Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Online headline: “Hunter Biden sues Fox News over miniseries, claiming the outlet "distorts the truth" --  Hmmm…. so Hunter Biden feels Fox "distorts" the truth? Wow.. who among the Biden family even knows the Webster’s definition of "the truth" ?


Online headline: “‘This is a Supreme Court that I don’t recognize,’ says Biden Campaign Senior Adviser” -- Of course the Democrats don't recognize it ..why should it...the Democrats lost context of what the jobs of US Supreme Court Justice's are when they started trying to fill positions based on an appointee's degree of liberalism.


Online "headLIE": "Waiting in the wings: as Biden stumbles, Gavin Newsom is on everyone's lips" -- WRONG! He's only on the lips of the Democrat elites... why would anyone, especially Californians, even WANT Newsom to have access to our National Budget Process? California is.. basically.. fiscally and morally bankrupt!


Online headline: “California asks Congress for $100 million to clean up Tustin Hangar fire” --  Of course the CA State Assembly UNANIMOUSLY voted to ask the US taxpayers to give it $100 MILLION dollars to clean up it's MESS! Democrats even "praised" Republicans for joining them.. Why not? California is broke from wasting its own money, so it had to seek "other people's money". My question is WHY taxpayers from the other 49 states should be asked, much less expected, to pour money into a state  that's bankrupt itself!


Online headline: “Hillary Clinton sides with Sotomayor over ‘MAGA wing of the Supreme Court’” --Hmmm... this is exactly  why America rejected Hellary's attempt at the presidency.. she would appoint judges that support Socialism versus ones that would support the ideals our country was founded on.


Online headline: “GDOT seeking feedback for Columbus GA roundabout” -- Good grief! The State of GA DOT wants to build a "Round-A-Bout"  melding merging traffic onto a major high-speed highway for $5.8 MILLION.  HMMM... sorta raises a lot of questions about the three  City-speed  Round-A-Bouts (collectively known as “Isaiah Hugley’s Driveway”)  the GA-DOT is constructing on Steam Mill Road at $7.5 MILLION EACH.. or 3 for $22.5 Million!

Online headline: “'A bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune': Justices Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson sketch out 'nightmare scenarios' in Trump immunity dissents “ – Wow! These two just “convicted themselves” as being unqualified to interpret the Constitution they swore to uphold and defend!

Online headline: “ Hunter Biden Urges Dad Joe to Keep Going After Debate Fiasco’ -- How desperate ..how self-serving! Hunter is sweatin' bullets at the thought of a change of DOJ/Atty Generals  on January 20th!

Online headline: ‘ Biden says public must block Trump if Supreme Court will not” --  Wow! Of course Biden, the Democrats, and MSM would say this!  The US Supreme Court is the only Branch of Government that the public has that actually protects the public from Congress AND the President!

Online headline: “Oregon reactions continue to pour in following U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on Grants Pass homelessness case” – Hmmmm… and I want to know what judge ever ruled that the 8th Amendment could be used to keep law enforcement from clearing encampments from public properties, and what federal judge would uphold it!

From the “Bodacious HEADLIE” department -  Online “headLIE”: “Supreme Court Gives Joe Biden The Legal OK To Assassinate Donald Trump” --  Good grief! How desperate can the Democrats get? I always thought the bottom of a barrel was as low as they could go, but, apparently the Democrats have found even lower levels..

Online story: “A top campaign official held a phone call with Biden's top donors on Sunday and stated that if Biden were to drop out of the race, all his funds would go to Vice President Kamala Harris. Some of the donors went so far as to ask for refunds, according to NBC News.” – Hmmm… looks like there’s a widening rift between the Bidens and Obamas! Last week, Ste. Michelle announced she would not be campaigning for Biden (which includes Phuckles Harris) because of the way the Biden family treated Hunter’s first wife, and now the Bidens are retaliating by saying if the Obama’s  “get their wish”, all his controlled campaign funds will go to Harris…Looks like a 5-alarm TOWN … uh.. a “barn-burner”  coming to Shicago in August…

Anybody seen Mrs O’Leary’s cow lately?

Online headline: “How the blockbuster Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling impacts the Biden-Trump 2024 rematch * A campaign consequence from the Supreme Court ruling is that Trump will likely be spending a lot less time in courtrooms this autumn” --  Hmmmm... You know, I'd really like to see Congress held to the same standards the Democrats tried to hold President Trump!  That would include a Constitutional Amendment for TERM LIMITS as well!

Online headline: “A campaign consequence from the Supreme Court ruling is that Trump will likely be spending a lot less time in courtrooms this autumn” --  SINator Warnock's sermons  have had plenty of issues bringing his  faith into question, but I've mainly  been more concerned with his interpretations of all of the 10 Commandments”


Online headline: “ That Lazy “Black Americans for Trump” Event Exposed as Deceptive Ploy” -- Yeah .yeah.yeah... the guy had no problem taking the money, and his "offer" to "return it" must mean the Democrats are giving him much more to say that
Online headline: “Anti-Israel agitators destroy floats at New York * Pride parade, block parade route * Pro-Hamas agitators have blocked Pride marches in several cities across the country, including Boston, Philadelphia and Denver” – Well, well, well… looks like the pro-Palestinian genocidists have REVEALED their Hitler-agenda.. first the Jews, now the gays.. who’s next.. the Catholics?

Online headline: “MS-13 gang member wanted for murder in El Salvador arrested in NYC after entering US illegally * Melvin Orlando Hernandez Villanueva found with loaded handgun when arrested in Queens “ – Hey, Mayorkas.. you too, Resident Biden and Border Tsar Harris… tell us again how secure our Southern Border and your “vetting processes” are!

Online headline: “Epstein grand jury records released, describe trafficker's network for 'grooming' underage girls” --  Hmmm… and maybe we’ll finally find out who Epstein got the “Clinton, Devil in a BLUE Dress” painting from?

Online headline: “Israel destroys Islamic Jihad’s largest rocket production site in Gaza” – Whoa! Will someone.. heck.. EVERYBODY!... make sure this gets passed on to Sen Schumer, Reo Hakeem Jeffries, Biden, Harris, Mayorkas, Blinken, AOC & the remaining “Squad”, and MSM… immediately! Hmm… wonder how much missile supplies made it in via Biden’s $320 Million dollar HamASS pier? Hmm.. also makes me wonder whether it was “weather” or Netanyahu who sank that pier!

Online “headLIE” : “Latino leaders release joint statement on falsehood of Trump's immigration claims during first debate “ – Hmmm ….Please restate the headline to say "Democrat Latino leaders"  are saying this..

Online headline: “‘The courts aren’t protecting us’: Neal Katyal explains the Supreme Court immunity decision” --  Good grief! The Supreme Court's job is to keep Congress and the President from turning America into another failing Socialist Country!

Online headline/story: “ Democrats shift the blame on Biden’s debate performance * Democrats are playing the blame game in the aftermath of Joe Biden’s dismal debate. * Top party members aren’t denying the president had a bad night. But they’re increasingly pointing to other factors beyond Biden’s age or cognitive abilities to argue the president isn’t to fault for his debate debacle — including that he was over-prepared, that CNN moderators didn’t adequately fact-check Donald Trump and that his most senior aides and advisers are responsible for his weak showing.” -- Dang! It looks like the Democrats have thrown the whole  “Chef-Boyardee” inventory of Publix against the wall to see if they could get ANYTHING to stick!

Online headline: “Blinken defends Biden, saying he restored global confidence in US leadership” --  Good grief! Blinken gets PAID to say things like this!

Online headline: “President Biden is feeling ‘humiliated’ after debate performance” --  Good grief! Resident Biden needs to THINK about how humiliated most Americans.. especially Americans travelling abroad the next day…. and me... felt!

Online headline: “Ketanji Brown Jackson Blasts Supreme Court Ruling That “Wreaks Havoc”” – Hmmm… You know, when there's a 6-3 vote on a Constitutional issue, it means 3 Justice's need to go back to school and learn what Constitution  is all about!

Online headline: “ Transgender runner Nikki Hiltz is headed to the Paris Olympics” – Hmmm… "Paris will mark  Hiltz's  Olympic debut"? No .. Hiltz's Paris appearance will mark me not watching women's Olympic track and field !

Our government was designed to flourish when all three branches were operating strongly... nothing about Biden as our chief executive and Commander-in-Chief is strong enough for our country as it should be!

Online headline: “Federal Judge Blocks Law Limiting Cash Bail Charitable Organizations  * Federal Judge Blocks Law Limiting Cash Bail Charitable Organizations” --  Hmmm… a better limit would be to require a charged person be an American Citizen before a non-family member of the criminal  can apply for bail money.

Online headline: “‘Another disappointment.’ Columbus GA councilors say residents upset as pools stay closed” – I think the Columbus GA Ledger-Enquirer flubbed its choice of words to describe “disappointment”.. It’s not just “another” disappointment.. it’s the “CONTINUAL” disappointments! Maybe we need a “recall” election for Mayor Skippy the Poop… the smell is becoming overpowering!

Online headline: “Biden student loan repayment plan to resume amid legal challenges, federal appeals court rules” – Hmmm… maybe the US Supreme Court should issue a "Contempt of Court" charge against Biden!

Online headline: “Woman skips tip after buffet server refuses to bring her a spoon; internet is divided” --  Hmmm… A tip is for service, a good tip is for good service, therefore no service warrants no tip. Sounds good to me… besides.. it was a BUFFET… where the customers pay in advance, serve their own food, carry their own tray, find their own table.. and are generally expected o clean up after themselves.. Why are we even TALKING ABOUT TIPS!

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