Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Online headline: “Federal court temporarily blocks law that makes it harder for people to get out of jail in Georgia” -- Good grief! It's hard enough to actually get criminals INTO jail as it is so why does a judge want to make it easier for criminals to get back out!



Two things not being talked about are why the DNC. is supporting Biden dropping out rather than resigning from office altogether:


1 - Harris wouldn't be able to run as a candidate to be the first woman President, and


2 - If Harris was made president ahead of the convention, the DNC couldn't select Michelle Obama to become the candidate running to be the first elected woman President.



Good grief! Resident Biden is credited with releasing a a statement following Kimberly Cheatle's resignation,  praising praising her for her service.. DOUBLE GOOD GRIEF! Cheatle should have been fired immediately, but she basically got a letter of recommendation to attach to her resumé.



Thinking about Cheatle resigning versus getting fired, we probably are going to eventually hear it was a deal  so she could keep her taxpayer funded pension! Remember Lois Lerner at the IRS when Obama weaponized her to stop giving 501-c-3 status to conservative applicants…



Online headline/story: “A Big Solar Company May Be Collapsing *  SunPower, which is backed by French oil conglomerate TotalEnergies , said on July 17 that it would no longer be supporting new leases or power purchase agreements, which means it is essentially not acquiring any new customers. The company also said in a letter to dealers who sell its systems that it could not support installation of panels that had been delivered but not yet installed. “ -- And not one of the Obama or Biden backed "solar energy" projects has been successful. American taxpayers have been screwed out of billions that those two diverted to their donors at our expense!



Online headline/story: “ Montgomery, Ala., parks still reflect history of segregation * Montgomery, Ala., touts itself as the birthplace of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement . But although Montgomery now embraces its history of bus boycotts and protest marches, it remains one of the most segregated U.S. cities , and still struggles with racial inequality. * Today, Montgomery's population is almost 60% Black . The poverty rate among Black residents is 30.8%, compared to 10.6% among White residents. The city's infrastructure is deteriorating, and its tax base is shrinking.” -- Hmmm... the fact that "poverty" is still overwhelming in the Black communities is really a testament to the failure of the Democrats' "War in Poverty" created by LBJ over 50 years ago, and the subsequent Democrat social programs since. 



Online headline: “Harris border confusion haunts her new campaign” -- Hmmm... it's sorta funny that MSM is only now trying to separate Harris from her designated role as Biden's "Border Tzar".  Guess MSM will destroy Biden's "legacy" even more by putting ALL the border chaos back on him.



Online headline: “Kamala Harris won't preside over Netanyahu's speech to Congress as he looks to shore up U.S. support” -- What a slur to the American and Israeli Jewish communities specifically, and America's worldwide standards! I'm curious, has Phuckles Harris' husband been asked how he feels about his religion being persecuted?



Online headline/story: “Representative Gregory Meeks, D-NY, predicts Black voter turnout could surpass what was seen in 2008 * “I thought that what I saw in 2008 could never be duplicated,” Meeks said at a press conference with members of the Congressional Black Caucus and its political action committee, which he chairs. --  Hmmm…Meeks should do more research... in 2008, 69 Million cast votes for Obama, and in 2020, 81 Million votes were counted for Biden, but what's not being mentioned was that President Trump had 74 Million votes in 2020 which is 5 Million more than Obama got in 2008, and 8 Million more than Obama got in 2012.



Online headline: “Tens of thousands plan to march on the Capitol during Netanyahu’s speech” – Again ...why does the American Jewish Community support Democrats.....



Online headline: “Eric Swalwell Visits Fox News to Trash Trump — But Sidesteps Biden Questions” --  Why does Fox bring Socialist "agendarists" onto its shows? I do enjoy open conversations with others who have different views, but when a "guest" comes only to preach a contrary agenda, conversations are not open or enlightening. I also want to lnow why McCallum didn’t at least ask him if he’s still sleeping with the Chinese spy “Fang Fang”, and why he wasn’t brought up on ethic charges….



Online headline: “Columbus City Council: Travis Chambers makes first appearance, Carver Park and Double Churches Pool renamed” --  Two comments… why did it take so long before Chambers was sworn in and working, and surely there were better choices to honor the life and  dedication of Evelyn Pugh..



Online headline/story: “ ‘As a Black Woman…‘: CNN Commentator Takes Exception to Republican Guest Slamming Kamala Harris’ ‘Incompetence’ * CNN political commentator Ashley Allison snapped at a fellow panelist on Tuesday after he criticized Vice President Kamala Harris’ “incompetence.” ” --  To be honest, her opinion "as a Black Woman" should not be an issue... how does she feel as an American looking to the future for her family? Why is her "opinion" taking priority over what is "news"?



Online headline: “ Amid John Deere Exodus To Mexico, Ford’s $3 BILLION Truck Bet SAVES American Jobs!” --  Wait a dang minute! Deere ... and rightfully so... is getting blasted for moving production to Mexico while Ford is being praised for saving American jobs by investing $3 Billion in truck production....yet... $2.3 Billion is going to a Ford facility in CANADA! Excuse me, but how does pouring $2.3 Billion into a Canadian facility save or expand AMERICAN union  jobs?



Online headline: “Black Lives Matter demands virtual primary, calls Democrats 'party of hypocrites'” -- Hmmm... a virtual primary via cellphones? If we thought there was vote fraud in previous elections, wait until Xi, Putin, Mexican drug lords, sex traffickers, illegal aliens,  and every criminal in jail can vote via as many "burner phones" as each can get their hands on... 



Online headline: “Rashida Tlaib Slams ‘Utterly Disgraceful’ Democratic Leaders for Inviting ‘War Criminal’ Netanyahu to Address Congress” -- Netanyahu... a "war criminal"? Of course, Tlaib and current Democrats were probably taught that George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower were also a "war criminals"... 



Online headline: “Rep Gerald Nadler, D-NY,  urges Republicans to investigate X's restrictions on Kamala Harris' campaign account, citing censorship concerns” -- Hmmm...can Nadler produce any objections he made to stop Facebook/Meta or Twitter from blocking Trump and other  conservative people/groups. I know this personally about Facebook blocking my account..



Online headline: “DOJ reverses course and tells judge about 'newly-located, verbatim transcripts' of Biden biographer audio recordings from special counsel's classified docs probe “ – Wow! This just cements the case against the DOJ blocking the release of the Hur-Biden interview video recordings! What’s been commented on were not in the released transcript, abd had classified info wrongly discussed between Biden and his biographer…



Of course the DNC and MSM are euphoric about Phuckles Harris.. As long as the DNC can keep Harris giddy about Biden's "endorsement" (which has zero effect on her having committed Biden delegates at the Convention), MSM has something distractive to talk about rather than the assassination attempt on Trump, the fiasco in the USSS, or Biden's dementia, Biden's ongoing competency to serve out this term,  and they get to give Harris a "honeymoon" .. until the Convention.. They won't talk about Biden's delegates being free to vote for whomever they want..  and three plus weeks is a long time for Phuckles Harris to be in public and not “face plant”…



Online headline: “US ambassador announces $60 million in aid and new resources for police during visit to Haiti” --  Wait a minute! Biden is sending $60 Million dollars to Haiti after he's allowed thousands of Haitian criminals asylum in America!  Heck.. it’s our jails that need that money!



Online headline: “Jesse Watters Gets Absolutely Pummeled For Kamala Harris Assertion” -- hmmm... so Waters is getting "pummeled"? Well, getting "pummeled" by the HuffPOOPOO ought to be considered a medal of honor for any conservative.




Why is the recently renovated Columbus GA Museum  now trying to promote itself as "Comu"? It's not like saying "Columbus Museum" is such a tongue twister or too wordy.



Think about this.. MSM is excited that Biden endorsed Harris... Well, why would a man who's lack of competency led to his resignation from re-election... (a decision that has excited MSM and the Democrats' down ballot candidates).. give credence to the competency of anyone he endorses?



Online headline: “AOC and lawmakers of color reveal concerns about Kamala Harris facing racist and sexist attacks” --  Hmmm... I didn't know... and certain don't agree with he premise.... that incompetence is a Race or racial issue…



Let's talk about "AI".. it's not the cure-all for a better world.. it's process is simply a machine analyzing data in a more intense way that humans cannot compete with, but there's still a long time caveat that will never go away... GIGO… Garbage In Garbage Out… and  GIGO will always be with us…



Online headline: “USA Men's Basketball Team Is An Embarrassment” --- The "trouble" with All-Star teams is they are all filled with super-egos competing against other super-egosegos for the most limelight!



Online headline: “NBC News Slammed GOP for Promoting ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Biden Would Be Replaced by Dem Elites — Months Before It Happened” – Hmm.. Hey.. don’t forget that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, The Hill, the HoffPOOPOO and The Atlantic et al knocked the GOP as well! And for that matter, it will continue, and the LEFT will blame the GOP when the Dem elites leave the Shicago Convention with a new ballot team…



You know.. trying to say that in a 4 year term that started with inflation at a 1.5% rate that escalated to 9% after two years, and had "drifted" back  down to 3% after 2 more years is not a positive for Biden, Harris or any other potential Democrat candidate... 3% is still twice as high as 1.5%...but worse because the drop has been caused by the evaporation of the huge amount of government injected money into public hands during the first two years.



Think about this... Is this not the perfect time for China to invade Taiwan!?



If you watched the House Committee meeting on Monday when USSS head Kimberly Cheatle was being questioned, did you notice all the empty seats? While a number of Democrats were there and upset at Cheatle, the empty seats were Democrats that weren't upset at how she handled the protection for Trump... but didn't want to be on the public record defending or persecuting her.



Online headline: " George Clooney endorses Harris, praises Biden weeks after urging his withdrawal" --Hmmm...  what else could he do, he's not going to get a refund for his or his friends donations from the fundraiser Clooney organized and hosted.



Ever wonder why Kamal Harris is described as a “word salad” when speaking? This shows why: 

You know. with her smile, Harris could replace the Democrat Donkey mascot!

I’ve previously been posting my “QR” to guide readers to the website to donate to a fundraiser for a favorite charity of mine.. The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls… and a lot of you read this on your phones and found it complicated to scan a “QR”  that’s on your phone, so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.

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