our Allies do not see/hear them turn on Israel? Why does the American Jewish Community still support the Democratic Party?

Online headline: “Melinda French Gates says billionaires Ackman, Musk, Thiel don’t count as philanthropists: ‘Go look at their record’” – Hmmm… says the gold-digger who married Bill Gates…


Online headline: “National debt tops $35 trillion” – You know, depending on where you start  assigning the debt to presidents depending of Term years or Fiscal years, since Biden took office, our National debt has grown $7-to-$9 TRILLION dollars in less than 4 years!

Online “headLIE”: “Harris Is Endorsed by Border Mayors in Swing-State Arizona as She Faces GOP Criticism on Immigration” --  Wrong! Let's clarify something...  she's been  endorsed by DEMOCRAT Mayors.... ho-hum...

Online headline: “Iran trying to sabotage Trump's presidential campaign: US intelligence” --  DOH! Why would Iran want Trump when Harris will follow Biden policies!

Online headline: “Fact Check: Yes, Photo Shows JD Vance Passed Out on Floor During College Years” – And the point? That was when he was an AVOWED Democrat, and saw no future for himself!


Online headline: “Illegal immigrant in vicious Times Square attack on NYPD cops will spend year in jail with plea deal” --  You know,,, Why would any illegal aliens be offered.. much less given.. a plea deal! WHATTA insult to American law and citizen safety… I can just feel Soros’ fingerprints all over this!

Online headline: “ G20 finance ministers agree to work toward effectively taxing the super-rich” --  You know.. All excessive taxing of the super-wealthy will do is reduce investment funds which will reduce business and job opportunities that will grow the economy..

Online headline: Nearly half a million working-age Massachusetts residents lack English proficiency” --  With 16 Million in population this means over 3% of the population ... an even higher percent if you just use ADULT aged residents.. and if Massachusetts is "normal", then the number of adults not being able to read/communicate in English exceeds 10,000,000.. which means the estimates of illegal aliens in our country is even higher than guesstimated.

Why would Kamala Harris escape even MSM scrutiny about her saying she is "the underdog " in the election...She claims her experience makes her the most qualified, yet she denies being part of the chaos involving the cover-up of Biden's dementia or his policies at the border, in Afghanistan, or in creating the horrific  economic and inflation path of destruction, or her stance on Israel  and her absence in the Trump assassination inquirey.

Online headline: “Before becoming a senator, Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., was not only an astronaut, but he also co-founded a company that specializes in spy balloons, which was funded, in part, by a venture capitalist in China with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.”--  Wow! Sen Kelly is basically.. and illegally.. a foreign agent, and his wife has a PAC,, and according to PAC Election rules, candidates aren’t allowed to discuss business or ads with PACs but how can a husband and wife not do so?

Online headline: “None of Biden's proposals have any chance of passing in a divided Congress. But they play to the Democratic base upset about the conservative court.” --  Yes.. no one is above the Constitution.. Including you,  JoKKe Biden!

This is the current frontrunner for the Best Political Cartoon of 2024:


I’ve previously been posting my “QR” to guide readers to the website to donate to a fundraiser for a favorite charity of mine.. The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls… and a lot of you read this on your phones and found it complicated to scan a “QR”  that’s on your phone, so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.

Monday, July 29, 2024

 Online headline: “ Paris Begins Olympics With Embarrassing Blunder By Raising Flag Upside Down At Opening Ceremonies” --  That was no mistake .... the mistake was the Olympic Committee assigning the games to France, and NBC not shutting down the broadcast!

Online “headLIE”: “Olympics Opening Ceremony Artistic Director Says Intention Was Not “To Mock Or Shock” --  Hmmm,, well, if his intention NOT to "mock or shock", he failed as miserably as former USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle!

Online headline/story: “Olympic Organizers to Christians: Sorry You Feel Butthurt * Paris Olympics organizers consoled religious groups on Sunday after an Opening Ceremony segment featured a group of drag queens in a scene evoking Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” which sparked outrage among Christians. “ – “Sorry you feel butthurt”? This is neither an apology nor consoling! Just more arrogance at the people save France from being a German-speaking satellite of Hitler!

Online headline: “Vance rips Harris for questioning his loyalty to America: 'What the hell have you done?' – Yeah, like serve in Iraq, and ACTUALLY create jobs in the private sector!

Online headline: “Biden expected to sign All-American Flag Act “ – Hmmm… what Democrats won't promise to win an election! Now.. what about the computer chips we use to create and build our military weapons and communication devices?

Online headline: “Black leaders unveil Project 2025 counteroffer * Freedom.. to Live, to Learn, to Vote, & to Thrive” --  Hmmm...Freedom.. to Live, to Learn, to Vote, & to Thrive.. Hey.... that's exactly what Trump stands for..wants for.. EVERY AMERICAN! ..Oh.. and NO Democrat politician actually wants this..

Online “headLIE”: “Schumer points to ‘serious disagreements’ over not shaking Netanyahu’s hand” – Good grief! This was a big a slur to America than Obama bowing to leaders of the country where most of the 9-11-01  radical Islamic Jihadist came from!  Why does the American Jewish Community still support the Socialist-Democrats’ agenda!

The more we hear about the assassination attempt on Trump,  we’re seeing ineptness beginning to lean towards intentional mistakes. Now we find out the actual Secret Service team that has been assigned to Trump following his leaving office were not told.. yes.. WERE NOT TOLD about the known threat at the Pennsylvania site.. That team was very loyal and close to the Trump family, and if they had been alerted to the potential danger, they would not have taken him out to the stage.

Online headline: “ Macron says Olympic opening ceremony made France 'extremely proud' -- "Ceremony made France "extremely proud"? Whoa! Well what it did to me was make sure we never go to France! Besides.. why would anyone believe an idiot who does not come in from the rain doing something other than being a dedicated soldier defending his country!

Looks like Paris has a new landmark after the Olympic Opening Ceremony.. that building showing the army of beheaded Marie Antoinettes will forever be known as  the " I-fail  Tower"

From the “but it’s not what you think” department – Online “headLIE”/story : “LGBTQ Group Not Happy With Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony * LGBTQ group in Paris doesn't think the Summer Olympics went far enough with the Opening Ceremony.” – Hmmm.. how can anyone but a Jihadist think the blatant mockery of women and God wasn’t severe enough!

Writer’s note: When a news site has a public forum option, but specifies : “Your voice matters. Discussions are moderated for civility.” , you know conservative opinions are not going to get published…like mine above didn’t..

Online headline: “Yellen says $3 trillion needed annually for climate financing, far more than current level “ – Good grief.. where did Yellandkickin learn the value  of money… being the banker in a game of Monopoly?

Online headline/story: “Paris 2024 official believes opening ceremony goal of showing community tolerance was achieved despite furor * The Paris opening ceremony received backlash over its Last Supper depiction * Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps spoke about it on Sunday. * "Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. (The opening ceremony) tried to celebrate community tolerance," Descamps told reporters, via Reuters.” – “tried to celebrate community tolerance”? MS Descamp, I have a bridge in NYC I want to sell you! Charles Dickens’ “Madame DeFarge” would have beheaded you if she had been in the crowd watching the “abortion” you presented!

Online headline: “Paris 2024 Olympic triathlon event cancelled over fears of water quality in River Seine despite £1bn bid to clean it “ – Hmmm… Guess the French Olympic Ceremony Officials spent most of hat money in another Biblical spoof… “the FARTING of the Red Pee”.

Online headline: “Samoan Boxing Coach dies of cardiac arrest following opening Ceremonies” -- Hmmmm.. probably caused by being whisked through the ecoli-laced water spray on the boat ride down the Seine River.

Online headline: “Olympics fans disgusted as presenter admits river too dirty to swim in if athletes were competing today “ – What else are we going to hear about how France WANTING to be the image they are portraying?

Online headline: “Polish TV commentator suspended over remarks during Olympic opening? – Hmmm… and this is what the Democrats seek by destroying our 1rst Amendment of OUR Constitution!

While it's moot now as I won't be listening to the Olympics ..or anything else on NBC or affiliated stations/apps.... but did you notice how references to the Seine were pronounced "sin". When I grew up, I always heard. .. and was taught... that it was pronounced "sain". I even looked up music lyrics by Dean Martin and Andy Williams who both sang songs about the Seine and pronounced it "sain".  Guess the choreographers were RUBBING THEIR SINS in our faces!

With all these "drag queen" events.. where are the Democratic Party  "Me, Too!" women and advocates !

Online headline: “Bernie Sanders says Trump's 'lying' when he claims Kamala Harris is more liberal than the Vermont senator “ – Have you noticed that “Socialist Bernie” lies about everything Trump says?

Think about this... 2 weeks ago, a sicko tried to assassinate Trump, and killed another
man, and seriously wounded 2 other men, and MSM has been ready.. even expediting a way to "move on" since it discovered it was a Biden appointee that failed to protect Biden's opponent. Biden bailed out because he knows the assassination failure was on him, and that God stepped in and stopped the evil of the moment aimed at Trump.

One indisputable fact from the 2020 election is that Donald Trump got 74 Million votes cast for him versus 55 Million in 2016... and that didn't involve "drop box ballot stuffing".. and we know how that tactic was taken advantage of by the Democrats. .. and I don't believe the Republicans will be "asleep" this year.. Oh! And while Biden had a total of 7 million more “popular votes”, remember that 5 Million of those were in California and 2 Million were in New York.. that makes the other 48 states split 50/50.. and if you eliminate CA and NY’s combined Electoral College vote, Biden got 222 Electoral College votes and Trump got 232!

You know, one of the questions Phuckles Harris needs to be asked many times during the next 3 months is this: “VP Harris… since you were part of the “team” that discussed the “Afghanistan Withdrawal”, would you tell America.. and the Gold Star Families why you supported Resident Biden, and if you had been in charge, how would you have handled it differently?”

Online headline/story: “ 'Trump needs to die because he was a liar': Secret Service notified after man arrested in alleged chair-throwing fit * Jack Campitelli, 58, was arrested on July 24, according to jail records from Nashville/Davidson County, TN Sheriff’s Office * His bond totals $2,500 for all charges” – Hmmm.. if “Trump needs to die because he was a liar”, what does this guy feel about BIDEN and Harris! I notice that he could “bail out” for $2,500.00 which is pocket change for a guy staying at the Nashville JW Marriott…

Online headline: “The FBI is seeking to interview Donald Trump in its investigation of the assassination attempt to obtain a victim statement, a standard part of the investigati0n” --  The FBI needs to be investigating its Director, Christopher Wray, for lying under oath to a House Committee.. he said..UNDER OATH.. he wasn't sure it was a bullet that hit Trump...even though the attending Doctor to Trump's wound unequivocally stated it was a bullet wound!

I still haven't seen the subject addressed, much less answered, as to why Thomas Matthews Crooks wasn't taken into custody when he was flying a drone over the location Trump was scheduled to speak two hours later... Crooks was not even approached as to what he doing. It’s sounding more and more like Democrat collusion!

Trump is going to return to Butler PA for a rally to honor his supporters who were wounded and killed because of shoddy Secret Service action... and inaction. This is why America needs his leadership.. Trump won't let the Democrat run DOJ dictate what he can or cannot do.. not matter how hard the DNC tries to dictate so.. And now it's up to the Secret Service to show up! Otherwise, the image of the "Secret Service" becomes an oxymoron.. like "Jumbo Shrimp".

From the “more vote buying, more denigration of capabilities of Black Americans” department – Online headline/story: “President  Joe  Biden Unveils New  Plans That  Could  Eradicate Debt  For  Over 30M  Borrowers”   * Black graduates owe an estimated $25,000 more in student loan debt than their white counterparts.” – Another “grandstand” play…..Talk about “Fake News” ! Biden uses the “could” because it ain’t gonna happen because the Supreme Court has already ruled that ONLY  the House  can approve of such expenditures… Just a “vote buying” ploy he’s not going to have to honor even if Harris wins..

Online headline: “At least 11 anti-Israel protesters have their cases dropped in DC” -- 11 cases dropped? Hmmm.. 11 must be a magic number in Jihadist Terrorism! Earlier, 11 diplomas were issued by Harvard to students arrested for violence on campus following the HamASS attack on Israel last October. I do have a few special questions to ask about the those whose cases were dropped: 1 – Were they fully vetted for other previous antifa protest arrests? 2 – Who paid their bail and attorney fees?,  3 – Were they American citizens? And 4 – Were they registered voters and from which states?

Online headline: “Government to pay former FBI officials $2 million in settlements over release of anti-Trump texts” --  CORRUPTION AMPLIFIED and PERSONIFIED! The Democrats have found a way to pay rogue FBI "associates" Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, his lover, off for their loyalty to the Democrats' attempt to undermine the 2016 Election.  Mind you.. this was not done through the Judicial System.. it was run through  the "Justice Department" headed by Biden appointee Merrick Garland!

Online headline: “MS-13 gang members who terrorized Tennessee slapped with combined 425 years in prison” --  Good grief! Illegal alien gang members who murder in our country should be executed within a week of conviction!  No appeals nor any more court appointed representation following convictions!  Now some..even most or all.. will possibly get released early from jail in the near future.. some possibly for "good behavior" and may qualify for "a path to citizenship" if we let Democrats gain any more governmental control.

Online headline: “17-year-old charged with murder after killing stepdad in Columbus, GA” – Hmmm…  at least number 29 (plus 3 self-inflicted murders (called suicides)  following other murders) for 2024.... so far.

Online headline: “Conservatives’ racist and sexist attacks on Kamala Harris show exactly who they are” – Hmmm… The real crime here is media telling normal and healthy and good women that Kamala Harris should be their role model..

Online headline: “Migrant shoplifting wave from troubled NYC shelters forces stores to take drastic measures” -- And the government doesn't count illegal aliens quartered in commandeered buildings as part of the "homeless" figures the government "publishes.

Online headline: “Viewers Call Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony One Of The Worst Ever” -- What NBC considers artistic expression of the "Last Supper" is indeed the "Last Straw" for us ever watching anything in NBC..

Online headline: “Biden-Harris Administration proposes $575 million in funding to boost coastal climate resilience” --  Simply put...just more "vote buying" bribes in vital "must win" states for the Democrats

Online headline: “Biden to push for constitutional amendment next week to reverse Trump immunity decision” – Hmm.. well if he does, Biden should be arrested for “insurrection” and “attempted coup”! No president has the Constitutional power to overturn the Constitution by either an Executive Order of signing a bill!  It’s “we the people” who have the :key to that lock”! And it takes 38 states voters to ratify a new Amendment!

Online headline: “The US just canceled the second Gulf of Mexico offshore wind lease sale” --  Wait a minute... how come we haven't seen any  "green movement endorsements" for Phuckles Harris by Algore, John Kerry, Leo DiCaprio, or Greta Thunberg?  Update: Algore did come come out of hiding Sunday and sorta endorsed Harris…

I have no issue with the orientation of those Paris actors but.. drag queens mocking women and God is unacceptable.. it's bigotry and misogynistic!

You know, It was almost … I’m saying  ALMOST… appropriate the athletes were brought into the ceremony through a river of ecoli laced water…. It completed the presentation of of the crap Macron said he was so PROUD of.

Online headline/story: “Buttigieg ripped for 'extraordinarily brazen' slam on Trump that critics say was accidental 'dunk' on Biden * Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was ripped by conservatives on social media Friday after he mocked former President Trump for showing "weakness" by not agreeing to debate VP Harris in September.* "Has a presidential nominee ever agreed to a debate, then pulled out? Remarkable show of weakness here," Buttigieg posted on X before being mocked by conservatives who argued that former President Trump had an agreement with Biden, who dropped out of the race and effectively pulled out of the scheduled debate. * "Yes. Biden. Literally this past weekend," CNN’s Scott Jennings posted on X. – Hey.. to boot, Harris is still not the official Democrat candidate yet.. and once his initial euphoric response to getting Biden ousted is over, Harris may not be the candidate following the Shicago debacle…

Online headline: “Giffords group to spend $15 million to support Harris and anti-gun candidates” --  Hmmm... I think the Left is "conveniently" and "intentionally"  misreading the voters concerns about guns.. true, guns can be used wrongly, but the real issue is liberals not wanting to punish violent criminals. On another issue.. Shouldn’t Senator Mike Kelly be scrutinized .. either under the Hatch Act or FEC Regulations that this “move” is by his wife?

Online “headLIE”: “Judge permanently blocks part of Florida's 'Stop WOKE Act' as unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds” --  Definitely a "headLIE".. I've never seen a lower court judge be able to permanently block a law based on his/her opinion about the US Constitution... Of course.. you guessed it.. Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker is an Obama appointee…

Online headline: “Advocate Deborah Noble talks about alleged unfairness with Veteran benefits and rights” --  Hmmm.. the real problem is how much in funding the Biden&Harris team has  re-diverted to illegal alien housing, feeding and healthcare.

Online headline: “Fury as John Deere dodges questions after laying off 1,800 US workers amid manufacturing shift to Mexico factory” – Hmmm… think about this… Mexican citizens illegally cross into our country seeking jobs that pay them less than American union workers, so imagine how much John Deere is saving in wage costs by taking the jobs away from American union workers here! Additionally, it’s the Biden threat of removing Trump’s tax reforms that has caused this!

Online “headLIE”: “ Stricter Covid mask rules could’ve saved hundreds of thousands of lives, new study finds” -- Good grief! The Left will lie about anything to make Biden look less stupid.

Seeing what the Olympic officials sanctioned.. allowed to happen… during the Opening Ceremonies, this is not surprising… The Olympic Officials refused to allow the Israeli Swim Team to wear their yellow “Bring Them Home NOW” pins supporting the hostages HamASS still holds in Gaza…. But they got their message out in an even better way!

These next three items I posted in a special “Olympic’s Response” edition on Saturday because I could not wait another 48 hours for today/Monday to get here:

From the “Most rain EVER on a parade” department - The Paris Olympic Opening must have hired Kathy Griffin to choreograph the French Revolution scene... there were more beheaded Marie Antoinettes than CNN reruns of Kathy holding Donald Trump's head.

Online headline: “ Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker Calls Drag Queens Channeling The Last Supper At Olympics Opening Ceremony “Crazy” --  Well, NBC... by showing  this version of the  "Last Supper", you just committed the "Last Straw" for my family... our TVs will never air your programming in our home again.. Thank God NBC doesn’t have the Masters Golf Tournament contract!

Online headline: “Viewers Call Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony One Of The Worst Ever” --  What NBC considers artistic expression of the "Last Supper" is indeed the "Last Straw" for us ever watching anything in NBC... You know.. it’s not about the orientation of the actors.. it’s about the mockery of women and God…

I’ve previously been posting my “QR” to guide readers to the website to donate to a fundraiser for a favorite charity of mine.. The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls… and a lot of you read this on your phones and found it complicated to scan a “QR”  that’s on your phone, so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

 Special Olympic Edition Breakfast Club


From the “Most rain EVER on a parade” department - The Paris Olympic Opening must have hired Kathy Griffin to choreograph the French Revolution scene... there were more beheaded Marie Antoinettes than CNN reruns of Kathy holding Donald Trump's head.



Online headline: “ Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker Calls Drag Queens Channeling The Last Supper At Olympics Opening Ceremony “Crazy” --  Well, NBC... by showing  this version of the  "Last Supper", you just committed the "Last Straw" for my family... our TVs will never air your programming in our home again.. Thank God NBC doesn’t have the Masters Golf Tournament contract!



Online headline: “Viewers Call Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony One Of The Worst Ever” --  What NBC considers artistic expression of the "Last Supper" is indeed the "Last Straw" for us ever watching anything in NBC... You know.. it’s not about the orientation of the actors.. it’s about the mockery of women and God…

Friday, July 26, 2024

 When Kennedy was shot in Dallas, there was always suspicion about the "grassy knoll", but no "evidence" suggested by government officials. Now, with the investigation of the attempted assassination of President Trump, the Director of the FBI/F.I.B.  stated he questioned whether it was a bullet or not that hit President Trump's ear, yet had nothing verifiable to support his statement... Wray has EARNED a new name: I'm gonna call Wray the "Assy Troll"!



Hey, FBI Director (though F.I.B Director is more appropriate in this case)  Wray...Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-TX, the doctor who immediately attended the wound Trump received,  stated unequivocally that it was caused by a high speed bullet.. would you please correct your undocumented… and inexcusable..  BABBLE!



Online story: “West Virginia is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review rulings that found the state’s refusal to cover certain health care for transgender people with government-sponsored insurance is discriminatory, Republican Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said Thursday. * In April, the Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 8-6 in the case involving coverage of gender-affirming surgery by West Virginia Medicaid, finding that the “coverage exclusions facially discriminate based on sex and gender identity,” according to a majority opinion penned by Judge Roger Gregory. * The state of West Virginia had argued that officials in states with limited resources should have discretion to utilize those resources as they see fit to meet the needs of the population. * In the majority 4th Circuit opinion, judges said the cost of treatment is not a sufficient argument to support upholding a policy found to be discriminatory – Good grief! 12 of the 15 judges in the US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals were appointed by DEMOCRAT Presidents (and 9 of those by Obama or Biden) .. that alone is cause for discrimination against Common Sense and Constitutionality protected rights! Heaven help us!


Online headline: “Vice President Harris has released a statement condemning violent anti-Israel rioting that disrupted Washington D.C.'s busiest station. Meanwhile, pro-Hamas agitators have gathered outside the White House as President Biden meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “ --  “Harris has released a statement”? What she should have RELEASED was National Guard! And the National Guard should have arrested all protesters wearing face coverings and compared them to previous arrests of Antifa protesters in the past!



Online headline/story: “ Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid * The Pentagon has found $2 billion worth of additional errors in its calculations for ammunition, missiles and other equipment sent to Ukraine, increasing the improperly valued material to a total of $8.2 billion, a U.S. government report revealed on Thursday. * The U.S. Department of Defense has faced challenges in accurately valuing defense articles sent to Ukraine due to unclear accounting definitions, a new Government Accountability Office report showed.” – “Pentagon finds ANOTHER $2 Billion”? Good grief! No wonder Biden couldn’t… didn’t wanna… remember the Secretary of Defense’s name … and obviously there are a lot of other reasons Biden either DOESN’T want to admit he KNOWS about, or just not capable of REMEMBERING what he knows about!


The way the DNC and Obama are sitting back and allowing VP Phuckles Harris act like a 6 year old princess who just received a “new pony” for birthday is by design… THE DNC and Obama WANT Harris to overexpose her lack of circumstantial leadership prior to her being voted on as the replacement alternative for Biden so she has less charm and appeal going into the Shicago Convention.. Obama still hasn’t “endorsed Harris because he still has plans for Michelle…



Hmmm… Harris is juggling 4 different “campaign slogans”… but there’s one NOT IN THE CURRENT MIX that really identifies her inner-self…  “Make AmeriKa GRATE Some More!”



Another excellent fitting campaign poster image option for Phuckles Harris would be as “The Wicked Witch of the West” ! She’s already from California, and she’s already mastered the “cackling” voice…



Online headline: “Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California * The move to begin dismantling thousands of encampments throughout California comes after the high court ruled last month in favor of an Oregon city that ticketed homeless people for sleeping outside. The ruling rejected arguments that such “anti-camping” ordinances violated the Constitution’s ban on “cruel and unusual” punishment.  * California has the largest homeless population – more than 180,000 people – in the nation, according to a 2023 homelessness assessment report to Congress from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. * An estimated 653,100 people were experiencing homelessness nationwide – a jump of around 12% since 2022, according to the report.” – What a mouthful this says about “Bidenflation”.. and “Newsom Incompetence” and “Journalistic Ignorance”…. The “homeless figures” do not count the 100s of thousands of.. probably a million or two…  “homeless illegals” Biden is “housing” in hotels and public buildings at taxpayers’ expense, but just the fact that Biden’s “people” will admit to the numbers they do should scare the MSM to death!



Online headline/story: “ Don’t Fall for the Media’s Humiliating Defense of Kamala Harris on the Border * In March 2021, President Joe Biden announced that he was putting the admittedly difficult issue of border security on Vice President Kamala Harris’s plate. * “I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border,” said Biden at the time.” – Hmmm… with election time so close, the Socialist-Democrat leaders really don’t want to be affiliated with being thought of as Czars/Tsars since it reminds the oppressed that democracy can’t exist in a Czar/Tsarist world…



Online headline/story: “Russian and Chinese bombers were intercepted flying together for the first time near the US * North American Aerospace Defense Command said it sent fighter jets to intercept four Russian and Chinese bombers as they passed near Alaska on Wednesday. * The military planes — two Russian Tu-95s and two Chinese H-6s — did not enter US airspace but passed through Alaska's Air Defense Identification Zone, NORAD said . * An unnamed US defense official told CNN that it was the first time aircraft from the two countries had been intercepted together.” – Sounds like Putin and Xi are in unison supporting Phuckles Harris…


Online “headLIE”: “Leaked  memo  shows  J D Vance blocked  ambassadors  who  supported  LGBTQ+ policies” – Wow! What a LIE.. an ABSOLUTE LIE!… but we’ll have to get use to it for the next few years! Vance does not even sit on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations which is responsible for the initial vetting of ambassador nomineesVance answered “no” to a questionnaire given all elected Congresspersons that “asked if they would increase the number of “gender neutral bathrooms”.. and like most normal people, he doesn’t want men using the bathroom with his daughter or wife.



Online headline: “Harvard flip-flops, allowing 11 pro-Palestinian protesters to receive diplomas” – “Harvard flip-flops”? Sounds more like the Harvard Administration has started WEARING “flip-flops”! You know, 20th Century Harvard alumni ought to sue the current Harvard Administration for the damages they’ve inflicted on their diplomas and status as earlier Harvard grads.. and ask for a refund of their tuition as well…Oh! And maybe a refund on any donations they’ve made in prior 21st Century years….



Wow! Do the Democrats who support the protesters realize that these protesters are carrying  signs that read "Star of David = Nazi"!  Whatta a huge disrespect! Why does the American Jewish Community still support the Democrat Party.



JoKKKe Biden said he thought it was time to "pass the torch" to a younger voice, but America doesn't need a younger cackling voice .. and I guess he was cryptic in his "pass the torch" analogy ... Washington looked like he "passed the torch" to the flag burners.



Online headline: “ France’s Newen Studios Buys Majority Stake in U.S. Television Banner Johnson Production Group “ – Wait a minute.. I remember when it was AGAINST the law for foreign ownership of a TV or Radio station/network.. WHAT Happened… and WHEN! Of course, French ownership would probably be an improvement over the Socialist-Democrta Party controlling our MainScreamMedia as is the case now…



Online headline: “U.S. Senators Urge Mexican President To Halt Seizure Of Alabama Company’s Property” – Hmmm… I understand why Republican Senators Britt, Tuberville, and Hagerty would sign off against Mexico  confiscating a US business' property, but why would Kaine do so? Kaine is a Democrat, and it's his Party's agenda to do the same here IN America!



Online headline: “Texas to bus 25,000 migrants to Chicago ahead of Democratic convention “ – Hey… it’ll be good for the illegals to see how the Democrats work… maybe then, the illegal aliens will want to go back home before Trump takes office…



Looks like Columbus, GA’s homicide list for 2024 is up to 28 … or 30/31 if you count the murderers who also committed suicide right after they killed another..