Thursday, July 25, 2024

 Online headline: “ FBI Is Not Fully Convinced Trump Was Struck by a Bullet” -- Up until this statement, I was proud of how Wray handled the questions ... but for him to suggest it was something other than a bullet without verifiable proof is totally UNACCEPTABLE!

Eric Smalwell, D-CA, asked FBI Director Wray about foreign governments interfering with this year's elections.. specifically the Russians.. Wray responded "yes", but added the Iran and China have also.. Smalwell quickly changed the subject ... probably because he was caught shacking up with a Chinese spy called "Fang Fang".. Smalwell then went on to embarrass himself even more relaying his concern about the amount of guns in America and his fear for his 7, 5, and 2 year old children.. hmmm... guess Smalwell was not very faithful to the mother of his children ...nor committed to being a good father, either..

While Cheatle resigned after her incredibly horrific testimonial failure on Monday that nearly was as horrific as the USSS failure at the Trump assassination attempt on July 13th, but why haven't we seen the name and notification of the firing and arrest of the USSS site manager at the Pennsylvania location?

Online headline: “Anti-Israel rioters burn US flag, attempt to breach Capitol Police line as Netanyahu addresses Congress” --  Now.. this was an "insurrection", and Congresspersons who supported  this should be arrested and charged along with the genocidist!

Online headline: “Joy Reid: People of color will look ‘real crazy’ if they don’t support Harris” – You know, there is no one more prejudiced or racist who does not recognize “White” as a color! Joy Reid’s version of “people of color will look ‘real crazy” if they don’t support Harris”  makes her the “craziest” of all.. Reid just announced she’s for Harris purely on the basis of her skin color rather than whether she’s qualified for the job… Reid also “dissed” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s message and purpose! Shame on Joy Reid… SHAME ON MSNBC for not firing her!

Online “The Hill”  headline: “Opinion: Joe Biden joins George Washington as America’s second Cincinnatus * By Rebecca Brannon” --  How can Biden be compared to George Washington! You cannot compare the man who said, "I cannot tell a lie." to a man who cannot speak the truth!

Online headline: “John Fetterman Turns Heads at Netanyahu Speech Amid Democrat Snub” -- You know, people like AOC et al who refuse to hear... refuse to listen.. to other people's points of view are their country's and theirselves' own worst enemy!

Online “headLIE”: “ Chick-fil-A is no longer the country’s favorite fast food chain: Here’s new No. 1” --  Keep on believing that...if Chick-fil-A added burgers to its offering, the other fast food chains would all disappear!

Online headline: “ Transgender cyclists take top 3 spots in Washington women's relay championship” -- Oh... and Kamala Harris claims she's all in on protecting women's rights...

Online headline: “ White House confirms Hunter Biden sat in on father’s meetings: ‘He was in the room’” – You know, allowing Hunter Biden to "sit in" on a government meeting when he is not a government employee with specific responsibilities is no different than him being illegally given access to classified documents that he could use to benefit himself in private business matters!

Online headline: “Judge threatens to sanction Hunter Biden’s attorneys for ‘false statements’” -- DOH!  The lawyer has NO DEFENSE! He knew WHATEVER Hunter told him was a lie, so if the lawyer repeated it as a fact... as the truth.... he knowingly lied, too!

• Online “headLIE”: “Fact Check: Kamala Harris Did NOT Seriously Call 18- To 24-Year-Olds 'Stupid' *  It Was Sympathy About Young Adults' Decision-Making Maturity * * by: Lead Stories Staff”  “ – Talk about Harris’  “word salad” comments.. this  “staff” comment has extra garble thrown in!  Also notice, it is a “staff” comment.. I guess because no one individual wanted to have his/her name attached to it for the public.. or his/her next potential employer know…

Online “headLIE”: “Georgia Republican shifts support to Harris after backing Biden” – Are they talking about Geoff Duncan.. Geoff Duncan is no Republican.. he fooled the GA Republican Party once, but was kicked out in the following primary.. and now he’s just a RINO being used and abused by leftist media.

Online “headLIE”: “JD Vance breaks polling records in the worst way * By Alice Tecotzky, John L. Dorman” – Once again, MSM is trying to “influence” the news, not report it accurately.

Online headline: “Pelosi says Netanyahu gave ‘the worst’ speech to Congress from any foreign leader” --  Hmmm...after Netanyahu clears out evil from Gaza, maybe we can get him to do the same in Washington, D.C. and California!

Online “headLIE”: “Adam Schiff claims he wasn't part of 'coordinated effort' to force Biden out” --  Well.. this just confirms it.. Adam Schi**'s a pathological liar, so we KNOW he was involved.. either that or his evil twin brother, Adumb Schi**, has been impersonating him through out the Capitol!

Listening to Kamala Harris' campaign speech on Tuesday reminded me of the kind of speech the underdog running for president of the 8th Grade would make.. I was sorta disappointed she didn't promise us free ice cream in every schools' cafeteria.

Whatta missed opportunity Phuckles Harris exhibited when she decided to attend a sorority party versus demonstrate her grasp of the leadership role she's been thrust into! How could the House and Senate Democrat leadership allow her to "dis" Israel in its plight to bring peace within its country.
Phuckles Harris' "argument" about missing being in Washington to perform her duties to greet Israeli Prime Minister in Biden's absence, and as President of the Senate, got blown out of the water today when it was revealed her sorority party event was a 5-day event, and it would have been easy to reschedule her speaking engagement to another day.

In a high intensity security situation, why didn't the Secret Service arrest the would-become-assassin when he was flying his drone over the area where a presidential candidate was due to speak within a couple of hours? Surely such a drone was seen by the Secret Service team.

Online headline: “VP Kamala Harris has former Chicago U.S. Senator Carol Moseley Braun in her corner” --  Hmmm...and Braun is supposed to be an asset?

This may be Netanyahu's best line of the day (following his various appropriate  "thanks" for Presidents Biden and Trump) was the protesters carrying signs saying, "Gays for Gaza" was like  "Chickens for KFC"...  Do you think any "Alphabet people" have booked a destination wedding in Gaza?

Free and open speech is a foundation stone of America. Doing so wearing a mask to protest is not! All the protesters who masked themselves should have been arrested.. or at a minimum, been refused access to the protest approved area.

Hey, Columbus GA Council!  Check out this WRBL-TV3 story: “Tuskegee’s mayor says the city’s automated traffic camera ticket program is on indefinite hold, and drivers who have already paid fines will be refunded. Mayor Haygood says the decision was made last week, prior to Monday’s removal of Tuskegee Police Chief Jennifer Jordan and Assistant Chief Michael Provo.*  In January, speed cameras were installed on Franklin Road, Montgomery Road, and Chappie James Drive under Chief Jordan’s leadership. However, Mayor Lawrence F. Haygood, Jr. revealed a critical step was overlooked, leading to the program’s suspension. Mayor Haygood emphasized the suspension of the traffic citation program is unrelated to the recent changes in police leadership. * “If you receive a ticket in the mail, you do not have to pay, and if you’ve already paid your fine, your money will be refunded,” stated Mayor Haygood. * The now-suspended program worked by recording the license plates of alleged speeding vehicles using cameras. An officer then reviews the footage to decide whether to issue a citation. Fines could reach up to $330 for speeding 20 miles over the limit in a school zone, and recipients were required to contest or pay the fine within 25 days to avoid additional penalties. * The ordinance specified violations would not be reported to the state or insurance companies, and the civil penalty would represent the final disposition of the violation” – Before school restarts… and hopefully before any more cameras are installed, Columbus GA Council .. and he MCSD Board will find out what the Opelika Council discovered and shut this system down… refunds could get mighty expensive.. especially getting the camera company to return the 30% fee they are getting.. One other thing is WHY aren’t the tickets being reported to the state? Maybe there is more to this than Council wants to talk about.  Hey, Chuck Williams.. make yourself useful and get to the bottom of this!

How many ways can Rep Hank Johnson, D-GA, demonstrate his uselessness and ignorance and his embarrassment for GA citizens. In the House session with Christopher Wray concerning the assassination attempt investigation, Johnson tried to divert the subject to "Project 2025".. even stating it was part of Trump's post election plans, yet Project 2025 is credited to the Heritage Foundation which does not involve Donald Trump. As bad as Cynthia McKinney was representing GA, replacing her with Johnson was a mistake for GA and America.

Speaking of the House Committee  session involving FBI Director Christopher Wray:  One more comment about how embarrassing Rep Hank Johnson has been to GA and the Democratic Party.. In my opinion, Hank Johnson has been more embarrassing than former GA Democrat Governor Lester Maddox riding a bicycle sitting backwards.

Online headline: “Sen. Bernie Sanders says he'll work hard to elect Harris — but he isn't endorsing her just yet “ – What a liar.. Bernie will work hard to keep Trump from getting elected because he cannot wrangle favors for himself with Trump in office, and he hasn’t gotten “enough” from Harris yet..



Tis with both a heavy heart and utmost faith in our Lord Jesus that I announce the passing of my younger brother Elliott yesterday… after 10 plus years of fighting with Alzheimer’s, he drifted away peacefully at 75 years of age.. He wasn’t just my baby brother.. he was my lifelong friend , and favorite golfer and golf buddy. I already miss him….. I’m so glad to have remembered him to my readers this past Monday.. Elliott earned his way into the original Green Island Open PGA event (later renamed the “Southern Open” and later still, the “Buick Open”) as a 21 year old amateur and made “the cut” when the likes of Lee Trevino, Dean Refram, Orville Moody, Charlie Sifford, Freddie Haas, Jerry McGee, and Dave Eichelberger did not.

I’ve previously been posting my “QR” to guide readers to the website to donate to a fundraiser for a favorite charity of mine.. The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls… and a lot of you read this on your phones and found it complicated to scan a “QR”  that’s on your phone, so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.

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